If you’ve come looking for incest erotica, you’ve found it!
A quick explanation: This is a short fan fiction I have written for the game Dragon Age: Origins. It features one of the potential protagonists of that game, the human Noble Cousland. It takes place some five or so years before the beginning of the game. If you haven’t played Dragon Age, don’t worry, you don’t actually need to know anything about it to enjoy the story.
This story is about a young man and his mother. They are a noble family of a relatively minor land in a fantasy world. When the rest of Thomas Cousland’s family is away, his mother comes to him one night and reveals the truth of most noble families: incest. Everyone does it, but no one admits it.
And now it is their turn to indulge in the forbidden pleasure.
Again, I’d really like to emphasize: this is incest erotica. It’s a man having sex with the woman who gave birth to him, raised him, and loved him every day. If that grosses you out, you will not enjoy what comes next. If you’re darkly curious about why the fuck I would write this? Well…I don’t know. For whatever reason, my ‘incest is hot’ dial is cranked up to 10 and I am an author who has spent the past decade or so writing about sex.
I hope you enjoy!
Mama Cousland in her thirties, I’m guessing. I’d say this is how she looks about a decade before this story takes place.
Mama Cousland from the actual game, some five years after this story takes place. She looks somewhere between these two images in the story.
Mother had been acting strange all day long.
Or had it begun earlier than that?
Thomas Cousland tried not to think too much about it as he trained with his sword and shield. He could tell the guardsman he trained with was nervous, and that made enough sense. He’d hate this if their roles were reversed, having to practice combat with the local Teyrn’s son and may the Maker help him if he should actually injure him, or make him look bad.
Not that he had to worry about that with Thomas. Though his older brother was known to get a bit testy if someone got the better of him during sparring, Thomas always took it as a learning opportunity.
Like just now.
The guardsman hit him with a shield bash that he should’ve seen and Thomas ended up flat on his ass for his wandering mind.
“Oh! Sorry my lord!” Garret cried. “I didn’t mean-”
Thomas chuckled. “We’re sparring, Garret, I think it’s fair to say we mean to knock other over.”
“Right,” he murmured, then offered his hand. Thomas took it and was pulled to his feet. “Shall we keep going, my lord?”
Thomas considered it, taking a look around the training area, and felt something surge and swell within him as he spied his mother standing in the doorway, staring at him intently. There was a strange smile on her face, one he had never really seen before, not in all his twenty two years. The smile widened just a little as her eyes met his, then she gave him a little wave and left.
“No, I think I’m done for today,” Thomas replied. “Thanks for the help, Garret.”
“Always, my lord,” he replied tightly.
Thomas let him go. He had gotten friendly with some of the guards, but for most of them, they were too nervous around him and his family. He put away his shield and his sword, then got out of his armor and put that away too. Walking to the door that let out onto one of the thoroughfares that cut through Castle Cousland, he looked around for his mother.
But she was nowhere to be seen now.
He sighed softly, then glanced skywards. It was twilight now, and full night would be on soon. He shivered as the wind whispered across the thoroughfare, inviting the cold into the old fortress. Winter was coming, soon the nights would grow longer, the days colder, and they’d all be spending more time inside, by a roaring fire.
Uncomfortable and, frankly, confusing thoughts crowded in.
Thomas tried to leave them behind, making for his family’s sleeping chambers. He wanted to be in his room because he knew that a hot bath had been drawn for him, as he’d asked them to begin preparing it about halfway through his training. He would strip and soak and sleep, and hopefully stop thinking these...thoughts.
At one point he spied Elena and he was sorely tempted to invite her up to his quarters again. The redheaded elf servant had been very receptive to his advances and they’d spent more than a few fun nights together. She turned slightly and he saw her elven ear peeking up through her blood red hair, and the temptation grew worse.
But no, probably for the best to be alone tonight.
Thomas was having sexual thoughts about his mother.
It wasn’t something he would have thought he’d have to deal with again. There had been a sort of forbidden fascination with the taboo subject. It began when he was still a teenager, not yet a man, bursting with lust, and he heard a rumor that another noble had lost his virginity to his older sister. There were rumors of that sort all the time. Who slept with who.
Sex with family was something that was very taboo, and he always wondered if any of it were true. Surely there must be someone out there banging his sister or cousin or even his mother…
That’s what got him started on it.
Thomas had no sister, no cousin.
Just his mother. Well, and one aunt.
And his mother was...she was a very beautiful woman. She had always been beautiful to him, but when he thought of her like that, he realized that there had come, at some point, a vague undercurrent of lust. He had wrestled with it for a long time, first chastising himself furiously, then slowly, gradually beginning to entertain the thought of what she might look like with her clothes off. What she might sound like when having sex.
What she might do for him, a loving, beautiful mother who would not judge him, only love him.
This has ultimately culminated in one fateful night when his mother had left her door open just a little and he’d been heading for bed, and he saw movement. He knew his father was elsewhere in the castle, everyone was, it was just him there, and he couldn’t help himself. He peeked, and he had been rewarded...and perhaps cursed.
She was naked, facing away from him, and he had learned that his mother had a very attractive, very shapely ass. And some beautiful legs, too.
That sort of scared him out of thinking about it too overtly, and he’d turned his attention elsewhere. But through it all, Thomas had never been able to shake the oddest suspicion that she had done it on purpose. Let him see intentionally. He had no idea why he suspected this, or why she would, but the thought wouldn’t leave him alone.
The years had passed and his lust had become something he hid from, often successfully, but sometimes not.
He hadn’t really thought of it all that much recently. Until today. Only now that he thought about it, mother had been acting strange ever since his father had left three days ago. It was some meeting with the other Teyrns, or some of them at least, something that required both his father and his brother, and seeing as he had a son around now, his brother wasn’t going anywhere without his wife and their child.
So now Thomas found himself alone in the castle with his mother. Well, as alone as you could be with a small army of guards and servants. But it did feel much emptier without the rest of his family. And now that felt stranger, because the more he thought about it, the more he realized his mother had almost immediately started acting weird towards him.
They had always had a very loving relationship. When they were younger and used to fight, his brother would often accuse him of being a mama’s boy, and, during the worst arguments, of being her favorite. Thomas wasn’t sure if that was true, but he did wonder. She did seem to favor him more. She was always so fun and friendly to be around, even if she could be very stern when the situation called for it.
But she’d been more than friendly just recently. She’d begun spending a lot of time with him, asking him about almost everything. But also about girls. Being the son of a Teyrn, even the younger son who wasn’t in line to ascended to the lordship, came with its perks. It wasn’t all that difficult to convince some of the elven serving girls or one of the beautiful women from the nearby village to come spend the night.
Not that he wanted to talk to his mother about that.
But it was more than that. She was much more...hands on than usual. She was touching him a lot, in passing, when they were talking, when she was laughing. And he kept catching her staring at him from a distance with a strange look in her eyes.
And, just today, if he didn’t know better, he could have sworn she was flirting with him. Not just kindness, but flirting with him as a woman would a man she hoped to bed. It seemed impossible, but it kept happening. And then she’d done something that she had only done a few times before now: she’d picked up a sword and trained with him. That was this morning. She was in charge while his father and his brother were gone, but it wasn’t like there was a lot to do.
She had asked him to train with her. That in and of itself wasn’t too surprising, not necessarily because they’d done it before, but because his mother was, as she was fond of pointing out when she was heated, no wilting flower or supple lily. She could fight with the best of them. And she could, though she was better with a bow and arrow than with a blade.
What was a little odd was that she had him come to their private training area. He didn’t really use it because it was too small for his taste and he always wanted the company of the guardsmen. In some ways he felt closer to them than he did his family. He was a warrior, even if he had never marched to war. It was in his blood, and he knew now that it came more from his mother than his father. His father could absolutely fight, but he preferred not to.
When they had sparred this morning, his mother had stripped down to some very thin clothing, and he had been very forcefully reminded of just how attractive his mother was. Even now as she settled into middle age, she had a fairly firm and fit body. And what seemed to be some exquisite breasts. He had been able to see her nipples through the fabric, especially when she’d started sweating.
Obviously this had made him think...certain thoughts.
And you weren’t supposed to think those thoughts. You weren’t supposed to think how attractive your mother looked. How great her thighs looked. You weren’t supposed to imagine what it might be like to kiss her lips, what it might be like to feel those lips on his erection, what it might be like to plunge his cock into her to the hilt and make her scream in ecstasy.
That was a very strong taboo.
Rumors or no, he thought it was dangerous territory and more than that, he respected his father too much to do it. His parents were so very in love and devoted to each other. Perhaps some, even most marriages between the nobles were things of convenience and little love, but this had never been the case for his parents.
Not so much anymore, but when he was younger he had seen his father flirting with some of the serving girls, and he knew for a fact that he had seen one of the visiting noblewomen go into his quarters once, late at night, when his mother was out of the castle, visiting a friend. He’d been torn for a while, but at one point he had very, very obliquely referenced the possibility of his father...enjoying the company of other women.
His mother had just smiled a very strange smile, looking oddly pleased, and had told him that men of a certain stature tended to enjoy the company of many women, and their wives were often content with this arrangement. At the time he had taken it to mean she knew, and tolerated it, and he should not speak of this with either of them, but now, looking back on it, he’d swear that not only did she know, but she was happy about it.
What did that mean, exactly?
He had seen a different woman this morning, and throughout the day. His mother was usually a bit more reserved. She wasn’t afraid to joke, or to speak her mind when she felt it necessary, but she typically had a light, if occasionally stern, touch when it came to, well, just about everything. But as she’d asked him about his life, about women, about his dalliances with the village girls, there had been a strangeness in her gaze, in her voice.
If he didn’t know better, he almost might have suspected her of being influenced by a demon, but that seemed ridiculously unlikely. Mostly because she didn’t have a magical bone in her body. None of them did.
And, more to the point, he couldn’t deny that this was her.
This was his mother. She was just acting...a little like how she did when she’d had too much to drink. It was rare, but he’d seen it. She got fun and flirty and a little loud, but always happy and much more carefree. Only she wasn’t drunk, he was sure of that. She swore off drinking when father was away and even so, it was rare she indulged nowadays.
So what was it then?
In some strange way, it was almost like he was talking to a woman twenty years younger. A woman who was very much into him. A woman who wanted to bed him. A woman he badly wanted to bed back.
A woman who just happened to be his mother.
At last, Thomas arrived in his quarters. He looked briefly to his parent’s bedroom, but the door was shut firmly. Was she in there? She could be anywhere on the castle grounds right now. Well, if they needed him for anything, he knew someone would come and get him, but what was there they might need him for that she couldn’t deal with?
Thomas considered locking his door, but decided against it for some reason he could not say. He felt an immense relief as he saw his bath, full of steaming water, across the room. Eagerly, he stripped of his clothing and hurried over to it. It had been a long day. He’d done a lot of training and gone for a longer than usual hike through the lands to burn off the uncomfortable energy his mother had inspired in him.
If he hadn’t been so terrified that he’d shout out her name during sex, he gladly would have fucked Elena. By the Maker, Elena, so close to his mother’s name: Elanor. No, don’t think about her. Just don’t. Thomas sighed as he stepped up to the bath, nude now. He had an awful erection. Maybe it would go away. He put his feet in the water, winced slightly, then began the painful yet pleasurable process of slipping himself down.
It hurt for a bit as he laid down, but then his body quickly adjusted to the new temperature and the pleasure washed in. His head swam and for just a moment, he forgot the day and its trifles and...difficulties.
When he opened his eyes, he let out a little shout of surprise as he realized his mother was now standing in his room, just beyond the door. She leaned against it, apparently unruffled by his reaction.
“Mother!” he cried.
“Sorry, honey, I didn’t mean to scare you,” she said. She had that smile again.
“I’m-mother, I’m bathing!” he replied, covering himself awkwardly.
“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before sweetheart,” she said mildly.
“What are you doing in here?”
“Is that any way to talk to your mother?” she murmured.
Thomas sighed, caught in a maelstrom of emotions. “I’m...sorry, mother, you just...this is very strange.”
“I know, Thomas, but it’s all right. You can relax. It’s just us. Only you and me. And no one else. No one else even knows I’m here,” she said quietly, staring at him intently. “You can uncover yourself.”
He felt strangely compelled to, so he did. Her eyes lingered on his for a moment, then slipped down to his erection. Her smile grew a bit more and she straightened up. He heard a click as she locked his door. He also saw that she was holding something behind her back.
“Is that wine?” he murmured.
“You know I don’t drink wine while your father’s away, sweetheart,” she murmured. “It’s just strawberry juice. I thought I’d want some.”
“All right.” She walked slowly towards him, a look of strong intent on her face. She paused to set down the bottle and then continued towards him.
“Is there...something we need to discuss?” he asked. He couldn’t take his eyes from her. She was wearing her robe and it was only loosely knotted. It took all of his effort not to look down to her chest, where the robe was partially open.
His mother grabbed a chair and dragged it over with her, then sat down beside him.
“Oh, Thomas,” she whispered, “my son. All grown up now. A man.”
“Is...everything okay?” he asked.
“Yes. Everything’s just fine, my dear. To be completely honest, I’ve been considering how to approach this for three weeks now.”
“Approach what?”
She sighed softly. “There’s something I wish to discuss with you.” She leaned in a little, growing suddenly serious and stern. “And Thomas, please understand that the next things we discuss are not to leave the walls of this room. You will not speak of this to anyone but myself. Not even your father. Do you understand?”
“I understand, mother,” he replied. “What is it?”
For a moment, she simply stared at him. “I know about you and Elena,” she murmured.
He sighed, feeling his face heating up even more. “Mother…”
“Now Thomas, you know that you can talk to me about anything, right? Anything at all. We’ve always been able to talk, even about your most secret thoughts.”
He hesitated. Was she going somewhere with this?
“That’s true…”
“I have some secret thoughts of my own, you know.”
“Like what?”
“Well, I must admit to some...jealousy,” she murmured.
“You’re grown into such a handsome young man, and you’ve caught so much attention. I think it’s only natural for mothers to feet just a bit of jealousy when that happens. When their little boys become big, strong men,” she said, smiling again.
“Oh, I...I’m sorry,” he muttered, unsure of how to respond. “I didn’t know.”
“It’s all right. You shouldn’t let it stop you. I can’t have you all to myself forever, Thomas.” Her smile widened a little more and she shifted in her seat. “It’s hot in here,” she whispered, adjusting her robe so that it fell open even more. “Do you know what draws a man to a woman?”
“Uh...many things,” he replied, attempting diplomacy.
She laughed. Her breasts jiggled and for an instant he saw part of her nipple. His erection wasn’t going away anytime soon. “Yes, dear, many things. But I mean...what crafts his preferences? What he seeks in a woman? Do you know what that is?”
“I don’t,” he admitted.
“Lots of people don’t, but I do. I’ve seen it again and again. Men...desire their mothers.”
“They do?”
“Oh yes. They do. Most will never admit it, many won’t even realize it, but they do. Your mother is the first woman in your life, the most important woman in your life. I was around you as you grew up, all the time I was there, teaching you, taking care of you. You want to be strong and certain like your father, don’t you?”
“Yes, of course,” he replied.
“And you’ve done such a remarkable job. You’re so much like him...but in other ways you’re like me. We’re fighters, you and I. Your father, and your brother, are more...diplomats. But, son, you and I have that...passion in our blood. And so as your father sets the standard of who you aspire to be, your mother sets the standard of the woman you aspire to love.”
“That...makes sense,” he murmured.
“Exactly.” She leaned forward, and her breasts came that much closer to tumbling out of her robe. “Did you know that many nobles fuck their own parents?” she whispered.
“I...is it true?” he asked. “I’d heard rumors…”
“It’s true,” she replied. “They fuck their parents and they fuck their siblings. Sometimes they fuck their aunts and uncles and cousins. It’s all so filthy and wonderful.” She slowly straightened back up. “So, Thomas, have you felt it? You have no cousins, no sisters. Just one aunt you never really see. Have you felt a lust...for me? Somewhere deep down?” He swallowed. When he didn’t answer her smile grew just a little more. “Like I said, sweetheart, you can tell mommy everything and anything.”
“Yes,” he replied finally. “Yes, I have.”
“I knew it.” She looked deeply satisfied, and relieved. Slowly, she stood up, towering over him, staring down at him. “I desire you too, son of mine.”
“Do you really?” he whispered.
“Yes. I wasn’t lying when I said you’ve grown into such a handsome young man. You’re twenty two now, Thomas, I think it’s time we...enjoy ourselves.” She shrugged out of the robe and it fell from her, revealing her completely naked body.
Her amazing, beautiful, seductive, wondrous body.
Her breasts were more glorious than he could have imagined. Her thighs were of a pleasant thickness, her hips an enticing broadness. He could see her vagina clearly, it was topped by red-brown pubic hair roughly the same color as the hair on her head.
“Am I beautiful, Thomas?” she whispered, letting him look at her.
“There is no woman more beautiful, mother,” he murmured in reply.
She smiled, blushing now, and stepped into the water with him.
“What of father?” he asked as the thought suddenly came to him.
“Oh sweetheart, he knows of this,” she replied, slowly laying down in the water. Because she seemed to want it, he put an arm around her. She snuggled up close to him and all at once he was feeling his mother’s bare, naked breasts against himself.
She reached out and wrapped her fingers slowly around his erection.
“He does?”
“Yes. But...I meant what I said: you must not speak of this to anyone, not even him.”
She shifted her attention back to him, looking into his eyes now. “This is a complicated subject, my love. It is a thing that is not spoken of outside of those who engage in it with each other. That’s how it is done. And I know what you are thinking: what if I’m not telling the truth? What your father does not know of this? But to that, all I have to say is: do you trust me, my son?”
He looked at her for a long moment. He did. He believed her, he realized at once.
“I do trust you, mother. With my life, with everything,” he replied.
She smiled. “Good, because I would die for you, Thomas. And I don’t want to hold that over you, but I do want you to believe it. I would kill for you.”
“And I you, mother.”
She smiled. “You’re such a good boy.”
And then she kissed him.
The world seemed to drift away like smoke on the wind as her lips met his. He was kissing his mother. He was being kissed by his mother, on the mouth, both of them naked, with his cock in her hand now. And she was starting to massage it, slowly, pleasantly. The kissing quickly grew more intense and he tasted her, and he felt her tongue snake into his mouth. Thomas laid a hand across her bare breast, groping it gently.
“Wait,” he whispered, breaking the kiss. “You and Fergus-”
“No, sweetheart, I’m afraid not,” she replied, smiling a little sadly. “I’m so very happy with his and Oriana’s relationship. But she got to him while they were both still young, and he fell so very deeply in love with her so quickly. I spoke with him about this once, briefly. He said...he could not do it. And of course I would never press either of you into this. But I am so glad about this, Thomas. I have never experienced this before.”
“You never...with anyone in your family?” he asked.
“That’s right. Not with anyone. I’m not sure why it never came up, but it didn’t, and I was too uncomfortable to ask. Then I met your father, and we were married. And I am very loyal to your father...not that he hasn’t allowed me a few dalliances of my own, or not that I haven’t shared some special nights with him and other ladies. But I have never enjoyed this, my son.”
“Everyone does this?” he whispered after a moment.
“Yes, almost everyone...but no one ever admits to it. Your father fucked his mother, and his sister.” He looked at her. His mother smiled. “I know, we aren’t to speak of it, to share tales, but...I wanted to know. I wanted to know so badly. So he told me. It was rare with his mother, but with his sister...he almost got her pregnant several times. They only stopped though because of the marriage...though we did have fun, all three of us, a few times.”
“Mother!” he whispered.
She grinned more fiercely. “Now you will get to enjoy the pleasure with me,” she said. She gripped his cock more firmly and began to jack him off. He groaned, leaning back farther into the tub. “You’ve been working so hard lately,” she whispered in his ear, “mommy’s going to take care of you.”
“Oh, mother…” he groaned.
The pleasure that was coming into him was completely different from what he normally felt even during the wildest sex he had with the village girls or the beautiful elven women he shared the castle grounds with. Those were wonderful and gratifying encounters, but this…
This was something so far beyond that he couldn’t think of a word for it.
It felt...so strange. It was more powerful than anything he’d felt before. This was his mother. This was the woman who had raised him. Who had taught him. Who had done everything with him. And now she was with him in his bath, naked and stroking him off, her grip sure and certain. It certainly felt forbidden. The pleasure, the lust, the outright primal need for her was laced with a strong fear that at any moment someone would burst through the door and witness this and go and tell everyone else that he was in here, fucking his own mother.
His own mother…
His mother gasped. “There’s my boy!” she whispered, and then closed her fist around his head and began to massage it in the water. He cried out, a loud, hoarse sound, as he began to orgasm. His mother moaned. “That’s it...oh that’s it my big boy,” she whispered, right in his ear. “That’s my big, strong, handsome boy. I told you mommy would make you come.”
“Ah! Mother!” he cried, the water sloshing violently as he came, his whole body convulsing. It was the single most intense orgasm he’d ever had in his life. When it was over, his mother pulled her hand away and opened her fist. It was covered with his seed.
“What a mess you made,” she murmured, putting her hand in the water.
“I couldn’t help it,” he groaned.
“I know...and you’re about to make another one. Because you are about to experience what I imagine may be the most taboo, illicit, and erotic pleasure a man can experience in his life.”
“What’s that?” he panted.
She leaned in again and whispered, “His mother’s vagina.”
Thomas’s eyes snapped open again as she began to climb on top of him. “Are you sure?”
“Oh yes, I’m sure.”
“What if, I mean, should we use protection?” he murmured, staring up at her wet, naked body.
She giggled. “No, sweetheart, we don’t need anything of that. Believe me, I’ve done my diligence.” She looked down at herself. “I know I don’t have the body I used to, and you must have gotten used to those fit, tight little sluts you’ve been bringing to bed with you.”
“Mother,” he muttered.
She smirked. “I still think I look pretty good for forty four, though.”
“I meant what I said,” he replied. “There is no one more beautiful than you.”
“You’re sweet for saying it,” she said, reaching down, she took his hands and brought them up to her breasts. He groaned as he touched them, grasped them, massaged them. So many times he’d fantasized about seeing them, touching them, and here it was. His mother’s breasts in his hands. She smirked suddenly as she reached down and grasped his cock, which was mostly hard still. She began to rub it slowly between the lips of her pussy. “I bet I can fuck you better than any of them.”
He just nodded, watching her, groping her, mesmerized.
“I’ll tell you something I won’t repeat elsewhere,” she said, her voice low and husky. “When I was your age, and for quite a while after, I was an absolute whore for your father. I was down for anything.” She stared into his eyes as she spoke. “And I learned about how to pleasure men. And now you get the benefit of that knowledge. And you get to experience the forbidden pleasure from your whore of a mother.”
He couldn’t think of anything to say to that, so he didn’t say anything. Just watched as she lowered herself, took his erection into her pussy and moaned loudly as she did. Both of them were moaning as he went inside of her.
“I know it’s fucked up,” she whispered as she began to have sex with him, “but there’s something so deeply, deeply gratifying about knowing that you, my son, are fucking the vagina that gave birth to you. You’re fucking it, and getting fucked by it, and you will release your seed into it.”
“Oh mother…” he groaned.
She kept riding him, taking him deep within herself, and while he had thought her hand was a pleasure beyond any he’d experienced before, then this was far beyond that. She felt like a dream inside, like a fantasy made flesh, a vision of utter taboo ecstasy made real. This was really happening. He stared up at her as she fucked him, taking her in, all of her.
Her generous hips and thighs, her wonderfully large breasts and her pink nipples. Her skin, so smooth and pale, though less so now. There were blemishes but he didn’t care in the slightest. Her red-brown hair, beginning to show the first signs of graying. Her vivid green eyes. Her thick, beautiful lips that were such a pleasure to kiss.
He was having her. He was having his mother and it was so far beyond what he’d imagined it felt impossible.
“Don’t let this go to your head,” she panted as she kept fucking him, “but you’re bigger than your father.”
“Really?” he replied.
She laughed softly, then moaned. “Yes. Longer, and a little thicker. It’s...a lot to take in. But I can manage it. It feels so good…” she groaned.
“It does. Oh, by the Maker, mother. You feel...impossible. I’m going to come.”
“Do it. Let mommy make you come again,” she whispered. He settled in a little more as she grasped his shoulders and began riding him harder. “I want to make you orgasm again, Thomas. I want to make you come with my vagina, make you come deep inside of me. I want to feel it. I want to feel your big dick twitching and kicking as you fill me with your seed…”
He cried out as the orgasm took him, and then he was doing it. He was actually doing it. He was coming inside of his mother. She was right, it was fucked up, but it was so powerful, so intense, that knowledge that he was orgasming into the same pussy that had birthed him was...it felt impossible, too much, overwhelming, and it made the orgasm that much harder.
He wasn’t sure how long he laid there in the water, coming into his mother, but it felt like a long time. Certainly longer than it had been with any other woman.
“I told you I was jealous,” she whispered when he had finished and he was recovering. “Mommy is very jealous over her strapping young son.”
“Does this mean I have to stop with the other women?” he muttered.
She laughed. “No, sweetheart. I can love you and have you without taking them from you...that’s my only regret, though.”
“What is?” he asked.
“Once you know your mother’s vagina, once you’ve fucked it and come inside of it raw...no vagina will ever satisfy you like that, no matter who it is or how good they fuck you. And I’m sorry for that...but not that sorry. Because mommy fucks best, and I can prove it now.”
“It’s worth it,” he replied after considering it for a moment. “It’s so very worth it, mother. To be inside you. To be with you like this. To kiss you. To...know you, as a woman.”
“I’m so glad you think so, my wonderful son,” she replied. She shifted. He was still inside of her. “My goodness...so much. I can feel so much of your...warmth, inside me. You came a lot.”
“I couldn’t help it,” he replied awkwardly.
She smiled, then got up and shifted to the side. A lot of his seed fell out of her, dripping into the water. She looked down at her pussy, smirking, then looked back up, very satisfied with herself. “Do you come this much when you fuck that little whore, Elena?”
“No,” he admitted. “And...I wish you would be nice to her. I like her.”
“I know, I’m just...feeling territorial,” she murmured, splashing some water up onto herself. “She is a very nice woman, Thomas, and I approve of her. She’s obviously keeping you satisfied. Mostly. And I’m very proud of how you treat her.”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Here, give me that rag,” she replied, and took it when he passed it to her, then went about cleaning herself up more. “She is an elf, Thomas. Surely you’ve seen how we generally tend to treat elves.”
“The guards are rude to them,” he murmured, “and I notice that Fergus and even father are...shorter, with the elves than the humans.”
“I know. They don’t even realize it. It’s wrong that we treat them different, and worse, than our fellow humans. But there’s only so much I can do...they like you, though. You treat them as equals, you treat them with dignity and respect, and I’m so proud of you for that, Thomas. When I heap praise upon you, I don’t do it simply because I love you and you are my son. I mean it, all of it. You truly are growing into a kind, caring, courageous, intelligent man, and I love you for it. I would love you anyway, but I’m so proud of you. Okay, I’m clean,” she murmured, setting the rag aside. “Come on, out. Dry off.”
“Now what?” he asked as he joined her.
“Now...I show you what twenty five years of practice with my mouth does, and you show me how good you’ve been pleasuring your little girlfriends with your mouth. And then we fuck again. And again after that. I want to fuck you all night long.”
“Wow, mother,” he whispered as he dried quickly. “You are…”
“Much more of an absolute slut that you realized?” she asked with a grin.
“Kind of, yes.”
“I’m only a whore for you and your father, I’ll have you know. And even with him…” She sighed softly.
“We love each other, and that’s still true, but after twenty five years of marriage...well, you get used to one another, and the sex can never be as good as it used to be, and the effort gets harder. For both of us. I have my own part to play in this. I think that’s why he was so...encouraging when I said I wanted to do this...tell me something,” she said suddenly, taking his hand and leading him over to his large bed.
“Did you fuck Oriana?” she asked.
“What!? Mother! My brother’s wife?!”
“I see the way she looks at you sometimes…”
“I have not, mother.”
“Not even a little? Not kissed her in a moment of weakness…?”
“All right, all right, you don’t have to get upset...I don’t think Fergus would mind all that terribly.”
“He’s very protective of her…”
“I know, but not against you.”
“Because he trusts me.”
“Or...because he wouldn’t mind if you and her shared some cold nights together.”
“How can you know that?”
“I know your brother almost as well as I know you, Thomas. And this traveling isn’t going to last, for her, I mean. She’ll be here more often than not, raising her son, as your brother travels the land, preparing to take on the mantle of Teyrn. Sometimes it’s...expected that, in this situation, some women will turn to their in-laws for...satisfaction, and someone to keep them warm on a cold night. She’s got wonderful lips, I bet she can suck dick like a high class whore.”
“Mother!” he cried as they laid down together.
“Okay, so I’m a little jealous. You know I found solace in your aunt more than once. Her lips were like that. She could eat pussy so well…”
“She does have very nice lips,” he muttered.
His mother grinned as she laid against him, running a hand slowly across his chest. “Would you enjoy a night with Aunt Catherine? Would you enjoy fucking your Aunt...and me, at the same time?”
“...I would,” he admitted.
“Yes? Have you masturbated to her?”
“Yes,” he muttered awkwardly.
“I knew it. She’s coming to visit this winter. She’s a bit of a whore, too. For the right man.”
“She’s so...quiet,” he said.
“She won’t be if you bed her. And I do miss her. We have so much fun together. She’s a little older than I am but she’s still remarkably beautiful.” His mother made a sound of distaste and reached up to touch her hair. “Last I saw her she was still as dark in the hair as thirty years ago. That bitch. This year is the year the gray hairs started to grow in. I’m sorry I didn’t do this for you sooner, when I was a bit younger.”
“I don’t care about that, mother,” Thomas replied, reaching over and placing a hand against her cheek. “I love you, and, to be honest, I still find you exceptionally desirable. As desirable now as you are in those paintings of you when you were my age.”
She smiled. “So what I’m hearing is that we can still enjoy this five...ten years from now?”
“Longer than that,” he replied.
“That’s my boy. Now...lay back, and let mommy show you what her mouth can do.”
“Yes, mother,” he said quietly.
His mother smiled a little wide and then lowered herself. She gripped his erection and stared at it intently. “You really are a big boy,” she whispered.
Then she licked his cock. The burst of lust was so powerful his whole body twitched in response. He could feel her breath against his dick. She continued licking, first up and down his shaft, then across his head. And then, once she’d coated it in her saliva, she lowered her head even more and tilted it. Then she began to lick his balls.
“Ah, mother!” he groaned.
She moaned quietly as she kept it up. After a moment she paused. “I bet your little sluts don’t do that for you.”
“No, they have not,” he panting.
“And now you’re going to ask them all to do it, I bet…”
“No. I don’t think I will.”
“Why not?” she murmured, and he groaned when she licked again.
“I want it to be something unique, something special to us. Something only you, and no other woman, does for me.”
She smiled more broadly. “You, my son, are going to make many women very, very happy. You will make an excellent husband.”
Before he could respond, she put his dick in her mouth and began sucking him off. She bobbed her head smoothly, in a steady rhythm of bliss, and she used her fingers, too, wrapping them around his cock and helping her mouth. He groaned in surprised bliss as she worked his cock, and he twitched each time she came up to his head, slowing herself to let the pleasure linger. It was, by a great deal, the best blowjob he’d ever gotten.
It wasn’t long before another orgasm was coming out of him, and into her. She sucked his seed out of his twitching dick for a long moment, swallowed, and then sat up.
“That’s what the juice was for,” she murmured, getting to her feet.
“Oh.” He looked at her as she walked across the room. “Wow.”
“What?” she asked, tearing the cork out.
“Just remembering how nice of an ass you have,” he murmured.
“When did you see my ass?” she replied, sounding deeply amused, after taking a drink.
“Oh. Um. Well.”
His mother began laughing. She took another drink, then set the bottle down. “I know,” she replied.
“Know...what?” Thomas asked.
“I know you peeked, Thomas Cousland. That night, some...mmm, five years ago now? Maybe six. My door was open. Just a little. I was undressed. You saw me.”
“...how did you know?” he asked as she laid back down in bed with him.
She laughed, then leaned in and kissed him. “Mothers always know when their sons are up to no good, sweetheart. I thought you knew that,” she whispered.
“Come on, tell me, mother,” he replied, passing a fingertip over one of her nipples.
She gasped, her eyes widened. “That’s...not playing fair,” she whispered.
He kissed her and then did it again. “I guess it isn’t,” he agreed.
“Okay, I’ll tell you,” she said, starting to pant as he kept playing with her nipples. “But then you have to answer one of mine. And you will not lie to me.”
“Yes, mother,” he replied.
“Mmm...get down there,” she said, pushing his head gently towards her crotch. “I know because I heard you, first of all, but second of all, I know because I set it all up.”
“I knew it!” he snapped, settling down between her thighs. “I always thought you’d left your door open on purpose!”
“You were right. You know me so well, my son,” she replied. “And now...you will answer my question.”
“I’m listening.”
She smiled a little more slyly. “Who took your virginity?” He swallowed. Her smile grew a little. “I will know if you’re lying to me, sweetheart,” she murmured sweetly.
She was right, of course. He could never successfully lie to his mother. Especially not now, with her vagina in his face.
“Nan,” he said.
“Ah-ha! I knew it!”
“Wait, you knew?” he asked.
“I...suggested it to her,” his mother replied.
He stared up at her. “She had sex with me because you asked her to?”
“No, no, dear, nothing like that. We were drinking together. I got a little drunker than I meant to, and so did she, and I jokingly said that I’d seen her eyeing you just recently. And she got all embarrassed and finally admitted that she had. Your eighteenth birthday was coming up just a week later. I told her it would be the best present if she would take your virginity, and that you had always had such a bad crush on her. She was so sure you wouldn’t have her, she was too old...mmm, she had turned fifty the previous month. Was fifty too old for an eighteen year old?”
“Not in my case. I was...very happy.”
“Mmm. I never knew if she did it. She said she would, and I know she slipped off to your bedroom that night. But I never actually knew if she did the deed. She never spoke of it, and I couldn’t bring myself to ask her...what was it like? How was she?”
“She was...loving. Kind and patient.”
“Did she swallow?”
“I want to know.”
Despite everything, he found himself blushing. “Yes, mother. I spilled my seed into her mouth and she swallowed it just like you.”
“I’m glad. How many times did you fuck her that night?”
He sighed softly. Even after what they’d done, this still felt embarrassing. “Three times.”
“Very nice. One more thing: did you continue? Do you still make love with her?”
“Yes,” he replied. “We did many times for the year after that, but it fell off. She...comes and finds me twice, maybe three times a year now. We have a good night together. She’s always gone when I wake up.”
“Well, she must imagine it isn’t a thing you want other people to know. All right, thank you for telling me, now...lick mommy’s pussy. You can consider it making up for how painful it was to bring you into the world,” she said.
“Was it that bad, mother?” he asked as he settled into place.
“Yes. It was. Although I’ll admit, it was better than how it went with your brother. Birth is painful.”
“I guess I’ll have to do an extra good job then,” he replied, and her response was cut off as he began to lick her. She let out a cry of pleasure and that was that. Thomas spent the next while putting everything he had learned about eating pussy to use.
If he felt anything strange or uncomfortable or embarrassing about the fact that he was eating out his own mother, it was eclipsed utterly by his lust. If anything, it was beginning to scare him a little. He had always known that he’d desired his mother, that he wanted to see her naked, to embrace her as a man embraces a woman, to bed her and spill his seed in her, but...he didn’t know it was this powerful.
Ever since she had spoken those words to him, crossing that line from parent to lover, he had wanted her more than he had any woman in his entire life. Andraste Herself might have come to him in that moment and he would turn her aside for his mother.
And the sounds she was making.
To feel her fingers running through his close-cropped hair as she spread open her legs wider and screamed in wild bliss.
“OH THOMAS YES! YES! OH YOU’RE SO GOOD AT THIS!” she screamed, and he worried that someone might hear her but he couldn’t stop.
She orgasmed. Once, twice, three times.
He lost himself in tonguing her clit, licking at her and slipping his fingers into her, using his lips, everything he had at his disposal.
She screamed until her voice was hoarse, still begging for more.
And finally, some long time later, she had him stop.
“Oh my, Thomas…” she moaned weakly, trembling. He sat up, wiping his mouth on the back of his arm, looking at her. She was flushed and sweaty and her crotch and inner thighs were wet with more than sweat. “Oh, dearest, I didn’t think you could manage that.”
“Why not?” he asked.
She laughed, then moaned and trembled once again. Her whole body shook with the aftermath of her orgasms. “What I mean, my dearest son, is that...ah...mmm...I am somewhat legendary, to your father and your aunt and the ladies we sometimes share, in my ability to outlast the tongue. I always want more. More, more, more. More orgasms and more licking. It is so very rare that I am the one who is outlasted, and I haven’t been in years, a decade perhaps. You, my love, Thomas, you can eat pussy with the absolute best of them. That is skill and stamina I have almost never seen.”
“Oh, well...thank you, mother,” he replied. “Let me, uh, clean up a little, and then we can-”
“Ah-ah, young man, you get inside me right now. I see that rigid cock.”
“You don’t want me to clean up?” he asked, staring at her invitingly seductive body.
“I don’t mind, I’ve eaten lots of pussy in my day, Thomas,” she murmured.
“Well, okay then.”
He got on top of her eagerly and she kissed him, long and deep, her tongue again probing his mouth. He felt her hand at his erection and once she had him lined up, he plunged into her to the hilt. She screamed into the kiss and broke it as he began fucking her. He didn’t hold back. Not now that he had her here, nude and on her back, her legs spread wide like a wondrous whore. Not now that he knew she could take it.
Not that he’d ever really doubted that. His mother was a warrior, in all ways.
“Oh Thomas! OH BY THE MAKER, THOMAS! DON’T STOP! DON’T YOU DARE STOP FUCKING ME!” she screamed so loudly that he was certain someone would hear them.
But he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. They kissed with a passion that he had rarely matched with other women, and then she wrapped her legs around him. She stared up at him, grinning fiercely, her hair a wild mess, her face flushed and more beautiful and seductive than he had ever before seen.
“Tell mommy you love her,” she almost growled up at him.
“I love you, mommy!” he moaned.
She squeezed him with her legs as he continued driving furiously into her, burying his whole rigid, throbbing length into her mature pussy. “Again!”
He felt delirious with lust as he said it to her again, and again, and at some point she let out a long, loud, sustained cry of ecstasy as she began to orgasm once more. He felt her inner muscles fluttering wildly, and a hot gush of feminine juices escaped the seal of their sex as he pulled back and thrust into her, getting all over his balls and his thighs, and she shrieked each time he pressed into her as she continued coming.
And then he came.
If the past three had been powerful reckonings, then this one felt like a religious experience. Ecstasy barely began to describe what was screaming through his body, radiating out wildly from his core as he emptied his seed into her, pumping her pussy full of it, giving whatever he had left in him. The orgasm blinded him, deafened him, stupefied him.
There was only her.
In the whole of Thedas, there was only his mother beneath and before him, accepting him in every way, accepting his seed and his love.
He did not know how long it lasted, but when Thomas had finished orgasming into his mother, he pulled out of her and flopped onto his back, gasping for breath. His world was spinning and swaying as though he were wasted with wine. He felt overheated, sweat pouring off him. His whole body throbbed with the passage of the pleasure she had given him.
She said something.
“What?” he murmured after a moment.
“I said: are you okay, my dear?” she asked, panting as well.
“I think so. I need a minute. That was...way, way too much.”
She laughed. “Yes, yes it was. That was...mmm. I’m reluctant to say the best sex of my life, for obvious reasons, but...I now understand the ecstasy your father tried to explain to me when he was bedding his own mother.”
“It was the best sex of my life. By far,” he whispered.
“Well, I told you,” she murmured, reaching over and running a hand lovingly along his sweat-drenched chest. She giggled. “So powerful you are, Thomas...but you still call me mommy.”
“Only in here,” he replied after a moment.
“Yes, sweetheart, only in here...I’ve heard Fergus call you a mama’s boy. Are you?”
“Yes,” he replied. “I really am.”
“I know. You are mommy’s boy, and I love you, and I always will.”
“I love you too, mother…”
“Is something wrong?” she murmured.
“I just worry about someone hearing us. You were so loud…”
She laughed softly. “Oh, don’t worry about that. We tested these walls, your father and I, just to make sure. With that door closed, trust me, no sound escapes, even if you are standing right on the other side of it. Have you ever heard anyone else?”
“...come to think of it, no, I suppose not. Although I hear the servants…”
“Yes, that’s a neat trick of the design. No sound escapes from within these rooms, but you can still hear from the hall outside. Might save our lives one day, should the worst come to pass,” she murmured.
“Here’s hoping it doesn’t.”
“Yes. Now...no more dark thoughts. Tonight is only for lusty thoughts. I want more of you.”
“I want more of you, too, mother. All of you. But I need a break.”
She laughed. “I understand, so do I.”
“Good.” A moment passed as they kept laying there together. “Mother...will we continue? After this?”
“Do you wish to?” she asked.
“I do. I really, really do.”
“Mmm. Well, we shall have to be careful. It can’t become too common, for obvious reasons. But yes, we can continue with this.”
“Good.” He rolled over and hugged her against himself. She hugged him back and they held each other. “I love you, mother.”
“I love you too, son.”