Demoness - The Complete Series


I’ve been batting around what I’m going to do with Demoness for a while now, as I’m sure some of you know.

For those of you who don’t know, a quick history lesson.

I wrote Demoness in Spring 2017. At the time, it was the longest thing I’d written at 33,000 words. It was supposed to be a one-off, but by the time I’d finished it, I realized there was going to have to be more.

In 2018, when I made the switch to novel-length works, my first real full length title was Demoness II, and I could tell I was onto something.

For the next two years, I wrote three additional novels, three short stories, and a mini-series. But through it all, I couldn’t shake the unfortunate reality that while I had big, big plans for this series, it would ultimately be doomed to failure because a series is only as good as its first book. What good is writing a fucking kickass book six if no one read book one?

I tried to correct this by adding an extra 12,000 words to Demoness, but ultimately decided I would have to do a full reboot further down the line. Well…further down the line came and I got busier and busier and ultimately, as I approached 2025, I realized the sad reality was that I no longer cared enough to write a full-blown reboot. And so this is my solution.

I have collected every scrap written for this series, some four hundred thousand words, and put it all into a single collection. There isn’t anything new in here, save some updated formatting.

I hope this clears things up. The whole collection is in the KU and also 99 cents. I hope you enjoy!

The Misty Vixen Newsletter | March 2025

This will be short.

Things are definitely calmer, and my problems have mostly calmed down, (though they haven’t been solved). However, one really big thing that’s happened in all of this is that I finally decided to investigate whether or not I have ADHD and…I do, apparently. Which explains too much about my life and I’m angry that it hasn’t come up before now. I’m not out of the woods yet, but going to try some medication soon. I imagine some people are probably calling bullshit, because how could I write like ninety novels and have ADHD? Well…let’s just say, you all have no idea what I sacrificed to make those ninety novels. Suffice to say, the seas of my life are not yet calm.

But oh wow, if things go the way they’re supposed to, this might solve my problems and I might suddenly be able to start producing novels at a faster and more reasonable pace.

In terms of practical news, this is what I’ve got:

  • Down the Rabbit Hole | Episode 03 is here.

  • I’ll begin writing Episode 04 in about a week.

  • I’m trying to get work done for Our Own Way 5 primarily right now, but I am still really struggling about half the time, so it’s been slow going, and that looks to continue.

  • Life has been very busy on Lara’s end too, so Dead Freeze 3 is taking a bit longer.

That’s it I’m afraid. I’m very much hoping that this month will bring better news.

Our Own Way 5 Preview

At long last, I have begun posting Our Own Way 5.

I am going to be painfully honest, as I always try to be, and say that this will not be being updated in a routine fashion, and that I am operating at…less than optimal writing/creative capacity right now, and I really, really wanted to put OOW5 on hold because I do not feel up to this, but ultimately I have decided I’ve put it on hold for too long as it is, and I need to get the ball rolling on it.

So…here it is.

You can read more here.

Gabe’s life was about to change.


This time, at least, he felt a lot more confident about said shift.

They were almost to Krystal and Liz’s place.

Gabe realized that it was completely silent inside the car. On the heels of that realization was a second one: it had been for a couple minutes now.

He looked around. Ellen was in the passenger’s seat. She was looking at him and smiling a somewhat curious smile. He wasn’t quite sure how to interpret it. He glanced in the rearview and saw Holly back there smiling a similar smile.

Maybe it was because Chloe hadn’t joined them for this little roadtrip. She was back home, unhappy but unable to get out of obligations related to her family.

They were getting suspicious. They knew something was up, but he doubted they truly realized the situation. So far, she’d managed to keep them from her old apartment and was still more or less keeping them in the dark.

He knew it wouldn’t last.

Honestly, at some point after they got moved and settled, he had decided he was going to confront her about it. Not because she wasn’t moving at a pace he was happy with, but because it was becoming obvious that she was just avoiding the issue.

A habit they were all going to have to kick.

“Is everything all right?” he asked, returning his attention firmly to the highway.

Yep, just in time too, there was the exit. He hit the blinker and took it.

“Everything’s just fine,” Ellen murmured serenely.

“Are you horny or…?”

“I mean, kind of, but that’s not what’s going on.”

“So something is going on?” he asked.

“Yes. Well,” she glanced back to Holly, “I mean, I think we’re on the same wavelength.”

“I think so, too,” Holly agreed.

“And what wavelength is that?”

“You...are different. In a good way,” Ellen said after a slight, measuring hesitation.

“Like, today?”

“Yes. But also no. You’ve been changing ever since I met you. Sometimes in little ways, sometimes in larger ways. And I suppose now it’s suddenly just very obvious.”

“Do you feel the same way?” he asked, again glancing in the rearview.

“Yes,” Holly replied.

“Interesting.” He thought about it, turning onto another street and bringing them ever closer to their destination.

He waited for one of them to say something else, ask something else, but the silence descended again. The only sound was that of the vehicle and the lo-fi gently playing.

Gabe considered their assertion.

He supposed they had a point: he had changed. He felt different. Ellen was right in that he’d been changing since they had met, and for a couple of months before that, but the first month of the year, he was realizing, had been particularly transformative.

Which was weird, because from his perspective, it had been a quiet month. Busy, sure, but all little stuff. They had big things on the horizon, but they hadn’t really addressed any of them yet beyond some basic preliminary work.

But hadn’t a lot been going on, under the surface?

Certainly he looked different enough right now.

He’d gotten his hair cut in a way he’d often thought of but never tried because he thought he’d look stupid. He’d had them more or less buzz the sides and back of his head and shorten whatever was left. It seemed like a simple cut and honestly it was, but hair was always kind of a blackbox to him. It felt so easy to fuck up without even knowing why or how.

But he had been more or less satisfied with the results, and the others…

Really liked it.

So that was pretty nice.

He’d also realized abruptly this morning that he actually had some definition to his body. Nothing crazy and you did kind of have to really look for it to see it, but he had double-checked a photo of him and Ellen naked they’d taken near the beginning of the relationship and realized that, yeah, he had the tiniest bit of muscle definition now.

Apparently, he had been literally screwing his way to physical fitness.

He doubted it’d provide much more in the way of definition–even with Krystal and especially Liz entering his life–but it provided a shitload of motivation to actually work out. Maybe with Liz here he could stick to it.

But more than that, he felt different.

He just felt...calmer. More in control. His anxiety had been bleeding away and he’d not even realized it. But the girls had. Basically as soon as they had paid, Ellen demanded they go home and fuck immediately.

And so had Chloe and Holly.

That had been a very intense day.

He’d also been listening to them more about how he dressed. They’d gone clothes shopping, like made a day out of it at the mall, a few days ago and so he had a lot more clothes that apparently fit him and sat better on his frame.

Apparently clothes were everything. Well, clothes and hair.

When he’d seen himself in the mirror with his new haircut and new clothes for the first time, his initial reaction had been something like shock.

He almost hadn’t recognized himself.

Looking back, he realized suddenly that it wasn’t just the clothes, the hair, or the barely visible musculature.

It was more just how he…


It was hard to describe. He thought that perhaps the best phrase would be ‘how he carried himself’. It was different.

He was still figuring this whole thing out.

But right now that didn’t matter. What mattered in this moment was that it was actually a pretty decent day out for the first of February and he was on his way to tip over the first domino in the line of actions that was really beginning to build his new life.

Their new lives.

He saw the apartment complex up ahead and grinned as he pulled into the parking lot.

Gabe knocked on the door, though he wasn’t sure why he bothered.

Especially when he heard a shouted: “Just walk in, dipshit!”

He laughed and opened the door. Leading the others into the apartment, he found a disaster zone. The living room was in absolute disarray. Boxes, clothes, dishes, furniture, trash, books, and a completely random assortment of other things lay scattered in a landscape of chaos.

“I know, I know!” Krystal said, facing away from them, down on her knees in a pair of pink jogging shorts and a tanktop, sorting through the mess. “It’s been a busy morning and I promise I’m not going to be this fucking messy–”

Her next word died in her throat as she turned around to look at them. Gabe heard a shutter snap as someone took a picture, and he was very glad, because the look on Krystal’s face was one he was going to want to look back at several times in his life, he was sure.

She stared at him in open shock, her eyes wide, her mouth open but locked into the shape of the next syllable she had been to speak.

And it was very authentic, he could tell that much.

“Oh my God,” she whispered, and then she clumsily got to her feet. “Liz! Liz! Get out here!”

“Oh fuck what’s happening now!?” Liz called from deeper in the apartment. They heard her rapidly approaching. “Did you hurt yourself or some–”

She stepped out into the living room, saw Gabe, and had a milder version of the same reaction.

Another shutter snap sounded and Ellen snorted softly. Gabe was sorely tempted to ask if they’d been told to react like this, because this was a little ridiculous. Both of them knew he’d gotten a hair cut and some new attire, and he had been prepared to send some pics, but Ellen had suddenly told him not to, that she wanted it to be a surprise.

And apparently she was right to do that.

“Holy. Fuck,” Krystal whispered finally.

“Come on, are you being serious right now?” he asked finally, unable to keep it in.

“Yes,” Krystal said flatly.

“You look...different,” Liz murmured.

“Is it really that different?” Gabe asked, looking down at himself. This still felt surreal, even with his newfound confidence.

“Apparently. Also, you have to remember that we’ve been apart for three weeks now,” Liz replied. “And missing you.”

“A lot,” Krystal growled.

“This is still weird,” he said.

“What? Having a pair of girlfriends missing you?” Ellen murmured with a small grin. She looked as pleased as could be about all this.

In fact, when he looked back at her, he would have sworn she was showing him off.

Well...hadn’t he done something similar with her? With Holly? With Chloe? With Krystal? Hell, even with Liz a little? And wouldn’t there be more?

Was it so bad?

No, he decided, so long as everyone was cool with it. And he was quite cool with it.

It felt strange but good to finally, finally be on the ‘Attractive’ side of the scale. Not that he truly believed he was attractive, but he’d given up that debate by now. He thought he was fuckugly, but reality had pretty firmly proved him wrong.

“So this works for you?” Gabe asked, trying to get control of the situation again.

Krystal let out a small, distracted chuckle. “Yes. Yes, it does.” She looked suddenly at Liz. “I…”

Liz sighed heavily. “Yeah, it’s fine. I’m not going to torture you.”

“What’s going on?” Gabe asked as Krystal began making a beeline for him with an almost comical look of determination.

“Krystal needs to fuck you and I want to, too, but something got mixed up with my birth control, so I ran out yesterday, and I’m getting more today, but...I’m not going to risk it,” Liz explained.

“Oh.” Krystal had grabbed his wrist and begun pulling him towards the bedroom, but he stopped. She made an unhappy sound and tugged on his arm. “Just wait,” he said, and she sighed but held her peace. Though she was getting very fidgety. He looked at Liz. “We can still absolutely do sexy things together, or at the very least Krystal can eat you while I pound her from behind.”

“ a very good point,” Liz murmured, a smile slowly spreading across her beautiful face.

“I am going to die if I don’t fuck him,” Krystal growled.

Liz laughed. “Well, we can’t have that, now can we?”

And she took his other arm and both of them led him to their bedroom.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter | February 2025

I was not ready for January.

So, that phrase I mentioned earlier, about how if you don’t make time for your body to rest, then your body will make time. And I think that’s what happened. I feel like I more or less got jumped at the start of the year. I’ve been having completely new medical problems, combined with intensifying emotional problems. They were pretty intense and frightening at the start of the year, but they’ve at least calmed down a bit. I’m presently trying to navigate the medical industrial complex, which is always a difficult, irritating, and at times terrifying prospect.

It does not help that, for obvious reasons, life in general just got significantly worse for most in my country. That’s stressing me beyond anything else, honestly. I’ve never been an optimist but Jesus Christ is it already so bad here.

But hope is the logical option, so I hope, and I continue to do the only thing I really know how: write.

That being said, clearly I made the wrong call about trying to set a schedule for myself this year. I genuinely didn’t think I was going to run into something like this. This is the equivalent of falling down immediately at the start of a race, faceplanting into dogshit, and then exploding outright.

The good news is that Down the Rabbit Hole Episode 02 is out. I’ve also got the cover art for the first collection and it features Chloe and Rain. And the next one, which features Brooke, is being worked on. I’ve begun writing Episode 03 and it’ll be posted to my Patreon and should still be on time for March 1st. The rest of the good news is that I am finally actively working on Our Own Way 5. I’ve gotten the first couple of chapters written and I’m trying to make more regular progress. The problem is that writing is really difficult for me right now. Like this has been really disruptive to my life in general.

I’ve finished my portion of the work on Dead Freeze 3 and passed it off to Lara, (in other words, I admitted that I wasn’t going to be able to handle a similar workload this time around). Ideally it should be out sometime this month, but it might be not come out until March.

Um…good luck to us all.

A Decade of Writing | The Misty Vixen Newsletter | January 2025

I have been writing Romance For Men for a decade now.

Over a decade as, technically, Hellcats - Episode 01: Six Foot Ten released on September 23rd, 2014. For the sake of ease, I just say my career as Misty Vixen began around the beginning of 2015.

This is not where I thought I would be.

I don’t want to go on for too long and while it would probably be a smarter decision, I’m opting to mostly just freestyle my thoughts like I do for all my other posts.

In the beginning, there were monster girls. Well, to be specific, alien girls. While I had been poking around with the idea of actually trying to become a writer for a couple of years at that point, what actually got me started was the fact that while I noticed there were lots and lots of erotic stories about human women being fucked by big monster dudes, there was practically nothing I could find of the opposite. My motivation in the beginning was, quite literally, monster girls need love, too. And alien girls, mutant girls, tall girls, weird girls. And also, I figured we had heard enough from the ripped firefighter and the billionaire CEO who is also jacked and an astronaut and the spy and the warrior and on and on. I wanted to hear from the regular dudes.

Things are different now, but I like to believe mostly in an organic way. I don’t write about the average guy as much anymore, but I feel like it’s because I satisfied that need with four straight years of regular guy protagonists. I have to say, looking back over everything, I am a little amazed at how little my convictions have changed since the beginning. I’ve mellowed, certainly, but the things that I wanted to write about then I still want to write about even to this day. People going their own way, people dealing with the agony of mental health problems, people slaying isolation and loneliness, people doing the right thing because it’s the right thing, people loving each other.

But I do wonder if this is just a thing that most authors do. If they settle into the types of stories they want to tell, the types of protagonists they tend to write, and then they just get better at telling those stories and writing those protagonists.

I am, frankly, shocked by where I am today with my career. I am more successful than I ever dreamed was realistically possible. I’ve said before that I worry over being able to help people in my life, and I am at a point where I can do that. And now that a lot of the dust of adolescence has settled, what I imagined to be true from a young age-that people and experiences will ultimately matter more to you than things and numbers, even accomplishments-turned out to be quite true.

I wanted to take this opportunity here to say: Thank you to my readers. I owe the majority of my career to you. You are the ones who made this possible. Functionally speaking, you probably literally saved my life by helping make this work. Telling a tale is its own pleasure, but being heard completes the circle. Crying out into the void is awful, until someone calls back. So I wanted to say thank you, and that I appreciate you, and everything you’ve done for me. For reading, reviewing, sending kind messages, asking questions, donating, spreading the word, correcting my mistakes, all of it. For all of it. Because at some point it occurred to me that my works were no longer shouting into the void, but that they were the responding call to others who were shouting. I’ve had a lot of people tell me now that my works have helped the pain of life to pass more easily, and that is very good to hear. To quote Stephen King: “(Speaking on Different Seasons) Most readers, in fact, wanted to tell me that one of the stories roused their emotions in some way, made them think, made them feel, and those letters are the real payback for the days (and there are a lot of them) when the words come hard and the inspiration seems thin or even nonexistent.” I should probably stop now or I’ll just keep going. For real though, thank you for supporting me, and continuing to do so.

All right, we’ve spoken on emotional matters, let’s talk logistics. Let’s look ahead at 2025.

Also, just really quick, I am sorry that I didn’t get another Our Own Way novel out in 2024. I really was intending to, but I had…difficulties in December. As was evidenced by my very obvious, public breakdown……s. Which is always embarrassing. I am generally better now, I think? Being me, emotionally speaking, is at times very difficult.

So two things are going to define this year, and they are a mixed bag. The first thing is that I need to catch up. I need to stop having more than one series going on at the same time. (Or at least no more than two.) Besides the fact that it clearly is hated by the algorithm and thus is bad for business when I take forever to release a sequel, it’s also driving me crazy. Unfortunately, this is a decision I made in, like, 2023. And I decided that 2024 was going to be my year of ‘catching up’. Only that didn’t happen. It’s 2025 and I’m still not caught up yet. And so that needs to be fixed. The second thing is the algorithm.

The fucking algorithm.

I’m always wrestling with that fucking thing, but then again, we all are.

Due to a unique circumstance, I ended up with a dead zone of publishing where I didn’t actually publish a single thing to my own account, as I was busy working on titles that were going to be published by other accounts (RGP, for example), and it became very clear to me that the algorithm does not like this. My income from ebooks was chopped in half in about six weeks, and then kept sliding down from there. Not dramatically, but the message was clear: You must keep feeding the algorithm. And so I’ve been pondering on this problem, because I would actually really like to be able to take more time on my novels. Due to some unique circumstances, it took me over a year to actually write Lakeside Cougars. Normally, it takes me about six weeks. Everyone has been telling me Lakeside Cougars 1 is the best thing I’ve ever written, and I feel like this is because I took so much more time instead of just shotgunning it like I normally have to do.

I have ideas that would benefit from more time. Well, okay, they all would benefit from more time, but it would be nice to release bigger, better, more finely crafted novels. Unfortunately, I have not yet reached the lofty heights of success that a few others have that I can afford to take my time. (As a quick aside here, if you’re confused about why I’m still concerned about income, it’s because I have anxiety problems but also the last few years have shown me just how absolutely fucking batshit things can get, and how insane inflation can be, and any sense of security I might have found from the past few years is rapidly diminishing. Like, I think people genuinely don’t realize how bad it’s going to get.) I pondered on this issue for most of the last six months, and ultimately settled on Down the Rabbit Hole. So this is why I started a new thing even though I said I need to stop starting new things before I’ve gotten caught up. Basically, I’m hoping DtRH will keep the algorithm off my back long enough for me to catch up, and then to allow me to take more time with future works. Plus, if we’ve learned anything about me, it’s that I cannot predict when I will have some kind of mental health crisis and not be able to write for like two weeks.

With all of this in mind, let’s have a little looksee at how 2025 is going to play out.

  • OUR OWN WAY: So after some waffling and a year that saw only a single novel released, I have decided that Our Own Way is going to be my next flagship franchise. I will very likely keep this series going to nine novels, and it’s very possible I may go on beyond that. I really like this series. I’m intending to release three more novels this year, OOW 5, 6, & 7, and I intend to keep writing those bonus shorts from the harem’s perspective. In fact, I think that’s going to be what I do going forward for all series, because this actually feels really perfect. I will discuss below my tentative plans, and I want to stress that they are tentative, for a release schedule for the year, and when you can expect to see these novels, as well as everything else I’m going to speak of.

  • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: This one will be pretty straightforward. A new episode of approximately 25,000 words or roughly 100 Kindle pages (I think, that system is seriously screwy) will be published at the first of each month, every month of the year. Meaning twelve episodes. I will be releasing Collections after every four episodes, about six weeks after the release of the fourth, eighth, and twelfth episodes. These collections will feature a minimum of one bonus short story set between the episodes from the perspective of the harem. I have also confirmed that there will be audiobooks for this series, though they will only be paired with the Collections, as it would tank sales to release these as individual episodes. I’ve got a rough outline and the series can end at Episode 12, or it can keep going. Basically, it’s an experiment to see how it does, how easily I can write it, how much people like it.

  • LAKESIDE COUGARS: I ended up waffling for a bit and ultimately I landed on extending this trilogy by one novel. I intend to write and publish Lakeside Cougars 3 & 4 during the first half of the year, then publish the omnibus either late in 2025 or early in 2026. There will be no bonus content.

  • DEAD FREEZE: This is the first thing getting wrapped up. I will be spending this month getting Dead Freeze 3 written and off to Lara, and it will ideally be out in February. There will also be no bonus content for the omnibus, which will be released sometime this year as well. And then that’ll be it.

  • SHELTER FROM THE STORM: Yep! I was supposed to have gotten back to this by now but at some point it became obvious to me that I couldn’t divide my attention well enough to properly write this story, as it’s somewhat near and dear to my heart. Firstly: I do intend to finish it out as a trilogy. There is the potential for more, but at least a trilogy. Basically, I want to get Dead Freeze and Lakeside Cougars wrapped up, get my mono-romance out, and at least two novels for Our Own Way written, and then I will turn my hand to this series and get back to the suicidally depressed war hero combat tech.

  • PRIMEVAL MONO ROMANCE PROJECT: My secret project. I’ve been piecing this together when I can find time and it’s only about third done right now. I’ve spoken about it before, but basically it will be a romance set in the world of RAW (with no meaningful overlap, so don’t get your hopes up), it will feature a ‘big, badass woman with shorter, scrawny man’ trope. It will be written as a stand alone, but there is definitely room for a sequel, or more, if the ideas take me hard enough and people want it badly enough. I’ll begin posting it to Patreon when it’s about halfway finished. I’m liking this one so far.

  • SIDE PROJECT: I don’t really want to do much more than bring this up. I’ve been kicking around a notion with a friend of mine for a while now and we’re a lot closer to finalizing this notion. Basically, I want to launch a little pen name that we can collab on and publish to and earn her some money. Not as a primary source of income, but as like a smaller revenue stream. We’re still kicking the idea around, but it would be like erotic shorts or the occasional haremlit novella. It would be something resembling Gabe’s career, for those familiar. Hell, I may even take a crack at By the Hearthfire’s Light, turn that into a reality for fun. None of these will break any rules, it’s just that some of them won’t be haremlit, it’ll just be a protagonist and one or maybe two girls. Like I said, we’re ironing it out. Also, to sate curiosity, it’s no one from the community or anything, just someone I know and want to help. Once we get things settled, I’ll set up a little section on my website. And these will be published to the Kindle, and the KU, so you can read them in the way most familiar to you.

Now, here is something that I will almost certainly regret: a publishing timeline! I am trying to be more organized, more regimented, more focused this year, and so as a result, I am trying to adhere to a schedule. Traditionally, this has not gone well. So take this with a massive grain of salt and assume that it will change.


    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 01 | 01.01.2025


    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 02 | 02.01.2025



    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 03 | 03.01.2025

    • OUR OWN WAY 5


    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 04 | 04.01.2025


  • MAY

    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 05 | 05.01.2025



  • JUNE

    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 06 | 06.01.2025


  • JULY

    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 07 | 07.01.2025

    • OUR OWN WAY 6


    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 08 | 08.01.2025



    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 09 | 09.01.2025




    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 10 | 10.01.2025



    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 11 | 11.01.2025


    • DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - EPISODE 12 | 12.01.2025

Clearly, this is an ambitious timeline. You can see why I do not expect to be able to write anything else. Even if a miracle pulls through, this just leaves me with the last two months in what will be a very busy year. It’s extremely possible that I may finish up my last project needed for the year and say fuck it and take a vacation. I guess we’ll see.

Okay, one more thing.

For the sake of my sanity, I suppose I should make a list of what I managed to accomplish in 2024, but I’ll be putting it down here because I am admittedly ashamed by how little I got done overall.

  • I published Beneath the Ashes 2 & 3, and finished out the trilogy with the Omnibus.

  • I published Goblin Girls Do It Better II & III, and finished out the trilogy with the Omnibus.

  • I published Our Own Way 4.

  • I wrote a breeding short story, For the Future, for the HaremLit 2024 Anthology Bullets, Blades, & Babes. (Also, if anyone is curious, I am not participating in the anthology this year. I have too much to do.)

  • I, with Lara’s help, launched Dead Freeze and wrote the sequel.

  • I wrote two short stories for Our Own Way that were unique because they were my first ever real attempt to write from the perspective of the harem, and this has prompted me to keep doing it.

  • I published Lakeside Cougars and also the sequel.

And unless I missed something, that’s it. Nine novels, two of which were coauthored, and three short stories.

Hopefully there will be more this year.

I wish you all luck and happiness for 2025. I think we’ll all need it.

End of the Year Sale/Giveaway!

The year is drawing to a close and I am once again handing out shitloads of novels for free and collections for cheap. If you’ve been holding out and waiting for something to go on sale, now is your time! And this time, Lara X. Lust is throwing in with me!

Starting midnight on December 26th and going until December 30th, the sale begins!

Below is a complete list of every single title I have for free or discounted. If you could spread this information around, I would really appreciate it. Word-of-mouth is realistically one of the few tools we have left to use against the algorithm.

While this is a very extensive sale, it is not absolute. Our Own Way, Lakeside Cougars, Dead Freeze, and Beneath the Ashes will not be participating in the sale in any way.

Down the Rabbit Hole | First Look

Yes, I went there.

A horny harem series about bunny girls called Down the Rabbit Hole.

To be honest, I’m shocked someone else hasn’t done it first. Need To Breed was the original title, but I was talked out of that.

So, what actually is this thing that I’m talking about?

Back in the summer of 2023, Amazon made an abrupt decision that sent a lot of us authors into a state of panic for about two solid months. They then abruptly basically reversed the decision, and acted like it had never happened. Well, the thing is, a lot of panic decisions were made on my behalf. It led to a couple of things, like Beneath the Ashes and Goblin Girls Do It Better.

A couple of other potential projects were considered and ultimately rejected. At one point I decided I was going to do a more heavily erotic series that also featured a few tropes I normally don’t go for. Like bunny girls and isekai. I whipped up an idea and got to writing, but ultimately abandoned it when it became obvious it wasn’t going to work for what I was hoping. I almost deleted it completely, but figured I could do something with the stuff I’d written so far.

Well, that idea stayed with me and I found myself oddly yearning to return to and expand on it over the next year and a half. Finally, a solution presented itself.

It’s no secret that I am struggling more just recently with my mental health. This makes writing very hard. That, combined with the fact that I find myself wanting to take more time to write my novels, means I had to go looking for a solution of some kind. I considered a few different options, but ultimately I went in for the old tried and true solution of “I will write a series of serialized novellas!”. Even though every single time I try this, I ultimately come to the conclusion that it was a mistake and I should never do it again.

Why I think this is going to be different is because of my goal. It’s become obvious to me that the algorithm needs to be fed like a fire. I can’t keep throwing an entire log on every month. I don’t have a novel a month in me anymore, I think. It’s less that I don’t want to do it, and believe me, I don’t want to, but more because I can’t. I’m suffering as a consequence of trying, which means the work is suffering, which means the readers are suffering. It’s lose-lose all around.

This is the solution I have settled on. I will be releasing a new episode in this series at the beginning of each month. Each one will be around 25,000 words, while the first episode will be around 30,000. Every four episodes, I will bind them together with some bonus content and release them basically as typical novels. The episodes will have simpler cover art, and the full releases will have proper cover art. Also, I dialed back the eroticism, given that’s not really the goal of this particular project anymore. Fear not, though, if you’re looking for horny bunny girls desperate to be bred, it will have that.

Now, as for what this is actually about.

Down the Rabbit Hole focuses on Hunter, a grizzled veteran with memory troubles. He has just awoken in a mysterious world that is shockingly similar to his own, only this one is even more consumed by war and catastrophe than the world he left behind. And all the people have horns or tails or animal ears. Discovered by four bunny girls on the run as their civilization is consumed by war and societal collapse, he assumes the role of their protector. And breeder. (To be clear, the people of this world are basically the thing I’ve complained about a lot: human but with bunny ears or cat tails or wings.)

It’s going to be more along the lines of what people look for in haremlit, I think.

I’m intending to put the first episode up for pre-order on either the 23rd or 26th, not sure yet. Probably the 23rd, because the 26th is when I’m going to launch my huge end-of-the-year sale. Before that, however, I’ll be throwing this up on Patreon as early access.

I hope you all enjoy this! I’m also hoping this will help give me some more breathing room.

Below is the first chapter for free. And here is a link to the collection on Patreon where it will be uploaded in its entirety before getting taken down for the pre-order.

Awareness came to him gradually.

It filled his mind and senses the way the sun fills the sky as it rises.

The things that came to him seemed somehow disconnected, dislocated from each other, each an experience of only one sense.

Beneath him, he felt something wet and cold.

This passed out of his awareness and he might have slipped back into unconsciousness for a few seconds or a few hours.

Consciousness then brought another thing to him: distant but powerful sounds. Repetitive. They evoked a deep and immediate sense of fear and swift reaction, but he was in no condition to indulge either.

Next came smell: grass, rain, something much stronger. Something burning.

Every time he surfaced from the dark depths of his mind, he felt worse. Pain infected him, drilled into every instant with increasing effectiveness.

At last, he opened his eyes.

Stars and a dark sky above. The moon.

He paused, blinked.

Two moons.

Then, from somewhere nearby, a voice, speaking. A question? The words were meaningless to him. Coherency was coming, but it was still a long way off.

Footsteps, drawing closer.

The voice again, a question again, he was sure this time, and sharper, but still meaningless.

Had something happened to him?

And then a face appeared in his field of vision. A visage of raw, savage beauty. A woman, red hair pulled into a ponytail that slipped over one shoulder as she leaned cautiously towards him. Blood on a tanned face that she absently wiped at with the back of a gloved hand. The eyes she studied him with were some of the bluest and most beautiful he’d ever seen.


Rabbit ears?

He tried to speak but all that did was cause her to jerk back.

And then the darkness swam over him once again.

When he came awake again, it was with the impression that a lot of time had passed.

He had a string of uncertain memories.

Being moved. Being spoken to. Distant explosions and gunfire cutting through the air. The redheaded woman with the bunny ears (surely he had hallucinated that) asking him more questions in a language he didn’t understand.

He remembered starlit darkness, and then more voices, being carried and dragged, steel corridors and dim lights.

And then…

He opened his eyes. Stared at a bland gray ceiling. Whatever was providing the light source flickered briefly and it was like driving nails into his eyes, his brain. Everything seemed to hurt, but his head ached like nothing else on him.

A door opened somewhere nearby and he winced at the clang it made. Footsteps again, getting closer, and then someone else was looking down at him.

This woman was very different from the first. Short, thin, her black hair chin-length. She had an air of professional detachment, and…

Bunny ears.

What? How? Why?

He felt a lot more conscious and aware now, but damn if those weren’t rabbit ears coming out of her head.

She asked him something and somehow, he thought he was in some way closer to grasping the meaning of the mysterious language.

When he didn’t respond, she raised one finger, which he followed with his eyes, and drew it to herself, to her chest. She wore a long-sleeved, button-down beige shirt, the pocket of which had several shiny instruments secured within.

“Chloe,” she said, tapping her chest. Then she reached out and tapped his chest gently and raised her eyebrows.

Oh. Name. She wanted his name.

He opened his mouth, and then hesitated when nothing immediately came. He closed his mouth and frowned. She seemed to take it for confusion, which it technically was, and tried again, repeating the gesture and the word.

Struggling through the pain and disorientation, he thought he had something. H something. H, h, h…

“Hunter,” he said at once. To emphasize this, slowly, his body protesting sharply with pain, he reached up and tapped his chest. “Hunter.” To show he got what she meant, he pointed to her and said, “Chloe.”

She smiled. She had a really pretty smile and it seemed to transform her whole face. She tried asking him another question, but it was still gibberish to him. Her ears twitched when he shook his head, then he winced and groaned, placing a hand against his head.

Hunter watched as the smile disappeared and the clinical detachment returned.

She turned away for a moment and when she came back, she held something in her hand, something he couldn’t quite make out. She said something that he thought was meant to be calming, then pressed it against his neck.

There was a sharp pain, followed almost immediately by a soft warmth that began expanding outwards, sinking tendrils of pleasure up into his aching head and down into pain-ravaged body, and then he was delivered smoothly back into sleep.

The next time Hunter opened his eyes, he heard arguing, two familiar voices.

He carefully raised his head, finding that it didn’t hurt nearly so much this time, (though the wobble of dizziness told him he was still on heavy painkillers), and saw two familiar figures. The redhead and the dark haired woman who had helped him.

The redhead was gesturing at him sharply, arguing about something, angry, but the woman (medic?) with dark hair was steadfastly standing her ground. The redhead snapped her gaze in his direction when he shifted a little more and began to walk towards him, but the medic put a hand on her chest, above some considerable breasts that were very clearly visible through the thin fabric of the tanktop she wore.

The redhead snapped something, and he caught the word “dangerous!”, and the medic responded, her tone flat but very authoritative.

Finally, the redhead snapped something else and marched out of the room.

The medic watched her go, then turned back towards him and walked over. She picked something up from a small table beside him, a tablet, and began typing on it, scrutinizing it closely.

She began speaking again, and he caught the words “Sorry” and “dangerous” and “tired”. Then she began a long litany of words that he slowly realized must be whatever she’d read from the tablet. His vitals? Had to be.

Even as he thought that, he heard “pulse”.

Finally, she stopped and set the tablet aside, then looked at him, like she was expecting something from him.

Hunter decided to try for something. “I’m thirsty,” he said.

Chloe, he abruptly remembered, frowned. He repeated himself, then, when that didn’t work, he made a motion of lifting a glass to his lips, then tapped his throat.

“Oh!” she said, looking at once both surprised and then a little guilty.

She walked across the small room they were in and as she presumably found him something to drink, he studied the space around him.

It was cramped. He was on a bed in one corner of it. He saw another bed, a little desk with a computer on it, a rolling metal table pushed up beside him, and the rest of the space was taken up by some counters and cabinets. From one of these she found a glass and filled it with water from a sink built into the counter.

At least, he hoped it was water. It looked like water.

She came back and offered him the glass. He sat up more, wincing, and accepted the glass, then smelled it cautiously, instincts warning him to be sure.

Chloe said something and in there was “safe”.

He took a drink. It was definitely water. He drank it all off and then passed her back the glass.

“Thank you,” he said, and she froze in the process of taking back the glass.

She asked him something that ended with “Thank you”. What the fuck was going on? Hunter thought he knew, or that he had the knowledge, somewhere in his skull, but he couldn’t be sure at the moment. He shrugged helplessly.

Chloe stared at him for a moment longer, then she turned away and moved to put the glass back. He found his eyes drawn down. She was wearing some tight blue shorts and she’d changed from the beige long-sleeve to a yellow short-sleeve button-down. Her tight ass was showcased pretty nicely in the shorts and…

She had a tail. A small, fluffy stub of a tail the same dark white, almost gray, as her ears, poking out between the top of the shorts and the bottom of the shirt.

When she turned back around, he realized that the top two buttons of her shirt were undone. Chloe seemed to notice him noticing that and looked down at herself, then slowly back up at him. Her cheeks flushed. A small, awkward smile came onto her face and she took a few steps closer to him, hesitated, then came to stand by his bedside again.

She reached up and gently fingered the shirt, pushing it open just a tiny bit. She asked him a question hesitantly, but all he got out of it was “see?”.

Hunter felt confused about a lot, a hell of a lot right now, but he wasn’t confused about that at least. He nodded and reached up. Chloe swallowed and watched with wide eyes as his hand came to her shirt. He began pulling it open slowly, half expecting her to stop him, but her body language was extremely inviting.

The shirt caught on the third button, still buttoned, and only a little bit of her chest had been revealed. He moved his hand down and fumbled with the button for a moment, his fingers clumsy, his head clouded.

There. He got it undone and her shirt opened more, revealing the gentle curve of a pair of small, firm breasts.

They were still at least half hidden. In that moment, it seemed like absolutely everything else could wait. Bunny ears and a bunny tail or not, this was still an extremely attractive woman who was coming onto him. Her eyes slid down lower and he hesitated, following her gaze, realizing he had an erection that was pressing up against the sheet over him.

Now it was her turn to reach out. She pulled the sheet back, pausing twice, like she expected him to stop her, but there was no way he was derailing whatever this was. As she flipped the sheet back, he realized that he was naked save for a pair of gray boxers, which his erection was straining against.

Chloe rested her hand slowly across it and she actually shuddered. Then she looked up at him, her hand still there, resting on his crotch, which was pulsing in time with his heart now as his desire began overwhelming everything else.

“All right?” she asked.

Head swimming with lust and painkillers, he nodded and smiled. She returned the smile and leaned forward a little. He reached down to try and get the fourth button undone…

And that was when the door opened and someone new stepped in.

“Chloe!” she snapped.

Chloe responded immediately, hastily flipping the sheet back into place and beginning to button herself up as she took a step back from him. Hunter felt a wave of frustration roll through him, but it was softened by the painkillers.

Damn but was he horny now!

The arrival of the new woman didn’t help, because she was also very attractive, though in a different way. She was a little taller and a little older than Chloe. Her pale blonde hair was pulled into a rough ponytail and her blue eyes held a lot of chill.

She, too, had the ears.

As Chloe finished buttoning herself back up, blushing worse than ever, the new woman studied him coldly from across the room. She had an air of authority that the others didn’t.

She asked him something. Waited. He shook his head.

She tried again. “What’s your name?”

“Hunter,” he replied.

She looked mildly surprised, then asked him something else. He shook his head. Her frown deepened and she looked at Chloe for a moment, asked a question. Chloe responded and he caught a little bit of it.

This was starting to get frustrating.

They spoke a bit more to each other, the new woman returning her gaze back to him. She seemed more curious now.

Behind her, the redhead appeared in the doorway. She crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame. She fixed him with an amused and intense stare that said ‘try something, please’. Hunter sighed and laid back down in the bed. The other woman, who seemed to be in charge of the group, appeared to be debating with Chloe.

Probably about what to do with him.

He felt questions crowding in. Where was he? What was the situation? Why was he having so much trouble remembering...everything?

Why did they have ears? And tails?

What the fuck was going on?

Whatever conversation they seemed to be having ended, and judging from their expressions, in some kind of stalemate.

Chloe walked back over to him, holding the same medical tool as before.

“Sleep,” she said, injecting him again and patting his chest.

The questions were going to have to wait a bit longer.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter | December 2024


Lakeside Cougars is here!

Dead Freeze 2 is also here!

And that’s going to be most of the good news.

I’m going to expand on this more during the new years update, but I need to take some time off in a broader sense of the meaning. I’m having…problems. And they seem to be getting worse. And my biggest problem is burnout. Or at least, my biggest problem relating directly to this. I am…very tired.

What does that mean practically speaking? I am going to have to face the reality that there is basically no chance I’m going to get another novel out before the end of the year. That being said, I will be working on things. Just slower. Quick updates below.

  • OUR OWN WAY 5: Obviously this is the big one. I’ve got a good idea of what’s going to happen in this novel and I’m pretty excited to get to this one. I’m really hoping for this to be out in January.

  • OUR OWN WAY - HAREM SHORT 2: This is the one thing I’ll get out this month. I want to write another short story from the girls’ perspective. I’ll post it for free on my Patreon just like the last one.

  • PRIMEVAL MONO-ROMANCE: Production on this slowed as I worked to get Lakeside Cougars 2 finished in time. I’m intending to make some more meaningful progress on this one. Hoping for perhaps a February release. I’ll start posting it to Patreon when it’s about halfway done.

  • DEAD FREEZE 3: This one…did not get much done on it. It also got set aside, although even harder. Still looking at an early 2025 release. Hopefully.

  • SECRET PROJECT: I’ve been puzzling over this broader problem of needing more breathing room in terms of publishing, and I’ve cooked something up that I think will help. And also will be very fun to read. I’m going to release a separate post about this very soon.

I’ll have more to say January 1st. I wish I had better things to tell you.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter | November 2024


Well October kind of sucked. I had difficulties, both physically and emotionally, and it really fucked me up for a little bit there. I’ve emotionally evened out, and physically I still have to figure out. Yet more new problems that have no obvious cause and hurt. Yay.

Anyway, onto the writing.

Those are the things I managed to get out last month! To expand a little…

  • The omnibus of Goblin Girls Do It Better contains a single bonus short, for those interested in that. There was a delay in the audiobook for Goblin Girls Do It Better III and I’m still not sure how that’s going, except to say that it’s still delayed. I’m hoping it’ll be out this month. At some point next year (I think, don’t quote me) the audio omnibus will come out and then that will be the last thing needed to consider this trilogy fully finished.

  • So I’ve been wanting to write a monogamous romance (or mono-romance) for a little while now. I took a poll earlier in the season and found out that people do very much want alternating perspectives between the man and the woman. Which I have very, very little experience with. So I decided to write a short story as bonus (and canon) content for Our Own Way. IMPORTANT NOTE: That story is completely free, even though it’s on my Patreon. You shouldn’t even have to sign up! I’m just using Patreon to host it. The story itself isn’t too long and is basically just a cozy night in about a week after Our Own Way 4 where Ellen and Chloe and Holly talk about Gabe. I’m hoping it turned out well.

  • I started work on Lakeside Cougars 2, like I said! And I did manage to get the bulk of the work done…in the technical sense that 51% is technically the bulk of a given work. It’s probably a little higher, but yeah. I had very much hoped to get like 80-90% of it written, but this month was…difficult for me. And unfortunately I’m not quite out of the woods yet.

Now, let’s discuss the upcoming month, because I have some interesting news!

  • Dead Freeze 2 should go up for a short pre-order very, very soon.

  • I only managed to get pre-production on Dead Freeze 3 done, something else sort of jumped up and took all my attention away.

  • This is the thing that took away my attention and the exciting news: I’ve begun work on my first mono-romance project! I’ve been finding that I want to do it more and more as time has gone on, and although I thought I had settled on what would be my first one, this completely different idea kind of just hit me like a bullet and I just got started writing it because I felt really inspired. And I also ordered a very expensive cover for it. Here’s what I’m willing to say about it right now: It’s set in the same universe as RAW, (though to quash hopes now, it doesn’t feature any direct cameos of anyone and is completely separate from RAW). It’s intended as a stand alone project, but if it does well, I can easily write a sequel. It will be about a 40-60 split between the male and female perspectives, the male perspective being the 60%. Finally: if you like the whole ‘larger, badass woman/smaller, shy guy’ dynamic, you are are REALLY going to like this one. The very last thing I’ll say is: this will follow all the same conventions and rules of haremlit. The only difference is that there will just be one girl. So basically, if you like my other work, you should like this one just fine. Because this one is a little more uncertain, I’m going to wait until I hit the 50% mark before I start posting early access to Patreon. Ideally, I’ll be able to get this published before 2025, but it’s kind of a wildcard and I have other things to get done so…we’ll see about that.

  • Lakeside Cougars 2 should be out this month. Unless there’s some massive boost in sales, I’ve decided that I’m going to keep Lakeside Cougars a trilogy. Honestly, it’s too similar to writing Our Own Way and it’s kind of burning me out having to keep up with both of them. Although…I guess, if I’m being honest, it isn’t impossible that I could go with a fourth one. We’ll see how I feel while writing Lakeside Cougars 3.

That’s what I got for now.

Lakeside Cougars 2 Preview

“Are you sure we shouldn’t drive down?” Edith asked.

“Trust me, Edith, there’s not even enough for us all to carry something. There’s basically just a suitcase of my extra clothes that I left behind,” Atticus replied.

“And walking is nice, especially on days like today,” Colleen said, looking skyward.

He did as well.

She was right, it was shaping up to be another perfect Oregon day. Or at least perfect for him: low-to-mid sixties, light breeze, faint gray cloud cover, the potential for rain sometime in the evening. It was absolutely perfect.

And while his life did not feel perfect right now, it sure as hell felt good.

They had decided to move the rest of his stuff over pretty much immediately after they’d wrapped up that big conversation about the immediate future.

“So you can really just...not go home?” Edith asked as they closed in on his lakehouse.

“If I don’t want to, yeah. Why?” Atticus replied.

“It’s just-I mean, what about your responsibilities? Friends? Family?”

“I wrapped up and then closed off as many responsibilities as I could over the last nine months so I could focus on Cold Reset. Then I made sure to wrap up everything else as much as I could before coming here. I also definitely neglected my relationships to do that. But...I have to admit, after doing that and then actually looking back over those relationships, I have come to the conclusion that most of my friends are more acquaintances than friends.”

“What made you come to that conclusion?” Colleen asked. She had the tone of a pleased teacher trying to determine if the student actually understood what they were talking about.

“I looked over our conversations and thought back to hanging out. Honestly, it’s just that few of them seemed, I guess. A lot of my friendships felt one-sided and there was this part of me that I think is almost dead, or at least severely weakened, that was pretty desperate for human contact, that was putting in far, far more effort than I was receiving. And I get that it’s not going to be perfectly matched all the time, but it was clear most of them just didn’t have that much invested. Which, also, I’m not saying they had to be at my beck and call twenty four seven, but…”

“I get it,” Edith said.

“So, wait, you’re saying the part of you that desires human contact is mostly dead?” Colleen asked.

“No. That-yeah, that could’ve been worded better. That part of me has been satisfied a great deal more recently, but I think...dead isn’t quite right. Perhaps, tamed? Calmed? I went into isolation to get Cold Reset made and at first it was really hard but after about three months, I realized that I didn’t actually want what I thought I wanted. I just felt like I had to want it.”

“And that exact feeling is the backbone of civilization right now,” Colleen muttered. “But I’m glad you figured that out. It’s...a curiosity.”

“So how exactly is a desire for human contact the backbone of civilization? I mean, I can see how, but what do you mean?” Edith asked.

Atticus abruptly caught onto that particular interplay between the two women. There was a vague undercurrent of desperation of Edith’s voice when she asked that specific question, and either he was extremely well-tuned to her already, or he was just familiar with this, but he had a strong notion of what it meant.

It was the kind of tone someone adopted when they heard something they perceived as smart and either didn’t get, or didn’t trust their interpretation, and then was filled with the urge to know exactly what the other person meant, to measure their own intelligence against the other person’s.

Which actually made a great deal of sense, given the shape of their shared history.

And his own history. It was not a good feeling.

“Unhappy people spend more money than happy people,” Colleen replied. “So most of the people in positions of commercial authority have a strongly vested interest in keeping us unhappy. Right now, that is what grips out entire society. It infects everything, like radiation in the air, toxic waste in the groundwater. Invisible and devastating. But it’s so very nice to break away from that. To realize that listening to some twenty two year old influencer with more plastic surgery than brain cells is, in fact, not the path to happiness.”

“I guess so...what is the path to happiness, then?” Edith asked.

They were coming up to his lakehouse now. As he slipped the key into the lock, he shared a brief look with Colleen, who looked slightly worried. One of the reasons everything wasn’t perfect: Edith was still suffering.

They all were, probably.

It was just being outshone, for the most part, by all their hedonistic sexual escapades.

“The problem with that question,” Atticus replied as he unlocked the door and let them inside, “is that while there are some common markers to follow, the path to happiness is different for each person. One path to abject misery for one person might be a path to utter bliss for another.”

“Yeah, that’s true,” Edith murmured.

“And we’ll help you figure out your way there.”

She looked at him. “You’ll help me figure out, what, how to be happy?”

“I mean, yeah. Well, we’ll try.”

“That is what I’ve been trying to do since I came back,” Colleen said. “Although I realize now that I haven’t quite been trying hard enough.”

“No, that’s-don’t think that,” Edith replied. “I know you’ve been trying. It isn’t that you weren’t trying hard enough. If anything, I think you were doing a good job, because I clearly have not been ready to, mmm, how to put this? I guess, hear you? But don’t think you haven’t been a good friend since coming back.”

Colleen pursed her lips, clearly not in agreement, but she relented. “I suppose I’ll have to just accept that.” She looked to Atticus. “Have you decided what you’re going to tell Kate about all this?”

“No,” he replied. “Although I imagine it won’t be very complicated. Just let her know I’m staying longer.”

“Atticus,” Colleen said, her tone reproachful.

“What?” he asked.

“That girl is very infatuated with you. Don’t pretend otherwise.”

“I really think you’re reading too much into that,” Atticus said. Colleen crossed her arms. Shit, she was really good at that ‘stern teacher’ look. The glasses helped a lot. “Seriously! I’m not saying she doesn’t give a shit about me, but what we have going on is just...hormones. We’re having fun, we’re not falling in love.”

“You’d better be damn sure that she isn’t falling in love if you aren’t,” Colleen replied.

“I mean how sure can I be?! Edith, we need a tiebreaker.”

Both of them stared at her. Edith sighed. “I think that...I haven’t spent enough time with her to know one way or the other.”

“How diplomatic,” Colleen said.

“I mean it!”

“I believe that you mean it, I’m just annoyed.” She pursed her lips and shifted her strong gaze back to Atticus. “I don’t want anyone getting hurt.”

“I don’t either,” he replied. “For real, you and I are on the same page there. I just think that you’re reading too much into what we’ve got going on.”

“And I think your self depreciative tendencies are blinding you to just how much she likes you.”

“I genuinely understand why you think that, I really truly do, but I think maybe something similar is happening with you. I mean, I could be wrong. Generally speaking, I’ve found myself inclined to agree with your assessments over mine if they clashed, but this is a case where my gut is telling me I’m right.”

“Hmm.” Colleen stared at him for a moment longer, then seemed to decide to let it drop. “I guess we’ll find out.”

“I will talk with her, and soon. Now, uh, I need to get my shit and straighten up and say goodbye.”

“Say goodbye to who?” Edith asked.

“To this lakehouse. Um, I’ll explain on the way back.”

“Okay.” She looked at Colleen. “We should probably help.”

“Yeah, I would like to get home,” she agreed. “Atticus, you get your stuff, I’ll take care of the dishes and Edith can straighten up. Honestly, there’s not really much to do.”

“No, I didn’t spend nearly as much time here as I thought I would,” Atticus agreed, heading for the stairs.

He walked up them and into the master bedroom. He stopped just beyond the doorway, a strangeness settling over him. He couldn’t tell if it was good or bad, or something else entirely. He couldn’t even determine what emotion it was eliciting.

After lingering there for a few seconds more, he kept going. Much like Colleen, he wanted to get back home. Even if they couldn’t have that threesome tonight, he very much wanted to do other things with both of them.

Atticus gathered up the rest of his clothing and a book he’d forgotten that he’d brought. He looked around for his spare suitcase before eventually remembering that he’d only come down here with one suitcase and one laptop case, both of which were over at Colleen’s already. Sighing softly, he finished gathering everything up in his arms.

He headed out the door and began heading downstairs, then hesitated and looked around. He wanted to linger, but he didn’t know why. He looked around, wondering if he was missing something, then drifted to the second bedroom and looked inside. Looked at the beds, the closet with the ladder, out the window.

What was this feeling?

He lingered for a bit, then walked to the window. He could see the rise in land, the road, beyond the rise would be the town, several miles off. He could just see the side of a building, what he was pretty sure was the pet shelter. It had been there since he used to come here, but he knew it hadn’t been a pet shelter back then.

If it had, he would’ve gone up there at least a few times and hung out with the cats and dogs and anything else they might have up there.

“You okay up there?” Colleen called.

“Yeah,” he called back.

Well, whatever it was, he wasn’t going to find it up here. Atticus walked back downstairs and found Colleen drying her hands. She turned to look at him, a smile on her face. When she saw him, her smile faltered.

“Are you okay?”

“I think so,” he replied.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Edith asked from somewhere nearby.

“No, nothing happened,” he replied. “I’m just feeling...weird. I don’t know. Being here is kind of messing with me, but I don’t know why. I’m not even sure if it’s a bad thing.”

“Hmm.” Colleen put a single finger to her pursed lips. She looked around for a moment. “Well...this is your halcyon place. It embodies your childhood, the best parts of it. That can’t mean nothing.”

Atticus considered it, looked around as well. “There are a lot of memories here. And this is the place I yearned for. I wanted to come back to. I guess...this kind of feels like...saying goodbye to my childhood? Or more than that, maybe. Saying goodbye to this fantasy I’d had of returning to this place on my own terms.”

“Didn’t it all go well, though?” Edith asked, joining them in the kitchen.

“Yeah, it did. Far, far better than I ever could have realistically dreamed. I’m not upset, exactly, but I am a little sad.”

“You’re losing something,” Colleen replied. “That’s often a sad experience, regardless of the circumstances.”

“I guess so.” He looked around again, then down at the bundle in his arms. “I’m done.”

“I thought you said you had a suitcase,” Edith said.

“I forgot that I just have the one, and it’s already back over there. But this is an easy load to handle.”

“Can we go back to the house now? Because I would like to handle your load,” Colleen replied.

He looked at her with something like surprise, but that was quickly swept away by lust when he looked into her eyes.

“Very yes,” he replied, making Colleen laugh.

Edith sighed. “I somehow regret and also don’t regret all the fucking we did.”

“Let Past Edith have her happiness and bask in the knowledge that Future Edith will absolutely be getting laid, very intensely, by both of us,” Atticus replied.

Edith laughed. “I guess that’s one way to look at it.”

They took one more quick look around, then left the lakehouse. Atticus locked up and they started walking back to Colleen’s place.

Also known as his new, if temporary, home.

Holy God, he was actually shacking up with a legitimate cougar. An absurdly attractive one at that. And so much more. She was fun and smart and horny. He had admittedly been a little worried about that last one, unsure if the legends of lust that awoke in middle-aged women were true or not. Obviously it couldn’t be all of them, but he wasn’t sure if it had been an actual thing that most women had a decent chance of experiencing or wishful thinking on the part of guys like him.

Those who appreciated the wonder of finely aged women.

They had made it nearly to the front door when his phone started ringing.

“Who’s this now?” Edith muttered, sounding vaguely irritated.

“It’s…” He shifted his bundle until he managed to free a hand and get his phone out. “Kate. I gotta take that.”

“Yeah,” Colleen agreed.

Edith took his bundle and Colleen unlocked the door. They headed inside, leaving him to answer the phone.

“What’s up?” he asked.

Immediately he could tell she was not happy. “Atticus...I need a favor.”

“I’m listening.”

“I need you to pry yourself out from between your sugar cougars and help me clean up a house. I’m at the middle lakehouse across the lake and...I can actually see you right now. Um, sorry. The family that was just here fucking wrecked the place. Like, bad. And I will deal with them later, but for right now, I have to get this place cleaned up and ready, because the family who’s coming in will be here in about twelve hours.”

“Twelve hours? But that’s like three in the morning.”

“I know. It’s how they roll. What matters is that I have other things I need to do today, but I also need to get this house cleaned up. They’re basically my best clients. They rent for a whole month, which is more expensive than it sounds, and some people have also let me know that they’re big spenders in town and that’s more important than ever now...I’m sorry, I know I’m dumping a cold bucket of responsibility in your lap but I’m fucking begging you here. I will do…” Her tone suddenly changed to something more provocative. “Whatever your heart desires.”

“Kate, come on, are we seriously going to trade sexual favors?” he asked.

“Yeah. Why not?”

Atticus began to reply, but nothing came to mind. He thought about it for a moment.

“You can’t think of a reason, can you?” she asked.

“I guess I just feel weird about it, but if you’re down, I’m down. What’ll I get out of this?”

“Why don’t you come over here and start helping me and we’ll negotiate?”

“Oh, sure. Sounds completely legit.”

Her voice became shockingly seductive. “Come on, Atticus. You know I’m good for it.”

He actually felt his pulse speed up. “I’ll be right over.”

She laughed. “Holy shit, it actually does work. Okay, I’ll be here cleaning. Also, like, thank you. Seriously, fucking life saver.”

“You’re welcome, Kate. Be right over. I gotta go break the news.”

“Good luck.”

They hung up and he headed back inside. He heard the women talking and followed their voices to Colleen’s bedroom. She was holding up some fishnet stockings and Edith was studying them. They both fell silent and looked over as he came in.

“Everything okay? You look...nervous,” Colleen asked.

He chuckled. “Kate needs my help. Not an emergency, well, not exactly, but she needs help cleaning the lakehouse across the way.”

“That’s actually kind of perfect,” Colleen replied. “You can be alone with her, talk to her about whatever you need to.”

“Yeah, seems like a good idea,” Edith agreed.

“Thank you for understanding.” He walked in and gave both of them quick kisses, then looked down at the stockings. “You gonna wear those?”

“I thought Edith could,” she replied.

“I’m...considering it. Would you like that, Atticus?” she asked, smiling a small smile.

“Uh fuck yes I’d like that,” he replied immediately.

“I think that’s settled then.” He looked at the stockings again, then sighed and shook his head. “I have to get out of here or I’m going to break my promise.”

“Well now, we can’t have that, young man,” Colleen murmured. “Off with you then.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, and she smirked, just a little.

Atticus hurried for the door.