The Misty Vixen Newsletter | September 2024

I’m finally back. First thing’s first…


I managed to get Goblin Girls Do It Better III out.

On the personal front, I’m basically healed up and back to normal. And that is very nice.

That being said, there were…other mental health concerns, as per usual, that slowed production. The good news is that I actually managed to get some work done on Lakeside Cougars. Right now, I’d say it’s about 2/3 done. I have to say, it’s grown. It might end up being the longest book I’ve ever written. Honestly, I’m kind of excited. And really hope this series does well. I’ve got a good idea of what’s going to happen across the trilogy, but I’m almost 80,000 words into the story and perhaps halfway to where I thought I was going to be. Slice of life is definitely a lot more freeform than adventure and offers a lot more opportunity to follow narrative side paths that occur to me. And apparently a bit more is occurring to me than I thought.

I have to say, this one feels pretty good to write. But it also is really damn uncertain. There’s a good reason no one has ever written a cougar harem before (besides the one time I tried to do it with Like A Fine Wine) and that reason is because older women do not sell in Haremlit, probably also not in Romance For Men in general. And I am committing to the main cast being women old enough to be the protagonist’s mother. Finding a balance between being true to that while also trying to keep the story appealing to the general audience has been…I’m not sure.

That’s the problem. I have no idea if I’m doing a good job or not. The people on my Patreon seem to like it, at least. But I have to do this. Besides being committed, this is a story I really want to tell, and have for years. If it isn’t obvious by now, I fucking love older women. I love cougars. I have had this love for a long time, but it was definitely solidified after a few…memorable encounters with noticeably older women.

Anyway, let’s have a looksee and what this upcoming month should expect.

  • LAKESIDE COUGARS: I fully intend to get this novel out this month. It will be going up for pre-order, and I would deeply appreciate it if you could pre-order. It’s becoming increasingly obvious to me that Amazon respects books with a high pre-order count more than the alternative, and the health of this novel is really important to me. I mean, the novel and series is, too, but a lesson I learned very painfully is that a series is only as good as its first book.

  • DEAD FREEZE 2: This is finally moving out of pre-production. I can basically guarantee that it will not come out this month, but it should be out in October. This one is less predictable because two of us are involved, but yeah, I’m going to be pushing as hard as I can on this in the background.

That’s it. Not a lot. Unfortunately, the past several months put me behind. I’m playing catchup to the catchup I was already playing when I started this year. Holy fuck, it’s September. 2024 is vanishing at an astonishing rate.

I’m not sure how the rest of the year is going to play out. The biggest conundrum is Our Own Way 5. I was really hoping to get it out this year, but at the same time, I really want to get Dead Freeze wrapped and typically speaking, you should release the first sequel to a new series as quickly as possible. What will probably happen is that I will try to burn through Dead Freeze 2/3 as quickly as possible, as well as Lakeside Cougars 1/2, and once those are out of my hands, I will take on Our Own Way 5. Hopefully this will all be achieved before 2025.