This will be short.
Things are definitely calmer, and my problems have mostly calmed down, (though they haven’t been solved). However, one really big thing that’s happened in all of this is that I finally decided to investigate whether or not I have ADHD and…I do, apparently. Which explains too much about my life and I’m angry that it hasn’t come up before now. I’m not out of the woods yet, but going to try some medication soon. I imagine some people are probably calling bullshit, because how could I write like ninety novels and have ADHD? Well…let’s just say, you all have no idea what I sacrificed to make those ninety novels. Suffice to say, the seas of my life are not yet calm.
But oh wow, if things go the way they’re supposed to, this might solve my problems and I might suddenly be able to start producing novels at a faster and more reasonable pace.
In terms of practical news, this is what I’ve got:
I’ll begin writing Episode 04 in about a week.
I’m trying to get work done for Our Own Way 5 primarily right now, but I am still really struggling about half the time, so it’s been slow going, and that looks to continue.
Life has been very busy on Lara’s end too, so Dead Freeze 3 is taking a bit longer.
That’s it I’m afraid. I’m very much hoping that this month will bring better news.