A Change of Plans


I'm admittedly freaking out a little.

March has not been a particularly good month for sales. The initial boost that seems to come from the Christmas and New Year time period has worn off. I didn't realize how bad it had actually gone until today when I sat down and did some math to figure out what kind of money I was bringing in this month.

Officially, March 2018 has been the worst financial month since I began seeing success in early 2015.

So yeah, that kind of scared me a lot.

This, combined with the fact that my KNEP Reads from February STILL have not been restored and Amazon is still waffling around on the issue, which means I have no real idea how much money I made for February (hint: not enough), has made me reconsider a few things.

One big thing that changed was that starting late December, I stopped regularly updating with new content. Although my episodic erotica has definitely been giving diminishing returns over the course of 2017, it obviously was providing SOME level of reliable income.

So this is what I'm going to do.

I'm going to go ahead with the initial plans I had to write two more episodic series, one in my Paranormal Erotica universe and one in my Post-Apocalyptic universe.

PARASEXUAL and HAVEN. I'm aiming for Parsexual to be four seasons, six episodes per season. Haven will be three seasons, six episodes per season. Same deal as before with Collections & Complete Seasons.

I'll be doing whatever I can to get both my re-releases and new novel-length titles written and out as often as I can.

Here's where I'm at with my various projects.

  • Demoness is basically ready to go. Very soon I'll have the updated version up, as well as the paperback, which will cost 7.99$, since it's not very long. I intend to ask Amazon to send out an e-mail with the option to update your version to the new version if you have already purchased it. The update will include new cover art, a table of contents, updated back matter, and some minor edits and revisions.

  • Demoness II is ready to go as an eBook, and will be ready to go as a paperback very soon after I launch it.

  • I'm waiting to launch Demoness II until I finish up Sex & Survival Season 3. I'm hard at work on it basically right now and I will have Episode 18, Collection #8, & The Complete Third Season launched very soon, within the next few days.

  • Hellcats, the first novel, is ready to go. I'm waiting until April 4th before I take down all the related titles everywhere, and then once they're all gone, I'll publish it as an eBook & paperback.

  • I've released a slightly updated version of Exploration, including a new cover, which features a drawn version of one of the leading ladies, Lynn the xenian. If you've purchased this, you will hopefully also, at some point in the near future, get an e-mail offering an updated version with a new cover, some minor edits, and a table of contents.

That's what I've got cooking for now.

So basically I'll wrap up S&S S3, publish Demoness II and Hellcats, and then immediately launch into the first season of Parasexual, start working on Demoness III and Hellcats 2, and try to get them out before too long.

To wrap this up, I guess I'm going to ask for some help. How can you help me? I'll list a few ways.

  • Sign up for my Patreon. I'll be posting some more stuff there very soon, like the nude version of the covers of Demoness II & Exploration, and when I get it written, the first chapter of Demoness III.

  • Buy me a coffee. Basically, this is just a fancy way of donating some cash to me.

  • If you want a more straightforward and familiar way, you can just send me some cash over Paypal. The e-mail to use is mistyvixen@outlook.com. (To be honest, I feel weird and uncomfortable asking for just straight-up money, but some people have offered in the past, so I figure why not put the option up?)

  • Spread the word. Suggest my work to your friends or maybe in places online, social media or forums relating to written erotica/romance.

  • Leave some reviews on my titles. (Preferably my longer works, like The Misty Vixen Starter Pack or Demoness and Demoness II. Any reviews are appreciated, but the longer titles would receive by far the most benefit.)

That's all I've got for now. If you can help me in any fashion, I would appreciate it so much. My readers and my fans are pretty much my lifeline, and I genuinely appreciate any form of help anyone gives me. I write for you as much as I do me!

Wish me luck. April is going to be a fucking BUSY month.