Preview of Haven (Chapter 1)

Hello, everyone! Haven is actually going really well. The only thing that’s going to keep me from releasing it in a reasonable amount of time is that it’s turning out longer than I thought. I do think I’m getting better at figuring that out, but I think it has a HUGE learning curve, given I’m writing entire novels now.

Anyway, here is the first chapter. If you want to read the first two chapters, you can do so over on my Patreon (if you are a 1$/month Patron), right HERE.

I hope you enjoy!


David was now almost positive that he was completely screwed.

If there was a checklist for being screwed in a world ravaged by an apocalypse scenario, then he supposed he’d check off most of them.

Being alone? Check.

Being under-equipped? Check.

Being in the presence of dangerous, mutant monsters that would gleefully shred his intestines at the first available opportunity? Check.

Being lost? Check.

At least he wasn’t wounded, but it was almost dark, and it was colder than it had been all year so far. His breath was actually foaming on the air, which hadn’t happened until today. It was a terrible sign that winter was very, very close.

Technically speaking, David wasn’t sure he was lost per say, because he wasn’t really sure where he was going. This was new territory, and he’d been desperately trying to find some sign of civilization for the past two days. Presently, he stood in the middle of a clearing, looking at the mostly dead trees surrounding him, beneath a darkening gray sky, straining his ears to hear if anything was around him. That was the problem with these new creatures: they were so effective at murder. He never thought he’d miss the day where the only things he had to deal with were zombies and assholes looking to rob him. Those were practically golden days compared to this.

“Shit,” he whispered as he turned around.

Something definitely shifted among the trees and scrub bushes from back the way he’d come. He had a vague notion of heading east, but that hadn’t gotten him anywhere but woods and more woods so far. David tightened his grip on his pistol. It was all he had left at this point. He’d had to trade his hunting rifle not too long ago to join the caravan heading for safety and shelter, and now they and it were gone.

Whatever the thing was, it was creeping closer.

He took aim, waiting, heart hammering in his chest, blood starting to pound in his ears. He could do this. He’d done it before. How many times had he fought for his life? Shoot something? Shot someone? Too many to count at this point. But growing up in a world that had already been devastated for a few decades before you were even born, well...that tended to be an average life for someone who was still alive at the age of twenty four.

What was it?

He was in the woods, so it was probably a damned stalker. Those things were horrifying. He caught a flicker of movement between two of the trees and cursed softly again, adjusting his aim. The sunlight was fading, already heading into twilight. He shifted anxiously. Something again moved, and then silence. The tension was really starting to get to him. There was definitely something there. What if it was a person? He honestly couldn’t tell if it was getting closer or farther away. Maybe it was a person, and they’d been hiding, and now they were subtly trying to retreat because they didn’t know if he was a monster–

A maddened blur of movement abruptly burst out of hiding, into the clearing, and started coming right for him.

David shouted and opened fire, but he saw a second muzzle flare and heard a second gunshot just barely before his own. His shot went wild, but the second (or, he supposed, first), shot hit the back of the creature’s head and sent it sprawling to the dirt like ragdoll. He exhaled sharply as it skidded across the ground and came to rest almost at his feet. It had indeed been a stalker, a slim, slender horror cast in green and brown, and gray as well, meant to blend into the environment. It had long, sharp claws, like black talons, that glinted dully in the fading twilight.

“You were really lucky I was here.”

He looked up sharply, his mind stuttering to catch up to the situation as he abruptly remembered that someone else was there, and that they were armed. He saw movement among the trees not far from where the stalker had come from. It was a lot more obvious this time. David shifted aim as he waited for whoever it was to come to him.

It could be anyone, with any intention.

“Relax, I’m not looking to shoot or rob you,” the person said.

A woman emerged from the trees and he tensed up. She was human and very attractive, and that made him suspicious. He’d seen very attractive women used as bait to lure in horny wanderers before. There were usually armed and armored assholes somewhere nearby, ready to jump on you the second you got close enough. She didn’t fit. Those women were always dressed very scantily, were always unarmed, and way more...demure.

Nothing about this woman seemed demure.

She had on a leather jacket, reinforced cargo pants, and heavy boots. She had on a large backpack and the handle of probably a snub-nosed shotgun peeked over one shoulder. This woman could probably grab it, aim, and fire accurately in a second. An air of extreme competent hovered around her like a presence.

“Thanks,” he said, lowering his pistol.

“Not a problem, I like helping people out. And you look like you need help,” she replied.

He fought an instinct to respond immediately in the opposite, because there was a culture out there among the wanderers and travelers, and a line like ‘you look like you need help’ was often an insult, meant to cut deeply.

But she didn’t look like she was trying to insult him. On top of that, he did need help. Even if there wasn’t something trying to kill him in this moment, he was still lost and alone, with a frigid night on rapid approach.

“I do,” he admitted.

“Okay. You want to come stay at my campsite?” she offered.

“I would,” he replied, then paused. “You’re really just offering? What do you want in return?”

“Nothing,” the woman answered. “I just like helping people.”

He considered it a moment longer. She seemed pretty genuine. Was this a trap? Was there some angle he just wasn’t seeing? “What’s your name?”

“Cait,” she replied.

He frowned, then nodded and started walking towards her, stepping over the corpse of the stalker. Whatever she might be up to, David had to concede that going with her was not only his best bet of survival right now, but his only one.

“What’s your name?” Cait asked as he joined her and they started walking, leaving the clearing, heading into the dead forest.

“David,” he replied.

“Okay, David. So...what the hell are you doing all the way out here, by yourself? You’re the only person I’ve come across today and I’ve been scouting all day,” Cait asked.

He sighed. “I was with a group. We’ve been traveling for a few weeks now, looking for a place to settle for the winter. We’d heard that there was a settlement in this region and that’s where we were going. Then we got attacked by some stalkers and most of the group died, I got separated...that was a few days ago. I’m pretty sure everyone else is dead.”

“Fuck, that’s horrible. I’m sorry,” Cait said. “Well, the good news is that I can give you a relatively safe place to stay for the night, and I can point you towards a settlement. I’m not sure if it was the one you were looking for, but it is a village, and it’s not too far away from here. Maybe three hours’ or so walk. Most of which is on a road.”

“Wow...thank you. Uh, what are you doing out here?” he asked.

“Exploring, adventuring. It’s what I do. This was one of my farther excursions. I felt like coming out far this way for some reason today. Good thing for you I did. Normally I hang around the area the settlement is built in. There’s a lot around, actually. Some abandoned buildings, some outposts set up, a mountain, a lot of forests, a lake, a river, an island. It’s a cool region, actually.”

“Huh. So in the village, or...”

“No, not really. Sometimes I’ll hit up the inn and stay there for a few nights if I’m feeling lonely or I had a really close call or something. But I’m pretty much a wandering nomad. This region is my home. I’ve been exploring it for about two years now. Generally I just kill monsters, plunder old buildings, and help people,” Cait explained.

“That sounds...interesting,” he said. “And dangerous.”

“Oh it is, but I’d admittedly rather do this than settle down. Ah, there we are, home for the night,” she said.

Her campsite turned out to be a small cabin tucked away in a small clearing. By the time they actually hit the front door, the sunlight was almost totally gone from the night, and it was very cold. The wind was picking up, and it had a bitter chill to it. David eagerly followed her into the cabin and closed the door behind him. He saw there were a few locks on it, and he hit them all. Looking around, he saw the windows had been neatly boarded over. They were all uniform and solid-looking boards, nothing haphazard about it.

Although there was only one main room, (there was also a tiny closet and a very small bathroom), it was surprisingly cozy and neat.

“Is this like...your place?” he asked. “It looks nice.”

“Thank you, but it’s not. Just one of them. One of the many things I do as I roam is find places like this and fix them up,” Cait replied as she moved over to a fireplace. She shrugged out of her pack, crouched down, and began getting a fire going.

He couldn’t help but check out her ass. It was really nice, and looked almost showcased with how the pants pulled up tight against it. She was clearly very fit, but there were some nice curves to her. David made himself focus. She’d brought him here to be nice, not to fuck him. Although man would that be fucking awesome.

“Any particular reason?” he asked as he got out of his pack and set it down on the floor next to the single bed in the room.

“It’s fun. That’s why I got started. I wanted a variety of places I could go. But when the new variants started showing up, I figured it would be more helpful to have secure locations scattered across the world. Both for myself and for unlucky travelers like yourself. I leave a little bit of emergency supplies in each one of them.”

The new variants.

Just the mention of them sent a shiver of dread through him. Although he’d been told that the world used to not be a large ruin where half of humanity had been turned into zombies, and half the survivors mutated in a variety of inhumans, he found it hard to imagine. And often counted himself lucky. He’d been born a couple of decades after the great collapse, so to him, zombies roaming around everywhere was pretty normal.

And then, at some point during this year, the virus that turned some people into zombies, and some people into inhumans, began morphing. Rapidly. Suddenly, the zombies became a lot deadlier, and the inhumans, who were immune to the virus, found that they were now capable of turning into deadly nightmarish monstrosities as well.

Nobody knew why this was happening, nor how, only that it was, and apparently everywhere. Or everywhere he’d heard of at least. While before he’d only had to learn to deal with zombies and thieves, now he had a whole array of horrific beasts to survive.

“Aren’t you worried they’ll get broken into and stolen?” David asked, trying to get his mind off the subject of the variants.

“Yeah, I’m sure it happens sometimes, but it’s not like there’s a huge cache of supplies here or something. And I guess I’d rather help the occasional asshole if it means also helping a lot of good people,” Cait replied.

She got the fire going and stood up. She pulled off a black beanie she was wearing and tossed it onto the mantle above the fireplace, letting her hair down. He saw that she had short red hair, and his attraction to her suddenly spiked.

“What should we do about dinner?” Cait asked as she moved over to the door and checked it out. After she seemed confident it was secure, she began checking the windows.

“I don’t have much on me,” David replied.

“That’s fine. I’ve got some canned beef and some bacon stored here. We can fry some up in a pan. Why don’t you get that started? Everything’s in that cabinet over there,” she suggested, pointing to a little kitchenette area that took up one corner of the room.

He got to it, pulling open the cabinets and tracking down a few cans of beef and some sliced bacon, stored in a plastic container. He found a battered black skillet and an old spatula, and brought it all over to the fire.

“So, tell me about yourself,” Cait said as she finished securing the area, then moved over to join him by the fireplace.

“Not much to tell, honestly. I was born in a little village a long ways northwest. When I was eight the village was destroyed by a fire and my parents were killed. A friend of the family adopted me, and we spent the next decade trying to find a new place to settle, but we never stayed anywhere for more than half a year.”

“Oh my God, I’m sorry,” Cait said. “Why?”

“Something would always go wrong. Bad luck. Sometimes the area was just too dangerous. Sometimes there’d be some kind of natural disaster. There was an earthquake at one point. And then we moved towards the middle of the country, and there were a lot of tornadoes. And then we moved pretty far to the south, but a terrible storm hit one summer and wiped out almost everything. I was pretty lucky to get out of that one alive. There was a lot of flooding. And sometimes there were just no prospects there. The community was too tight-knit, they weren’t interested in helping outsiders,” he explained.

“Not surprising,” Cait muttered. “’d you end up here?”

“Well, after wandering from settlement to settlement for so long, I kind of got used to it. I don’t know if I’d say that I prefer it, but it just became my default setting. So I’ve just been, you know, wandering around,” he replied with a shrug. A few seconds passed. “Wow, that got like...kind of dark really fast. Sorry.”

“Why? I’m not,” Cait replied. “I mean, okay, that came off wrong. I’m sorry about the shitty parts, definitely. But...I don’t care that we just met and the conversation took a dark turn. I enjoy these kinds of conversation.”




“They’re...real.” She paused, frowning and staring into the fire. David took the opportunity to tend to the meal. “People value different things,” she said finally. “I mean, there’s the obvious stuff: food, water, warmth, shelter. But then there’s the deeper stuff. People put their time and effort towards other things. Some people like to collect things. Some people like to hunt things. Some people like to help other people. I certainly value helping other people, but one of the things I love experiencing, I love cultivating, are real moments of connection. And that’s hard to find, honestly. People are so...guarded. But this conversation feels real,” she explained.

“That makes sense, I think,” David replied, considering her words. He kept tending to the meat, making sure it didn’t get burned. He did understand what she was saying, and he did know about the connection that could be made between two people. The older people he’d come across still sometimes had curious ideas about how long it should take to form a friendship, or relationship, or to have sex, but David had never understood that. In a world where you might get your head blown off or your guts ripped out on any given day…

Why wouldn’t you try to find pleasure and happiness wherever you could?

And he also knew what she was talking about, how rare it was to find real connections. He’d made fewer of them than he would care to admit, but he knew that relationships were on a spectrum, and he’d gotten at least semi-decent at figuring out where whoever it was he was talking to had landed. A lot of people were guarded, or were only interested in nothing more than polite and shallow conversation, which he supposed was fair enough. You couldn’t go around spilling your guts to whoever happened to cross your path. There were some friendships that developed naturally over time, but with the lifestyle he had, one where he now tended to stay at a place no longer than a month, or if it was wintertime, three months or so, that wasn’t very feasible. And there was something about Cait, something he’d noticed right away.

“ your mind, does this feel like a genuine, rare connection?” he asked.

“It does,” she replied, and smiled at him. “I like you. I like this conversation.”

He felt another pulse of desire hit him hard in his lower stomach, but ignored it for the moment. “I like you, too,” he replied.

“Good! A lot of people don’t,” she said.

“Wait, really?”

“Yeah. I’m too independent, too headstrong, and...admittedly a little too rash in my decision-making. It’s why I largely travel and work alone. I made peace with the fact that I’m kind of impulsive and like to do dangerous things, but I couldn’t make peace with the fact that I might be putting other people in danger. I have no problem risking my life, I couldn’t tolerate risking other people’s lives,” she replied.

“So you never work with anyone? I mean, what if people are willing to also risk their lives on whatever it is your doing?”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I work with people. I just meant as a general rule. Sometimes I need help and what I’m doing is too important to fuck up, so I ask for help...I think our dinner might be done,” she said.

He returned his attention to the meat and the bacon, cooking in the skillet besides the fire. It did look done. She got up and moved back over to the kitchen, then returned with a plate. He took out the meat and heaped it onto the plate, then set it down for it to cool. While they waited, the pair each pulled out a canteen of water, then settled in for dinner. For a little while, neither of them spoke, eating the meat after it had cooled down.

“Thank you for this, really. You saved my life,” David said.

“I know,” Cait replied, then grinned at him. “And you’re welcome.” As she ate the last of her meal, she shifted her foot closer to him, until it was resting against his own foot. It felt strangely deliberate. He looked up at her, and she stared back at him with intense blue eyes. He felt a pulse of excitement shoot through him, but felt it hesitated uncertainly. He had to be misinterpreting this. She was a lot more attractive than he was, and she had to have like a decade on him. There was no way she’d be interested in him.

“So...” she said slowly.

“” he replied uncertainly.

She laughed. “Um...anything you particular feel like doing?”

“I mean...maybe?” he replied, more uncertain than ever. She was still looking at him suggestively, and her tone of voice was even more suggestive, but he still could be misreading this, and he didn’t want to offend her or look like an idiot. Or have her laugh at him for the mere idea of her wanting to have sex with him.

“Anything, like, specific you want do tonight? It’s just going to be the two of us here, alone this cabin...with the one bed...”

“Okay, are you like leading me somewhere with this?” he asked suddenly, at one both frustrated and unable to stand the mounting curiosity of if she actually wanted to fuck him.

“Duh!” she cried, then laughed. “Sex, David! I want to have sex!”

“With me?” he asked.

She burst out laughing. “Well no shit! There’s no one else here! I mean, if you’re not interested, please tell me, but if you are, which I think you are, because I’ve seen your wandering eyes–not that I mind–but if you are interested, then speak up! Say so!”

“I’m interested. I really want to fuck you,” he replied, the words tumbling out of him.

“Was that so hard?” she asked.

“I mean, kinda, yeah. Why didn’t you just ask from the start?”

She sighed. “I dunno, people tell me I’m too...pushy. Too forward. And I love having sex, and I meet people. Some of them ask me, but some of them don’t. And once it was pointed out to me that some of the guys I was fucking who might not be into it I might be kind of just pushing into sex. And so I try to let guys, or girls, ask me first.”

“Who wouldn’t be into you?” he replied.

“Gay dudes, bisexuals who just aren’t into ladies right now, inhumans who get turned off by humans?”

“You fuck inhumans?” he asked.

“Yes. I do,” she said very matter-of-factly. “Is that going to be a problem?”

“No! No, not at all. I was just...surprised. People don’t really admit to that, you know?”

“Oh...” she smirked suddenly. “Have you been sticking your cock in some inhuman ladies, you naughty boy?”

“I mean...twice, yeah. I haven’t had a lot of opportunity admittedly,” he replied. “Why is it I tentatively question whether or not you’ve fucked inhumans and you get super defensive, but I admit to it and suddenly I’m a ‘naughty boy’?”

“I’m just teasing you, David. Really, it’s nice to meet a fellow sexual liberal who admits they want to or have fucked inhumans. So...who’d you fuck?”

“You really want to know?” he asked.

“Yeah! I mean, we’re about to have sex, this is arousing conversation. Although wait, hold that thought. I want to wash up first,” she replied.

“ got enough spare water?”

She leaned forward suddenly, felt along the floorboards, and suddenly pried up a collection of them, revealing a little space beneath. In it was a small wooden box, and beneath that was a bucket. She pulled both out. Opening the box, she pulled out two bars of soap and two washcloths. The bucket was full of water.

“Wow,” he said.

“Yep. Nice, huh? The heat from the fireplace gets into that little niche and warms the water. Or thaws it, if it’s frozen. I try to replace it whenever I can. There’s a little stream nearby that makes it easy. Now strip, and wash. I prefer my fuck friends clean before I filthy them up,” she said.

“Okay,” he replied, and began stripping down.

He felt almost electrified with lust right now. How long had it been since he’d had sex? Six months? Yes...about six or seven months. Way, way too long. And it wasn’t like it was exactly packed before that, either.

David’s eyes became wholly focused on Cait as she started stripping. She was easily the most physically attractive woman he had ever hooked up with, which only became more apparent as she lost her clothing. Once her bra, which was little more than a very tight, smaller shirt, came off and freed her pale, good-sized breasts, he felt a new wave of intense desire and almost desperate need wash over him and rush through him.

When her panties came off her and he saw the pleasant thickness to her very firm hips and thighs, and beautiful pussy, it only got worse.

“So, come on, spill it. Who and when and why?” she asked as she crouched by the bucket, dunked the soap and cloth in it, and began washing herself.

“Yes, right,” he said, and pushed past the roadblock he encountered when it came time to take off his boxers. Being that he traveled around a lot and at least tried to stick to a decent regimen of working out, David was actually in pretty good shape. He was mostly made of lean muscle and his physique was at least somewhat visible. And he’d been naked in front of women before. It tended to happen when sex was imminent.

But he still felt that intense twinge of discomfort when revealing his dick. How did Cait peel off her own underwear with such apparent ease? Maybe it just came with age and experience. Once he was naked, he joined her in washing.

“I lost my virginity to a rep girl,” he said.

“Ooh, really? Very nice,” she replied.


“Yeah! I mean losing your virginity is...okay, it can be nice. But losing it to an inhuman...well, tell me how it was.”

“It was good. It was really good. I met her awhile ago, at one of the villages were staying at. I was seventeen. We both were. Unfortunately, the village got attacked the next day and we got split up and I just...never saw her again.”

“That’s awful! I’m sorry,” Cait said.

“Yeah. But the only other time I had sex with an inhuman was the last time I got laid, about six months ago. I was passing through a village, I had some spare ammo on me, so I hired a jag prostitute and we...had a great night.”

“Oh give me a break, ‘had a great night’, come on, give me more than that,” Cait said.

“Well...she had an amazing ass. We fucked in missionary at first...and then we switched to doggystyle, and I finished in her pussy...then she let me fuck in the ass. It felt amazing. She also had access to her own tub. We fucked in the morning in that tub, and then I didn’t get a chance to see her again,” he replied.

“Why not? She sounds great.”

“I was going to, but then the town got attacked by a pack of zombies and stalkers...”

Cait sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I get that. That’s happening way too much nowadays.” She shook her head. “But I don’t want to get into that. Tonight, I want to have fun, happy sex.”

“Speaking of don’t have any protection. I don’t think I can reproduce, but I’m also not sure...”

“Oh, it’s fine. I don’t think I can reproduce either, and this wonderful virus that mutated so many of us into monsters also pretty much wiped out STDs, which I used to say was a side effect that was worth it, but not any longer...anyway, point is: I want bareback sex. And don’t you dare pull out. Even if I do get pregnant, I wouldn’t care too much. I kind of want a kid.”

“, okay.”

She grinned at him. “Does that turn you on?” she asked. “You thinking about getting me pregnant?”

“I mean...yeah, kinda?” he admitted, laughing nervously.

“Oh don’t give me that, I can see your eyes. More than kinda...well, let’s make this romantic. And let’s...let’s pretend you’re trying to get me pregnant.”

Fuck, he didn’t think he could actually get hornier than he currently was, but, well here it was. He felt an all new pulse of mad sexual energy shoot through him and his erection begin to throb. He swallowed. “I would like that.”

She grinned, looking very sultry suddenly. “I would like that too, David,” she said softly. “Finish up washing. Hurry now.”

He nodded and finished up. She moved back over the niche and reached down into it, pulling out a pair of towels. She tossed him one and he caught it, then quickly began drying off. He actually couldn’t remember ever being this horny before. Goddamn he wanted her. He couldn’t stop looking at her body. She had so much beautiful, pale skin, with the occasional scar. Cait was clearly in good shape, but she also clearly enjoyed good meals. She had a very nice amount of padding to her body. She did seem like she’d be really good at hunting, which was still probably the best way to get meals. He looked down at her pussy again. The hair around it was short and red. He loved redheaded women so fucking much.

“Okay, enough drying,” she said, tossing the towel on the floor in front of the fireplace.

He agreed and did the same. They raced over to the bed. As they practically dove into it, she immediately began kissing him, pressing her luscious, hot lips against his own. He groaned at her touch, at her embrace, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her to him. He loved the feel of her. She let out her own moan of satisfaction as they locked lips and began to share saliva. As she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue into his mouth, he tasted her, her natural taste, and it was good. A little sweet, kind of strong.

Her tongue sought his, and soon they were twining and twisting together, wrapping around each other as they passionately made out. David let go of her and put a hand in between them, then began groping one of her big, firm, pale breasts. She felt amazing. Every aspect of her was wondrous and he loved how immediately intimate she was with him. In a way, it felt like they had been lovers before. Her comfort and familiarity with him was welcome. But it also had that gleeful sexual rush of being with a brand new partner.

After a moment, she broke the kiss and looked at him with wild eyes. “Let’s sixty-nine. I want to be on top,” she said.

“Okay,” he replied.

“Thanks!” She kissed him briefly, then shifted around. David laid flat on his back and she straddled his face, settling her pussy over his mouth, and then lowered herself. He stuck his tongue out, seeking her clit, and shivered with excitement as he felt her breath hot against his throbbing erection. He groaned softly as he felt a comforting warmth envelop his balls. She grasped them in her palm and gently began to massage that.

“Oh, you like that, hmm?”

“Hmm-hmm,” he replied, and then she cried out as he found her clit and began to tongue it with slow, sure licks.

“Yes...fuck,” she moaned. “I like that.”

Then he groaned as a fresh wave pleasure hit him when she began to drag her tongue slowly, languorously across the head of his dick. That sent sparks of ecstasy into him, and he was remembering exactly how long it had been since he’d been pleasured by a woman now that he was being forcefully reminded of just how fucking good it felt. And that was way too long. David didn’t exactly consider himself obsessed with sex, but...fuck, sometimes he thought that it alone made life worth living. He just wished he had better luck with it.

Well, he was getting really goddamned lucky right now, at least.

“Mmm...fuck!” he groaned as she took his dick into her mouth and began to bob her head. He heard her muffled laugh as she sucked him off.

She was good at it.

Her lips felt amazing. He kept licking her pussy, wanting to pleasure her just as much as she was pleasuring him, and from the sounds she was making and the way she was twitching occasionally, he thought he was doing at least a half-decent job.

After another minute or so, she stopped sucking his dick abruptly. “I need to fuck,” she said, “I can’t wait any longer.”

“Okay,” he replied.

Honestly, he was about there himself. As much as he loved head, he wanted to be inside of her vagina, wanted to feel the unfiltered, raw, impossible pleasure of bareback sex. Because from what he remembered, it was just the absolute best.

She got off of him and he got up. Taking his place, she spread her legs, smiling at him. “Make me pregnant, David,” she said, and he felt a fresh surge of desire and desperate, almost painful, need pulse through him at that.

He had no fucking clue why that was turning him on so much, but fuck if it wasn’t working as a perfect aphrodisiac!

David hastily laid down on top of her, eagerly laying his pulsating cock at the entrance of her bare, hot, wet pussy, and then he slipped it inside of her. She moaned very loudly, spreading her legs wider. “Oh yes, David!” she cried.

“Shh! Not too loud,” he whispered as he pushed his way into her.

“Sorry, hard to help it. You’ve got such a big dick,” she moaned.

Wow, she was being nice to him. In a way, it almost made him a little suspicious. Women typically only stoked his ego when they were trying to trick him into something, but he still didn’t get any of those feelings from her, and right now, he was way too drunk on lust to think straight. Plus, honestly, he’d met women before who just liked being nice.

Fuck. Her pussy.

Her fucking pussy was the best thing in the entire fucking world.

He moaned loudly as he started having sex with her, sliding slowly in and out of her. The pleasure burned into him slowly, and he could feel his dick throbbing in response to the stimulation, to be inside of her fantastically tight pussy.

“Yes...” she moaned, staring up at him, her face twisting in pleasure. “Fuck, you feel so good.”

“You feel beyond incredible,” he gasped, going faster and harder.

“Make me pregnant,” she whispered. “Make me pregnant, David. Make me a mother.”

“Oh fuck! You’ve gotta stop with that shit, I’m gonna pop if you keep it up! Your pussy already feels insane,” he managed, and he stopped.

“Don’t you fucking dare stop fucking my pussy!” she yelled up at him, then reached down, grabbed his ass and forced his cock deeper into her.

“Fuck!” he moaned and found that his will was too weak. He really started pounding her pussy, grunting and groaning as he drove into her, making the bed shake.

“That’s it! Yes!”

“Fucking take it!” he yelled at her. “I’m gonna fucking knock you up, Cait!”

“Oh God, David, fill me!” she moaned. “Fill me with your fucking seed! Come on! I want you to make me pregnant!”

He let out an inarticulate sound as he started to orgasm. He absolutely did not want to, and he absolutely wanted to at the same time. David so desperately wanted the sex to go on longer, but his desire to pump that sweet, perfect pussy of hers full of his seed became overwhelming, and the pleasure alone was just way, way too much for him. In a way, he was genuinely surprised that he’d lasted as long as he had.

The orgasm felt like a thunderclap, like being struck by lightning.

It felt like a goddamned seismic event.

An explosion of pure, uncut rapture began in his core and burst outward. And then it did so again, and again, as his cock jerked violently inside of her vagina. And it only got more powerful as he realized that she was coming along with him. She moaned loudly and he felt her vaginal muscles clenching around his orgasming dick, massaging it, and she was getting even hotter and wetter, her body moving against his as they climaxed together.

It felt like one of the most powerful orgasms of his life.

When it was over, he regretted that it hadn’t lasted longer, although he had no idea how long it had lasted. Telling time had been beyond him. He collapsed against her, gasping for breath, resting his head on the pillow beside hers.

“Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck...” he gasped, his whole body aching from all the running and other physical activity he’d done over the past week or so being strained by the intensity of that orgasm. It felt like a goddamned full-body one.

“You gonna make it?” Cait asked.

“Fuck me...” he groaned.

She laughed. “Again? If you insist...”

“No, wait, please,” he moaned, then winced as he carefully extracted his insanely sensitive cock from her pussy. “Oh my fuck, that was just...that was some of the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. I’m sorry I didn’t last longer, but you wouldn’t stop!”

“I’m satisfied with the experience,” she replied as she got up off the bed. “We both orgasmed and it felt really good.”

“That it did,” he murmured, falling onto his back, staring at the old, time-worm ceiling of the little cabin, which was spinning slightly. “Fuck.”

“I need to double-check that we didn’t get any unwanted company from my noisy display,” she said. “Stay here.”

She took a moment to wash her pussy with one of the rags, then she came back over to the bed, reached under it, and pulled out a robe. “That yours?”

“Yeah, I keep it here. I don’t want to pull all my goddamned clothes back on just for popping outside for a minute. Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”

She kissed him, then pulled on her boots, grabbed her pistol, and slipped outside. He sat up, waiting, listening. A moment later, the door opened and she came back inside. “Like I thought, I didn’t see anything.”

Cait rechecked the door and windows once more, then stripped back down, tended to the fire, and then climbed back into bed with him.

“Also, as to your finishing too early concerns, you know we can have sex again, right? And I’m really going to want to. In case you haven’t picked up on it, I’m a horny woman.”

“I’ll need a minute,” he replied.

“That’s fine,” she said, and began kissing him again.