Pulling Out of the Kindle Unlimited

Hey everyone, another update here with regards to my library of work.

In you aren't caught up yet, please read this blog post to learn how I've been fucked over for no real reason by Amazon. (I'm still pissed.)

So, last night I sat down and set aside about an hour and a half to go through ALL of my roughly 200 titles that are currently enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited and pull them out. In addition to this, I am going to be going through and unpublishing all of my individual episodes, and all of the mini-collections. Basically, all that will be left will be my stand-alone novellas, the Misty Vixen Starter Pack, the freebies, my newer novels, and the Complete Seasons and Trilogies.

Why am I doing this? Well, that blog post will explain it, but I'll go into some detail here.

Basically, because I was threatened and punished by Amazon for the actions of someone else that I have literally no control over, I need to protect myself. All of this had to do with the page reads through the Kindle Unlimited. Literally all of it. So obviously, the solution is: Pull out of the KU.

No Kindle Unlimited. No threat.

Unfortunately, with how the KU works, you can't just pull out. The best you can do is go in to each of your titles and uncheck the box that tells Amazon to auto-renew when your current subscription to the KU runs out.

How the KU works from the author's side of things is that you agree to enroll for a 90 day block. There's basically no way out once it's begun. You do get a brief window of time to exit out of it, a few days, but once you're locked in, you are really locked in. So you just have to wait it out.

In order to further mitigate the threat to me, I've decided to go ahead and just take down those episodes, so that they simply aren't available for purchase.

I'd like to say that, if you wait long enough, all of these series are going to be re-released as novels with better cover art and formatting, and for cheaper, so ultimately, this shouldn't affect you too much as the reader.

Well...except for the fact that you will no longer be able to read my titles through the KU. Honestly, I didn't want to do this. I loved being in the KU. It made things simple, and it gave a lot of people easy access to my work. And clearly it was working. A garnered a SHITLOAD of attention through April and the first half of May.

So, sorry everyone. I'm still trying to reach out to Amazon and see if I can maybe get a straight answer of: How can I possibly protect myself from this situation?

I'll let you know what they have to say. If anything at all.