The Misty Vixen Newsletter | July 2024

Okay, I’m back!

I feel a bit less insane now that I had my break. Time for updates!


Those are the bullet points.

Some things happened in June. Got my laptop fixed. Cleaned my house. Got checked out by my doctor and learned that my health problems are very likely stress-related, which is a mixed bag result. I’m still having some problems, but they sure calmed down a lot. I’m hoping that as I get back into a saner rhythm, they’ll disappear completely.

I did actually write a little bit while I was ‘on vacation’. I had the notion of writing basically a short story of an encounter between a guy and a somewhat older woman in a contemporary setting and releasing it for free as a mono-romance short. I got through most of it but ended up not finishing it because I ultimately figured no one would actually be interested in it, so now it’s just kinda sitting on my harddrive.

Right now, with Beneath the Ashes wrapped up, the current plan is to hit Goblin Girls III hard until it’s done, while working on Lakeside Cougars in the background. Once Goblin Girls is finished, Lakeside Cougars is the one that’s going to get hit hard until it’s finished. In the farther background, I’m beginning what could be called pre-production on Dead Freeze 2 with Lara.

The plan beyond that?

Now that I’ve had a little time to sort of reorganize my thoughts, this is what I’ve got:

  • The plan largely depends on how Lakeside Cougars does. If it does like really well, I might have to rearrange some things. But I genuinely don’t see that happening. Well, probably. The problem is this book is something of a wildcard. I’m definitely going against the grain by writing something specifically about cougars and only cougars. That being said, the only thing that changes is how many novels it’ll get and how furiously I’ll work on it. Regardless, once Goblin Girls is done, it’ll take front and center, and what will likely happen is I’ll make it my primary focus until the trilogy is done.

  • Dead Freeze is something I’ll be working on in the background until it’s done as well. Got it slotted for a trilogy and, if all goes according to plan, all three novels will be out in 2024. That being said, do not hold me to that, because individually, both Lara and I are rather unpredictable, and that only gets worse if we’re together.

  • Our Own Way will be mostly what takes up the rest of my time. I have a minimum of two more novels planned. I’ll need to see how I feel and where I’m at, narratively speaking, at the end of Our Own Way 5 to see if there needs to be another beyond 6. That being said, I do intend to get a couple of bonus shorts written and up to my Patreon at some point over the next few months.

  • After all that? Well, once Lakeside Cougars and Dead Freeze are both safely written and squared away, and at least one more Our Own Way novel has been written in 2024, I intend to sit down and go hard with Shelter From the Storm. I have definitely learned my lesson: don’t start side projects with the intent to come back and work on them piecemeal. That…does not work for me. Unfortunately, as I’ve mentioned earlier, enough time has passed that I can’t just pick back up the story. I need to actually sit down, read over what I’ve written, flesh out my plans a little more, and then start tackling it regularly. So the good news there is that I definitely do not want to abandon this story, I want to keep it going, even if it’s going to be the riskiest thing I’ve ever written, given how depressing it is.

I had hoped to tackle more before 2025, but it’s looking like that just isn’t going to happen.

Oh well, on to Goblin Girls.