New Release Schedule

So, I've revised my release schedule again. Hopefully for the LAST time, at least when it comes to very large revisions.

The past few days have told me something and provided ample proof to a theory I had been tentatively fostering for a long time: If I write and release longer titles, they will sell better.

And that has happened.

Now, this isn't necessarily life-changing money. I haven't won the lottery or anything. But, well, if things keep going the way they are now, I can at least stop bitching about bills.

So what's different?

Well, basically, for the rest of the year, I plan on having three tiers of releases.

TIER ONE: Old school re-releases. This began with Hellcats, which is now a #1 Bestseller, so apparently there is still a market out there for my older content. I will be re-releasing an older collection twice a month. On the 1st, and on the 15th. And whenever one gets wrapped up, I'll be releasing a Complete Trilogy or a Complete Collection, with some extra content in there, for 9.99$ in eBook format, and 14.99$ in paperback. The Complete Trilogy/Collection will come out two days following the release of the final title in that particular trilogy/series. Example: Hellcats 3 will launch on May 15, so Hellcats - The Complete Trilogy will launch on May 17.

TIER TWO: Parasexual & Haven. These two get their own particular tier because I don't want to cop out on content I've already promised. I was going to release these as episodic short stories, but with how well Demoness and Hellcats are suddenly doing, it's made me reconsider. So I'm just going to release them as novels! Right now, I plan on Parasexual being a four-novel series, and Haven being a trilogy. But if they prove popular enough and if there's enough demand for it, that could extend. I plan on releasing one of these per month, starting with Parasexual on June 10, then Haven on July 10, and so on and so forth.

TIER THREE: My longer novels. Primarily the DEMONESS series right now, since people seemed to react well to it. Due to the nature of writing the longer form stuff, by which I mean Demoness II got away from me and took longer than I thought it would, I can't nail down a completely accurate timetable, but I am going to shoot for a new novel every two months. As it stands right now, I've got pretty solid ideas for DEMONESS III, IV, & V, with a whole world of possibilities after Part V, so I think I'll end it there temporarily and move on to something else. I honestly want to get to Wild Discovery, cause I also really like writing Sci-Fi Erotica, but if Women of the Wild proves to be really popular, I might take some time and pen a few more of those.

I'm going to be fucking busy.

Eventually Tier One will run out, since it has a hard limit: Sex & Survival. That's the last of the titles to be re-released. At my current rate of two titles per month, Sex & Survival 3 should go up sometime in Mid-2019. So...quite a ways off!

Now, Tier Two should theoretically run out by the end of 2018, but there's a few possibilities of extending it. As I mentioned before, Parasexual or Haven might get a few extra sequels if the people really want it, since the way I tell stories is kind of flexible. There's also the possibility of continuing some of my series that I've already considered wrapped up, as not all of them necessarily came to an end. I pretty much leave all my stories open-ended, because of the way I write, but with several of them, I feel like I've said enough. Wanderlust, for example. I can't imagine continuing that with where it ended. Same with Hellcats. It has a pretty solid ending, I think. But some of the others, maybe not so much. I mean, if I got a good enough idea, I could do another Desire. And there's definitely more that could be done with Sex & Survival. I mainly brought that to an end because no one seemed interested in it anymore, but who knows?

Eventually, Tiers One and Two will run out, and will leave me open for nothing but Tier Three. When this happens, I hope to be able to basically just funnel all my time and efforts into writing longer erotica titles, one at a time, and faster. It's my eventual goal to be able to get about one novel out per month. 

So...yeah. Get ready for more longer erotica!

Demoness II Release & Other Updates

First and foremost, Demoness II is finally freaking out!

You can purchase it as an eBook for 4.99$ HERE.

You can also purchase it as a paperback for 9.99$ HERE.

It feels good to finally get this book out! It's just over TWICE the length of the original Demoness. As for what it's about, well, here's the synopsis: 

John Greenfield's life has changed forever.

After finding a wounded, unconscious demoness while out hunting one morning, he saved her life and learned much about her. Her name is Yelena and she is from another realm of existence. As they got to know each other, something that first grew out of intense passion and lust has transformed into something more: a powerful and deepening love.

Now, both have decided to cast off their former lives in search of a life together. But this will be difficult. As a demoness, Yelena is hated and reviled without thought by most of the people who occupy the land, and John along with her as a demon-lover. If they're going to do this, they will need something special, unique, and very rare: an amulet that will hide Yelena's true nature from the local populace.

But in order to get this, they will have to travel into the Emerald Wild, the most dangerous forest in the land, in order to earn enough coin to purchase such an artifact. The time has come to explore the untamed wilderness and each other...

CONTENT WARNING: This title contains adult situations, sex scenes, an interracial and open relationship, and a lot of hot human on inhuman action. You have been warned.

So have at it!

Also, the paperback version of Demoness is out now! It's 7.99$. You can get it HERE.

Now, the time has come to get to updates. There are a LOT of them. I've covered some of this in previous updates, but not everything. Basically, a LOT is going on right now in terms of what I'm planning on doing with my writing and ideas keep coming to me and getting reorganized and that's why there's so many update blog posts. I'm trying to kind of keep it all organized in my head and for the fans.

So with that, here we go!

Now, because I kind of ramble a bit, I'm going to post a straightforward, bullet-point list here now. If you like having more information, keep reading below that.

  • I am updating almost ALL of my titles with new cover art that I designed and better formatting.

  • This is resulting and will result in free titles not being free for a little while.

  • I will be re-releasing Hellcats, Wanderlust, Alien Harem, and The Royal Trilogy (retitled Royal Lust) as novels. This will take some time, as I need to do some rewriting and brand new writing in some cases. These will be getting brand new covers featuring some hand-drawn art!

  • I also intend to, eventually, replace almost all of my cover art with covers featuring hand-drawn characters.

  • I'm going to try and get Amazon to push out an e-mail to allow people to get updated versions of some of my titles. (Demoness, My Undead Lover, Exploration, Misty Vixen Starter Pack.)

  • I'm going to update my website and my blogger, especially my blogger, as I figure I should probably keep it around for awhile longer.

  • Hellcats will be out April 11th!

  • I've decided to finally release Women of the Wild #1, since it's done and I'm just sitting on it. First chapter will be up on Patreon very soon and it is slated for release April 18th in eBook, Kindle Unlimited, and paperback!

  • Nude versions of Demoness II, Exploration, and Hellcats will be coming to Patreon soon, with more to follow in the future.

  • I will be turning Exploration and My Undead Lover into trilogies. These will be non-exclusive and will be available through Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, etc.

  • Starting sometime this month, I will begin posting PARASEXUAL, and once that first season is wrapped up, I'll begin writing HAVEN. And then bounce back and forth, releasing an episode roughly every four days.

  • A few round-up random things: I'm going to be taking down the Quickies in June, making Large & Lovely free, I'm going to be posting most of the stories in Quickies to the site as free shorts for the fans, and try to write a few new ones. I'm debating about whether or not to publish these for the fans shorts or just leave them on the site as basic freebies. I'm also going to try and find some time to start doing some fan fiction. It's either going to be Mass Effect or Dragon Age, based on the poll. Not sure yet.

Now for some expanded intel.

Right now, I'm in the process of updating almost all of my older titles with new cover art, all of which is designed by me, (for better or for worse...), new formatting, and updated back matter. (Basically just the links to my other books and social media in the back.) This is taking like...a long time. I'm trying to power through it. So that's what's happening right now.

Small Side Note: As a result of updating older titles, stories that are supposed to be free are kicked back to costing money. It should be a simple process of getting them back to being free.

Once that's wrapped up, my next big kind of background project will be converting Hellcats, Wanderlust, Alien Harem, and The Royal Trilogy (retitled to Royal Lust), into novels. Hellcats and Alien Harem will be trilogies, although they will end at the same place as they have before, there will be a fair amount of new content in both of these. The same can be said for Wanderlust, which will have four novels. Royal Lust will basically be the same, so if you don't feel like buying it, you won't be missing out on anything. As soon as all those are up, I'm going to take a break before moving on to future titles.

I'm in the process of getting some characters from the older works drawn (clothed for the covers and nude for fun extras!) to serve as cover art for the re-releases.

Some of my titles that I'm updating will, hopefully, be given the option to re-download updated versions of them. I have to ask Amazon to do this. Basically, if they say yes, they'll send out an e-mail to everyone who owns the book and you'll get the new version. New versions will include any edits I've made since initial publication, a brand new cover, updated formatting, and a table of contents! These titles will include: Exploration, My Undead Lover, The Misty Vixen Starter Pack, & Demoness.

I've decided to keep my blogspot around and I'm going to TRY to give it a makeover. I want drop-down menus! Unfortunately, they don't have a built-in way to do this, so I'll need to fuck around with HTML to try and make it work. We'll see how this comes out. But I'm also going to do a bit of reorganizing on this site here because I had a few new ideas.

Hellcats is ready to go. I'm going to release it April 11th as an eBook, in the Kindle Unlimited, and as paperback! The eBook will be 2.99$, the paperback 9.99$.

Some of you may know that I finished writing a novel last year. It is the first in a long-running series that's almost like a novel series re-imagining of Wanderlust. It's called Women of the Wild. It features a dryad as the main female lead. Since it's written, edited, and basically ready to go, I suddenly kind of realized that I need to stop worrying so much about releasing stuff in order. So I'm just going to release it! It's coming out on April 18th as an eBook for 3.99$, also available on the Kindle Unlimited, and as a paperback for 9.99$.

I'm finally going to be updating my Patreon with actual content! The first chapter of Women of the Wild will be coming very soon and nude versions of the covers of Demoness II, Hellcats, and Exploration will be coming soon! I'm hoping to make this more regular. The nude pics will then come out one month after they are released on Patreon.

I'm going to be writing sequels to Exploration and My Undead Lover, turning them into trilogies. They'll all be available on Smashwords, Barnes & Nobles, Kobo, etc. There will also be a Complete Trilogy collection with a bonus short.

While all this is going on, my primary focus will be producing two brand new episodic series. The first, PARASEXUAL, is set in the Paranormal Erotica universe. I'm aiming for it to be four seasons. The second, HAVEN, is set in the Post Apocalyptic Erotica universe, and will be three seasons.

Quickies are coming down in June. I'm going to be posting most of the stories in it here to the website as basic freebies. I'm still debating as to whether or not I will be publishing any what I call 'for the fans' to the Kindle or Smashwords or anywhere beyond the website for a few reasons: they have some required reading to be fully enjoyed since they feature already established characters and rely on already established lore, and I'm also not too sure how interested people actually are in reading them, and writing/editing/formatting free shorts does take time away from writing other more official stuff. The final reason is that, for some reason, writing these shorts is actually hard for some reason, and not in any kind of good way. For whatever reason, the shorter the form, the harder it seems to get. Despite all this, I will be trying to get some more for the fans free shorts out featuring other characters.

I'm also kicking around a few ideas for other free shorts that can serve as entry points into my shared universes. I got a potentially good one just recently that takes place on Desire, so who knows? Maybe other cool ideas will show up.

Going to try and start getting to work on an erotic fan fiction soon. It's going to be either Mass Effect or Dragon Age, based off of the poll, which had them tied. Not sure which one it will be yet, but I've got at least a rough idea of what I want the stories to be for both of them.

And the last thing I can think of is that at some point, whenever I get a new cover drawn for Large & Lovely, I'm going to make it free.

So...yeah. A shitload of stuff going on behind the scenes right now!

I wanted to thank everyone who reads and reviews and shares and comments, basically everyone who is a fan and helps in any way. I really appreciate it! You all are a big help.

Be on the lookout for more updates and releases!

A Change of Plans


I'm admittedly freaking out a little.

March has not been a particularly good month for sales. The initial boost that seems to come from the Christmas and New Year time period has worn off. I didn't realize how bad it had actually gone until today when I sat down and did some math to figure out what kind of money I was bringing in this month.

Officially, March 2018 has been the worst financial month since I began seeing success in early 2015.

So yeah, that kind of scared me a lot.

This, combined with the fact that my KNEP Reads from February STILL have not been restored and Amazon is still waffling around on the issue, which means I have no real idea how much money I made for February (hint: not enough), has made me reconsider a few things.

One big thing that changed was that starting late December, I stopped regularly updating with new content. Although my episodic erotica has definitely been giving diminishing returns over the course of 2017, it obviously was providing SOME level of reliable income.

So this is what I'm going to do.

I'm going to go ahead with the initial plans I had to write two more episodic series, one in my Paranormal Erotica universe and one in my Post-Apocalyptic universe.

PARASEXUAL and HAVEN. I'm aiming for Parsexual to be four seasons, six episodes per season. Haven will be three seasons, six episodes per season. Same deal as before with Collections & Complete Seasons.

I'll be doing whatever I can to get both my re-releases and new novel-length titles written and out as often as I can.

Here's where I'm at with my various projects.

  • Demoness is basically ready to go. Very soon I'll have the updated version up, as well as the paperback, which will cost 7.99$, since it's not very long. I intend to ask Amazon to send out an e-mail with the option to update your version to the new version if you have already purchased it. The update will include new cover art, a table of contents, updated back matter, and some minor edits and revisions.

  • Demoness II is ready to go as an eBook, and will be ready to go as a paperback very soon after I launch it.

  • I'm waiting to launch Demoness II until I finish up Sex & Survival Season 3. I'm hard at work on it basically right now and I will have Episode 18, Collection #8, & The Complete Third Season launched very soon, within the next few days.

  • Hellcats, the first novel, is ready to go. I'm waiting until April 4th before I take down all the related titles everywhere, and then once they're all gone, I'll publish it as an eBook & paperback.

  • I've released a slightly updated version of Exploration, including a new cover, which features a drawn version of one of the leading ladies, Lynn the xenian. If you've purchased this, you will hopefully also, at some point in the near future, get an e-mail offering an updated version with a new cover, some minor edits, and a table of contents.

That's what I've got cooking for now.

So basically I'll wrap up S&S S3, publish Demoness II and Hellcats, and then immediately launch into the first season of Parasexual, start working on Demoness III and Hellcats 2, and try to get them out before too long.

To wrap this up, I guess I'm going to ask for some help. How can you help me? I'll list a few ways.

  • Sign up for my Patreon. I'll be posting some more stuff there very soon, like the nude version of the covers of Demoness II & Exploration, and when I get it written, the first chapter of Demoness III.

  • Buy me a coffee. Basically, this is just a fancy way of donating some cash to me.

  • If you want a more straightforward and familiar way, you can just send me some cash over Paypal. The e-mail to use is (To be honest, I feel weird and uncomfortable asking for just straight-up money, but some people have offered in the past, so I figure why not put the option up?)

  • Spread the word. Suggest my work to your friends or maybe in places online, social media or forums relating to written erotica/romance.

  • Leave some reviews on my titles. (Preferably my longer works, like The Misty Vixen Starter Pack or Demoness and Demoness II. Any reviews are appreciated, but the longer titles would receive by far the most benefit.)

That's all I've got for now. If you can help me in any fashion, I would appreciate it so much. My readers and my fans are pretty much my lifeline, and I genuinely appreciate any form of help anyone gives me. I write for you as much as I do me!

Wish me luck. April is going to be a fucking BUSY month.

A Look At Re-Releases + Hellcats Coming Down

Okay, let's talk about me re-releasing my older content in a bit more depth.

So, first of all, how are my older titles being released? Specifically, they are being reworked into novels, averaging between 40,000 - 50,000 words, with brand new hand-drawn cover art, tables of content, and paperback versions.

Next big question: What's the difference? Unfortunately, this doesn't have an immediately easy answer. Some titles need some rewriting and extension in order to work in this format, other titles, however, are about fine the way they are. Hellcats, for example, needs almost a whole novel's worth of new content to work as a trilogy. But titles like Lust & Adventure or Sex & Survival are about fine the way they are and will have very little changed about them. In order to help clarify precisely what you are getting into if you are considering purchasing one of these updated titles, I will include a preface that details what's the difference and what is being covered in the novel. By that I mean, which episodes & bonus shorts are included in the current novel. For example: the first Hellcats novel will cover episodes 1 - 6, plus the bonus short stories from Collections 1 & 2. I hope this helps.

Next, why is this happening? Two primary reasons, one personal, one financial. The personal reason is that for a long time now, a few years at least, I've really wanted to release longer form fiction. What has kept me back is the fact that in order to keep myself afloat financially, I needed to release content at a breakneck pace, and the only way I could do that was to rapidly release short-form fiction in the format of episodes and seasons.

Because of this, I did not have the time to work on both episodic content and longer-form fiction at the same time. Nor did I have the time it took to write a long-form story instead of writing episodic content, because, as I said, I had to keep up the pace.

I attempted to rework my schedule mid-2017 to work on both episodic fiction and novels at the same time, eventually building up a store of novels that by the time I ran out of episodic fiction, I would have a good number of novels written and ready to go, and could buy myself enough time to write new content and keep new novels coming out at a decent pace.

While in theory this should have worked, it...didn't. Partially due to my own failings, partially due to circumstances beyond my control, and partially because the amount of money I was making from episodic content began suddenly dwindling faster than ever. 

So now I'm desperately trying to get several projects off the ground at once and hoping I stay afloat long enough to get back into a groove of earning enough money not to get evicted.

Yay! Isn't real life great?

So, let's talk about some of the specifics.

Specific #1) These titles will be available on the Kindle Unlimited. The reason for this basically boils down to needing to pay the bills. So the good news is that if you are enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited you can read the book without paying for it, but I still get paid for it thanks to the way that works out, AND I can make my books free for five days out of every ninety, which I will definitely be taking advantage of. Also, even if you don't have a Kindle, you can still read my Kindle-exclusive stories by downloading the KindleForPC app. It's free and easy to use and it's basically just a Kindle on your computer. And I'm sure there's one for the phone too.

Specific #2) The pricing will range between 3.99$ - 4.99$. I know, huge difference! Basically it'll just depend on the length. I might adjust this and make some of the first novels 2.99$ as an experiment, but 3.99$ seems to be the way to go so far.

Specific #3) Collections. Yes, The Complete Collections are still going to be a thing for the die-hard fans. They'll be priced at 9.99$ and feature a bonus short story.

Specific #4) Paperbacks. All of these novels will be coming out in paperback. I'm looking at 9.99$ for the individuals and 14.99$ for the collections.

Specific #5) Because I not only don't want to clutter everything up, but also because it's probably against some kind of rule, I'm going to be taking down Hellcats in its original incarnation before publishing the new version. Since the first Hellcats novel is actually ready, I'm going to set a date now.  I'm going to begin pulling down Hellcats, as in, ALL of the Hellcats, episodes, collections, & seasons, from every single platform, starting April 4th. I don't know how long it will take for them to disappear from the various platforms, but I wouldn't count on it taking very long. If you have been waiting to get your hands on them for some reason, then now's the time! This will be the last chance to purchase Hellcats in its original format.

I hope this clears up any questions, and if you do have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask, either in a comment here or even a direct e-mail to I'll get back to you promptly.

And that's it. Thanks for reading!


Looking Ahead At 2018

I've got a lot to talk about.

Like, a lot.

I don't even know where to begin.

I guess I should talk about my most immediate projects.

Sex & Survival Season Three is almost done.

Demoness is being re-released with some minor edits and fixes, a brand new cover, a table of contents, and a somewhat new look, as I've begun trying out a new formatting tool. This will be soon.

Demoness II will be out also very soon.

This is where certainties break down, as I'm preparing to do and am in the process of doing several new things. You may have noticed over there on that side bar the WHAT'S NEXT? section, and on that list, you may have noticed HELLCATS, HELLCATS 2, & HELLCATS 3. What the hell is that all about? Well, allow me to explain. A thought I started having a long time ago was that I wish I could re-release my older content as more coherent novels. As time has gone on and the sales from my older works dwindled to next to nothing, this began to make more and more sense to me. It seems to be that short stories, even erotica, is not on almost anyone's 'To Read' list any longer. People want novels. As such, I have decided to go through and re-release every single season and trilogy as novels.

I want to be clear: this will be a LONG endeavor. It will take a lot of time.

As with all of my endeavors, I find myself caught between trying to make money and trying to make people happy. I don't want anyone getting upset and thinking that this is a naked money grab or something, but I do also have to, you know, make money in order to pay bills and eat food. So, on the one hand, I don't want it to seem like I'm adding in new content into say, Hellcats or Alien Harem for example, just try and force you to buy it again. On the other hand, if there are people who do want to purchase the titles again, then I don't want to just repackage the same thing and give them nothing new. To complicate matters even more, I don't feel like ALL of my series need to get extra or new content. So this is what I'm going to do.

I will release a disclaimer at the beginning of each novel explaining how different it is from its original release.

I'll give you a few examples.

Hellcats (the first novel) isn't going to be hardly any different from Hellcats Season One. It covers Episodes 1 - 6, including the bonus shorts from Collection 1 + 2. There will be about five thousand new words of content.

Hellcats 2, on the other hand, will include a LOT of brand new content. It will basically take an extended look at their vacation on the White Sand Islands.

I don't plan to change hardly anything about, for example, Lust & Adventure, Desire, and Sex & Survival, as those all came out about how I wanted. Or, at the very least, it would be pointless to rework them because I plan on releasing a kind of spiritual successor series to some of them. To give you an example: I probably shouldn't take a lot of time and add in a lot more content to Sex & Survival because I'm going to be doing another series in that universe that's kind of like a bigger, better, and more coherent version of Sex & Survival. Or Desire, for example: I don't really have any further ideas I want to write about after the end of Season Three, and although I do plan on expanding the original novella to make it a full-length novel, (bringing the total number of novels to four), to attempt to pad out or write extra content for Seasons One, Two, or Three would just be forcing it, which is a bad idea. At most, I write some transitional scenes to smooth the flow a bit.

I hope that makes sense.

And as of right now, all of this is in progress, and I'm not 100% sure on everything. Plans may change. But I will provide as clear an explanation as I can for each individual release to help clarify what you are getting.

Also, I'm going to be releasing almost all of my original content through Amazon exclusively again. The reason for this comes down to, again, paying bills. I honestly wish I could be a bit freer with my content, but Kindle is still king and most people I talk to are making their money specifically through the Kindle Unlimited program. I will also be releasing The Complete Collection package deals for these series as well, and I do plan to include a bonus short story in them. These Complete Collections, as with the Complete Seasons, will not be enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited, for obvious reasons. All of these will also be available as paperbacks, the individual novels and the Complete Collections.

The novels are going to range in price between 3.99$ and 4.99$, with the Complete Collections being 9.99$. The novels as paperbacks are probably going to be 9.99$ for the individuals, 14.99$ for the Complete Collections.

I'm not going totally all-in with the Kindle for everything, though. I will still be releasing some content through Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo as well.  Namely, I want to re-release Exploration and My Undead Lover, and then turn them into trilogies. I also want to, at some point, come up with novella-length material for similar releases in my other universes. I will also be releasing free short stories. I'm looking at about a dozen per universe. I'm going to re-release my Quickies, but this time around they'll be free and have new content.

Now, below is a list of other ventures I will be trying to branch out into.

-Contemporary erotic romance featuring nothing but humans. I know, weird, right? Well, I've got a few ideas I want to try out.

-Radish Fiction. This is an app based company that you have to get asked to join, or at least ask them to consider you for joining. How they work is, from what I understand, you purchase 'coins' with real money, then spend those coins on chapters you want to read. The authors are expected to upload bite-size pieces of a story frequently. Serial fiction, basically. It doesn't require exclusivity, but they seem to imply that at the very least having initial exclusivity will get you bonus points. You know how I feel about paywalls, but you also know how I feel about bills, so I'm going to give this one a shot. We'll see how it turns out.

-Fan Fiction. Yes, finally! Fan fiction! Obviously I can't sell this. I have a lot of ideas for, well, let's face it, the protagonist fucking hot video game characters! These will definitely be simpler than my other works and I'll be releasing them in pieces, featuring them here on the website! A few of the games I want to write for include Mass Effect, Skyrim, Alan Wake, Dragon Age, and Knights of The Old Republic, and possibly MineCraft. Yeah, that one's a little weird but...come on, I love weird. I have other ideas, but these are the bigger ones right now. I'll probably also write about a few shows. I mean, off the top of my head I freaking know I want to write about Seven of Nine from Voyager.

I have other ideas, but 2018 is basically going to be about beefing up my four primary universes and this website. (You may have noticed those clickable pictures on the homepage.) I have other ideas for other universes, but these are the ones I want to focus on for now.

And that's about it on the writing side. I've just got a few more things to talk about, then I've got to get back to writing.

-I still have a Patreon.  If you sign up for 5$ per month in donations, you can get early access to nude versions of my cover art. To be clear, because I'm uncomfortable with paywalls, this is really more of a convenience thing than anything else. Eventually, if you just wait, you'll get access to everything. I'll post the nude pics here on my site and the books will be published.

-If you want to help out, but aren't interested in or able to make a recurring monthly payment, I have another option, finally! Basically, it's called Buy Me A Coffee. It's a website called Ko-Fi that is essentially just a simple way for fans to help out their favorite content creators. I'm giving it a shot. Here's the link. Every dollar helps!

-I'll be trying to write some actual blog posts about, like, real topics and stuff! I have some ideas and opinions (who knew?) and figure it's about time I try to get some of that out there. Maybe someone will actually be interested in reading it.

And that's my update. Thanks for reading!

Wish me luck!



Welcome to my website!

My name is Misty Vixen, and I write erotica. If you want a bit more detail, check out my About Me page, but the gist of it is that I write stories about regular human dudes banging hot inhuman women, including aliens and monsters and paranormal entities.

This site serves as a central hub for me and my content, including helpful links to everything I've written, opinion pieces on erotica and sex in general, and updates on my projects.

Considering I already have a welcome page to the site, I'll keep this short.

I hope you have fun reading about all the hot sex I write about!