The Misty Vixen Newsletter (October 2020)

I’m going to try and make the Newsletters a little more organized and structured. Hopefully this is a bit more visually appealing and maybe helps me clean up my sometimes meandering way of giving information.


Since people tend to want to know the most important stuff first, I’m just going to put this right here, right now.

I'm making some changes to my overall plan. Yes, again. Something I’ve learned is that not only is having a writing career a litany of constant reevaluation and consideration, but also of evolution and experimentation.

But don’t worry, my biggest plans remain intact for the moment. Although certain events beyond my control may force my hand in ways I’ll explain below.

  • THE THINGS THAT ARE NOT CHANGING: Still going to finish the Haven Series pronto. Ideally before November arrives. I’m also going to for sure get Like A Fine Wine 3 and Like A Fine Wine Collection 1 out following that. And Quickies #5 & #6 will be released somewhere in there as well.

  • A RETURN TO SERIAL FICTION: This is probably the largest change. I’ve been thinking long and hard about this, as not only the urge to write serial fiction, but the practical benefits of it keep coming back to me. I set some time aside and really considered it in September. I asked myself: Why did Crystal Candy fail? Two reasons. The first and foremost was that words written as Crystal Candy were worth approximately 1/3 as words written as Misty Vixen, as I mentioned in a previous update. But I could fix that if I released serial fiction content as Misty Vixen. The second reason was how much time/energy it was taking up. But since June I have been working on A Warm Place alongside my other projects, and with a few exceptions, I’ve settled into a steady rhythm of putting decent working into two projects almost every day. So I can see putting in enough work on serial fiction to put out about one episode per week. This would also deal with the burnout problem, allowing me to start several different serial series (I would work on them in blocks of 4 essentially, pause them on Episode 4 or 8 or 12 whenever I need a break). It would give me much more freedom to work on new projects I’ve been itching to write (that fantasy caveman story? Sci-Fi/Horror? That Eyes in the Dark series? I’ve got a lot of ideas I’d love to get started on). It would also give me a chance to write some projects that don’t quite work as a series of novels, but would be perfect for a serial. For example: Fans of Haven, remember that journal David found of the man sent across the countryside to activate a series of radio towers? I’ve really wanted to write a series in the Post-Apocalyptic Universe with a similar premise, but I didn’t feel there was enough there to warrant novels. As a serial, it would be perfect, however. At the moment, I’m still toying with this idea, and I haven’t ultimately decided if I’m going to do it. But I’m leaning towards yes at the moment. For now, I have to work on other projects.

  • A WEBSITE STORE: So here’s some advice I once received as someone who makes my money by being hosted by another, larger site: send your fans to a website you control as much as possible as soon as possible. The reason for this is because you never know when that big site might arbitrarily decide to fuck you over. Like Amazon almost did to me in 2018, and has done in a few other ways since then. I’ve been pondering how to sell stuff through my website, directly to fans, with as few middlemen as possible, for awhile now. I began seriously considering it in 2018, when they started fucking me over, but for awhile, I couldn’t come up with an idea of what to sell. Not putting my works in the Kindle Unlimited, which demands exclusivity, cuts MAJORLY into the earning power of anything. However, I finally have an idea: incest fiction. I basically can’t sell it anywhere else. Technically Smashwords accepts it, as well as a few other places, I think, but really it’s hard as hell to sell anywhere. However, I have a lot of ideas for incest stories, and judging by the reaction I’ve gotten, at least some of my fans want to read it. So yeah. Also, in the future, I could see taking some time and maybe writing some website-exclusive shorts. So this is something I’ll want to seriously start exploring in 2021.

Those are the big changes. Hopefully they made you happy. If you’ve read this far, at least read the next thing, it’s also important.


I wanted to address this here and now, front and center, so that people don’t think I’m trying to pull a fast one on them.

I have been updating some of my covers that I gave ‘real’ backgrounds (i.e. actual photographs, not drawn backgrounds), because essentially I didn’t/don’t have the time/money to get a full character+background or because other circumstances forced my hand in the past or are doing so now.

There are three primary things that motivated this that I will talk about below.

  • COVERS ARE COSTLY. Even a great deal can be somewhat pricey. My Patreon definitely helps, as do any other donations and the occasional sale I get through Smashwords. And although I’ve been doing decently for a writer, I wouldn’t call myself rich. Plus, I have to be honest, I’m just not great with money. Never have been. I’ve gotten better, but still not great. Combine that with the fact that I have had to get new covers made for my ENTIRE library TWICE and I have spent literally thousands and thousands of dollars on cover art. Not even joking or exaggerating.

  • COVERS TAKE TIME. Even a quick cover artist can take weeks to get a project done. Besides the fact that it’s a whole character and whole background, they have other projects and their own life. I write fast, because that’s the tempo that Amazon and other people who have ghost writer farms to pump out fucking 500-page novels every week dictate. I can’t really afford to wait and sit on a novel for weeks or months. This doesn’t come up often, but it has come up enough (more recently) that I’ve had to make a call.

  • UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES. I’ve worked with a few different artists since going looking for some, and all of them have run into problems that mean they may be out of contact for weeks or even months, or maybe be unable to work. I’m understanding, but as I’ve said, this has forced my hand a few different times. Especially recently. This is actually another reason I want to return to serial fiction. If it comes down to it, and I can’t launch because I don’t have a cover (and don’t kid yourself, launching with a shit cover is novel suicide), I’ll have a Plan B.

I hope this clears things up.

Here is a list of titles that now have or will have recycled backgrounds or otherwise reused assets.

  • ANY COLLECTION (Any Complete Trilogy, Complete Series, or ? - ? Collected collection 100% reuses assets to save on time/money. I figured this would be obvious but just in case it wasn’t I’m pointing it out now.)

  • DEMONESS - FUN IN THE FOREST (Background is reused.)

  • DEMONESS - THE FORMER PRINCESS (Background is reused.)

  • DEMONESS - FAREWELL FOR NOW (Background and model are reused.)

  • ALL OF PARASEXUAL (When it was originally conceived, Parasexual was sort of a quick & dirty series. Both to save time/money and also to get the projects out faster, I only had characters drawn. However, I have since decided that they’d look better with full cover art, and there were enough quality backgrounds created that it would work.)

  • THE SEX & SURVIVAL TRILOGY. Kind of the same thing happening here. Originally, I was going to have characters and backgrounds created, but the situation changed and I really just want it done and over with. So I’m in the process of getting the final two characters drawn, and I already have other backgrounds ready to go.

  • THE VALKYRIES TRILOGY. Same situation as above essentially.

  • QUICKIES. This much should be obvious.

  • MISTY VIXEN COLLECTED. Yeah, I wasn’t spending like 100$+ on a paperback that probably 5 people are gonna buy ever.

I think that’s everything. I hope everyone understands. And because of that I hope people will understand when I say that HAVEN 8 + HAVEN - EPILOGUE WILL HAVE REUSED ASSETS. Without getting into details, the artist has become very busy and as it is, they’re having a hard time even finding time to do Like A Fine Wine covers, and I don’t want to just switch to another cover artist in the middle of a series, and I don’t have enough assets for Like A Fine Wine to recycle for future covers. I made the call to not ask for new Haven covers to try and get a jump on Like A Fine Wine covers. Although I’m not sure how this is going to play out. Although I have the cover for Like A Fine Wine 3, and enough assets for the first Collection, I’m not sure if I might outpace the cover artist for the series in the near future. It also isn’t necessarily feasible to just keep writing the novels in the hopes that the covers will catch up, because I NEED to publish what I write pretty much as soon as it’s done (with a few rare exceptions). Gaps in publishing are very bad, the algorithm punishes me for this. This is another reason a return to serial fiction is enticing.

Hopefully this covers everything related to this. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in a comment or an e-mail.


Like A Fine Wine 2 is out!

Quickies #4 is also out!

I also finally got around to putting together a full, hyperlinked Chronological Bibliography page. This page lays out every single title I have ever written for my four Shared Universes. All the novels, novellas, and short stories. The short stories are the ones I imagine escape people the most given how all over the place I’ve been about them. I wanted one, single, absolute, centralized page to give fans a very straightforward and clear-cut picture of not only every title, and not only where they can be found, but what order it’s all best read in. Although if anyone has any questions or requires further clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll be glad to help. At the moment not all of the links have been created because some of them don’t exist yet, basically the Quickies I have yet to write.


I had another ‘go through and re-update all my titles’ spree because enough little things had accumulated.

  • Perhaps the most important thing I did was make sure that all the stories that have been covered by my Quickies releases have been updated with information and links to reflect this. So for example the Complete Series and Complete Trilogy packs have a notice at the beginning that if you don’t want to repurchase the entire trilogy just for the bonus content, you can instead just go buy the Quickies instead. Also the end of a series or the back of stand-alone titles now reference follow-up shorts that have since been written (provided they are out, still a few to go.)

  • When I went through and created the customized titling to be inserted into the actual Kindle files for all of my titles, I for some reason did not also do the same thing with my author name. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me then, but it has now. So that’s probably the biggest, most obvious change.

  • Social media links. I have now inserted links to my website, twitter, and given my e-mail address at the beginning of every title. The reason for this is pretty much what I said above: I need to send fans to an area that I control as much as possible.

  • Although some jerk person left a rather rude 1-star review, I did get a new piece of knowledge out of it: I’m apparently fond of the phrase ‘per se’, which is latin. And I seem to have been misspelling it the entire time. After learning that, I went through and fixed all examples of it across all 50+ titles.

  • I also found out that some of my paperbacks have an extra page near the back that just says ABOUT ME and then is blank right before the real About Me page. No idea why this was. All the Haven novels had it and some others did as well. I fixed all the instances I found, but I didn’t check them ALL.


Okay, so that’s about it. Now I’ll just cover what’s happening in October, or at least what I hope will happen.

  • I’m hard at work on Haven 8. I intend to have it out within the next week.

  • I will then write half of Quickies #5, and then write and publish Haven - Epilogue as quickly as possible.

  • I will then finish and publish Quickies #5, then write and publish Haven Collection #3, and with that the Haven series will be completed in its entirety. (Well, technically there will be ONE more bonus short story in Quickies #6.)

  • Over the course of the rest of the year, I will be making the first title in every series, (except for Like A Fine Wine) free. This is an experiment I’m doing to see if it will help get my books to more people. As of right now, HELLCATS & DEISRE are free!

So, four things I will attempt to publish in October, all while also working on A Warm Place. It’s going quite well, actually, I’m at about 65,000 words, or roughly the length of an average Haven novel, and there’s still several more big scenes to write. If I keep up the pace, I should have it wrapped by the end of October as well. I have to admit, it’s going to be hard not to publish it. But I may end up changing my mind and launching A Warm Place if things go wrong with Like A Fine Wine. I’m not sure, we’ll see. I am also going to likely begin work on my first serial fiction, provided my ultimate decision, (which will come soon), is yes. If it is, I already know which one I’m going to work on: Eyes in the Dark. I really want to write a modern day apocalypse horror. Not a post-apocalyptic story, but a story where the apocalypse is presently happening.

And that’s it for this Newsletter. Let me know what you think in the comments!

Haven 8 Preview

I’ve been hard at work on Haven 8 and it’s coming out fairly smoothly I feel. At present, it’s about halfway finished and I’m hoping for an early October release.

Here is the first chapter.

If you want to read the first two chapters, you can do so here on my Patreon if you are a 1$/month Patron.

He was having a nightmare of some kind, and his head was a throb of pain that renewed itself with an electric shock of agony every few seconds or so.

David had an impression of people screaming, fires burning, ashes and embers and smoke spraying into the hot night air.

He caught ghost images of muzzle flare and then someone’s head snapped back in a spray of blood as the life was blown out of them.

He heard someone screaming his name.

Gunfire, so much gunfire.

Then darkness.

There were more nightmares, and more confusion.

An incoherent miasma of pain, shot through with anxiety and fear.

In his head, he saw Cait, and Ellie, and Evie, and April. He saw many others. Sometimes hurt. Sometimes captured.

Sometimes dead.

He couldn’t tell what was real and what was nightmare.

He drifted for what might have been hours or weeks.

Darkness came, again and again.


David sat bolt upright, grimacing in pain as he moved and immediately began to survey the area around him. He had no idea where he was and was familiar. Somehow. Inside. He was inside a building. His abused mind hunted fervently for details, but mostly just to see Cait. Cait’s beautiful, pale, smiling face.

He sought her reassuring presence, the way he did when he was having nightmares some nights and he would wake up from them and she would be there, or someone would be there to comfort him, to hold him, kiss him, tell him he was safe, make love with him until they both had come and then were pulled back down into sleep.


Someone was here. Someone familiar.

He heard footfalls behind him and twisted around, staggering to his feet.

“David, no, don’t try to stand-” Evie said.

Too late. He cried out as he collapsed into a heap on whatever he’d been laying atop. It felt like a nest of blankets and pillows. His whole body ached, but mostly his head hurt. He winced, getting to his hands and knees.

“David, please,” Evie said as she crouched beside him. “You need to drink this.”

“Cait? Where’s Cait? Where’s April?” he asked, panting, gasping almost.

Drink this, David,” Evie insisted, a bottle of lukewarm water being held up in front of him. He took it because he wanted to know the answers to his questions, but also because he suddenly felt like he was dying of thirst. Hunger, too. And he had to piss terribly. He rearranged himself in a sitting position, then downed the entire bottle of water.

“Where?” he demanded after he’d finished.

“I think they were taken, I can’t know for sure,” Evie replied, sounding as worried as he felt. He looked at her. She looked pale and messy and miserable.

“What happened?” he asked, his head spinning.

He remembered...finishing preliminary work on the new settlement. Celebrating. Then...someone shouting his name outside.

And then…

“We were attacked. By the Marauders. A lot of them. David, look at’s been two days,” Evie said carefully.

He blinked several times. “What?” he managed.

“You’ve been unconscious for two days.”

He blinked several more times. Then he looked around. “Where are we?”

She sighed heavily. “Right back where we started,” she said. “You remember that cabin we first went to after the fire? Before there was anyone else, and it was just you and me? This is where we first made love. Right here in this spot, actually,” she added, looking down.

That was why it was familiar, he realized.

Yes, this was it. The cabin they’d run to in the night, the basement. As he stared at the nest of blankets and pillows he’d been laying on, he remembered. Last month, he and Evie had walked here, decided to use the place as an emergency outpost, just in case. They’d set up a new ‘nest’ as it were, and christened it by fucking.

“Who else is here?” he asked.

She shook her head. “It’s just you and me.”

He groaned, his head still aching. “I need some painkillers,” he muttered. “And to take a piss.” He slowly got up. Evie helped him.

“I’ll get you some painkillers,” she said.

He took a moment to get his bearings, his head still spinning in more than one way. The Marauders had attacked them? Yes, he remembered now. He’d stepped out and gotten smashed in the head right away. God, two days? So much must have happened.

“What about the others?” he muttered.

“I don’t know most of it,” Evie admitted as she came back with a trio of painkillers and another bottle of water in hand.

“Thanks...uh, give me a minute,” he said.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“I’m going to go upstairs and take a it safe?” he asked.

“Yeah, for now. I was just up there taking a look. You want me to come with you?” she asked.

“No, I need a minute.” He hesitated, then he swallowed the three pills and walked over to her. He gave her a hug and a kiss. “Thank you for saving my life. I love you so much, Evie.”

“I love you too,” she whispered, hugging him tight. “I’m so glad you’re awake. I was so fucking scared.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t wake up sooner,” he said.

She laughed softly. “Me too. But you’re awake, that’s what matters.” As he pulled back from the hug, she gave him a stern look. “Don’t pick at your head wound. I managed to stitch it. Just a few and they’re holding, but don’t fuck with them, okay?”

“I won’t,” he promised. “I’ll be right back.”

He went up the stairs as quickly but as stealthily as possible, the urge to piss overwhelming now. He made his way through the darkness, the only light coming from a collection of candles she had lit downstairs. As he went around to the next set of stairs that would take him to the surface, he was bathed in almost total darkness. He saw no sunlight filtering in through beneath the crack. Which meant it must be night right now.

His head still going this way and that, David focused on the door ahead of him and the task of taking a leak. He had to get grounded. He could feel the immensity of what lay before him, something so vast he couldn’t comfortably comprehend it, like looking out at an ocean that you needed to sail across. It would be a long, difficult journey. But before he could even begin to take it, he needed to come back to reality.

David opened the door. It creaked and he winced, but in the faint moonlight filtering into the top portion of the cabin, he saw nothing stirring. He walked slowly around it, keeping his movements cautious and careful, and peered out each window in turn. He saw nothing out there but moonlit trees. No movement. Somewhere in the far distance, he thought he could hear gunfire of some sort, but it might be his imagination. Besides that, just the call of the occasional owl, and a wolf howling somewhere.

Jesus fucking hell, what a nightmare.

He opened the back door and, after looking around once more, his eyes already adjusting well to the near darkness, he pissed. It was a long, long piss and he hadn’t felt something so physically relieving in what seemed like a long time.

Two days.


Last time he’d been out that long was when he’d been bit by a viper.

He had to have pissed himself at some point, or maybe Evie had gotten him to piss into a bucket or something. He had extremely vague, incoherent memories of laying in that bedding and her talking to him.

Fuck, two days.

He finished up and then drank most of the second bottle of water. What was left, he poured on his face, helping him focus and wake up. He rubbed his eyes, stared out into the dark woodlands that surrounded the cabin. It seemed impossible to think that it was less than a year since he’d first come to this place with Evie, back during the beginning of last winter. For a long moment, he thought, considering the dates, the time that had passed. He couldn’t be sure, but it would be roughly seven months ago that River View had burned down.

Seven months?

It felt like seven goddamned years now.

So much had happened to him, he’d changed so much.

David shook his head, then regretted it, mildly. It hurt, but it helped him focus. Focus, that was the key here.

Because he had things to do. So many things.

Turning around, feeling his brain and his body beginning to fully come back online as he started sorting out what lay of him, he headed back downstairs. He found Evie sitting in the only chair large enough for her.

“Okay honey, tell me exactly what’s been happening? Starting with when I got knocked out,” he said as he pulled a seat up next to her and sat down.

She nodded. “Honestly, it was really crazy. There was an attack on the new settlement. I did some fighting, we all did. But it became clear to me that they were outnumbering us, and I saw you. You were passed out. Everything was just chaos and I just...I grabbed you. And ran. I barely even remember doing it. I just ran and ran and ran. I know that they were attacking Haven, too. I remember that. I ran until I ended up here. I don’t know why I came here. I brought you to the basement. For a little while I was so fucking scared you had died. But you were still alive. I treated your wounds and kept waiting for you to wake up...”

She took a deep breath and calmed herself, looking up and blinking several times, trying not to cry. He reached out and took her hand. She gripped his hand and squeezed tightly. “I wanted to head out, to help. There was a lot of fighting. A lot. But I couldn’t just leave you here. I stayed with you through that first night and all of the first day. You woke up a few times but you were really out of it. During the second night, Ellie showed up. She almost shot me, I didn’t think she expected to find anyone here.”

“Where’d she go?” he asked. Obviously she wasn’t here any longer.

“She was...a little feral,” Evie replied uncomfortably. “Her eyes were...I don’t know. She was scary. She had blood on her and several guns. She told me to stay put and she’d kill them all. I tried to get some information out of her, but she just told me to stay here and she ran off. I haven’t seen her since. The next day, today, well, earlier today, Akila showed up. I was out checking for signs of life, and she showed up. She came and checked on you. She was...a lot more calm and cool than Ellie was, but I guess that’s no surprise. She said...” Evie hesitated.

“Yes?” he pressed.

“She said they had Haven and the new settlement completely on lockdown. They had most of our people prisoner. She said she saw Jennifer at Haven, but she hadn’t seen Cait or April or Lara. And I asked.”

“What about Lima Company? What about the farmers? The fishers?”

She shook her head. “Nothing on them. Akila left, told me to stay here. She was going to hunt them down, that she was perfect at this.”

David sighed softly and looked at the candles. At the way the flames flickered and danced. He was silent for several long moments, processing this information, his mind finally calming, settling, clearing.

When he looked back at Evie, he felt different.

“Okay,” he said, then he let go of her hand and stood up.

“Okay what?” she asked as he marched across the room.

“I’m going to war,” he replied simply.

“How?” she asked, standing and walking a few steps towards him.

“I’ll show you.”

He moved to the far corner of the room, in a small section of space between the stairwell and the wall where some old furniture had ended up. He dragged out a few chairs, then a desk, then knelt and reached into the space that was revealed. His hand came up holding a black case. He walked with it back over to the table where they’d been sitting.

“What is this?” Evie murmured.

“Paranoia,” he replied. “Justified paranoia, apparently.” He set the case down and cracked it open. Inside was a set of black tactical armor, a pistol with a silencer, a full medical kit, a knife, and ten magazines of ammo. “I started setting up a few caches of supplies over the summer,” he said as he started taking it out and laying it all on the table. “I traded for the tactical armor with a passing trader last month. I figured in the event of some kind of emergency...of something like this, well, I needed to have a cache of stuff ready to go. I’d always intended to have more waiting, but never got around to it. I guess I should be lucky I did this,” he muttered.

“David...” Evie said, and he looked up at her. She looked worried, and anxious.

“If you’re going to try and tell me not to go out there...”

“No,” she said, and a somewhat pained smile came onto her large, beautiful face. “It would be pointless. You’re going out there. I know you. I can’t stop you. I wouldn’t want to. It’s going to be dangerous, extremely dangerous, but you’re right. We need to be out there. I hate that I’ve waited here as long as I have. Our friends, our family, our loved ones are out there right now...”

“And we’re going to help them,” David said.

“I know. But I was gonna say...” she hesitated.


“It’s selfish.”

“Tell me anyway,” he said, wondering what she was wanting.

She sighed. “It’s so dangerous out there, way more than usual. Anything could happen. I guess...I wanted to have sex. Just in case...”

“One of us dies,” he said. She nodded. He looked back at the tactical gear, half in the case, half on the table, then at her. She was right. It was going to be dangerous. It might be the most dangerous thing he’d ever done. “Okay,” he said. “Let’s make love, then we can wage war.”

She smiled. “Thank you.”

He laughed. “You’re doing me a favor as much as I’m doing you a favor. I love having sex with you, Evie.”

“I know, I’re the most intimate person I’ve ever been with. It’s only been with you, and with Cait and April now, that I’ve actually felt like making love was, well, making love, and not just, you know, having sex.”

“I know how you feel,” he said. “Come here, babe.”

He stepped up to her and she dipped her head. Her height difference was something that he’d gotten used to, but it was still so obvious to him. Having a girlfriend a full foot and a half taller than you was an interesting experience. She kissed him firmly on the mouth, a long, lingering kiss with a lot of tongue. Then she pulled back and started taking her clothes off. He joined her, stripping out of what he was wearing.

He could make time for this.

Though not a whole lot of it.

He kept worrying about Cait. Was she okay? Was she safe? Was she hurt? And the others? God, so many women, so many people in his life that he cared about now, that he was worried about. He was going to kill for them.

But right now, before the storm came, he was going to enjoy this one, shining moment of peace and serenity with a woman he loved.

It wasn’t long before they were naked and embracing on the nest of blankets. It wasn’t the most comfortable place to have sex, but it didn’t need to be. Even as Evie settled onto her back and opened her legs for him, and he settled in between her tremendous thighs, he knew it wasn’t going to be anything but a quickie. They didn’t have time, and they needed their strength for what was to come. David could tell he was in shitty enough shape as it was. But he wanted this, they both did. Perhaps they needed it to help them come to terms with the war that lay ahead of them. He didn’t want to think about that.

And he didn’t, not for a little bit, as he slid into her.

“Oh, David...” she whispered as he penetrated her, sliding into that slippery goliath vagina, into her familiar depths. “Oh honey, yes...” she moaned as he began making love to her.

“Evie...” he moaned, laying against her, holding her, embracing her.

As he started to thrust into her, to bury his rock-hard length into her, everything else fell away. He listened to her moaning and panting, to the own sounds coming out of him, to the sound of their skin slapping together. His cock disappeared into her again and again, and the pleasure burned into him. Both of them were soon panting, and she held him close to her. Held his much smaller frame against her much larger body, enjoying every second of their coupling.

“I love you, David,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Evie,” he moaned, his own voice hoarse with it as well. “I love you so much. I love you, honey.”

They lost themselves in the sex. He thought of nothing for a glorious few minutes but her voluptuous, hot, smooth body and her perfect inhuman vagina and the way it felt to make love with her. The emotions he could feel radiating off of her as intensely as the heat of her body. The way she held him, the way she moved her body against his own, the passion in her voice. Everything felt far more intense than it usually did when they made love.

As such, it didn’t last long.

Both of them began to orgasm at almost the same time. They each tried to be quiet, stifling themselves and their intense cries of passion, given that anyone could be nearby. Anyone or anything could overhear them.

David lost himself in that hot release of liquid, his seed spilling out of him into her orgasming vagina. They held each other and moaned in pure sexual gratification, pure loving ecstasy. He quietly moaned her name several times, feeling nothing but absolute love for her, feeling a depth and intensity of love he once had never known and even had questioned the possibility of. But he knew now. He felt this love for her, for Cait, for April. To varying degrees, the other women in his life who regularly shared his bed.

Women who were out there now, injured or captured or fighting for their lives or…

Possibly even dead.

No, David thought as he came back to himself, forcibly brought back to reality as the orgasm fell away, leaving him panting, no, I won’t think about that.

He couldn’t, and keep his focus.

He had to assume they were all still alive, and that he could help them.

“I love you sweetheart...but the time to work has come,” he murmured.

“I understand,” she said. She patted his back once. “I love you, too.”

Then she released him. David pulled out of her, and then he began to prepare for the greatest battle he had ever fought.

He found some water that they had stashed there after getting back to his feet and went about the process of cleaning up. It would help him focus, and like the sex he had just had, it might be the last time he got to enjoy it for quite awhile. When they had initially come here, they’d stashed some food, some water, some basic quality of life supplies, some medicine. He soaped and washed and dried, then examined his body. There were a few bruises, but it seemed like the only serious problem was the injury on his head.

“Will you take a look at it for me, love?” he asked, realizing he very well couldn’t look at the top of his own head.

“Yes,” she replied, coming over. She took a moment to examine the wound, pulling a bandage she’d put in place away. He winced but held his peace. “Let me just clean it really quick, then reapply the bandage. It’s looking good. You dizzy?” she asked.

“No,” he replied. “Just a headache. Otherwise I’m fine. I’m kind of pumped, honestly.”

“Well, you’ve never had your work so cut out for you,” she murmured.

“Maybe,” he said. Then he lost some of his enthusiasm. “God, I hope Cait’s okay.”

“They seemed intent on taking prisoners, that’s what Akila told me. I’m sure she’s okay,” Evie replied as she came over with the medical supplies.

He didn’t say anything, just endured his own unhappy thoughts and the pain of her tending to his wound in silence. She might not be okay. None of them might be. Right now, all he knew for a fact was that Evie was okay.

And even that might change soon.

No. Focus. Had to keep focus.

“Done,” she said.

“Thank you.”

He walked back over to the table and began pulling on his tactical gear. It was all black. Black boxers and socks, black body armor that was lightweight enough to allow mobility, but should be enough to stop at least a few bullets. He’d been saving it for a rainy day and now it was fucking pouring. He slid it all on, settling it into place, and finished by slipping a black beanie over his head, wincing slightly at the wound.

Next, he secured the spare ammunition in some of the varied pockets. Then he slid the combat knife he’d also secured in the sheath on his thigh. After securing the medical equipment and a canteen that he filled with water, he took a moment to make sure it was all held firmly in place so he didn’t make any more noise than necessarily while moving. Cait, Evie, Akila, and Lara had all taught him several things during their time together.

He intended to put it all to good use.

“Wow,” Evie said when he finished by lacing up his boots. “You look...different.”

“Do I?” he asked.

“Yeah, you a soldier. You look scary, actually. A little like how Ellie looked when I saw her,” she said uncomfortably.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going feral,” he said. “But I fully intend to wipe every last one of these motherfuckers out. They declared war on us. They attacked us. I’m sure they’ve killed some of us. I swear I saw people dying while you were carrying me out...”

She frowned, nodded. “Yeah. I saw at least two of Val’s people shot in the head, and one of our people from Haven was machine-gunned through. Just pumped full of holes...” she whispered.

“This is the kind of thing I’ve been preparing for. All summer it felt like the other shoe was gonna drop, you remember me saying that?” She nodded. “It’s dropped. I’ve been preparing for this, getting ready for it, and now it’s here. I’ve pissed away two whole days comatose. Ellie and Akila and the others are all out there fighting, and we’re going to help them. Whatever it takes, however long it takes, we’re getting our people back. Our havens, our friends, our fucking way of life. We’re getting it all back.”

“I’m with you, David,” Evie said, her voice strengthening.

He looked her up and down. She was fully dressed now, her hair pulled into a tight ponytail, a pistol in her hand.

Her expression was grim and determined.

She looked every inch the warrior he knew she could be, when the time called for it.

It had called for it.

He nodded tightly. “Let’s get out there and make them regret the day they met us.”

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (September 2020)

I was really hoping August would be better but, oh boy, stuff kept happening. I feel like I keep dodging bullets. Something happens that could be serious, but then it fades to nothing. So that’s nice. But yeah, freaking out over stuff takes up time and completely derails my focus.

That’s why Like A Fine Wine 2 isn’t done.

The biggest good news of last month is that I got Haven 7 out!

I also got half of Quickies #4 written, and as soon as I’m done with Like A Fine Wine 2, I’ll write the other half and publish it.

As for Like A Fine Wine 2. I’m almost done. It should be up this week. Sorry it took so long, I basically kept running into problems, a variety of problems, not the least of which was…I don’t want to call it writer’s block, because it wasn’t really. It was more just “I don’t fucking want to write this right now.” Suffice to say, August was just a derailing month in general, and I’m hoping September will be better.

The only other thing I want to say is that I’ve adjusted my plans. The biggest change is this: Once Like A Fine Wine 2 and Quickies #4 are out, I’m shifting focus to Haven. Like actually finishing the series. Like A Fine Wine is going to go on hold until I can get Haven 8, Haven - Epilogue, & Haven Collection #3 out and that series can be called done. I apologize but this makes more sense to me. Instead of staggering the releases any more than they already are, I should just be wrapping up Haven and then shifting focus entirely to Like A Fine Wine. So that’s at least the good news, after you get done waiting for 3, the waits should be a lot shorter, ideally.

That’s all I’ve got for now.

Like A Fine Wine 2 Preview

Here’s the first chapter of Like A Fine Wine 2!

I’m making decent progress on it, though not as much as I’d hoped to at this point. I’m pushing forward every day on it, regardless. It’s over halfway done now.

If you want to read both Chapters 1 & 2, you can if you are a 1$/month Patron over on my Patreon!


“So what are we doing exactly?” Jack asked as Riley led him through the ship. It seemed like they were going towards the bridge.

It had been three days since the incident onboard the ship they’d mounted a rescue mission on. He’d been recovering those three days, although his recovery probably would have gone a bit speedier if he hadn’t indulged in Riley’s every whim.

Because she had a lot of them.

She’d spent the past three days making good on her promise to fuck him in every room on the ship. And so far, they’d done just that. She’d fucked him in each of the bedrooms, and then in the cargo bays, the engine room, the kitchen…

The others hadn’t been super thrilled about that.

Since they’d arrived at the planet this morning, they’d all been going through the process of shipping down all their supplies. Which basically meant shifting a bunch of crates into the planet-hopper shuttle that Riley would float down from orbit. Someone would stay behind each time they went down, so that there would be someone on the ship, and also because most of them had other things they wanted to do before they left. Sylvia wanted to make sure their medical database was backed up and she hadn’t forgotten any crucial supplies, Elizabeth wanted to make sure she hadn’t forgotten any gear, armor, or bullets, Lyra wanted to ensure that the ship was going to be fine once they all finally left it in orbit.

Finally, the second-to-last trip had come up.

Although Jack had ridden down with them to help them offload the cargo, this time, Riley insisted she be the one to stay behind, and that he stay with her. The others had groused a little, but hadn’t really fought with her about it.

They all knew what she wanted him for, and hey, this was a vacation for them all.

“We’re going to finish up what we started, Jack,” Riley replied. Her voice was so smooth and sultry. He still marveled at what a reaction she could get out of him simply by having a certain tone of voice. Out of them all, she definitely seemed the most sexual.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yes. We never fucked on the bridge. I was saving it for last, given how much time I spend in there, how much it means to me as a pilot,” she replied.

Her tail brushed against him, tracing up his leg and then teasing across the crotch of the shorts he was wearing, where he already had a steel erection.

He shuddered slightly as she did that. Women who had tails were just...something else. In a really, really good way.

They came to the bridge and slipped inside.

“I know I’ve been wearing you down the past few days,” she said as she guided him over to her chair. “For which I apologize.”

“I don’t believe you,” he replied.

She smirked and turned the chair around so that it faced them. “Okay, that was a lie. I’m not sorry,” she admitted. “Though I do feel bad. I managed to convince all the others to let me have you almost exclusively, given my personal goal of fucking you all over the ship. I mean, a bit easier when it came to Elizabeth and Lyra.”

“Do they actually want to fuck me?” he asked uncertainly. Elizabeth had at least told him she wanted to have sex with him, just that she was waiting for the right time. But Lyra still seemed a little cold and distant.

“Yes,” Riley replied as she took off the tanktop she was wearing. It had barely been containing her huge tits anyway. Then she pulled her own shorts off and tossed them aside, and finally dropped down to her knees before him. “They’re just shy. Don’t worry, they’ll fuck you.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’m positive. Elizabeth’s a fucking slut if you’re the right guy. Trust me. And you are most certainly the right guy. She’s going to take some time, but when she does open her legs for you, Jack, she is going to fucking lay into you. You think I’ve been fucking you senseless? Just fucking wait until that tall fucking redhead starts in on you.”

“Well...good to know,” he murmured.

She laughed and began licking his cock, making him shiver and groan. Fuck she was so good with her mouth.

“Yeah,” she said, pausing occasionally to talk between licking. “Lyra likes you. She’s just a really shy woman. Don’t worry, she’ll get to you in due time.”

“I can wait,” he panted, then she really started sucking him off.

He groaned loudly, watching her work, watching this beautiful, naked alien woman suck his cock, bobbing her head, slipping her luscious lips over his head again and again. The pleasure was phenomenal.

Jack studied her through the haze of pleasure that enveloped him. He loved her red hair, and it was only further accentuated by her vividly red eyes. The two black horns that grew from either side of her forehead and her tail that ended in a spade-shaped tip only made her likeness to a succubus that much more obvious. Something she really seemed to enjoy. At seventy six, she was technically the oldest among all the mature cougars that he was sharing this ship with, but she didn’t seem like it. What had she told him?

Dysil aged slower, so in a way, she wasn’t much older than he was.

It was ironic that the oldest woman on the ship was the most immature.

“There,” she said suddenly, taking his cock from her mouth. She’d covered it in a thick film of her saliva and now she stood up, rising smoothly to her feet. “Now for the main course.”

She turned around, showing him her fantastically thick ass. Her tail, sprouting from her lower back, just above it, twitched back and forth. He watched as she reached back between her legs, gripped his cock around its base, and lined it up with herself. Then she lowered that big orange ass into his lap and he groaned as she penetrated herself with his rigid dick. The pleasure was immediate and immense, a wondrous warmth that pulsed into him. She smoothly slid his inches into her alien vagina, taking him all the way into her.

“That’s right...” she whispered, settling her hands on the armrests and gripping them tightly. She began to push herself up, then let herself back down.

Up and down again.

Her pussy was so fucking amazing.

Jack began breathing heavily as she fucked him with a slow but smooth and steady rhythm. He’d seen more than his share of porn at this point, and having sex with Riley was like living a porn. Watching her work, feeling her easy confidence as she moved herself against him, taking his cock into her again and again, slowly beginning to go faster, was like being fucked by a porn star or a professional prostitute.

It was an exceptionally pleasant experience.

“Fuck, Riley...” he groaned.

“You like that?” she murmured, and he could hear the amused cockiness in her voice.

“Of fucking course I do,” he panted. “You just...”

“Yeah?” she asked expectantly.

“You feel so fucking good,” he muttered.

“You’re so articulate,” she said, giggling.

“Can’t help it.”

“I know.”

He settled his hands on her ass, loving the feel of it and watching it as his cock disappeared into her alien pussy again and again.

It wasn’t long before she was grunting, moaning occasionally, going harder against him. He was glad that the chair was firmly locked into place or she would already have knocked them both over by now. Riley could be quite forceful when she wanted to be. He knew that both dysil and xenians were stronger than they appeared, especially xenians. Lyra could probably out-bench him, even though she was barely over five feet and skinny.

“Shit...I’m gonna come,” he groaned. “Oh fuck, it’s so good...”

“Don’t hold back,” she replied, continuing to fuck him. “You know I fucking love it when you fill me up.”

He tried to say something but it was lost as a surge of ecstasy hit him and he grabbed her hips, yanked her down against him while thrusting up, and starting to shoot his load into her. She groaned, holding herself in place and letting him use her to orgasm, letting him fill her up and thrust up into her with each fresh pulse of bliss that burst through him. Jack groaned loudly, panting and grunting as he came inside of her, spilling his seed into her and absolutely filling her up, just like he knew she really liked him to do.

Jack bathed in the bliss of the intensely powerful orgasm Riley had given him for as long as he could, and then when he had nothing left to give, he fell back into the seat, panting. He watched as she pulled herself up off of him and held her shorts up under herself.

“I’m going to shower,” she said, giving him that very self-satisfied grin as she looked back at him, almost like she was admiring something she’d done.

Which, in effect, was happening.

She’d certainly done him, and she’d coaxed that intense orgasm out of him.

“Be there in a minute,” he murmured.

“Take your time,” she said, and headed off.

Jack sat there in the pilot’s chair for a bit longer, watching her move down the hallway and disappear into one of the bedrooms. He simply sat there and basked in both the post-orgasmic bliss he was experiencing, but also the strange surreal sense he had of being in a dreamlike state. It was the same feeling he’d had, to varying degrees, ever since he’d learned the true nature of this job that he had basically stumbled into.

To fuck six extremely attractive, accomplished, confident cougars.

He’d already slept with half of them just on the way out there, and given the way Maureen had been looking at him over the past day or so, he had the idea that she was going to pounce on him next. And that was, he imagined, going to be a deeply satisfying experience. They all had their own personalities, their own way of being sexy.

Riley’s was just overt sexuality, almost like a caricature, like a porn star who never stopped living in her own porn set.

Sylvia was just a little sly, mostly confident, like a much more subtle version of Riley.

Elizabeth was just this towering inferno of raw sex appeal that didn’t really realize the fact that she was such a thing.

Lyra definitely had that cute, shy, nerd girl thing going on.

Anya was kind of like the casual, fun-loving woman you bumped into at a rave or a party, got to chatting, and then she offered to hook up for the night. He imagined she drifted into people’s lives as easily as she drifted back out of them.

Although some of her story didn’t entirely track with that.

And then there was Maureen. Jack had run into women like her in his life: overtly domineering women. Women of industry, of accomplishment, women who had gotten things done and were used to be listening to and obeyed. Women who had a personality somewhat like gravity: you felt it when they walked into the room.

The fact that she had been a CEO or executive for a dozen major corporations was no surprise to him. She seemed equal parts ice queen and dominatrix. Although he’d never really gone for being dominated before, and he didn’t think he would, there would be, he imagined, an intense satisfaction to fucking an ice queen.

Jack got up and began walking towards the shower Riley was currently in.

He might have been hired to act as a living fucktoy for these women, but they had also hired him to do real, actual work and he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to pull that weight. He realized that it was his own room that Riley had walked into. He stripped off his clothes and stepped into the bathroom. She was already in the shower.

“Hey,” she said warmly as he slid the door open and stepped in.

“Hi,” he replied. Then he kissed her. “You’re so pretty.”

She laughed. “Thank you. You sound stoned.”

“I guess I am a little from being around you and getting fucked,” he replied.

She tilted her head back and let the water run through her vividly red hair. “Yes, sex will do that to you. Sex with a dysil will do that even more so.” She finished up, then suddenly stepped forward and wrapped him in a hug.

He was surprised, though not unpleasantly, by the move, and hugged her back.

“How are you doing?” she asked. “For real.”

“For real?” he replied. She nodded. “I’ a daze,” he said. “I’m good, mostly. You mean, like, physically? I basically feel back to one hundred percent. I’m still a little tired-”

“No, Jack,” she replied, pulling back and staring into his eyes with her bright red ones. “I mean, I’m glad you’re feeling better physically, and the lethargy will pass soon, probably by tomorrow, but I mean emotionally, mentally, where are you at?”

He considered it, looking away for a moment. Riley waited. Despite evidence to the contrary, she seemed to have a lot of patience. “I’m worried,” he admitted finally. He looked back at her. “I mean, this is all great, you’ve all been really great, and I’m looking forward to all this. But I guess there’s just a part of me that wonders if...” he hesitated, looking for the right words. He sighed. “That wonders if I’m not actually sorting anything out, out here. If I had a crisis and I’m just pretending that I’m facing it, while in reality I’m just out here playing, getting my dick sucked, pretending like I’m useful or I’m doing something meaningful.”

“You are useful, and you are doing something meaningful,” Riley said.

“I didn’t mean to imply-”

“I know you didn’t. I know you meant with regards to us, not that what we’re doing isn’t useful. But you are useful. We could have done this without you, but we chose not to. You’re helping. Not just by shifting crates, but by being nice to us. Yeah, having sex with us, but by listening to us, and respecting us. You’ve done a lot of listening since you got here. A lot of empathizing. You know how I know Lyra’s going to fuck you? Well, besides the fact that she told me she fully intended to, I’ve seen you two talking. She doesn’t do that for other people, Jack. At least not outside this little circle of people. The fact that you’ve logged even a few hours chatting with her is a big deal. And I know it may not seem like it, but Anya is actually kind of at a low point right now. I’ve heard the story she told you about her boyfriend.

“She passes it off casually, and she’s not lying, but it...affected her. Poorly. She could use some tender love and care right now. And you’re good at that.”

“Am I?” he asked.

“Yeah! You’re good at that. I know it feels like you’re still fumbling in the dark, but you’ve got all the right tools for it. You have a great talent for empathy...” she grinned, “and for pleasuring vagina. Trust me, you just need to build your confidence some more, and your experience. Which is exactly what you’ll be doing out here with us. None of us are going to turn you away, we’re not going to laugh at you. We’re all here to have a good time. I would say, try to start being a little more intentional and aware of certain things. You already have the talent, now you just need to build the skill. And you’re off to a great start.”

“I...thanks,” he murmured.

She smiled and hugged him again. “I know it seems like I don’t give a fuck about anything but getting off, but I care a lot about people. I want people to be happy. All of these people are my friends, and now you’re my friend, and I think you can make them happy. I know you can. Yeah you can pound and eat pussy pretty good, and you’re only going to get better, but you can talk to them, you can listen to them, you can hold them at night and tell them it’s going to be okay and they might even believe you. That’s...really important.”

“Yeah,” he said, hugging her back, “it is. I wish I’d had someone to do that recently.”

“Now you do,” Riley said, squeezing him against her huge tits. “It’s going to be okay, Jack. I promise. Plus, you’re going to get a lot of pussy now.”

He laughed as she released him. “Yeah, that’s true.”

“Good. Now wash up. We have one final sweep of the ship to complete before they get back up here. Maureen’s eager to get to work. So is Lyra, clearly.”

“I think Maureen’s gonna jump me soon,” he said as he grabbed some soap and started washing.

“Count on it. Off the record, she’s called dibs on you next,” Riley said.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. She’s gonna fucking eat you alive tonight.”


Riley laughed loudly. “That is the appropriate response. Maureen is...I think a lot of people think she’d suck in bed, but she actually doesn’t. She’s great. It’s just that she doesn’t partake often. She’s a very career-motivated person, and now her career longer a factor. She’s gonna fuck you so good. I’m getting horny just thinking about it.”

“Me too,” Jack said.

“Come on, we gotta get to work,” Riley replied.

They finished washing, killed the shower, then dried and dressed. Though she had to go to her room to get new shorts given the mess she’d made of the old ones. While she did that, he went over his room one more time, just in case he’d missed anything, though he wasn’t sure what he might have missed, given how little he owned.

Once he was sure that everything was in his bag, he secured his holster and pistol to his hip after checking it out. Technically speaking, the planet was dangerous. Although he hadn’t seen anything as he’d offloaded crates from the shuttle, he knew that could change at any time. Maureen and Elizabeth both had warned them that they were to be armed with at least a basic sidearm and some spare ammunition at all times.

With that out of the way, he grabbed his bag and walked out, turning out the light as he went. He passed Riley, who was on the way to the bridge.

“Need to do one more check of the ship, then I’ll join you in the hangar,” she said.

“I’ll be there,” he replied, and headed on down the length of the ship.

It was strange. He’d only been here for a few days, but already the ship had felt more like home than any other place had for a long time. He knew at least some of that had to do with the fact that he was a Marine and had traveled the galaxy for four years before finally giving it up. But he now had the inkling that this feeling of home had more to do with the people he shared the ship with than the ship itself.

And that was a deeply comforting feeling, because he was leaving the ship, not the people.

The outpost they were to live in and repair would feel like home soon.


Jack walked into the hangar. There wasn’t much left, just a stack of metal crates and a pair of longer ones, all of which held the materials that would allow them to bring the outpost they were staying in back up to par, either that or it was survival gear meant to help them stay alive on the planet. Honestly, he was kind of looking forward to all of this. Although he didn’t really relish fighting his fellow sentients, not unless they were fucking assholes like slavers or raiders who preyed on the outer colonies or merchant ships or the like, he did relish a challenge. And all of this was going to be a bit of a challenge, from how Maureen had described it.

Besides getting his brains fucked out by Riley, he’d been studying up on the planet that would be his home. It had a diverse environment, though the place they would be calling home was essentially a dirt desert. And it came complete with some nasty creatures of its own. He was less than thrilled that there were alien animals that essentially amounted to giant fucking spiders living in some of the caves, and there were things that looked like lizard wolves that had a mean bite to them and hunted in packs. But that was the point of a challenge.

To be challenging.

He jumped slightly as he felt as much as heard the outer airlock opening. The shuttle was back. Excellent. As it cycled through the large airlock at the end of the hangar, Riley appeared. “We’re all set,” she said, carrying her own bag and smiling broadly. “We can get this show on the road.”

“Looks like we won’t have to wait,” Jack said as the inner airlock door began to open.

“Yep,” Riley agreed.

They both watched as Lyra, who was their secondary pilot, brought the shuttle in and landed it smoothly. She was clearly visible in the cockpit, and she waved them towards her. They headed forward and Jack studied the big thing as they navigated around to the back. It was a standard planet-hopper, civilian model, though obviously expensive. In short, all it was was a cockpit, a little area for personnel, and then mostly a cargo bay. But slung under the wings, attached to either side, were a pair of large cargo containers.

“What are those actually for? Why didn’t we load them up with cargo to make fewer trips?” Jack asked as he looked at them. They paused to grab a few of the last remaining crates and then began heading to the ramp.

“One of them is actually full of emergency cargo,” Riley explained as they came to the cargo ramp at the back and began to walk up it. “Extra food, water, medical stuff, emergency repair stuff. But the other one is living quarters. This shuttle is meant to be a mobile outpost.”

They secured the crates in their place, then headed back and grabbed some more.

“Whoa, really? That’s awesome...although why?” he replied.

“I don’t know for sure, but I think some of the contracts we have may necessitate it. It can’t hold all of us, up to three, I think. Four if you squeeze or one of them is Lyra. Or maybe once we finish up with the outpost and our current contracts, we’ll do other things elsewhere on the planet.”

“Oh, cool,” he said.

Before long, the two of them had finished loading the last of the crates.

They got into the little crew compartment directly behind the cockpit, which could uncomfortably seat four, and Jack took a seat.

Riley poked her head into the cockpit. “We’re set.”

“Good. Buckle up,” Lyra replied, her voice flat.

“Yes, Captain,” Riley said, and she took a seat across from Jack after closing the door to the cockpit.

“She’s really...focused,” he murmured as they buckled in.

“Yep, she sure is. She’s excellent at her job. Jobs. She’s a genius, absolutely brilliant, and can focus for fucking hours on a task. But it comes at the cost of a social life. Normally she doesn’t care, but I think it’s been getting to her more lately. But I’ve been telling her not to worry, you’ll take good care of her. Sexually and socially. And of course we have each other.”

“I really want to have a threesome with you and her,” he murmured.

She laughed. “An alien threesome, huh? That really get you going?”


“I know a lot of humans who wouldn’t admit that.”

“I’m not a lot of humans,” he replied.

“Fair enough. A lot of xenians, too. You two are a cloistered, repressed bunch.” She frowned. “But now I’m starting to sound like a racist, and fuck that.”

The shuttle took off and began heading back out the way it had come in.

Jack finished settling into his seat.

It was time for the next part of this strange, wild journey he’d signed up for.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (August 2020)

Wow, so, July was kind of a wash in terms of getting shit done.

The only real good news that I can take away from last month, and it is good news, is that I’ve largely dealt with my real life problems. I was in the midst of tackling the ones already in progress, and then a completely new one cropped up, but as of now, I believe they have all been put back in their place, and I can just focus on writing! I have to admit, this is really fucking nice.

The bad news is that I didn’t finish Haven 7 or, subsequently, get any work done on Like A Fine Wine 2. Sorry about that. Believe me, I’m pissed too. I had really hoped to have more done, but sometimes life forces itself in your way and you just HAVE to deal with it.

But I’m almost done with Haven 7! It should be out within the next week.

Also, for the first time ever, EVERY single nude alternate version of my cover art is now on my website. Nothing is exclusively on Patreon. That will change very shortly with the release of Haven 7, but I thought you’d like to know. In a way, I feel like it’s a bit of a failing on my part, as the only way this could happen is if enough time lapsed between releases, which it has.

The other thing I want to discuss is the future. I had one of those revelations, although I’m hesitant to call it a revelation because it’s more of a ‘no fucking shit’ realization than anything else. It relates to something I’ve wrestled with before, and it’s kind of a ‘I need to face reality’ kind of realization.

I was looking at Like A Fine Wine a few weeks ago, and it just kind of hit me, all at once like things sometimes do, that I had just wasted its momentum and potential. I saw the numbers rising, the sales rank getting better, and then falling as the momentum it had, the interest in it, began to wane. If I had immediately gotten to work on the sequel, I could have gotten it out just as interest was beginning to peter out, which would renew interest in the series again. And then repeat until finished. This is something people have known for awhile and something I’ve wrestled with, as I get burned out.

I could be wrong, and it could just be that I’m not built this way, (I hope not), but I think I need to view writing series in order until completion the same way I had to change my view on writing what I wanted versus writing what sold last year. Making the shift in emphasis to Haven has been good. People seem happy. Which is good. But they would be happier if Haven came faster.

While one of my driving narrative devices in almost everything I write is characters building their own lives, setting their own paces, living the way they want, and that is something I do actually believe in, I also have to face the reality of the world I live in. In the world I occupy, worth and value are measured in dollars earned and productivity output. And as a writer, I’m already at a disadvantage, as there are a lot of people out there who roll their eyes at the idea of writing being ‘work’, or entertainment having any real value. Again, I know they’re wrong. Writing is work, entertainment is valuable, but I’ve noticed that a lot of people are stupid, and won’t let things like reality or facts get in the way of their beliefs.

My point is, I’ve come to the conclusion that, even if I burn out, I need to keep working harder. Because the competition isn’t going to let up. Even if the competition is cheating, they are still the competition, and that is still my reality.

Consequently, I’ve slightly revised my plans for the rest of 2020. Not by much, as I still do intend to use the rest of this year to wrap up loose ends, but I also want to lay the groundwork for the future.

Here’s an idea of what the rest of 2020 will look like.

  • As soon as Haven 7 is up, I’ll write half of Quickies #4, which encompasses the rest of my Fantasy stories.

  • From there, I’ll write Like A Fine Wine 2, publish it, then write the rest of Quickies #4 and publish that.

  • I will then write and publish Haven 8, then write half of Quickies #5, which encompasses the rest of my Science Fiction stories.

  • I will then write Like A Fine Wine 3 and publish it, then publish the first Like A Fine Wine Collection, then finish and publish Quickies #5.

  • From there I will write and publish Haven - Epilogue, as well as the third and final Haven Collection.

  • With that finished, I will write and publish Quickies #6, which will include all of my Post-Apocalyptic stories.

  • With Haven and all of the Quickies written and published, I will then turn my attention to Like A Fine Wine, writing the final three books in the series and publishing them as quickly as possible.

  • In the background of all this, I will be working on A Warm Place. As of right now, I have already written and edited most of A Warm Place - Prelude, which acts as kind of like an encapsulated story of what readers can expect from the series. It takes place a few months before the beginning of the series and can be read or ignored without a problem. It is my hope to have at least the Prelude and A Warm Place 1 written and ready to go by the time I finish all my other projects. Ideally I’ll even have A Warm Place 2 ready to go as well. Once I begin publishing A Warm Place, it will be my aim to continue writing and releasing novels in that series until it is finished. Ideally, I want to be able to release a new A Warm Place novel every 3-4 weeks. Like I was hoping to achieve back in 2018, I want to build up a few novels to give me some time to stay ahead of the series by at least one novel, so I’m not just desperately writing and releasing. It would be nice to have an actual set schedule, though I know how unrealistic that is. Even just one new novel a month would be great. Right now, I’m honestly not sure how long it will take me to get through wrapping this stuff up. Ideally, I will be able to launch A Warm Place with the new year.

  • That being said, A Warm Place is going to probably encompass most of 2021. Right now, I have 9 novels in mind, as well as the Prelude. I don’t know what will come next. I do know that I will try to squeeze some side projects in there. More Quickies, as they become necessary, some more incest to be sure, and maybe some fan fiction for fun. It would be really nice to finally get to write that. But we shall see.

Haven 7 Preview!

Here is the first chapter of Haven 7. Sorry this has taken as long as it has. It’s looking like I’ll just miss my July release date, but it should be up in early August.

If you want to read the first two chapters, you can do so on my Patreon.

“Have you thought of a name yet?” Ashley asked.

David looked over at her as they stopped momentarily among the lush foliage, coming to stand on a small hill that offered them a better look into the forest that surrounded them. She looked radiant in the golden sunshine streaming down from above, filtering through the leaf-heavy branches that swayed gently in the breeze. She wore a simple, form-fitting tanktop and a pair of cargo pants ripped off at the knees.

With a combat knife on one hip and a pistol on the other, she looked like Ellie.

Which made sense, given how close they were nowadays.

“We’re still batting that around,” David replied.

“How far along now is she?”

David thought about it. It had been about three and a half months since they had dealt with the viper threat, helping the squids, and bringing Lara over to their group. Which meant that it was just about now becoming summer, and that Cait was…

“About six, six and a half months,” he replied.

“Getting closer,” Ashley murmured.


“You scared?”

“I mean, yeah.”

She sighed. “I understand. I don’t have kids, I don’t want any, know, there’s my little brother to worry about.”

Distantly, from somewhere up ahead, they heard a gunshot. It echoed over the landscape. “We should keep moving,” David said.


They resumed their journey, heading northeast. They were heading towards the quarry. The last time David had been up this far, and so far really the only time as far as he could remember, was during the incident with the stalkers. Ashley had been out exploring the night before, going solo since Ellie had pulled guard duty, and had heard a few gunshots coming from the area. She had meant to investigate, but a pack of stalkers had driven her off and it was already getting to be towards nightfall, so she’d headed home with intent to investigate the next day. And so David had agreed to go with her and check it out.

There was another reason he had agreed to go.



“Have you been avoiding me?”

She didn’t respond for a few seconds. The only sound was their boots, moving through the underbrush, and the trees swaying in the wind.

“Kinda,” she admitted finally.


She sighed softly. “I...don’t know.”

“I think you do.”

Another few seconds went by.

“I guess, I’m a little jealous,” she said finally.

“What? Why?”

“You and Ellie are...really close. Like really close. I mean, it didn’t bother me as much before, but we’re...kinda serious now, you know?”

“Yeah,” he murmured, he did know. In the months that had followed the viper incident, there had been some fairly successful attempts to add on to Haven. There had been some room in the front corners of the campgrounds, just enough open space for a few more structures. During the spring, they’d managed to gather enough lumber and construction material from across the region to build three buildings. One took up one of the entire areas and served as a kind of boarding house, a two-story structure that sported a dozen small bedrooms. Evie had overseen the project, working with a few people who knew about construction, and she had envisioned it as a place for people to stay overnight if they were passing through, or even for a few days.

The other area housed a pair of structures closer to traditional cabins, though smaller. Ellie and Ashley now lived in one of these buildings, having grown close enough that they felt comfortable doing so. Besides having a romantic (and highly sexual) relationship, they also had taken on a sort of apprentice-mentor relationship, as Ellie was teaching her how not just to survive but thrive. In fact, she had taken to giving lessons to anyone who wanted them in the village.

But he and Ellie had only grown closer since her return to Haven. Although she wasn’t exactly a part of the four-way relationship he shared with Cait, April, and Evie, she might as well have been. He and her and Cait were extremely close, to the point where they regularly told each other they loved each other.

He could see how that might be difficult for Ashley.

“I mean, I’m willing to listen, to work with you...” he said.

She sighed heavily. “That’s the thing! What can I do? What can I ask for? You two love each other! What do I ask? ‘Stop loving each other’? That’s completely unreasonable.”

“I’m...sorry,” he managed. In that moment, he wished he was somewhere else, because damn was this uncomfortable. But this was exactly why he had come along, because it had become obvious that something was going on with Ashley, and he had been determined to find out what. He’d figured it was something like this, but how to fix it?

“I know. Fuck, I’m sorry for feeling this way,” she muttered. “It’s stupid. I know Ellie loves me. She moved in with me. I didn’t think she’d do that for anyone. She spends time with me, helps me, goes on adventures with me, and I know what a big deal that is for her. She’s used to being a loner. I can tell this is...stressful for her, sometimes. It isn’t what she’s used to.”

“I think you might be worried about something else, Ashley,” David said.

She looked at him. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t think you’re jealous of me or Cait. I mean, okay, I do, but I don’t think that’s what’s causing you so much grief. I think you’re scared that you’re going to wake up one day and find Ellie has disappeared,” he replied quietly.

She stared at him for a moment longer, then she looked away. They walked in silence again for a few moments.

“I guess you’re right,” she whispered. “I guess...I kinda latched onto the jealousy, because I am scared of that. I have nightmares about it, sometimes. And sometimes Ellie gets up before I do, and she’s so quiet, I’ll just wake up and she’s gone, and I panic...”

He stopped and she stopped with him. David stepped closer to her and opened his arms in offering. She hesitated for just a second, then hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry,” she groaned.

“It’s okay,” he replied, hugging her against him. “I know exactly how you feel, actually. I mean, I was there when she did leave last time. It was awful. I was sick to my stomach for days. And, I mean, I’m not trying to interfere-”

“I know!” she groaned, stepping away. “I know, I’m being a bitch.”

“I didn’t say that. I wasn’t trying to imply-”

“Ugh, you’re so fucking reasonable,” she growled.

“Is that...a problem?”

She laughed and shook her head. “No, David, just...” She looked at him and let out a long sigh. “I guess my mom was right about me. Sometimes I just want to fight. Which is stupid.” She stepped closer to him again and put her hands on his hips. “You’re a really good friend. I want to make sure you know that. And just, you know, a good guy. I know why Ellie likes you so much. And I want you to know that I actually really like you, too.”

He chuckled. “I had a suspicion.”

“Oh really? Could it be those times I fucked you?” she asked, smirking.

“That might have tipped me off,” he replied.

They stared at each other for a moment, an electric spark of lust passing between them. She looked a lot different now. She’d grown her blonde hair out over the winter and spring, and last month she had shaved half her head, and now kept it shaved. It gave her kind of a wild and crazy appearance. She was sporting a heavy tan now and she’d bulked up a little bit. When he had first met her, she’d been pretty skinny, but now she had some muscles. Now she had a lean, cut look to her. One point, a few weeks ago, staring at her as she chopped wood outside of Haven, he had suddenly understood what people meant about him looking older.

When they met, she looked like a teenager or someone in their early twenties. Now she looked a decade older, more mature, maybe harder, rougher around the edges. The way she moved now, it reminded him a bit of Ellie and Cait.

“We should have sex,” Ashley said suddenly.

“Here?” he asked.

She opened her mouth, then another gunshot sounded, a bit closer this time. She sighed. “Okay, later,” she said, turning and resuming her walk. He hurried after her. “After we figure out what’s going on over there. Then we’ll go back to my place and fuck. We haven’t fucked in forever.”

“Not my fault,” he murmured.

She heaved a sigh. “I know!” She shook her head. “Let’s just...focus on this. They’ve gotta be in the quarry, whoever they are.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah, that’s the only thing that’s in this direction, really.”

“God, I hope it’s not a bunch of assholes looking to wreck our shit.”

“Yeah...” She frowned, and he knew she was likely thinking of the same thing he was: Lima Company. Although there had been no hostility between the two groups, Stern had made it apparent that he wasn’t interested in working directly with them any longer. Especially now that his second in command had left him and joined Haven. David was very glad to have Lara around, for a number of reasons, but he wished it hadn’t been done out of frustration and anger. Not that he could blame her. Stern had gone back on his promise to help the squids, instead trying to push the responsibility solely onto David and his own group.

And it wasn’t like he minded doing it so much as he was extremely disappointed in Stern’s own dereliction of duty.

He was at least glad that his relationship with the other three groups in the territory was still going strong. He still traded regularly with the fishermen and the farmers, and the doctors were strong allies by this point. He was sure that if they had room, they could convince them to move into Haven. But that was another problem for another day.

Abruptly, the trees and the dense foliage fell back, and he and Ashley came out onto a strip of land that ended abruptly ten feet ahead of them. They carefully approached the edge and as they did, found themselves looking out over the quarry.

Immediately, David’s question was answered. Off near the other end of the quarry, where a gentle slope in the land led down into it, he spied a collection of a dozen or so tents and a large group of people moving around them.

“Well, holy shit,” Ashley muttered.

David pulled out his binoculars and took a look. “They don’t look like assholes.”

“Oh yeah? How can you tell?”

“They’ve got kids with them. They look more ragtag than anything else. Like they picked up random people from here or there. It looks...kinda peaceful. Or as peaceful as it gets.”

“The thieves were pretty ragtag.”

“Yeah, but you could tell they were all from the same group.”

“ now what? You’re the boss.”

He lowered the binoculars and glanced at her. “Oh, so you’d actually listen to me?”

“Provided you don’t give dumbass orders,” she replied. “I think you’re doing a good job helping run Haven with Evie and Cait and the others.”

“Well thank you. Now, we carefully introduce ourselves. Try and figure out their intent. Kinda wish we had more people...actually, maybe we should run back and get more,” he said. “It’d be nice to have a sharpshooter covering us just in case.”

“Yeah, can’t argue with that logic,” Ashley murmured. As he began to turn away, Ashley grabbed his arm. “David, look.”

He turned back and his heart skipped a beat. Half a dozen large, dark figures were sailing overhead now. Hunters. He heard several people scream. At the same time, he caught a wave of movement by the treeline over on that side of the quarry. Pulling the binoculars back up, he saw what was causing it: stalkers. A few dozen of them.

“Shit, we have to help them,” he said, replacing the binoculars and hurrying off.

Ashley silently followed after him. They began sprinting along the path that ran alongside the quarry, careful to keep their distance from the edge. Fuck, what a shit way to go. After everything he’d survived, how damned awful would it be falling to his death? David kept running, keeping an eye on the situation as it developed. The people were fully aware of the monsters now, both above and on ground level, and he could see them scurrying to set up defenses. Judging from how quickly they were doing it, they seemed pretty well-prepared, although they didn’t have the most ideal of setups for something like this.

Gunfire rang out as they took shots at the hunters wheeling overhead and opened up on the stalkers sprinting down the slope into the quarry.

David and Ashley ran for all they were worth, and by the time they finally reached the other end of the quarry, his lungs and muscles were beginning to burn.

“Stay up here,” he gasped, skidding to a halt and surveying the situation again. A lot of stalkers had been put down already, but apparently all the ruckus had garnered the attention of a pack of wildcats and now they were coming down. Three of the hunters had been killed, but the other three were fast, and they were dive-bombing again and again, shrieking wildly, making grabs for the survivors trying desperately to hide and fight. “You’ve got the rifle, take down those fucking hunters, Ashley!” he snapped when she began to argue.

“Fuck, fine!” she growled, pulling out her scoped rifle and getting into position.

David brought his pistol out and started running down the slope, towards the encampment. As he got within shooting range, he screamed, “Friendly, coming in! Friendly, coming in hot!” He had no idea if they could hear him over the screaming and the gunfire, but he had to try. David got within a few dozen meters of the onrushing stalkers and wildcats, trusting Ashley to take out the hunters, or at least dissuade them from trying to murder him. He skidded to a halt and opened fire. The first two shots took a wildcat through the skull and splattered its rotting brains across the horde. It rag-dolled and rolled a few times down the incline as the life left its body in a hurry. He popped off more shots, missing two, scoring another headshot through a stalker, and pumping two rounds into another wildcat’s chest. That got their attention.

A pack of wildcats peeled off from the horde and began sprinting towards him with a terrifying speed. As he took aim, David found it easier than he would have a few months ago to steady himself. Apparently all the practice was paying off. He opened fire on the rampaging targets, the pistol jerking in his hand against the backdrop of gunfire roaring around him. The lead wildcat’s head snapped back in a spray of bone and blood and brains, and it flopped to the ground, tripping up another one of them. David snapped to the right and fired twice more, the first shot going through a neck covered in patchy, matted fur, the second turning a wide, empty black eye into a geyser of old blood. He emptied the pistol putting down the onrushing undead.

Without missing a beat, he ejected the spent magazine and slammed a fresh one in.

DAVID!” Ashley screamed distantly behind him.

He looked around, knowing something had to be about to attack him, but saw nothing. Then he looked up. No, not attack him, land on him. One of the hunters Ashley had appeared killed was falling right towards him. He dove out of the way just as five hundred pounds of dead meat smashed into the ground with a resounding crash. Picking himself up off the ground, David looked around. He saw a few more stalkers coming his way, but the numbers were finally thinning out. Overhead, only one more hunter circled, and Ashley was on it.

He kept up a steady rate of fire, punching bloody holes into the malformed bodies of the undead as they came at him, and between himself, Ashley, and the people at the encampment, they managed to put down the last of the undead.

As David reloaded again, he took a look at the camp, trying to figure out whether he needed to run or–

A bullet shrieked past him, barely missing his leg, and he cried out and dove back behind the dead hunter. “Friendly!” he screamed. “Fucking friendly!

“Val! Fuck! Stop!” a voice yelled, a woman’s voice.

Another woman’s voice, gruff, spoke up. “Who the fuck is out there?!”

“My name’s David! Will you please not shoot me!?” he called back.

“No promises! What do you want!?”

“Val! Fuck!” the first voice snapped.

David looked up, frustrated that he didn’t have anywhere to go. No doubt Ashley was covering him but there were a few dozen people over there and this was a pretty open space. He probably hadn’t seriously thought this out. Then again, that was the problem with wanting to help people in desperate situations.

He heard arguing between the two voices, though he couldn’t make out most of the words. Finally, the first voice, one that sounded more reasonable, called back to him. “David, was it? We won’t shoot you! Thank you for your help!”

Sighing, deciding to take her at her word, he slowly stood up. He could see two figures standing by one of the tents nearest to his position now, maybe thirty meters away. One slim and one larger, though not tall enough to be a goliath. Just a tall human. The tall one carried a scoped machine gun and looked prepped for war. She reminded him of Katya or Vanessa. The other woman seemed almost the opposite: slim, average height, kind, maybe a little out of her depth, judging by her expression. But she seemed reasonable, at least.

“It’s David,” he said.

“Can we talk?” the first woman asked.

“Only if your friend comes down off that hill and stops covering us with that rifle,” the second woman said firmly.

David turned and waved to Ashley. After a moment, she stood up and started coming forward. He waited until she had joined him and then the two came towards the encampment. They stopped a respectable distance away.

“Who are you?” the second woman asked.

The first woman sighed. “Stop being such a fucking bitch, Val,” she growled. “My name is Lori,” she said, smiling winningly at them both. “I am the leader of this group. Valerie here is my second in command. She-”

“Makes sure you don’t fucking die,” Valerie grunted.


“My name is David, this is my friend Ashley. We’re from a settlement that I help run called Haven, a little ways south of here. We heard gunshots and came to investigate. What’s, uh, your situation? Are you passing through or looking for a place to stay?”

“Well-” Lori began, but Valerie cut her off.

“What’s it you?” she asked.

“We’re in a position to offer assistance if you need or want it,” David replied.

“Why?” Valerie pressed.

“Because I’m fucking nice,” David replied.


“Val! Go...check on the others,” Lori said, turning to her and staring up into her face. “You’re pissing me off and being extremely fucking rude.”

“Do I really have to remind you how the last ‘interaction’ went?” Valerie replied, but she turned and left, heading deeper into the camp.

Lori walked a few steps closer. “I’m sorry about her.”

David sighed and shook his head, making himself calm down. “No, it’s fine. I get it. There’s a lot of assholes in the world and talk is cheap.”

“Well you did help us, but...I must admit, we’ve had a run of very bad luck recently. We’ve been hassled and hunted by some group for the last forty miles.”

David frowned. “Really? What were they like?”

“They wore leather armor painted black and they were pretty...tenacious. And vicious. When we first ran into them they pretty much tried to demand our unconditional surrender. They wanted all of our resources and some of our people. They were in a position to take it, too. We got lucky. A pack of giants was wandering nearby and got drawn in by the shouting. We fled, but they kept finding us. It’s been a week since we’ve seen them, though...I hope they haven’t followed us.” She sighed and appeared to collect her thoughts. “But, um, thank you. Both of you. That was good shooting, and very helpful.”

“You’re welcome,” David replied. “So what are your plans?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted after a moment. “We’re running low on supplies. We’ve set up camp here with the intent to hunt and gather some resources, but, God, I think everyone’s just tired of moving...”

David stared at her. She looked tired, and frightened. Also, very pretty. Medium height, probably a little under average weight, chin-length blonde hair, soft brown eyes. She looked really good in her jeans and t-shirt.

“I want to help,” he said. “Last winter, me and some very close friends built a whole settlement on the foundation of helping people. So, if there’s anything I can do...”

Lori pursed her lips, staring at him. He had to admit, she didn’t have a great poker face. She looked desperate and wasn’t doing a good job of hiding it. He had the idea that they were worse off than she’d like to admit.

Finally, she stepped a little closer. “We could really use the help,” she said, her voice low. “We have several people sick and now hurt, we’re very low on food and water and are basically out of medicine. There’s close to forty of us...”

“Fuck,” David whispered. “That’s...okay. That’s a problem, yeah.”

“Anything you could do...”

David considered it for a moment. He glanced at the sky and made a quick calculation. It was still before noon. With how long the days were now, he could definitely go home, get some people and even just a basic care package, and come back. He looked back at her and nodded. “All right, listen, I’m going to go put together a care package of supplies. Food, water, medicine, ammo, and a few medical personnel to come and look at your people.”

“If you could...” Her breath caught and she cleared her throat. “If you could do that, it would be extremely helpful. It’s been a very trying and taxing few weeks. Months, at this point.”

“I’ll make it happen,” David said.

She stepped closer to him and clasped his hand suddenly. The look she gave him was pleading, almost desperate. “Please don’t screw us over. Please.

“I won’t,” he said. “I know talk is cheap and it seems like everyone out here is either evil or uncaring, but we care. And we will help. I promise. We’ll be back once we have everything gathered. We’ll be back today. Okay?”

“Okay,” she said after a moment, letting go of his hand.

“I promise,” David repeated, then turned and began to leave.

Ashley hurried after him. “That’s some promise,” she murmured.

“I don’t care, we still have a fair amount of supplies. And I know Katya and April and a few others will be more than willing to help.”

“And if this is some kind of a trap?” Ashley asked.

“I really don’t think it is, but we’re not going unarmed, obviously. And I’m sure Vanessa will be glad to go along just to keep anyone from doing anything stupid.”

They hurried up out of the quarry.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (July 2020)

So I got some stuff done in June. Most of it was pretty background, but maybe something on the list will appeal to you.

  • I cleaned up the site and rearranged things a bit.

  • I released Like A Fine Wine. (Kindle | Paperback | Nude Cover)

  • I released the nude covers for Haven 6 & Demoness I - III Collected.

  • I released Alien Harem Collected, which has Alien Harem 1 & 2, and 4,400 words worth of new content in the form of a short story that takes place after the end of the series. (Kindle | Paperback)

  • I released Misty Vixen Collected, which is a paperback that collects all my titles that are available for the Kindle, but not available in paperback. This includes the five Freebies, Exploration, & My Undead Lover. For the sake of clarity, there is NO NEW CONTENT. (Paperback)

  • I released Quickies #3, which collects all four of my Paranormal Universe stories/series: Paranormal Passions, Pink, Roommates With Benefits, & Parasexual. Each gets its own new short story, totaling over 20,000 words worth of new content. (Kindle | Paperback)

  • I discovered that you can insert images into the Kindle files, and so I set aside two days to update every single title with a new custom-made title that I had to make myself. So basically just sprucing the stories up a bit. I also took the opportunity to update the back matter, removing any reference to Crystal Candy and inserting Like A Fine Wine in there.

  • I got started writing Haven 7.

That’s what I did during June. Unfortunately, I also had something of a setback, and July might not necessarily get much better. Suffice to say I’m dealing with some personal problems that have the potential to become something WAY worse and I’m doing the best I can to handle it. At present it’s all kind of murky as to how worried I should be. If anything more definitive comes along, which ideally it will this month, I’ll say more.

But despite that, I am going to try really hard to get Haven 7 out this month and get most of Like A Fine Wine 2 written. Ideally, I’ll have it out the first week of August.

That’s about all I’ve got. Stay safe out there.

Little Update

So I’ve been really busy. I’ve gotten some stuff out and managed to make something of a minor breakthrough in terms of aesthetics and presentation.

First, the releases.

Biggest one, I got Like A Fine Wine out!

I also threw together the Alien Harem Collection. It was weird writing for Alien Harem again. I put together a short bonus for the Collection, obviously. Hopefully I managed to get it right.

I also finally put together my Misty Vixen Collected paperback. In short, it’s a 300-page paperback that collects all of my uncollected stories available on Amazon. So Exploration, My Undead Lover, and the five Freebies. There’s absolutely NO NEW CONTENT, I want to be clear on that. This is really just for the people who want to own everything in physical format. You can buy it here. (For some reason it’s ‘not in stock’ at the moment. I have no idea why this is or how long it will take to fix.)

I’ve also finally managed to put Quickies #3 out. It’s got FOUR new short stories, one for each of my stories/series in my Paranormal Universe. That was also strange writing for, and it also gave me a certain bit of satisfaction in finally completely closing the door on that universe. As nice as some of it was, and I did really like some of the plot elements and emotional notes hit with Parasexual, I’ve definitely been leaning hard into more action-oriented survival situations where things are desperate. That’s just a lot more engaging to write for me.

What took up an appreciable part of my time was that I discovered I could put in customized images in my works without too much trouble, so I created a customized title image for all of my works. Instead of just some text with one of four font options available to me through Kindle Create, now you’ve got some (hopefully) cooler looking titling!

I also took the opportunity to update the back matter, removing any reference to Crystal Candy and adding in the Like A Fine Wine section since that story is the first time I’ve created a new series in over a YEAR now. Yeah, I just double-checked and the last time I started a new series was back in April 2019 with the release of Haven. Wow. (I guess technically I started like four with Crystal Candy, but I’m not really counting those.)

I also gave the website a little update, making sure all the links still work and doing little touch-ups here and there. The main thing I did was replace the list of text hyperlinks on each of the Universe pages that lead to the individual series pages with cool-looking (I think) tiles. Check it out. (I know, I know, stop the presses, such a MASSIVE update.)

Now I’m bucking down and getting to work on Haven 7. You probably won’t hear from me until the next Newsletter. Hope you enjoy the minor updates and little releases!

Like A Fine Wine Chapter 01 Preview

So, here is the first chapter preview of my new Sci-Fi Mature Harem novel Like A Fine Wine.

Right now, I’m about halfway done with it and ideally I will be able to publish it before the week is out, though I’ve been feeling kind of shitty recently (don’t worry, almost certainly not Covid, these are issues I’ve been having off and on for awhile now and they’re just flaring up for some reason), so it’s kind of a crap shoot whether or not I’ll manage to finish it this week.

If you are a 1$/month Patron over on my Patreon, you can also read Chapter 02 right here!

Jack Lennox set down the sleek black kit bag that contained his entire life and looked out the window at the stars that had once guided him.

Up until a few weeks ago, he had seen something in that universal field of stars.

Now he saw nothing. He felt as adrift as an escape pod jettisoned from a dying starship somewhere in deep space, with no distress beacon and dwindling resources.

With a heavy sigh, Jack sat down on the smooth, plush couch in the private receiving bay he had been instructed to go to by his mysterious employers. He asked himself what, exactly, he thought he was doing. It had been two days since he’d accepted this job and he still didn’t have something even resembling an answer.

After fifteen years of certainty, I don’t know was a terrifying thing to live.

As he settled into the comfortable material, he tried not to fidget. It was unbecoming of a Galactic Marine to fidget. Of course, he wasn’t a Marine anymore, was he? He turned away from the window. The ship he was waiting for wasn’t here yet. Booting up his Link, the little microcomputer nearly every human had embedded in their brain that granted them access to the galactic internet, he saw that he still had about fifteen minutes before they were schedule to arrive. Well, he was used to the whole ‘hurry up and wait’ thing.

Although he’d made himself hurry up, it wasn’t like they’d been yelling at him through the messages to be precisely on time.

Then again, based on the research he’d done for this strange job, (he hadn’t jumped in totally blind, much as it felt like), the woman running the show would no doubt expect a strict adherence to the timetable.

Being an administrator for over a dozen massive corporations over something like forty years would probably do that to you.

Jack sighed softly and sat back in the chair, rubbing his eyes. What was he doing? This might be the craziest thing he’d ever done.

Signing on with a glorified fixer-upper crew.

He’d at least read up on the job, because it sounded a little weird, but had learned that this was a real thing. There were a lot of instances of people flying out into deep space, looking to snatch up some land or get the jump on some kind of natural resource, so they’d drop an outpost or refinery or starport on some distant world, and then figure out that they’d screwed up. A ton of different things could go wrong on freshly discovered worlds, which meant that there were a lot of abandoned ships, buildings, and space stations out there.

Some people made their lives as salvagers, harvesting places like this in the no man’s land of deep space, but sometimes other corporations bought up the property and sent out ragtag teams to patch them up before sending their own crews out there. It was just one of the thousands of ways you could earn credits way out there in the barely charted regions of the galaxy. But even after getting past that initial skepticism, the more he looked into this job he’d found and applied for, the stranger it seemed to become.

The project was small, and it was being put together by a woman named Maureen Sharp.

When he’d done a little digging through public records, he became more and more curious as to why a woman like her was putting together a scrapping mission with such a small scope. She was sixty five years old, (and still pretty damned hot, in an ice queen sort of way, going off the pics he’d found), and ever since becoming an executive of a mining corporation she’d started working at as an entry level data manager at twenty seven, she’d seemingly dominated business. She had gone on to become an executive or top-level administrator of some kind for, among other things, an intergalactic shipping company, a top-tier hospital that serviced a colony of a hundred thousand, a mega ad campaign designing company, and a publishing company.

Most recently she had stepped down from being the CEO of a vacation organization company that she herself had started some ten years ago.

So why was she doing this?

There had to be something he was missing, but he didn’t know what, because although she’d been good about getting back to him once she’d accepted his application, she’d been oddly evasive about the nature of the job itself. Well, some of it. She told him where they were going, a few of the contracts they’d picked up, the kind of work they’d be doing once they got there. But she hadn’t said much when he’d asked why they didn’t have a larger crew. According to Maureen, there were just six in total so far, herself included.

And he couldn’t find any intel on any of the other crew, he didn’t even know their names.

Despite the fact that he was sometimes a slightly paranoid person, he couldn’t ignore the fact that his instincts were telling him to do this. That was as close as he had to any kind of reason why he was doing this.

That and the fact that he felt completely adrift and directionless in his life now.

So here he was: formerly Sergeant Jack Lennox of the Galactic Marine Corps was now signing up to be an ‘as-needed assistant’ to a surprisingly lowkey salvage op run by a (retired?) businesswoman who, if she’d gone into the military, could probably be a four star General by now. He was positive he was missing something, but he was also willing to admit it might just be as it seemed: Maureen had dominated boardrooms for decades, maybe now she just wanted something totally different. And this was pretty damned different.

Though even still, it really wasn’t like boardroom execs to head out into the field and rough it on distant, dangerous planets.

Jack looked up again as he caught movement through the window beside the airlock he sat in front of. There it was, the ship. It was a sleek, new ship, shiny white metal edged with chrome, the windows tinted black from the exterior. It was edging its way sideways, towards the airlock. It was small. While he was used to mega cruisers that could easily house a thousand personnel, he figured this one would likely max out at a dozen. Jack grabbed his kit bag and stood. When he’d gotten accepted to the job, they’d told him to hop up to the nearest space station and they’d pick him up there before whipping him off to the outer reaches of the galaxy.

As he watched the ship settle in and listened to the clanking sounds of the airlocks connecting, he realized that this was likely his last opportunity to turn away from this course. The job was kind of open-ended, but Maureen had said it would take at least a month, probably longer. But as he waited, it occurred to him that he wasn’t going to turn away from this. He’d known it in some deep, basic way that he needed to do this, even if he didn’t understand why, since the beginning. Since before he’d signed on and packed his life up.

The airlock door was opening now.

He half-expected to see Maureen herself inside the airlock. Instead, he found himself staring at a very attractive, mature woman with pale blonde hair, bright green eyes, and smooth, tan skin. She had an easy, though slightly amused, smile as she laid eyes on him. She was wearing a white tanktop and white jogging shorts. She filled them out quite nicely, with decently padded thighs and sexy hips, as well as some big breasts pressing against her shirt.

“Hello, you must be Jack,” she said.

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied.

“Come aboard,” she said, making room for him in the airlock. “But I’m going to tell you right now: don’t call any of us ma’am. We’re on a first-name basis on this ship, and that applies to you. Plus, we’re all heading into middle age and you know how people can be about that. My name is Sylvia. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Sylvia,” he replied as he stepped into the airlock.

“I’ll be giving you the tour and introducing you to the crew. You’re the last one we needed to snag before heading out to the great black yonder.”

As he stepped in, she initiated the airlock and it closed and started doing its thing. He found himself looking at her face. God, but she was a beautiful woman.

“What, uh, role do you have in this expedition?” he asked.

“I’m the doctor,” she replied. “I keep you all healthy. And I can assure you that I will be giving you a very thorough...examination, sometime soon.”

“That makes sense,” he murmured, wondering if he should read into the oddly suggestive way she’d said that.

Good fucking God did he love older women.

And this was one fine example of a sexy, mature lady.

The airlock finished and they stepped out onto the ship. A short alcove led into a large corridor that cut across it, running nearly the length of the whole ship. There was a door directly across from them, and another close to the left.

“We’ll start the tour here,” Sylvia said, leading him onto the bridge to the left.

Jack knew that even smaller ships like this typically needed a three-person crew to run a bridge. That was, unless, you had the credits to pay for a streamlined, easy-access bridge that was closer to a cockpit, and one talented pilot to run it all. Usually with the help of an intelligence program. He got a look at the talented pilot.

And, as she turned around in her seat and stretched, opening her legs, he got a look up the short skirt she was wearing and he saw her bare pussy.

He immediately looked back up at her face.

She was a dysil. Like most in her race, this pilot had smooth orange skin and small black horns growing from her forehead. He could even see a spade-tipped tail drifting behind her. She had fiery red hair and fiery red eyes to match. Given their appearance, many people tended to tag dysil with the slang term devil, and although some regarded this as derogatory, which was why he’d never used it, he had noticed a lot of them seemed to kind of lean into it. So far, all the dysil women he’d met had all been very...erotically motivated.

And judging from the way she was staring at him, the fact that she was wearing a tanktop that was struggling to contain some immense breasts, and she hadn’t closed her legs yet, he thought that this woman was similarly minded.

“This is our pilot, Riley,” Sylvia said. She rolled her eyes. “Close your legs, you slut.”

“Oops,” Riley said, glancing down. She closed her legs but leaned forward. Her huge orange breasts nearly tumbled out of her shirt. “How embarrassing.”

“Mmm-hmm. You have no subtlety,” she muttered. “Come along, Jack.”

Very nice to meet you,” Riley said, grinning slyly.

“Uh, you too,” he replied, following Sylvia.

“You’ll have to excuse her,” she said as she took him back towards the airlock intersection. “She’s a spirit. And she has a thing for cute young human men.” She glanced at him. “Though that’s not unique,” she murmured. “Here,” she led him into a door directly across from the airlock, “is our observation lounge.”

The room was a simple one, just two comfortable couches with a small table between them facing the far wall, which was nothing but window looking out onto the void. Right now it showed stars, just that infinite field of stars. One of the couches was occupied by a woman, a woman he was familiar with.

Maureen Sharp. Businesswoman extraordinaire.

Sitting on the couch, staring at one of three tablets around her, wearing black business casual, her dark hair in a conservative bun, she looked exactly as she had in the most recent photos he’d seen of her. And his initial impression was right: she was hot. Goddamn. She stood up as they came in, setting the tablet aside. She was almost as tall as he was, and she was a sturdy, stout woman, with some pleasant curves. Her hips and thighs filled out her pants and her breasts looked pretty big. She still seemed to be in pretty good shape.

“Mister Lennox,” she said, stepping up to him and offering her hand. “I’m Maureen Sharp.”

“Good to meet you, ma-, um, Maureen,” he said, feeling uncomfortable with the first name basis. And not just because he’d been in the military.

She seemed like a woman you called ma’am.

A small, slightly amused smile touched her lips. “Maureen is indeed fine, as I’m sure Sylvia has told you. Despite the fact that I expect everyone here to do an excellent job, we are rather casual and informal. I’ve had enough formality to last me a lifetime. I’m glad you agreed to join us on our little expedition. If my instincts are right about you, you’re going to be...very useful.”

“Well, I like to think I’m pretty useful, though I imagine you were able to put together a team of experts for this, and I’m no expert,” he replied.

“Ah, so you studied me, too.”

“Only seemed fair.”

“Indeed. I’d have been disappointed if you hadn’t. And although yes, everyone else aboard this ship has had decades of experience in their field, well, let’s just say that there’s something I believe you will bring to the table that all of us can make good use of,” Maureen replied.

“What’s that, exactly?” he asked. “I mean, I’m not trying to talk myself out of a job or anything. Don’t get me wrong, I can work my ass off if I need to and I’m a decent learner, but...I guess I’m not sure how I fit into all this?”

“Don’t worry, Jack. How, will be revealed soon enough, I’m sure. And I’m sure you’re up to the task. It’s nothing you haven’t handled before,” she replied.

“I...” He wanted to ask more questions, but he had the impression that Maureen was the kind of woman who would answer you in exactly the manner she intended, and she’d given him all he was going to get. “Okay,” he replied.

She smiled. “Good. Now, if you will excuse me, I’m afraid I must continue checking over these contracts.”

“Not a problem. Good to meet you,” he replied.

“And you.”

She sat her wonderfully big ass back down on the sofa, grabbed one of the tablets, and began studying it again.

He followed Sylvia back out into the corridor. “That’s our boss, and my best friend,” she said. “We’ve known each other for quite awhile. Okay, here’s the next section, the kitchen and dining section,” she said, stopping by the next intersection and turning to the left. He followed her inside and marveled at the room. The kitchen was fully stocked with all sorts of high-tech food-making gear, including a walk-in fridge and freezer combo, packed with no doubt months of food. The dining area had eight chairs around a large, round table. Currently there was a woman sitting there, a very intimidating and attractive woman.

That seemed to be par for the course onboard this ship.

The woman was very tall, probably six four or six five, and built. She had a big frame, developed by a lot of working out. She reminded him of a Marine. She had very pale skin, alert green eyes, and chin-length red hair pulled into a ponytail.

“This is Elizabeth. You two should get along well, she was a Marine, too. She’s here for security purposes,” Sylvia said.

Elizabeth looked at him with something like discomfort or apprehension. “Hello,” she murmured, then cleared her throat.

“Hello,” he replied. “You were a Marine?”

“Yeah, twenty-five years,” she replied. “Got out two years ago.”

“She was a Staff Sergeant,” Sylvia murmured.

“Nice,” Jack said.

“Mmm.” She still looked uncomfortable.

“Well, let’s continue, Elizabeth is no doubt busy brooding, as usual,” Sylvia said.

Elizabeth sighed. “Piss off, Sylvia.”

“Glad to see your wit’s intact.”

Elizabeth just sighed again and turned back away from them. They left the kitchen. Did she have a reason not to like him? Maybe because he was twenty four and out of the Marines now? He knew career Marines who had disdain for anyone who left before a decade, some two.

“Don’t mind her,” Sylvia said as she took him across the hall to the opposite door. “She’ll warm up to you, she just never developed very good people skills. Here is our rec room.”

This room was like the lounge, but bigger and with more stuff. He spied a huge table with a lot of chairs around it next to a shelf packed with all manner of games. In the center was a giant U-shaped couch, aimed at a large TV that was hung directly over the door. To the right were some arcade cabinets and a few comfortable looking chairs.

“Wow, this is really nice,” he murmured.

“Yes. Maureen wanted to make sure we’d be comfortable for the duration. Come along.”

As they headed back out into the corridor, a woman appeared in the doorway, another redhead, though much smaller in stature. She was equally pale, her red hair down, framing an extremely attractive face, and she regarded him with bright blue eyes.

“Ah, good. This is Anya, she is our geologist,” Sylvia said.

“The young man I’ve heard so much about,” she murmured, offering her hand. He shook it. Her skin was so soft and smooth. She wore a robe that was a little open at the chest, showing off some nice breasts. She had an air of easy confidence about her, the effect heightened by the lilt of her Russian accent. “So good to finally meet you.”

“How much have you heard, exactly?” he replied uncertainly.

She smirked. “Maureen looked through hundreds of men for this position, so, naturally, when I heard she had finally picked one, I was curious. I guess not so much heard about you as looked into your history...”

“Wait, hundreds of people were considered?” he asked, glancing at Sylvia.

She looked annoyed, glaring at Anya. “Let’s just say that Maureen is very...exacting.”

Anya glanced between the two of them. “Oh you haven’t told-” She paused, then regained her smirk. “Oh well, you will know soon enough. I’m sure I’ll be seeing much more of you later, Jack. Have fun,” she said, and slipped off into the kitchen.

“Let us continue,” Sylvia said. The questions were beginning to mount. They all seemed to know something he didn’t, and his suspicion that he was missing something only grew stronger. What was the real reason he’d been picked out of apparently hundreds of candidates? Or wait, she’d said men, specifically, and so far, he’d met only women on this ship. There was one crew member left, and he’d be willing to bet they were a she.

So why did they specifically want a man?

“These are the bedrooms,” Sylvia said as they passed rows of doors. There were four to either side. “This one is yours.” She brought him to the last one on the right and opened the door. He supposed the questions would have to wait.

Jack stepped inside and looked around. It was bigger than he’d expected. Honestly, after traveling between worlds, packed into barracks like a sardine, he was happy even just to have a fucking cot in a room by himself. He tossed his bag onto the bed, which was a damned queen size and looked really comfortable to boot, and studied what he had. The bed had drawers built into the frame, to save the need for a dresser. There was a desk and a chair over by one of the windows, a small table with two chairs around it for eating, and a big TV mounted on the wall. As far as he was concerned, this was definitely traveling in style.

“Come on,” Sylvia said, stepping back out, “we’ve got one more person for you to meet and the rest of the ship to see.”

He followed after her.

“This is my domain,” she said as they came to another intersection bisecting the main corridor. Stepping through, he found himself looking at a shiny, clean, white-tiled room packed with gleaming silver technology. An infirmary. He saw a pair of examination beds, several shelves and cabinets packed with top-tier medical equipment and technology, all of it brand new and perfectly clean. There was a glass door at the back of the room. Through it, he could see a glass table inside of a sterilized clean room.

“Is that a surgical bay?” he asked.

“It is,” Sylvia replied. “With the help of the onboard intelligence program, and probably Elizabeth or Riley, I can perform a lot of different kinds of emergency surgery.”

“Good to know,” he murmured.

“Yep. Come along.”

She showed him to a room dedicated to utilities routing. Basically, the room that controlled things like heating and cooling, atmospheric processing, waste management, power distribution. The things that made the ship functional and livable. After that were a few storage bays packed with crates, and finally, at the rear of the ship, easily the largest room by a long shot, was a hangar bay that also granted access to the engines.

Taking up most of the hangar was a land rover clearly meant to handle dangerous or difficult terrain, a shuttle meant to hop between a ship in orbit over a planet and the planet’s surface, and a pair of huge metal containers.

The last member of the team was inside the shuttle, wrist-deep inside of an exposed section of the ship, tools and gear around her. She was, he saw, also an alien. A xenian. They were obsessed with technology, so much so that they installed visible nodes of tech in their bodies from quite a young age. The woman he saw before him was a good example of what the average xenian looked like: petite, with milky white skin, and glowing white eyes. Her brown hair was short and functional. She wore a simple black generic technician’s jumpsuit with a lot of pockets. Everything about her spoke of clipped, cold efficiency.

“Lyra,” Sylvia said. Lyra didn’t replied, didn’t even notice them, staring unblinkingly into the open panel of the ship, near the top of the ramp that admitted passengers access. “Lyra!” Now she blinked, then looked over at them.

“Sylvia,” she said. “I see our man is here. I’d shake your hand but I’m busy. I’m performing maintenance on the stabilizers. This should have been done before we left port.” She turned her attention back to the open panel.

“Ever diligent,” Sylvia murmured. “Lyra is the most...focused of us all. And we’re all very driven, focused women, so that’s saying something. If she ignores you, like she’s doing right now, don’t take it personally.”

“I’m not ignoring you,” she said, still staring into the panel. “I told you: I’m busy. This is important work.”

“Yes, well, I’ll let you get back to your ‘important work’,” Sylvia replied.

“Wait.” She looked at them again, focusing on Jack. “Turn around in a complete circle, slowly.” She paused. “Please?”

“Uh...okay,” he replied, and did as she asked. Why did she want this exactly? Everyone onboard was, in one form or another, fucking weird. But it was surprisingly not very off-putting, except maybe Elizabeth, but that was only because she was a damned ex-Staff Sergeant and he already felt guilty as it was for opting out of the Marines after only four years. In a way, it was refreshing. All of these women were so...blunt. But in a good way. There seemed to be very little pretense, and he appreciated that. None of them seemed to be faking anything.

In the Marines, fucking everyone was tough.

Some were actually tough, but too many, he’d found, were just punks with over-inflated egos compensating for insecurities, lording their perceived superiority over anyone they could find to talk down to.

Or maybe he’d just been unlucky, and kept running into assholes.

He finished turning in a circle. “Hmm,” Lyra said after a few seconds. “Good.” She turned back to her work.

Sylvia laughed softly. “Good, huh?”


“All right. Well, let’s leave you to it,” she said, and began leaving the hangar. He followed after her and began heading back down the corridor.

“So, uh, what was that about?” he asked.

“Couldn’t say,” Sylvia replied, though something about her tone made him think she was lying, she knew exactly what that was about, and was very amused about it, “Lyra’s just a weird girl sometimes, is all.”

“Uh-huh,” he murmured.

They got back to his bedroom and stepped inside. “So, any questions?”

“Yes, a few,” he replied. He decided he was going to try and at least get some kind of answer. “The first, biggest one is: what am I doing here? Like I said earlier, I’m not trying to talk myself out of a job or anything, but it’s looking like not only do you have all your bases covered, but you’ve got them covered by a wide margin with all these experts. I’d be surprised if anyone here wasn’t over twice my age and had spent more years than I’ve literally been alive in their field.”

“No, you’re right on both those accounts,” Sylvia replied. “Youngest one here is Elizabeth and she’s just over twice your age.”

“So then why am I here?”

“Oh, you know...reasons,” Sylvia murmured. He crossed his arms and waited. She sighed. “I promise, you’re here for a very good reason, Jack. I believe that you will find this assignment very likely the most...pleasurable one you’ve ever been on.”

“Can you be a little more specific? Your pilot said I was apparently chosen out of hundreds of people,” he replied.

“You were, and I think you’re perfect for the job we have in mind. Right now though...why don’t you get settled in, get the run of the ship, and just try to relax? I promise, the exact nature of your job will be revealed to you, and within the next twelve hours. Until then, trust me. Okay?” she asked, looking intently at him.

He considered it. So, Maureen wasn’t the only one being evasive, and he was right: there was some hidden reason as to why he, specifically, had been hired. What could it be? It wasn’t like he had some hidden talent or something. Okay, he was good at combat, he could survive pretty well, and he kept his head if a situation went sideways without warning, but that was true of millions of people. What was it they were expecting him to do that was so special?

Finally, he decided to just do as she asked and trust her, because although she was clearly being evasive, he didn’t feel like he was in danger. This had less the paranoid feeling of someone trying to fuck him over, and more the feeling of his friends trying to keep him in the dark while they planned a surprise party or something.

“Okay,” he said.

She looked relieved. “Thank you, and I promise, it will be worth the wait.”

He watched her walk out of the room, his eyes drawn to her ass. She had a really hot ass. Then he looked around his room again, his eyes finally settling on his kit bag and, with a sigh, he got to work on ‘settling in’ to his new life.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (June 2020)


So, big thing out of the way first. Haven 6 is out!!!

You can purchase it as an eBook for 4.99$ or read it for free through the Kindle Unlimited here!

You can purchase it as a paperback for 9.99$ here!

If you are a 5$/month Patron on my Patreon, you can see an alternate nude version of the cover here!

I feel better about this one than the last one, so that’s nice at least. It was fun to have Ellie back in the main cast again after the last two novels, and to introduce a completely new character.

Also, you can get the first Demoness Collection if you want.

Also Haven 4 - 6 Collected is out! It’s got a bonus short featuring Ellie and Amanda.

Presently, I’m working on two things.

The first is Quickies #3, which will encompass all of the Paranormal Universe. Which means there’s going to be four original shorts in there. (Paranormal Passions, Pink, Roommates With Benefits, & Parasexual.) So far, I’ve got two of them down, Paranormal Passions & Pink. I think they came out pretty well, and it was fun revisiting those characters again, although admittedly doing so has reminded me that I’m quite glad I’ve closed down the Paranormal Universe. It was fun while it lasted, but I’m so much better suited writing stories that have wild adventure and ferocious monsters.

And now I can talk about my new series. It’s set in the Science Fiction Universe, though it doesn’t feature any characters I’ve written about before. They’re all original. It is a Mature Harem, meaning no ladies under 40 are in this story.

The premise is simple: a group of mature, sexy, (mostly) confident women who have all conquered in their chosen fields of profession and are all good friends are now looking to conquer something new: a working vacation. They have picked up a few contracts repairing an old outpost on an abandoned world and running a few other jobs while out there. But all of this is really secondary to their main objective: to get fucking laid by a cute young guy. The man they have hired, who has just left the Marines and is at a bit of a loss as to what to do with his life, has no idea what he’s in for when he signs up for this ‘expedition’.

So it’s kind of like Hellcats, the only difference being it takes place mostly on a planet instead of a ship, it’s more structured and planned out, and it’s mature ladies instead of inhuman ladies. Though there are some inhuman ladies involved. Also, one other thing I wanted to mention. In a tweet I said that I was going to write this series in first person, but after trying it out, I’ve decided to stick to third person, it just feels more right.

It’s called Like A Fine Wine and I intend to have the first one out within the next few weeks. Possibly by next week. I’m looking forward to it and I hope you all enjoy it.