The Misty Vixen Newsletter (November 2021)

TL;DR VERSION: Our Own Way 4 and A Warm Place 8 came out last month. Our Own Way 5 and Raw should be out this month. Lust & Adventure is getting an epilogue at some point soon, and all the freebies are getting another sequel each and being republished as cheap collections.

So I published a few things last month.



I was hoping to have more done on the Our Own Way front, and I did get it about 1/3 written, but between Raw and other stuff, it just didn’t happen.

October wasn’t as tough as September, but it was tough.

I’m not sure what it is, but I think I may be more burned out than I realized. I’m beginning to worry something might be physically wrong, but that’s a problem for behind the scenes.

I’ve been taking inventory of…well just about everything. Anyone paying attention to my backlog (probably no one lol) might notice a few minor tweaks at this point. I’m slowly updating them again partially for the sake of consistency, but mostly because it occurred to me that I do have to be careful in balancing maximizing my career, but also ensuring that I keep my fanbase in mind, (and also my sanity). It’s a difficult process and sometimes I don’t even realize that it’s gotten out of balance for awhile. And things seem to be changing faster than ever before, and that’s been consistent for the past several months, so at this point I’m just rolling with the punches as best I can.

So there’s a lot of stuff cooking behind the scenes now, is what I’m trying to say. I made some decisions based on making my fans happy.

I don’t really want to go over, like, everything, until we hit 2022 and I have my yearly address. Both because I’d just like to wait to make a comprehensive update on all things related to my writing until it makes sense, and also because more time to make things happen would be nice. Not everything I’m doing relies on myself at this point.

But here’s what’s on the horizon.

  • I’m really, really aiming to get the first novel in Raw finished and out before the end of November. However, I am also taking a bit more time on it, both for my sanity and also because I’m in new territory, so I’m less sure of myself. I’ve never done caveman fantasy before, and although I’ve been thinking about it for a few years now, I’m finding that it’s a bit different than what I expected now that I’m actually doing it.

  • I’m also going to get Our Own Way 5 out this month. But I’m going to pump the breaks a bit on that series because I have a few other minor projects that I want to take care of and get written. Which I will talk about below.

  • Once the first Raw novel is finished, I’m going to go right into A Warm Place 9. I have a solid idea of what I want to do. I’m not sure if I can manage it, but I am going to try very hard to get it written and out before 2022. I’ve got the cover for it at least.

  • The little projects. So ever since I went ahead and wrote sequels to all my five free shorts, the notion to make them into trilogies has been nagging at me. For reasons that I’ll get into during the 2022 address, I’ve decided to take them down, all 10 of the stories, and instead replace them with Complete Trilogies. They will be 99c and enrolled in the KU. If you’re looking for a quick explanation now: it no longer quite makes sense to have these free shorts up, but I also don’t want to just abandon the fans who enjoy these. So instead of just taking them down and retiring them, I figured I’d instead reward people with a third story for each of them and seal each together in complete packages. I’m hoping to get them written and out before the end of the year, but we’ll see how that goes.

  • If, by some miracle, I find extra time, another loose thread that I really want to tie up is Lust & Adventure. [SPOILERS] So L&A has been a thorn in my side for years now. It ends on a very bittersweet note, and the entire reason I did it was because I thought people were getting sick of the same happy ending. I didn’t realize I was wrong. A lot of people told me how unhappy the ending made them. I considered several options. The first was to just delete the trilogy, but that’s an entire trilogy of novels I wrote, I don’t want to just get rid of them. The second is to ret-con the ending, but that seems somehow wrong. Ultimately I decided on fixing it via Demoness, which I began doing in Demoness V, and it would have been wrapped up in Demoness VI. But now Demoness is getting rebooted [SPOILERS]. So my solution to this whole thing is to write an epilogue to the trilogy. It doesn’t ret-con the ending so much as have another ending further along. Although I felt justified in writing it originally, I’ve since come to regret it. Ultimately, I just want to write about people being happy. So I’ll be writing that sometime soon too.

There’s other, bigger things I’ve decided on, but again, later.

For now, back to writing.

A Warm Place 8 Preview

Okay, sorry this is taking so long. Here’s the first chapter.

As per usual, you can also check out the second chapter if you’re a 1$/month patron. Find it here.

“Do you see the trail?” I asked after Susan and I had brought the ATVs to a complete halt and killed the engines.

The immense silence that always fell after riding around on them for long stretches of time always felt heavy, somehow intense.

“...maybe,” Susan replied.

“Look slowly.”

“How do you look slowly?” she asked, and I could hear the annoyance creeping into her voice.

“I mean move your eyeballs slowly, don’t dart your gaze around,” I replied evenly. She was walking that razor’s edge where she was sliding towards a bad mood but was still far away enough that she could be brought back from it.

Honestly, I was amazed at how much I had managed to learn when it came to reading the women I now shared my life with.

“Okay yeah,” she said suddenly, perking up. “I see it. Them. Two trails of boots. It looks like they’re going up to that hill.”

“Let’s walk up there,” I replied, getting off the ATV and looking around, taking stock of the area surrounding us.

A whole lot of frozen Kansas desolation and not a lot else.

I popped the little hood and detached the starter from the engine. I was lucky these things didn’t run hot.

“We’re gonna be like right there, do we really gotta take them out every time we’re gonna go more than five feet away?” Susan asked as she stood and stretched.

I stared at her from behind the darkened goggles I’d taken to wearing while riding.

She heaved a sigh. “Yeah, yeah. Risks are stupid, playing it safe is playing it smart. All right,” she said, walking around and repeating my action on her ATV.

“You’re learning,” I replied. “As stubborn as you are about it. Remember: you asked for this. You asked me to take you out here. You were adamant about it, actually.”

“I know,” she muttered, pocketing the starter.

The ATVs were an absolute game-changer when it came to getting around. They were a bit dangerous to drive around in the snow, but if you were careful, and with a bit of luck, they were mostly just fantastic to have.

I could cover so much more distance so easily.

And they were solar powered. The way the panels worked meant that they were pretty much always passively gaining energy so long as they were in the sun.

I looked up and around.

Today was a bright sunshine kind of day.

It felt like a good omen.

“Come on,” I said, heading off towards the hill, “let’s see if there’s anything obvious.”

Susan followed after me, our boots crunching in the snow.

A week. I’d been working for a solid week now.

After all the shit with the bunker, getting it back home, and helping give Pine Lake a reprieve from our impending doom, I’d taken a break for two days because I’d been so physically and mentally exhausted, and battered, that my body had almost given out. I probably should have taken three or four days off, but there was too much to do, and I was getting restless.

I had at least agreed to light duty for the first few days.

That largely meant bouncing between meeting with Lisa and Melanie and Hannah actually, (Lisa had partially taken her on as an assistant because she seemed to have a mind for organization on top of being just generally sharp), figuring out precisely how fucked we were, and doing smaller things like gathering firewood or helping the people hunt through the ruins of the township. Lisa was getting a little desperate and had most of the population going over the fire-gutted ruins of the buildings that remained for anything useful.

We had found a few things so far, but we were over halfway done and didn’t have much to show for it.

After that, I’d personally gone out to visit both the junkyard outpost and Brandy’s inn to make sure that had our agreements were ironed out and actually get our operations flowing.

The ‘contract’ with the junkyard was simple: they dedicated themselves to hunting game and picking any eatable plants they could find and gave us the excess, and in return we helped them with any problems that might crop up, but mostly we promised to absorb them into our population once we had a permanent solution for our ‘staying alive longer than a month’ problem.

Right now, that was looking like resettlement.

To where, no one knew.

There were options, but moving an entire population of people across the snowy wastelands of the Midwest was a risky proposition at best.

Our deal with the inn-owner Brandy was a little bit different.

She and her crew were happy where they were, and happy to amass a store of stuff to trade. And because she had an odd fondness for me, (I think I was the only guy to have sex with her who actually got off on her general badass attitude and facial scar), she gave us a sweet deal: we brought her shit to trade, they gave us any excess food they could scrounge up and would start dedicating more time to hunting game and foraging as well.

So that was another thing we were trawling the ruined town for: anything worth trading.

I had learned over the past two and a half years that this could mean so very much. There was obvious stuff: guns, bullets, medicine, food, tech. But there was other stuff like jewelry and scrap metal and even money.

Yeah, some people still used it. Or wanted it, at least.

Although I was wondering if that was beginning to fade. Even though she liked me, Brandy hadn’t seemed too impressed with the five grand we’d managed to come up with, saying fewer and fewer people seemed to give a crap.

Couldn’t blame them. Personally I’d just use the stuff as fuel for a fire.

My trip up to see Brandy had been solo and I’d ended up spending an extra hour out there making good on a promise I’d made her.

I had to do that again sometime soon. And bring one of my girlfriends with me this time.

After those initial two trips, others had taken over the ATVs and the jobs of going out and hauling back food once every three days.

When that was out of the way, I was still recovering, (I was bruised and battered and cut from all the falls and fights I’d had going after Megan and that stash, even now I still ached), but I had energy to burn so I ended up spending time with the girls on their jobs because for now, Lisa didn’t really have an immediate use for me.

Everyone was pitching in, somehow, someway.

Lara, Susan, Delilah, and Lindsay tended to go on foraging expeditions. Lisa had begun systematically having teams search the areas for traces of life that had survived the storm. Not all the plants had died, we’d found, but too many of them had, and all that was left was to find the survivors and harvest them in the hope of extending our lifeline a bit longer.

Every little bit helped…

But I was still worried.

I’d gotten good at hiding it, I think a lot of us had, but this really sucked.

Susan and I made our way up the hill. I glanced back briefly at the ATVs out of habit, reassuring myself they were still there, and no one was creeping up on them.

While having those ATVs was indeed an absolute game-changer, it also painted a huge potential target on your back.

A lot of people would most definitely kill to get their hands on even one of them.

Or at least try to take off with it. Taking the starter out was my little insurance policy. Couldn’t even hot-wire the damn thing without a starter.

“Okay, that looks like a place they might go,” Susan said as we finally got up to the top of the hill.

It gave on a large snowbound field that was covered in big lumps about as tall as I was, things buried in snow that I recognized as bales of hay. A farmhouse, a decent and expensive one by the looks of it, even from this distance, sat within the boundaries of a wooden fence that had long since lost its integrity to time, weather, or desperate hands looking for fire food.

I took a long, sweeping look around the area.

At the moment, we were tracking a pair of wayward people who’d gotten lost during a storm.

Just yesterday, a group of about a dozen had shown up out of the blue. They were hungry and in poor health and low on supplies. Apparently they were the only survivors of another settlement dozens of miles away that had suffered a fate not too dissimilar from Pine Lake’s, although their fire had been an accident it seemed.

They’d been wandering, desperately looking for a place to live ever since.

Lisa was reluctant to accept them, and even more reluctant to send out a search party, but in the end she did both.

Especially when she learned that one of the missing people was a nurse, and that two of the new arrivals were veteran hunters.

Hannah and I had gone out on the ATVs, trying to pick up a trail, but hadn’t had any luck last night.

This morning, Susan asked to go, and Hannah had taken a little convincing, but she’d relented when she saw how much Susan wanted to and I’d asked her to say yes.

She was still learning about compromise, something she was taking a furiously fast crash course in given the fact that she was sharing me with six other women.

I was still wrapping my head around that, so I could just imagine how she felt.

She wasn’t really in a relationship with any of the others in the same way I was, except for Megan. There was something there, but I wasn’t sure what yet.

I think they weren’t either.

Right now, there was too much shit going on anyway.

I brought my binoculars up after raising my goggles and studied the farmhouse. I didn’t see anyone moving around, but the front door was hanging open.

Don’t know why but that pinged my radar.

“All right, yeah, let’s check it out,” I said, heading back to the ATVs.

Susan followed after me and after reattaching the starters, we fired the vehicles back up and drove up over the hill, down the other side, and crossed the big field separating it from the farmhouse. Personally, I was eager to find these people and get back home. We’d been using these ATVs for hunting expeditions during the off days, driving out past the perimeter of the dead territory we were now at the center of to try and do some hunting of our own. I wanted to go on one of these expeditions and I was finally feeling up to it.

I subconsciously clenched most of my muscles as we got through the fencing and headed for the house.

I was expecting a gunshot to ring out.

The ATVs weren’t exactly what you’d call subtle. Their engines weren’t overwhelmingly loud, but certainly they were kind of annoying, and with snow blanketing everything, they announced you from a fucking long way off.

We got up to the front lawn without a problem though, and I saw no activity in the windows or the open front door.

No one peeking out at us, from what I could tell.

When we’d started out again today, I didn’t like our chances of tracking them down. But we’d gotten lucky, found a shack that showed clear signs of occupation not that far from where they’d last been seen.

Susan had climbed a nearby tree and spotted a half-collapsed cabin in the distance.

It was enough of a trail to go on.

Now it had led us here.

We killed the engines as we parked near the porch, making sure to turn them around first so they were facing back the way we had come, (in case we needed a quick getaway, yeah, I know, the starters, but even the few seconds of having to reverse and turn around could be the difference between life and death), took out the starters, and then pulled out our pistols and set to work. We made a quick perimeter sweep, finding more evidence they were here, or had been here. So that was what prompted me to do what I did next.

I cleared my throat as we walked in through the front door. “Is anyone in here?”

I waited, listening. Couldn’t hear a thing, but that didn’t always mean it was empty.

“My name is Chris, I’m looking for two people named Marty and Opal! Your friends sent us to find you!”

I waited and listened again.

Still nothing.

“What do you wanna do?” Susan asked.

“Stay here and watch the door and the ATVs. If they are here they might be freaked and stressed. Don’t want them to try and run while I’m searching.”

“I’ll yell if I see anything,” she replied.

I nodded and then headed into the house. It looked like it had once been pretty decent, but the environment had not been kind to it. Or maybe just passing people. A lot of windows were broken out, and there were holes in the wall.

Snow had gathered in piles in most of the rooms.

I definitely found evidence that people had been through recently. Disturbed stuff, bootprints in the snow.

Frozen blood.

Not a good sign.

I searched the first floor, then moved up to the second story. Both of them looked pretty damn ransacked, and both of them revealed no hiding or dead people.

There was some evidence that they had begun setting up camp, but had abruptly stopped in the middle of it.


Two ideas came to mind: someone or something dangerous had abruptly arrived, or they found a better place to make camp.

Since I couldn’t find any corpses, they obviously hadn’t died in the middle of making camp. But all that was left was a shed out back.

I mean, it was a nice shed, obviously a lot of work had gone into it, but I didn’t think it would be that much of a better place to stay than where they’d initially set up. The living room had a fireplace and its window had been boarded over pretty firmly, keeping out the cold for the most part. Well, no other choice.

“Nothing,” I said as I rejoined Susan and began leading her to the back of the house. “They might be in the shed, though.”

“Why?” she asked.

“No idea, but it’s the only place left to search.”

We got up to the shed. It looked like one of those you could buy from the bigger industrial stores, have shipped out and put together. The kind of thing made of durable material. Given we were now in permanent winter, it had held up pretty well.

I peered cautiously in the single window, but I couldn’t see much. It hadn’t broken, but it had iced over.

Walking up to the door, I knocked on it a few times. “Anyone in there? I’m here to help! Jay sent me!” I waited.

No response.

I had Susan back up and carefully opened the door. Moving cautiously inside, I cleared the shed. There wasn’t a lot in it, not a lot of places to hide, but something immediately leaped out at me: there was a cellar door built into the floor at the back.

If that led to what I thought it did, then yeah, this would be a way better place to camp out.

There was blood on the floor, and faint prints of snow heading towards the door. I quickly checked any potential hiding places, then had Susan come in.

Just in case someone was standing on the other side with a gun, I made sure we were out of the way as I pulled open the cellar door.

It wasn’t locked, but I could tell the lock had been broken.

“Anyone down there? I’m looking for Marty and Opal! Jay sent me!”

This time, I was almost positive I heard something. Harsh whispering. Peering cautiously over the edge, I saw a stairwell leading down into the earth.

Something shifted deeper in.

“Seriously, I’m here to help. Your group found me and sent me to find you. And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, just tell me so and I’ll go away. I don’t want problems.”

After a pause so long I began to try again, a reply finally came.

“How do I know you aren’t full of it?” a man asked.

His voice was hoarse and tired.

I had actually prepared for this.

“Your name is Marty Sanders. Your group leader, Jay Peterson, sent me. He’s got a scar on his forehead. He says your favorite food is sardines and to prove he sent us, to remind you about that one time the two of you found that pink cellphone.”

I had no idea what the fuck that meant, but Jay had seemed sure it would work.

It did. I heard a faint laugh, then a groan. “Shit, that’s Jay...what’s your name?”

“Chris. I’ve got a friend named Susan here with me.”

“Me and Opal are in bad shape, how far away is it?” he asked.

“About forty five minutes. We’ve got rides. ATVs.”

“...for real?”

“For real.”

“All right, we’re coming up.”


I stepped back and we waited for them to come up. I had to admit, I was intrigued by whatever was down there. Either a storm shelter or a prepper bunker. If the lock was broken, then there was a good chance it had already been plundered, like the house, but people missed things. Or one man’s trash was another’s treasure.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to search it, our priority here was these two.

After a lot of shuffling, two people finally emerged. A tall, decently built, dark-skinned man appeared, supporting a pale woman who did not look good. I knew fever delirium when I saw it. I’d been through that shit before.

“She’s sick?” I asked as they came up.

“Yeah. Fever. And we don’t have any medicine. I think I’ve got an infection now, too. Wolf got me on the run,” he replied. “Cleaned it best I could.”

“All right, you trust us to help?” I asked. “Because we have supplies and knowledge.”

He eyed the MP5 slung across my chest nervously, but finally nodded. I think he just knew it was this or death for both of them, which was a shit situation to be in.

“Yeah,” he said finally.

I helped ease Opal down into a sitting position against the nearest wall, and then Marty sat down, wincing. The bite was obviously on his leg, as his right pant leg had a fair amount of blood on it. He pulled up the jeans he was wearing.

“Fucker got me on the calf, hurts like hell,” he muttered.

“I can do a decent patch job,” I said as I set my pack down and dug out the medical supplies. Susan was doing the same, looking at Opal.

“Is she hurt?” she asked.

“No, just sick. Caught a bug a few days ago, but it’s gotten a lot worse,” Marty replied.

“Okay. I’ve got a few things for that,” Susan muttered.

“We’ve got an actual doctor that can look at you,” I said.

“So you have a settlement?” he replied.

“Technically yes. Your people made it there.”

“Why technically?”

“It’s no longer sustainable. Storm came in and froze everything to death. The plants, the animals, some of the people. We can’t hunt or forage enough to realistically sustain even a relatively small population right now. We’re working on a more permanent solution. But try not to worry about it. For now, just know that we’ve got a secure location with reasonable people and decent supplies, and we’re working on the problem.”

“Fine by me,” he muttered, then winced as I worked.

“Quick question, what did it look like down there? Were there still supplies or was it looted?” I asked.

“Looted pretty thoroughly from what I could tell, but it was dark,” he replied.

I nodded and kept working.

It took another ten minutes to patch them up and get them onto the ATVs, but we did it.

As we drove away, I was already formulating how I was going to word coming back here to more thoroughly check the bunker to Lisa.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (October 2021)

OMFG. I was not ready for September.

I was really not ready for September.

What did I get done in September? Uh, like, nothing.

I published OUR OWN WAY 3.

That’s it, in terms of actual production.

It wasn’t a total loss, though. I’m basically done with OUR OWN WAY 4, which is the longest one yet. People kept asking for them to be longer, so this one is larger. Not like crazy longer or anything, but longer. I hope to get it out soon.

I wrote about 2/3 of A WARM PLACE 8. I have the cover totally ready to go. So that’s good at least.

But oh my God, September hit me like a ton of bricks. It’s not like anything actually seriously bad happened, so don’t worry I’m hurt or lost a loved one or anything. It was more just…my mental health has become a lot more precarious over the last year. And all of a sudden a bunch of real life shit showed up all at once, just a bunch of separate issues that all happened to fall on September, and it was all stuff that I couldn’t delegate. I had to personally deal with each one. I don’t really want to go into anymore detail than that because I’m sure everyone reading this would be like ‘OMFG are you kidding me? That’s not a real problem', because it’s such simple stuff. It’s just that my ability to deal with stuff has eroded so much.

Like fuck, I just want to write stories about people fucking, can life just leave me alone?

And then, in the middle of all that, my laptop royally fucked itself. I brought it to some repair people and they were like ‘Fuck we can’t even turn it on’. So it had to get shipped out. I had to use a backup laptop and it was SUUUUUPER slow, and then even more shit happened with the laptop, but the good news is that I have a functioning fast laptop, but now I need to reorganize everything. Like all my files and shit. I’m actually in the middle of it right now so yeah. It’s a whole project. Also, I have to update all my titles AGAIN because of a few more changes I learned about. Fuck.

So once that’s done, then what?

Well, first I get out Our Own Way 4.

Then I bust ass and get out A Warm Place 8.

And then I’m shifting focus away from A Warm Place for a little bit. Like, it’s been fun, but oh fuck, I’m getting sick of it. Basically seven whole entire novels back-to-back since January. I know I took a break after A Warm Place 7 but like fuck, I need another one or I’m gonna lose it.

I’ve decided to go ahead and launch my fantasy caveman series! That’s what I’ll be working on next. And I’ll still be doing Our Own Way in the background. I’m not sure how long that’s going to go on for, but I’ve got a basic skeletal layout for it and I feel pretty safe saying there will be less than ten episodes. Sorry if that’s disappointing. When I first started it, I didn’t have much of a plan, but I realized how stupid that was, and now that I’m gearing up for this new pen name for real, I need to scale things back a bit in other departments.

The only thing I know for sure after that are two things: I’ll write the next A Warm Place novel after the first caveman novel, and I’ll be working on my pen name. I want to launch a pair of trilogies that could expand into more, or could just stay trilogies. I feel pretty confident about what those first two trilogies will be, but I’m just gonna shut up about it until we get closer to roll-out.

For now, it’s time to just put my head down, nose to the grindstone, and fucking write, write, write.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (September 2021)

It’s been a long, strange, stressful, enlightening month.

A lot has changed.

I know I keep saying that but I swear to God it’s like attempting to assemble a puzzle while the shape of the pieces, and the puzzle itself, changes.

So, first all, shit I actually got done in August.

  • I published A Warm Place 7.

  • I published Our Own Way 2.

  • Paranormal Passions, Desire, & Wanderlust are no longer free. In short: the data revealed it didn’t help.

  • I removed the Collections for A Warm Place because I don’t like doing them and they don’t really help much. I’ll be releasing a Complete Edition when A Warm Place is finished. If you missed out on the shorts and want to read them, e-mail me.

  • I published all the sequels to each of my 5 free shorts. They are all 99 cents and in the KU.

  • I got new cover art for A Warm Place, as well as that new banner up there, courtesy Kirk Mason.

  • I made a shitload of little changes that can be viewed here.

  • I removed my Dragon Age fan fiction for reasons I’ll get into below but basically: I don’t have time for it.

That’s about it. Those background changes are actually ongoing because I learned YET MORE after completing all the changes I wanted to make, but it shouldn’t be anything the readers actually notice. It’s all back-end stuff.

So what’s happening in the immediate future?

I’m writing A Warm Place 8. That’s mainly what’s happening in September. I am writing A Warm Place 8 as fast as I can. I have it planned and I feel good about it. I’m also going to try and get an Our Own Way or two out before October. Maybe even three, we’ll see how it goes.

How about the less immediate future?

Well let’s talk about that.

I’ve been learning so many things. Technical behind-the-scenes stuff and stuff about cover art and how I should be structuring my stories and more. Most of it I’ll incorporate into my writing career, some of it I won’t as it doesn’t gel with how I do things or what I personally feel about some subjects. The short of it is: I’ve learned how to do what I’ve been doing before, but better. So it’s not like I’m switching over to angsty vampire romance or whatever is popular today. (I’m showing my age by saying that, I’m sure.)

While a lot of things are in a state of flux right now as I let the dust settle, which is taking longer and longer because I keep learning new things and then it all gets shaken up again, I at least know what the way ahead looks like for now. Kind of. Here’s some pertinent facts.

  • I’m going to finish A Warm Place and it’s almost certainly going to cap off at 12 novels. I have a very decent conclusion in mind and I think it will feel like a good stopping point. That’s as close to set-in-stone as it gets with me. I’ll try to have A Warm Place finished before mid-2022.

  • I’m going to continue with Our Own Way. I’ve got a vague idea of where it will end, but basically I’m going to just write it until it feels done.

  • My next big series is still going to be the fantasy caveman one.

  • I’ve set aside any ideas of fan fiction and also I’ve put aside the incest erotica for now (as much as I loathe to do that, I really wanna write it.) But the good news about the incest erotica is that I’ve got a lot of ideas, and at this point I’m doing well enough that when I do get around to writing it, I can just host it all for free on its own website. Yay! Tons of free incest erotica!

  • I have decided I’m almost certainly going to reboot Demoness, however, it’ll be awhile. Like a year or two. Maybe longer. Not sure. If you want to know why, please refer to this post where I explain the problem in detail. In short, I am extremely excited about this reboot…when I can get to it.

  • One of the biggest changes I think is that it was pointed out to me that I need to have more potentially shorter series. Like more trilogies. They’re less risky. On the one hand, that sounds like stupid corporate bullshit and yeah, I get that. On the other hand: it makes sense. Imagine if A Warm Place 1 had flopped. I’d be stuck writing 12 novels that don’t sell jack shit. That would tank my writing career. Now I don’t want to give up my big epic long series, but I also need to have a few more things going that are more, I guess you could sane mentally sound. Now again, I would like to note, this doesn’t mean I’m going to just jump onto whatever bandwagon is popular and pump out something I don’t give a shit about. What this means is that basically I’ll be augmenting my serial fiction idea. I’m still toying around with precisely what I want to do next, it’s up in the air between monster girls and more winter survival, this time in a sci-fi setting. (Shockingly, I haven’t had my fill of winter survival.) So basically, instead of it being a serial, it’s going to be a trilogy that has a natural conclusion point at the end of the third book, BUT it could also continue if people like it enough. This is really more of an experiment than anything else and I don’t want to wander into the territory of holding sequels hostage or just abandoning series because they don’t sell. Basically, as always, I’m looking to strike a balance between my bank account and my readership (and my own sanity). Personally, I’m looking forward to it, because it will let me write a new thing, and writing a new thing just about always makes me happy!

  • So what all this means is that I’m going to keep on writing A Warm Place, and Our Own Way, I’ll also be working on this new harem trilogy idea in the background.

  • I may also use this method to gauge reception to some of the other series that I want to write in my shared universes because at this point, I do have to admit that I feel like there’s been a shift in what I can do. Ironically, before when I was scraping by, I could kind of just write whatever and selling well wasn’t all that much different than selling poorly. I could afford to commit to finishing something, like Parasexual for example, even if it wasn’t all that popular. I really can’t do that now. I can’t go off and write a 10 novel series that’s only going to sell 1/10 as well as A Warm Place for example, I just can’t. And some of these series are quite old, ideas I came up with years ago. I’ve been finding that there are some ideas I outgrow. I’ll actually sit down and try to plan them and realize I don’t care anymore. I don’t want to do that to the fans, but I also know what happens when I make myself write something I don’t care about: it’s torture and it slows down everything.

Anyway, that’s about the size of it. Although it keeps growing.

The Demoness Problem

For at least a year now, I’ve had a bit of a problem with Demoness.

I don’t know what to do with it.

You’d think the answer would be simple and straightforward: write Demoness VI.

But it’s not.

Let me explain.

I think I first came up with the idea of Demoness in late 2016 or so. In its original incarnation, I envisioned basically another Exploration or My Undead Lover. A novella. Hell, the first time I thought about it, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to come up with enough words to fill the 12,000 word goal I’d set for myself. But when I actually got to writing Demoness, it grew. And then it kept growing.

I had a rough deadline in mind, and I wasn’t done as it approached. I could have wrapped it up quick, or let the story keep going. I decided to let the story keep going and wound up with what was at the time the longest single title I’d ever written. I really liked it, and I really liked the characters, and the ending was clearly left wide open for a sequel.

I published Demoness June 8th, 2017.

Even as I pressed on with other titles in my serial fiction series, the idea of Demoness II wouldn’t leave me alone. By then, I was already wanting to move on to novel length material. Over the second half of 2017 I experimented with my first full-length novel, Women of the Wild, which I felt good about. But as 2018 started up and I struggled through the third season of Sex & Survival, it occurred to me that I simply could not go on writing serial fiction. I couldn’t. It was driving me nuts. And so in early 2018 I made the decision to start writing Demoness II, because I had a lot of ideas.

I tracked down a real cover artist and had her make covers for Demoness I & II. I went back and touched up Demoness.

The first real novel I ever released was Demoness II, on April 3rd, 2018. It was very well-received, and people seemed very happy about the longer format. I know I was.

And it sold well, really well.

Although all the shit that went down in Mid-2018 happened, I knew I wanted and needed to write Demoness III. So I did, and I got it out by August 18th, 2018.

It was around this time that I was beginning to realize that while I was seeing a bit more success overall, Demoness was my big earner then. I needed to invest in it more. I added in about 15,000 words to Demoness I, and I wrote a pair of short stories taking place in between the novels, all while working on Demoness IV. That one was huge. It remains the single longest novel I have ever written, at about 102,000 words.

I loved writing it so much. I loved the plot and the characters and the locations and the events. It was all so fantastic.

I published it February 15th, 2019.

Unfortunately, that was when the change began. Although at first it sold decently and was well-received, it didn’t do nearly as well as I had hoped. And it was obvious to me that doing something like Demoness IV again was not sustainable. I had put a tremendous amount of work into it, and while I don’t regret writing it, clearly interest in Demoness had fallen off.

So I shifted my focus to Haven and Parasexual.

But I wrote and got out a little collection of sexy shorts by April 20th, 2019. And then I set aside Demoness for awhile. I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the sequel, but I also knew it would have to wait.

Finally, as 2019 came to an end, I set aside time and got to work on Demoness V. I loved the idea, and although my execution of the novel didn’t quite hit the way I had hoped it would, I did like it, and I got it out April 21st, 2020, almost exactly a year after the last Demoness release.

This reaction was even more underwhelming. It seemed that few people read it, and fewer still reviewed it.

After that, I knew I wanted to write more, as John and Yelena are my favorite characters, and Demoness is my favorite series, but I also realized that it would have to be relegated to a passion project, something worked on only when I had the time. For awhile, I had an idea of what I was going to do for the rest of the series. That changed and the series took on even more responsibilities overall as I realized that I no longer wanted to add to my Fantasy Universe, but I didn’t want to abandon several cool ideas I had, so I decided I would roll them into future Demoness titles.

And this is where the problem came in. The problem that I recognized even back in 2018.

Something I’ve learned the hard way is that a series is only as strong as its first book. And although there are parts I like about Demoness I, it’s clearly the weakest entry in the series. The biggest problem is that when I first started writing Demoness, I had no idea it was going to be a series of novels. I had never even written a series of novels at that point.

And so my conundrum became: every cool idea that I want to pin to Demoness brings me back to this problem. The simplest way I can put it is: It doesn’t matter how cool Book 7 is if Book 1 sucks, because basically no one is going to show up for Book 7.

Now don’t get me wrong, I know there are fans of the Demoness series out there that love John and Yelena, and would keep reading the books. And that’s really appreciated. I’m right there with you, honestly. I want to see them more, watch their relationship evolve more, write about them fucking hot monster chicks more. That’s why I keep coming back to what I now call The Demoness Problem over and over.

At this point, it’s become obvious to me that basically all my older series are done with. I can update the cover art, change the descriptions, pretty it up a dozen subtle different ways, but nothing I wrote before 2018 is ever going to be a bestseller, or even a decent earner.

Hell, probably nothing I wrote before 2020 will be.

Now, I’m not in this JUST to be a bestseller. And that’s why while I’m willing to let just about everything else lie where it has fallen, I can’t leave Demoness behind.

I’ve thought about this problem a lot. I mean, in one form or another, I’ve thought about it for years.

There’s been a solution that I haven’t allowed myself to seriously consider for a long time. And, well, I finally actually let myself consider it recently, and I realized maybe the solution isn’t as impossible or wrong as I thought.

The idea is: I want to reboot Demoness.

Delete everything and start from scratch.

I’m still mulling over it. It would be a lot of work, but the potential to make it much, much better than it already is becomes high. I’m a much better writer now than I was in early 2017. I’ve got a ton of ideas. I could actually use it as a vehicle for not just John and Yelena’s relationship, but that massive ultra epic idea I keep referencing. I could weave more of the already established characters and events into the series. Honestly, I could make the series more coherent. It’s a bit all over the place.

Right now, it’s kind of a moot point. Although I’m leaning towards doing this, I know that even if I decided to do it literally this moment, I simply have too much to do. Way too much. Beyond A Warm Place and my fantasy caveman series coming up…well, let’s just say there are other projects on the horizon that are really big.

I’d say, as I’m writing this, I’m pretty confident that this is the decision I want to make. So I guess I’d say: be prepared for Demoness to get rebooted. I may change my mind, (I’ve been doing that a lot lately as new data comes in), but I doubt I will on this one.

I would, however, like to hear from you. What do you think about this?


Just to help out those looking to determine whether or not this post announces any new actual content, let me say now that no it does not. (Unless you count the sequels to my five free short stories that I’ve published. If you didn’t know about those, there’s information below.)

This is basically just a big list of tiny-to-medium changes I’ve made to my works that I thought some people might be interested in.

So as I’ve been saying over the past year or so, I’ve been learning stuff about writing and selling and being an indie author and, more specifically, being a harem author. Obviously I’ve been doing way better during 2021 than any other year, so naturally, I’m trying to figure out why that is, and how I can keep doing better.

It’s become obvious to me that the fact that I started as an erotica author and then made an awkward transition into harem is a hinderance to me, and that my backlog is, if not weighing me down, then at least not doing much to help me.

But because I don’t want to just discard all these stories I’ve written, all these characters I’ve created, I’ve worked hard to make little tweaks to them in terms of presentation. A bit of changed cover art, better formatting, updated back matter, etc. That time has come again, sort of. I learned a handful of little things and also decided it was time to experiment a little bit.

  • So the biggest change is that I decided fuck collections. Specifically, collections being collected while in the process of writing the series. Complete Collections are where it’s at. Consequently, I have removed A Warm Place Collection 1 & 2. The two shorts available with them are now only available via paperback, but they will be reinserted with A Warm Place - The Complete Collection, once I do that. That being said, I’m not writing bonus shorts anymore. I feel like they fuck with the flow of the story too much and they’re also oddly difficult to write and they also seem to sort of confuse some readers, so I’m just doing straight up ordered novels from now on.

  • As you can see, I have a really good new banner! Also, A Warm Place has new cover art! Not all of it, but most of it. The rest will come soon. This is thanks to author Kirk Mason. I don’t have any way to thank him more than I already have, so I figured I’d plug his book. It’s sci-fi and harem and new. Check it out.

  • His way of rearranging the cover art inspired me to do some of the same, and so I’ve rearranged the cover art for all of Parasexual and Like A Fine Wine. I think they look better this way and I like the style a lot more.

  • I changed the position of my name on the spine of every paperback, because it didn’t occur to me to do this until just recently. Like wow I feel dumb. My name will now be vertical, just like the title. This looks way more visually appealing.

  • I have lowered the price of just about every single paperback significantly. I recently gained access to an immense amount of sales data and after studying several things, something occurred to me: my paperbacks don’t make hardly any money. I actually ran the numbers and for the run of my entire career, my paperback sales account for less than 1% of my overall income. It’s actually close to about .6%. So I figured the only people buying the paperbacks are super fans, and super fans should be rewarded, so I’ve lowered the prices and will continue to do so going forward.

  • I’m sure some of you may have noticed that the product description on the Amazon pages for the paperbacks all tended to run together. Amazon finally fixed this! So I’ve gone through and made it all look good. I also bolded the last sentence in the description, talking about how the story contains sexy sexiness, because we can do basic formatting now!

  • I updated almost all of the title images that appears at the very beginning of my ebooks. The reason for this is because when I first did this, I mass-created a bunch using dimensions that were too big and made them appear like past halfway down the first page. By the time I realized this, it was already too late, they’d been made and implemented. I’ve begun using ones with better dimensions since beginning A Warm Place, but now I’ve taken the opportunity to go in and fix all the others.

  • I updated the back matter of everything yet again. So there’s updated links to like Valkyries and Our Own Way. I wonder how many people actually follow those links and go on to read stuff specifically because of the back matter. I’ve poured probably a few dozen hours into making, updating, and maintaining those over the past six years.

  • I removed the Kindle version of Kyra’s Game from Patreon because I’ve heard some rumblings that Patreon is cracking down on sex stuff and although I’ll probably get away with naked drawings, traditionally Patreon has gotten mad with incest stuff. Basically, I don’t want to risk it, and you can still read it on this site.

  • I made a few tweaks to A Warm Place. When I looked back over the original version, I realized that I liked the phrase An Ice Age Apocalypse Harem way better than what I had, so I changed it.

  • I’ve stopped Wanderlust, Paranormal Passions, and Desire from being free. The data is in: it doesn’t really help as much as I thought it did. Hellcats, for whatever reason, is still strong like almost a year later. Honestly I doubt anyone reading this cares but I like transparency. The five freebies are still free and will remain so.

  • Speaking of the five freebies, I made a decision to go ahead and publish the sequels I wrote for all of them. They’re no longer available on my website because the KU demands exclusivity. The reason I did this is because hardly anyone reads them when I put them on my site. I get some traffic, but not much, and it’s mostly to check the blog and look at the nudes. Which is fine, just…I put effort into writing those five shorts, and I figured there’s probably a ton of people who have no idea they exist. So why not put them up on the Kindle? Also, the cover art for Snakeskin II was originally the cover art for Women of the Wild II.

  • I also updated the back matter of my Smashwords stories but like, has anyone who visited my site ever used Smashwords even once?

  • I lowered the price of every Haven title (except for the Complete Collection) by 1$.

  • I removed Parasexual - Straitlaced from the store. It is now only available in Parasexual - The Complete Collection. The reason for this is because I’ve been learning more about what’s permissible on covers and what isn’t, and apparently if your book is labeled erotica and a woman’s hands are bound in any way, it’s a red flag and Amazon might take issue with it. So instead of fucking with getting new cover art for a 7500 word short story that has, for the entirety of its run (November 2019 - August 2021) earned me a grand total of 89$ (which was actually 1$ less than the creation of the cover art lol), I just took it down since it’s already a part of the Complete Collection.

  • I had to make a bunch of updates to my site to reflect all this new stuff.

  • I changed the color scheme of the Our Own Way cover art, thought I’d make it pop a bit more. I like experimenting with covers, I’m finding.

That’s about it. I obviously don’t know how to take vacations anymore.

I haven’t started working on A Warm Place 8 yet as of right now, unfortunately, because I’ve been so busy doing all this stuff. It takes up a surprising amount of time. Also, I’ve had a headache for a week straight and I’m scared. Hopefully it’s nothing.

A Warm Place 7 Is Out & I Need A Break

So, A Warm Place 7 is finally out. Links below.

I kinda feel like I’m losing my mind. My sleep schedule is really all over the place and I’ve been really stressed and anxious, and I’m kind of burned out on A Warm Place. I feel like I need some distance from it or I’m going to lose my shit or something.

So this is basically me saying that I’m going to be taking a break. I’m not going to touch A Warm Place for the rest of August. I will ideally feel better about it once September rolls around, but as it stands right now, I’m tentatively saying A Warm Place 8 will release in October. I’m hoping that this longer break will help, but I don’t intend for it to become regular.

This also feels like a decent place in the series to let things sort of settle in my head for awhile. While yeah, there’s still a looming threat, A Warm Place 7 did not end on a cliffhanger. I try to avoid those, but sometimes they’re inevitable.

I don’t plan on doing nothing though, in the meantime. I want to get out a few more Our Own Way novellas this month. Maybe I’ll finally get a little bit more work done on that Dragon Age fan fiction. Or maybe I’ll write an incest erotica. I’m really not sure yet beyond the work I want to do on Our Own Way. Right now I’m probably 2/3 done with the current title.

So yeah, I’ll see you again when I next get that one out.

A Warm Place 7 Preview

Work on the next A Warm Place novel continues. I’m nearing the climax right about now. It should definitely be published within the next seven days.

Anyway, here’s the first chapter preview. If you also want to read the second chapter, check it out on my Patreon.

Ideally I’ll be releasing the cover in the next few days, and then the novel itself a few days after that.

“What’s wrong with Megan, and where is she?” I asked, staring down into Delilah’s intensely blue eyes. I tried to force control over myself, but fear was already beginning to flood me. From the worried look in Delilah’s eyes, that fear was threatening to turn into panic.

“We don’t know anything for sure,” Delilah replied quickly, and she must have seen the terror she had cast onto me because she made a visible effort to collect herself and calm down. “She went with a team, away from the town, to track-” she hesitated and looked around, sudden aware of her surroundings, “-something. They’ve been gone too long.”

I relaxed slightly. Okay, so, she wasn’t presently dying or being held hostage.

Well, at least as far as they knew. Missing was almost as bad, though, but I knew Megan. She’d been tough when we had first met, and I’d seen her skills and tenacity sharpen and harden over the months we’d spent together.

Wherever she was, I figured there was a good chance she could handle it.

The fear came back into Delilah’s eyes. “Chris, Pine Lake got hit by one of those storms. One of the really, really bad ones we ran into on the highway.”

“Fuck,” I muttered, the fear coming right back. I hesitated, looked from her to the others, who had gathered in a loose knot nearby, looking uncertain and uncomfortable. My gaze shifted to Lindsay, who was approaching. I nodded quickly to her and she smiled nervously and nodded back. I needed a minute to think and get the details. I looked around, but there wasn’t any obviously good place in the room around us. “Um,” I looked at the others, “grab a seat and get your strength back. We might need to leave again. I have to figure this out. I’ll be back inside in a minute, okay?”

They all looked nervous, but Lara, surprisingly, appeared the calmest, and she seemed to step up and take charge. “We’ll be here, Chris. Go figure it out.”

“Thanks,” I said, then took Delilah’s hand and led her out the front door.

I guess it made enough sense. Although Lara wasn’t the best at dangerous survival situations, she’d no doubt navigated hundreds of socially awkward or uncomfortable or intense moments. The cold hit me as we stepped back outside. I looked around and saw no one in the fading twilight. There was a barrel near the front entrance that was alive with flames, left there for people to step out and catch some air and probably also as a beacon for travelers.

“Okay, Delilah, tell me everything you know,” I said.

She nodded and made another effort to compose herself. “We’ve had a run of really, really shitty luck. It started with a pair of hunting accidents about a month ago. A hunting team was mauled by a pack of wolves. No one died, but three of our best hunters were down for awhile with bad injuries, and two got an infection. A few days later, another hunter fell and broke his leg. The storm came just a few days after that. Since me and Elizabeth and Megan knew what to look for, we managed to warn Lisa, and we managed to get everyone into reinforced buildings and gather up supplies. Unfortunately, the storm was really bad, worse than the last one. It lasted for almost two days and I think it got colder. The people managed to survive, but it killed just about all the animals and all the plants for several miles around the town.”

“Fuck,” I muttered, the implications building in my brain. That would be a good way to kill the whole settlement. “But what about-”

“The hydroponic garden we were setting up around the time you left? It was ruined. The cold killed most of the seeds we had stored and we didn’t get a chance to properly reinforce the hydroponic building. Most of the equipment we’d found or cobbled together broke. They said it got too cold and snapped or cracked. Whatever happened, it’s gone now.”

“And the food stores?” I asked, the fear digging its frigid claws deeper into my guts.

She looked crestfallen. “The building they were in collapsed. We managed to salvage some of it, but a lot of it was lost in the rubble.”

“Holy fucking shit,” I muttered, turning away briefly, staring at the setting sun. Whatever I decided, I knew we had to make at least some more progress towards Pine Lake tonight. I looked back at Delilah. “Then what happened?”

“We spent a few days hunting and foraging, but that was when the full implication of what had happened really sunk in. Megan led a team to check out a big house that someone had seen while out exploring. It was about eight miles away and even out to there the storm had hit. She was searching the house and they came across a dead guy, and he had a map on him, with stuff written on the back. I don’t know all of it, we didn’t have much time to take with all that was happening, but basically it was supposed to lead to a bunker full of supplies. The guy had been on his way to it when he died in his sleep or something, I don’t know. But Megan left about two weeks ago with Melanie and a few others to track it down,” Delilah explained.

“And they never came back?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No. There were more storms, a lot more storms, but more normal ones, after they left, so Lisa thinks that might’ve slowed them down, but she’s...she’s really nervous, Chris. I am too, we all are. It’s really bad. I think she’s really desperate. When I reminded her that you probably would be back sometime soon, she ended up asking me and Lindsay to go here and wait for you, or see if maybe we could find you some other way.”

“How’d she know I was here?” I asked. “Or that I’d been here?”

“Some traders visited a week after you left and mentioned this place and you,” Delilah replied.

That made sense. Jesus fucking Christ, this was bad.

I felt all sorts of awful emotions rolling around in my guts, but mostly I felt guilt, and shame. I’d gone out to fucking ‘find myself’ and Pine Lake had been brought to the brink of extinction while I’d been off fucking around with Hannah and the others.

“Oh, Chris, I missed you so much,” Delilah said suddenly, and hugged me again.

I hugged her back, holding her tightly against me. “I missed you too, Delilah. Fuck, I missed you so’s Elizabeth?” I asked.

“She’s doing okay. There weren’t any big problems or anything. Me and Lindsay have been hanging out with her a lot, especially since Megan left. She misses you too. So much.”

“God, I’ve missed you all a lot. More than I’ve ever missed anyone.”

She pulled back suddenly and looked up at me. “Did you...figure it all out? Are you going to stay with us?” she asked.

The question, the way she asked it, and the look on her face might have been the most vulnerable I had ever seen Delilah, and it threw me off a lot. She was always so confident and sure of herself, it was unreal.

“Yes,” I said, “I figured it out and I’m staying with you. I’m not leaving.”

The relief on her face was like the sun breaking through the clouds. She smiled broadly and kissed me on the mouth, holding me to her again.

“What are we going to do?” she asked as she pulled back once more.

“Um...if I remember right, there’s a house about a mile down the road, right? You can see it from the highway?”

“Uh...yeah. Yes. I remember that. We saw it as we came in.”

“Did it look like anyone was there?”


“Okay, good. I want go there. But first, I want to get all the food this place is willing to trade to us. Tell me you brought stuff to trade,” I replied.

She nodded. “Yeah, I did. Lisa loaded Lindsay and I up with stuff to trade for food in case we ran into anyone.” She paused, and then a familiar small smile came onto her face. “Chris, was that four super attractive women I saw following you?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Are you fucking them-”



“I’ll catch you up to speed later,” I replied. “We have to move now.

My expression and tone seemed to sober her, bring her back to the moment, and she nodded. It was interesting seeing her like this. When we’d first met, Delilah had been very casual and laid back, and due to the nature of our original arrangement, pretty much happy to let me solve problems and run her life. That had changed slowly over the months that we’d known each other. She’d found a niche for herself and had settled nicely into it, though from what I’d seen, she’d largely seemed to switch to letting Lindsay make bigger decisions for them. Or me, depending on what was up. Now it seemed like she was the one stepping up.

We got back inside and I quickly scanned the interior of the inn’s main room. I saw my people sitting around the largest table off in one corner, talking quietly to each other. I saw Brandy, the woman with the facial scar I’d first hooked up with on my way out of Pine Lake, behind the bar, looking at me surreptitiously, no doubt curious about what the hell was going on. Two others were deeper in the room, also behind the bar, talking quietly. I vaguely recognized them as being part of the group that ran the place. There was another pair of people sitting at a table, seemingly trying to mind their business. Okay, so, two groups to trade with.

I walked with Delilah over to my group.

“What’s going on?” Hannah asked.

“Things are bad. The town’s in trouble. Right now, what that means is we’ve got another mile to cover and quickly, but before that, we need to trade for as much food as we can. Get all of our extra trading shit out on the table. Delilah, Lindsay, will you go to those other two and see if they have any food they’re willing to trade?” I asked.

“Yeah, we’ll get on it,” Delilah said. Lindsay got up and joined her, heading over to the unfamiliar pair.

I began to turn towards Brandy, prepared to ask for whatever food she was willing to give me, but then hesitated. I turned back. “Everyone, I’m really sorry to be short like this and just dump this all in your lap, but it’s an emergency. I’ll bring you up to speed once we’re at the house.”

“It’s okay, Chris,” Jessica said, “we get it. Go do what needs doing.”

I looked around and the expressions on Susan, Lara, and Hannah’s faces told me they seemed in agreement.

“Thank you,” I replied, and headed off to the counter.

That was one thing off my mind, at least. This situation was stressful enough as it was. Like the fact that I was going to have to ask Brandy for help. I genuinely didn’t know how it would go, or, fuck, if she even remembered me. I didn’t get the impression that she was a jerk from our brief time together, but I did get the impression that she was a hardass and might think I was trying to fuck her over with a sob story that I thought she was more likely to believe just because we’d fucked. That tended to piss people off.

“Brandy,” I said as I approached. “Uh…” I thought about how best to approach this, felt the press of time, and decided fuck it. “You remember me, right?”

She stared at me with a mostly flat expression for a few seconds, then grinned. “Yeah, Chris. I remember. After that night, I’m not going to forget you anytime soon.”

Well, off to a good start, at least. “Same, honestly,” I replied. “Uh, I need to trade. For food.”

“What’s going on, exactly?” she asked. I hesitated further because my thoughts were starting to get jammed up in my head. “Just tell it to me straight,” she added.

“The town I’m from got hit by a brutal storm that wiped out our food stores and killed off almost all the plants and animals. We’re fucked for food, I’m just finding out right now, and I have to grab as much food as I can and get back there pronto.”

“Shit, I remember that storm,” she replied. “Although I don’t think we got the worst of it. It wasn’t that bad out here. But yes, Chris, I’ll help you out. We’ve got some food to trade. Lemme bring it over to your table and we can figure it out.”

“Thank you, Brandy,” I replied. “I really appreciate it. Literally everything you’d be willing to spare.”

She nodded and went to talk with the others.

I rejoined my group and then took off my pack and started pulling out all the extra stuff I’d been gathering over the past few months that had potential trade value. Mostly it was jewelry, whatever was leftover of the weed, booze, and cigarettes I’d managed to come across, as well as that bottle of pain meds I’d found way back when I’d first moved in with Lara and Susan. Susan had talked up taking them, but she’d only had a few, and as much as I wanted to hang onto them, I knew they were powerful trading items.

By the time Brandy came over with two others, each carrying a plastic bin full of food, the table was scattered with an assortment of odds and ends. Rings and old batteries and cash (some people still valued it), drugs and office supplies and some paperback novels. We only haggled for a few minutes, and it went like how I hoped it would.

Brandy and her people took everything off the table. At first glance it might seem like a lot, but if this was a real negotiation, I knew she’d be holding out for something bigger and better, like guns and ammo. Or medical supplies. Fire-starting materials. Rare stuff. That she didn’t meant she really was giving us a good deal, especially given the amount of food she was offering. Between the bins, there were almost thirty assorted cans of food, a dozen jars full of pickles and peppers and seasonings and other foodstuffs, and probably about fifty pounds of meat either wrapped in wax paper or sealed in plastic containers.

It was a pain in the ass, but we managed to get it all stuffed away into our backpacks, as well as Lindsay’s and Delilah’s packs, when they came back. They reported that they managed to do some trading, but the two travelers just didn’t have as much to work with, so we put the leftover food into their backpacks.

“All right, is there anything else that needs doing here that anyone can think of?” I asked as I got my now overstuffed pack onto my back. No one had an answer for me and after a moment of consideration, I couldn’t think of anything else. The daylight was fading fast. Even as it was, I doubted we’d actually make it there before dark, but we had to try. Another mile traveled today probably meant we could make it back to Pine Lake by tomorrow night. “Okay, head outside and wait for me by the fire barrel. I’ll be out in a minute.”

They all nodded and headed outside. I moved over to Brandy. “Thank you, seriously. And I’m really sorry I can’t spend the night. Last time you said-” I hesitated, and couldn’t help but grin, “...well, I’m sure you remember.”

“Oh yeah, I remember,” Brandy replied with a grin of her own. “I remember everything about that night, Chris. You’re not as sorry as I am that you aren’t sticking around. And I don’t mind helping you. Listen, if I come across any traders, I’ll send them your way and tell them you need food. And the hunting isn’t too bad around here, from what we’ve experienced. We can’t feed a whole town, but I wouldn’t be against you sending some people up here and using this place to sleep for a hunting expedition, and also for trade, as we always try to keep a lot more than we need, as you can tell from the trade.”

“Thank you for the offer, I’ll definitely mention it to my people.”

I started to turn away but Brandy reached out across the bar and gripped my wrist. “Hey, not so fast. Give me a kiss before you go, I want something before you wander off with half a dozen attractive women.”

I laughed awkwardly, looking back at her. God, she was so wicked hot. When we’d slept together, I could tell that, although she tried to hide it, she was somewhat self-conscious about the big, obvious scar she had down one cheek, but I’d done my best to convince her I thought it looked good. And I did. She was one of the most uniquely attractive women I’d seen in a long time. I leaned across the bar and she grabbed my coat, pulled me closer, and kissed me on the lips for a long, wonderful moment. Then she let go of me.

“Come back sometime,” she said.

“I will,” I promised.

And then I headed back out into the cold, back to my life and my now desperate responsibilities.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (August 2021)

July was a weird month. First, let’s cover the things I did manage to do.

I was hoping to come before you today saying that A Warm Place 7 was done or close to, but it’s not. I began work on right at the beginning of July, but I hit a block and realized that I was burned out on it and I just needed some time. So I didn’t actually get a chance to restart production until mid-July, and even then, I’ve run into some other problems in my real life. Nothing serious, just boring stuff. As it stands right now, I’m about halfway done with the novel, and I have the cover art ready to go. I’ve been working steadily on it for the past week or so, finally getting into a good rhythm, and I intend to continue until it’s done. After that, I’ll probably actually make myself take more of a real break from the next one, probably a few weeks, and then get to it.

I’m sorry if I’m not pushing out A Warm Place as far as I could be, it’s just at this point I’ve been working on the series literally ALL year.

That’s actually part of what led me to launch Our Own Way. Here’s a blog post I made fleshing it out more.

To go into a bit more of an explanation as to why this is happening, I think it’s because I have two core things I want to write about: dangerous adventures and emotional or more low-key domestic stuff. Now, I can definitely have both, but one tends to overtake the other, and sometimes I just want one or the other. It also helps release the pressure. These more low-key serial erotica pieces allow me to just kinda…write. With stuff like A Warm Place, I have to plan and worry over a whole novel for weeks. Plus, as I’ve said earlier when I wanted to do this before, it can allow me to explore ideas that I couldn’t otherwise.

Anyway, Our Own Way 2 should be out soon, and progress marches forward on A Warm Place 7. Progress also marches quietly on in the background for my caveman fantasy harem. That’s all I’ve got for now.