5 Years Later (Newsletter 2020)

I’ve been writing for about five years now.

Technically speaking, I released my very first title, Hellcats: Six Foot Ten, on September 23, 2014. And I managed to release a handful of other titles before the end of the year, but I don’t really consider my ‘career’, inasmuch as I can call this clusterfuck a career, started until the beginning of 2015. It is now January 1st, 2020, which means I’ve been at this with mostly unbroken consistency for five long years.

What have I managed to do in those five years?

Well, I managed to write…

  • 3 novellas

  • 8 short stories

  • 41 novels

  • 2 collections

  • Over a dozen other shorts in the form of bonus content that I don’t otherwise count.

  • Roughly 6 novels as Crystal Candy.

That’s over like 2,000,000 words. When I look back at everything that’s happened over the past half-decade, I largely feel two things.

The first is that I’m amazed it’s worked out as well as it has.

The second is…am I fucking ever going to get stability and consistency? (Personally and professionally speaking.)

Although 2019 was not as bad as 2018, I still feel like it had more downs than ups, and that I’ve largely just been trying to recover from the damage that was done in 2018. (More went on behind the scenes than I let on.)

But now the decade is over, and a new decade has begun, and for the last portion of the year, I felt like I have finally, finally begun getting my shit back together. Like a prologue of the year to come. With this in mind, let’s take a look ahead at what I intend to bring you in 2020.

  • HAVEN. 2020 is going to be, largely, the year of Haven. My primary focus is going to be writing this series. Besides it being my strongest seller, I have a really good idea of where I want to go with it, where I want it to end, and how to get there. At present, I’m looking at there being nine novels, but that could change, so don’t set your hearts on that number. There’s a lot to do: places to explore, monsters and assholes to fight and kill, relationships to develop, people to save, things to build. I don’t know if it will be possible to finish Haven within the next twelve months, but I am intending to try.

  • QUICKIES. So, I’ve talked about this before, and I’m going ahead with it. In short, the Quickies will be collections of short stories that have been written to serve as bonus content to spruce up my collected works. I think it’s pretty reasonable to not want to repurchase those titles for 10$ just to get your hands on a few short stories, and I want to give people a chance to buy just the short stories if they’ve already read the works in question. This will also give me a chance to write brand new, exclusive material for series that I have long since finished. So here’s how it will work. Each Quickies collection will collect all existing bonus content relating to at least two series and/or titles, usually more. It really depends on just how much there is. They will cost 2.99$, and will not be enrolled in the KU, unfortunately, because I’m not sure about Amazon’s policy for re-publishing shit and I just don’t want to invoke their wrath on accident. To give you an example, I’ll tell you the specifics of the first one. Quickies #1 will have every bonus short ever written relating to Hellcats and to Exploration. It will also have two completely original short stories, one related to Hellcats, one related to Exploration, never before seen and exclusive to these collections. I’ll be creating one brand new short story for nearly every title I have ever written, including The Misty Vixen Starter Pack and the Freebies, so if you’ve had something you’ve been wanting to see how it turned out, keep an eye out for these. If you have any questions, please ask.

  • SCIENCE FICTION. I plan on bouncing back and forth between projects, given that I had adopted a strategy of working on two projects simultaneously, and it’s worked out well so far. Basically, I write 4,000 words a day for my main project, and 1,000 words a day for my next project. As a result, by the time I’ve wrapped up my primary project, I’m already a quarter to a third done with my secondary project! I’m hoping this will accelerate my publishing schedule. And because I don’t want to burn out, I’ll be working on something that isn’t Haven in between writing Haven novels. After getting a few things I need to get written and published out of the way, I intend to turn my attention to something in my Sci-Fi Universe. I’m not yet sure what that will be, though I have a strong contender. Mainly, I want to do this because I miss Sci-Fi. I haven’t written a single Sci-Fi thing for just over two years at this point!

Okay, now, this is the part where I get long-winded and run over everything in all four of my shared universes. If you don’t care, feel free to skip. But if you’re interested in a sort of sneak peek at where I am right now with my stories and universes and ideas, then keep reading and hopefully be wowed!


  • PARANORMAL PASSIONS: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • PARASEXUAL: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • PINK: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • ROOMMATES WITH BENEFITS (THE MISTY VIXEN STARTER PACK): Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.


  • WANDERLUST: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • MY UNDEAD LOVER: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • LUST & ADVENTURE: I intend to write one more novel and a Quickie short.

  • LARGE & LOVELY: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • LAY OF THE LAND (THE MISTY VIXEN STARTER PACK): Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • SNAKESKIN: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • ROYAL LUST: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short. Though I do intend to use the characters in future series extensively.

  • ADVENTUROUS: This will be a full-blown series. Not sure when I’ll get to work on it.

  • WOMEN OF THE WILD: This will also be a full-blown series. After I’ve written Haven and something Sci-Fi, I will likely make this my priority.

  • UNTITLED FREE INCEST STORY: The next free, website-exclusive story (series?) I intend to write, is about a deeply loving relationship between a young man and his beautiful mature mother. I hope to get to this in 2020.


  • SEX & SURVIVAL: I’ve finally decided, done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • THE PALE REDHEAD: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • A NEW WORLD (THE MISTY VIXEN STARTER PACK): Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • HAVEN: I intend to finish this series this year.

  • UNTITLED SERIES: I’ve mentioned this before. It’s kind of similar to Haven, in that it has base-building elements and a harem of women, but it hits a particular fetish really, really hard and I think a lot of people will really like it. I know I will. No idea how long this series will be, but surely not longer than Haven. And unless something changes, I may put this universe to sleep after this series for a long while. We’ll see.


  • HELLCATS: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • EXPLORATION: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • ALIEN HAREM: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • AMAZONIAN’S LOVE: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • VALKYRIES: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short. Also, I need to get a Kindle version of this available somehow. May make it available through the website, may make it a reward for 1$/month tier Patrons. Not sure yet.

  • BLIND DATE: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • DESIRE: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • LIKE A SEX TOY (THE MISTY VIXEN STARTER PACK): I know I mentioned earlier that I was going to rework this into the beginning of a new series, and although I do intend to write that new series still, I’m just going to use original characters instead of trying to maneuver this into something else. So, done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • KYRA’S GAME: Gonna wrap this up soon.

  • WILD DISCOVERY: I’ve spoken of this in the past. This may be the one I settle on to write, but I’m not so sure. It features more hardcore survival. The way I write stories has changed significantly since I originally envisioned this and sketched a few plans, so it needs to be reworked.

  • UNTITLED SERIES: This one is the likeliest candidate to get written next. It’s in the vein of Hellcats and Valkyries, just much better paced and written. Kind of like how Parasexual was basically an idealized Paranormal Passions. Looking forward to this one.

  • UNTITLED SERIES: Another one that hits a particular kink particularly hard. This one will definitely be slice-of-live versus out in the wild survival. One of my newer ideas. Still not sure if I can make it work. If I do, it’ll likely be shorter stuff, maybe 30-40,000 word titles.

  • UNTITLED SERIES: Have you ever heard of hurt-comfort? From what I gather, it’s a genre that’s about really miserable, unhappy people comforting each other. That’s what this series is about. Imagine Paranormal Passions, but in a sci-fi setting, and more coherent, and more unhappy, with each character getting their own, unique damage! Sounds fun, I’m sure. This idea hit me really hard, and it would be more a work of passion than anything else. I’m admittedly a little scared to tackle this one, because I get worried about fucking it up.

And that’s it. That’s everything. Well, not EVERYTHING, but that’s just about everything I’ve got for Misty Vixen for the foreseeable future. Obviously, I’ve got a lot left to write. And I have WAY more ideas for other pennames. Speaking of that, you’re probably wondering about Crystal Candy. Well, I’m sorry to say that I’m keeping her retired for the moment. I still certainly have ideas that I don’t think would fit anywhere else, but my work with Misty Vixen is just too important, and any spare time I do have is being used to gear up for far bigger plans that I have for the future…

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (December 2019)

Here we are, in the final month of the year and the decade.

First, updates.

Straitlaced can be bought as an eBook for 1.99$ or read through the Kindle Unlimited here. Nude version is here.

Epilogue can be bought as an eBook for 2.99$ or read through the Kindle Unlimited here. Nude version is here.

The second Parasexual Collection, which collects Parasexual 4, Parasexual 5, Straitlaced, and Epilogue, as well as featuring a brand new, 6,600 word short story called An Unexpected Pleasure that takes place between Straitlaced and Epilogue, can be bought as an eBook for 9.99$ here. It can be bought as a paperback for 14.99$ here.

And with that, holy fucking shit, not only is Parasexual done, but the Paranormal Universe is closed out!

Technically speaking I still have four short stories set in that universe to write, one for Parasexual, one for Paranormal Passions, one for Roommates With Benefits, and one for Blind Date, to be packaged with some of the Quickies collections of bonus content, but that comes later and the universe is basically done with. I feel a little weird about closing it out. Mainly good, but I guess a little bad considering I know there’s going to be at least some people who really like it and want more. But unfortunately I just don’t really have it in me to write modern paranormal erotica, at least not consistently. The ideas just don’t come. And so it’s done, and I’m relieved.

The only other thing I really got done in November was I got Hellcats re-covered!

All the covers lead to nude versions on my Patreon, except for The Complete Trilogy, which leads to the Kindle version. This month I hope to get the Alien Harem covers remade, and after that I think I’ll knock a few more singles off the list like Royal Lust and Adventurous.

Now, as for what I’ll be doing with my professional time in December?

Haven 3. Writing the fuck out of Haven 3. I’ve already got it planned out AND I already have the cover made! If all goes according to the planned schedule that I’ve drawn up for myself, I should be able to get Haven 3 out before 2020. But again, I want to remind everyone that a lot can change in a month. Just know that I am aiming for a December release.

I’ve decided to go ahead and attempt to implement that 80-20 split in terms of my writing. So every weekday, I’ll be also getting a bit of progress made on none other than Demoness V! I already have the cover art for that, too! If all goes very well, I will be able to release Demoness V in January. After that, I’ll promptly begin work on Haven 4. After that? I’m not sure, admittedly.

Right now, things are looking kind of shitty. My sales dropped a LOT in November. Like, numbers that are beginning to genuinely worry me. I’m really, really hoping that Haven 3, as well as a big giveaway I’m planning near the end of the month, will help pump the numbers back up and keep them up for awhile, but fuck, there’s no real way to tell. I mean, I’m also hoping that releasing 3 Parasexual titles back to back will help, but Parasexual hasn’t been a great seller, as much as I’ve tried very hard to make it awesome.

I’ll try to give a better forecast of what I want to get done in 2020 in the next newsletter, but pretty much all my plans have to be taken with a grain of salt because of the unpredictability of my job. The likeliest course of action, in short, will be: Write a lot of Haven, with the occasional break for something else.

Wish me luck, it seems like I’m always running low on it.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (November 2019)

Parasexual 5 is out now!

eBook here. Paperback here. Kate nude here.

I mentioned earlier that I would try to go hard and refocus my efforts on a single project at a time. The result of this was that I finished Parasexual 5 in about a month, and it was the longest Parasexual novel, edging out Parasexual 3 by about fifteen hundred words. So I’d call that a success. Ideally, this is how every production would go. Including breaks, I could probably get about ten novels a year done at that rate, if they all averaged between sixty and seventy thousand words.

But if the past two years have taught me anything, it’s to be wary of my own sustainability. I’ve started putting more of a concerted effort into focusing, and I do think I’m starting to get back to where I once was. Unfortunately, winter is setting in now, and I have a very hard time with winter. So…we’ll see how that goes.

Now, I also mentioned that I was going to release a Parasexual collection. And here it is!

eBook here. Paperback here.

It contains Parasexual 1, 2, & 3, as well as a bonus short story roughly 3,000 words long that now serves as an Epilogue for Parasexual 2. Basically, it’s a threesome between Alex, Brianna, and Aurora right after they shift from their hotel to Aurora’s place.

Okay, with regards to what I said earlier about repackaging the exclusive bonus shorts, (which I will dive into later after I wrap up Parasexual news), I am going to do that, however, it will be a little while before I get around to it. So if you don’t feel like dropping another 10$ on this collection and want to wait, that’s totally understandable. I’m not at present entirely sure when it will become available, but it will become available in a bonus pack for 2.99$ at some point.

Now, Parasexual news.

I’m almost done with Parasexual!

First of all, it occurred to me that I had an idea for the series that never ended up fitting somewhere else. Initially, I thought it would make for a good bonus short, maybe in Collection 2, but it was too long to be one of those. (I tend to aim for between 2,000 - 4,000 words for those bonus shorts.) So instead, I decided to just make it a stand-alone short story. This way, you can just buy it for 2$, or read it through the KU. It’s called Straitlaced, and it’s about Stacy, the buttoned-down business elf in Parasexual 5, and is a follow-up to their brief exchange in her office. As of right now, it is written, edited, and basically ready to go. I’m waiting on the cover art. Last update from my cover artist was the sketch, which looked awesome, so ideally it will become available within the next week or so.

In the meantime, I’m going full steam ahead with Parasexual - Epilogue. I’m still planning it, and I’m aiming for it to be between 15,000 - 20,000 words. So it shouldn’t take too long to write and edit, and I already have the cover art for it! It picks up about four months after the end of Parasexual 5 and kind of touches on where everyone’s at, and where Alex is at with the various women in his life, and also features a sexual encounter with a character I touched on but never came back to. It’ll be out sometime in November, basically as soon as I can.

After that, the very last thing Parasexual related I need to do is release Collection 2, which will bind together Parasexual 4, 5, Straitlaced, & Epilogue, and also feature a bonus short. And then I’ll be done!

Quick update about new cover art. I got My Undead Lover done, but I decided against doing Desire for the moment and instead got Amazonian’s Love out of the way. Hellcats is presently being worked on. Pics link to nude versions.

So yeah, Hellcats covers are up next. The first one should be ready soon. After that, I’ll probably knock Alien Harem out.

Now, collections of bonus shorts. I’m still figuring them out. I’m almost certain that I’m going to call these collections Quickies. It really fits with what’s on offer. My only reluctance is that I titled two other collections like this Quickies back in 2015 and it didn’t go over so well, but I don’t think many people actually remember that, so it’ll probably be fine. I want to call it something other than Bonus Shorts #1.

Now, as for some kind of release schedule for these bonus shorts? That’s where the problem comes in. Either I suck at research or…something else, but the little information I’ve managed to put together about the subject indicates that it’s a real shit idea to let more than a month go by without some kind of release on Amazon. The site punishes you if you don’t keep a steady stream of content. I’ve also heard two months, but I’d like to err on the side of caution. Quickies will basically allow me some breathing room if (when) I’m having some trouble getting a new title out in time. That’s why I don’t want to make any kind of release schedule.

That being said, some are probably wondering why there isn’t a month window between Parasexual 5 and Straitlaced, and another between Straitlaced and Epilogue, and again between Epilogue and Parasexual Collection #2. Two reasons. The first is that I once read that in this new era of digital self-publishing, the best time to publish is right now. Setting release date weeks or even months in advance of when you actually have the story written, edited, and ready to go is just leaving money on the table. The second, and most important reason, is that I always try to balance business with…not-business, I guess? I don’t want to run Misty Vixen like a cold, distant, ruthlessly efficient businessperson. And I don’t like to keep people waiting with arbitrary release dates. If it’s ready to go, then it’s ready to go.

All that being said, I’ll have Quickies #1 on standby for winter, because I have no doubt that something’s going to go wrong, and I’m going to miss my window of release there.

Which leads me to the immediate future following the completion of Parasexual. Haven 3. I intend to jump on Haven 3 and get it written and out, ideally, before 2020. But that has a slim chance of happening. If I miss that window, then January should be a solid lock. Unless something goes really wrong. I’ll then release Haven 1 - 3 Collected. I think the bonus short is going to take place between the end of Haven 2 and the beginning of Haven 3.

And then? I still don’t know. I want to say I’ll get to work on Demoness V, but I might need to dive right into Haven 4. I am genuinely considering switching up my ‘only work on one thing at a time’ tactic to a 20/80 split. I shoot for 5,000 words a day every weekday. So in this scenario, I’d write 4,000 words of Haven 4, and 1,000 words of Demoness V. So, ideally, by the time I wrap up Haven 4, if it’s roughly 60,000 words, I’ll have written 20,000 words worth of Demoness V by then, and then I’ll switch it. Demoness V will become the 4,000 words per day title, and Haven 5 will become the 1,000 words per day title. I think this might be the smartest way to write, but sometimes the smartest way isn’t always compatible with me.

Either way, that’s what’s up. Thanks for reading and supporting me!

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (October 2019)

First off, Parasexual 4 is out! Just in case you missed it…

eBook here. Paperback here. Lapis nude here.

Secondly, all of the freebies have new cover art, as well as Exploration! Check it out below! (Some lead to nude versions and some lead to the books themselves, depending on whether or not the nude version is now available through my site.)

These are turning out really well! Next up is My Undead Lover, and the Desire series after that. I’m basically trying to get my backlog updated and out of the way.

Okay, now comes the part where I announce a few things that have changed and that are going to happen.

I was struck very powerfully by this idea last week, and I’ve since decided to run with it, and am thinking about implementing it inasmuch as I can from now on.

I’ve decided to try working only on a single thing at a time, until it is done. To go, and go hard, on whatever it is, until completion. Basically, what I used to do. I really have a love-hate relationship with those notions and realizations you sometimes get that are very powerful but also super fucking obvious. It really goes to show that there genuinely is a difference between knowing something and understanding something. And the fact that some lessons you honestly have to relearn.

Right now, the thing I’m going hard on is Parasexual 5. It is the only thing I am writing, the only thing I am creatively working on at the moment. As a result of this, I’m about one third of the way finished with the novel.

So that’s good.

Also, before I move on, a side note about Parasexual. An important one. In planning Parasexual 5, I found myself in a very awkward position. As I reached the end of the layout of Parasexual 5, I realized that this is where the series needed to end. Narratively speaking, there should not be a Parasexual 6. It would feel wrong. However, it also would feel wrong to just completely end it at Parasexual 5. So what to do? I’ve decided to write a novella that, at present, is called Parasexual - Epilogue. And it will be exactly that, an epilogue to the story. I will write it immediately after finishing Parasexual 5.

Now comes another big piece of news, and I think this one is really cool! Hopefully you will, too.

While pondering whether or not I should bundle Parasexual 1, 2, &, 3 into a collection, (which I have in fact decided to do, and will do so from now on moving forward with my titles), someone over on my Goodreads page made a really good point. In short, I’ve been looking at my bonus short stories as DLC, but I’ve been going about it all wrong. Following the DLC metaphor, what I’ve basically been doing is making them exclusive to the Game of the Year Edition. Essentially, if you want the DLC, you have to rebuy the whole game series, which is fucked up. So what I need to do is to create a more cost-friendly means of getting the DLC to people who want it, but don’t want to buy the complete collections.

I have decided to bundle them. I’ll release them in packs that contain bonus content from individual series. For example: Bonus Pack #1 will contain all bonus content related to Hellcats, Wanderlust, Exploration, and My Undead Lover. They’ll cost 2.99$, and unfortunately I won’t be able to enroll them in the Kindle Unlimited, but I will run them at discounts from time to time. But the REALLY cool thing about this is that I will be providing brand new, original content to be bundled with these.

I’ve often been struck by the urge to somehow revisit characters in series that I’ve already wrapped up. Normally, the only way I can do this nowadays is with crossovers. However, this would be a really cool way to sort of check in on the characters a little further down the line and see what they’re up to. Now, I don’t know if I’ll be able to touch on every single series, given that I need to be able to generate at least a decent idea for a short, but I’ll try. (Hellcats, for example, comes to mind as one I don’t really have any idea for. It already has SO much bonus content! But that could change.)

One side effect of this is that the bonus shorts that are presently website exclusives will be taken down and will become Kindle exclusive. Based on my traffic, I think the people who are gonna read them already have a long time ago. So be aware of that.

And now we come to the part where I talk about the bad change I need to make.

The more time goes on, the more it’s really looking like allocating any serious amount of time to Crystal Candy is a bad idea for…basically everyone. Me and the readers. We all suffer. On the one hand, I had a really great time writing A Warm Place, and I do really like what came out, for the most part. But consider this for a moment. So far, since April of this year, altogether I’ve written approximately 330,000 words for Crystal Candy, including all four series I’ve worked on, (A Warm Place, Planet of the Bugs, Refuge, Maidens & Mayhem). Assuming a Misty Vixen novel is 60,000 words on average, that’s about 5 novels I could’ve written. I could be up to Haven 5 or Demoness 7 by now. I try not to get too into the numbers and the fiances of it all, but it is my job, my livelihood, and how I basically stay alive and sane. And based on the sales, 330,000 words as Crystal Candy is worth approximately 1/3 the amount of money of 330,000 words as Misty Vixen.

If I was truly smart, I’d drop everything and write Haven 3 right now. Parasexual 4 is doing okay, but Haven 1 and 2 have sold better than anything I’ve ever written, like by a lot. In fact, I just ran some numbers, and Haven 1+2, this month, have earned more than DOUBLE of what Parasexual 1, 2, 3, & 4 have earned. But I don’t want to leave the Parasexual fans hanging like I’ve had to leave Demoness fans hanging. Or, fuck, Women of the Wild fans.

So here’s what’s going to happen: I’m taking down Refuge and Maidens & Mayhem, and basically putting Crystal Candy on ice. I’ll leave up A Warm Place, because like I said, I like it, and it’s finished, and I’ll suspend the Crystal Candy Patreon, because it wouldn’t really be right to keep it going if I’m not producing anything, and then I’ll just shift focus entirely back to Misty Vixen for awhile. I honestly hate to do this, because I’ve gotten some real love from fans of Crystal Candy, but I fucked up. I should have just stayed the course.

We’ll see how it all shakes out. For now, I’m just putting my head down and finishing out Parasexual and, with it, the Paranormal Universe.

I hope some of this news made people happy, and I’m sorry if it pissed people off. I get it. It sucks. Unfortunately, time is everything. Everything costs time, and the thing I’ve been learning my whole career is: How you spend your time matters. Right now, spending it like this makes the most sense.

This is what my schedule is looking like now.

  • Finish Parasexual 5

  • Write Parasexual - Epilogue

  • Assemble and publish Bonus Collection #1

  • Write Haven 3

I’m not sure what’s going to happen after that. I might write another few Haven books to build some momentum, but I know that whenever I can take a break from Haven, Demoness V is next, since I’m still very interested in that one. It’s a lot different than Demoness IV and, in some ways, from the others. But yeah, my main focus for 2020 will likely be writing as much Haven as I can, since a lot of people seem to like that, and maybe getting in a novel that I need to write here or there, like Sex & Survival 4, and also getting bonus packs out in between main releases.

So, thank you for helping me however it is you may have helped me, I seriously appreciate it. I hope you continue to enjoy what I have to offer. Wish me luck.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (September 2019)

Surprise, surprise, I ran into more problems!

But it was a decently productive month, all things considered.

First off, I finally finished editing Haven! That was…embarrassing. And it was a lesson well learned: I will never try to release something without going over it at least once again. (As Misty Vixen…) Luckily, the ‘editing it as I write it’ approach actually seems to be working. At least better than anything else is.

Also, the Haven paperback is finally out!

With that editing job out of the way, I’m now editing Demoness - Farewell For Now. After that I think I’ll knock the freebies out of the way, since they’re all getting new cover art.

I kind of failed on the Parasexual 4 front. If nothing had gone wrong, and I’d managed to keep my schedule, I’d be announcing that it was published. But that isn’t what happened. Instead, I’m just over halfway done. I’m…dealing with some shit, behind the scenes, which is as far as I want to go into it. It’s making writing hard.

I also managed to get the first three stories in my new Crystal Candy series MAIDENS & MAYHEM written.

If you don’t know, it’s basically a fantasy harem where a wandering adventurer decides to buy a guild, stop wandering, help out a town that needs it, and fuck a lot of hot women who also want to help the town.

Crystal Candy is…not going great at the moment. It’s left me feeling overwhelmed and overworked. For that reason, I have finally come to the decision to scale back my Crystal Candy operation. Here is a blog post going into detail, but the short of it is that Crystal Candy is causing me a shitload of extra anxiety, and it was supposed to just be supplementary, but it’s taken up my number one slot of focus, when Misty Vixen should be that, so I’m easing up on it. I’m not going to have any kind of real schedule for Crystal Candy, I’ll more work on it when I can, (with an effort to get SOMETHING done for it every day at least, even if it’s just a few hundred words), and instead I’m going to put most of my focus on Misty Vixen.

So, right now I’m going to try and finish Parasexual 4 very soon. And with the focus shift, that should be easier. I’m also making progress on Kyra’s Game. And once Parasexual 4 is published, I’ll dive right into Parasexual 5.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (August 2019)

Holy fucking shit, Haven 2 is FINALLY OUT. I’m sorry that it took SO long.

You can buy it for 4.99$, or read it through the Kindle Unlimited, here.

You can buy it as a paperback for 9.99$ right here.

You can see Cait totally fucking naked on my Patreon right here. (Her tits are AMAZING.) As always, it’ll be out within a month on my site and Twitter.

So, I actually got a lot of shit done recently.

First and foremost, I finally not only finished editing Wanderlust, but I managed to get all of the new cover art for it! And it looks fantastic!!

I think these covers are just fantastic. I love them a lot, and this is the design I’ll be using to replace most of my backlog, and also be using going forward. Noteable exceptions are Demoness, Parasexual, and Women of the Wild. Maybe a few others.

Another thing you may notice is the text. I have gone through and color-coded everything. I also went through and updated the back matter of my books. For a comprehensive list of all the annoying little shit I took care of recently, here’s a blog post, in case you missed it.

There is one notable thing that’s different about Wanderlust. In The Complete Series, I added in a fourth bonus short. All Natural, which originally was featured as a free readable on this site, (and has now been removed), is now the third, of four, free short stories that are placed at the end of the book. It features Owyn’s encounter with another Goddess, Vivian, the Goddess of Nature. Someone pointed out that this was kind of important, and also was mentioned in the final short, so I figured they had a point, and so I edited it and put it in. I also changed the name of the last bonus short from HER STEP MOM to KATRINA, for safety’s sake. Although there haven’t been any problems so far, putting something like ‘step mom’ in the description of your book is kind of like painting a target on your chest when it comes to Amazon and their stupid fucking policies.

And with new cover art, comes new nudes!

Also, Snakeskin got a new cover!

You can see her naked here!

I’m in the process of getting the rest of the freebies covered, but it won’t be finished until about a month from now.

Okay, that’s all the stuff I’ve been doing, what about the stuff I am doing? Or am going to do in the near future? Let’s dig in.

First off, I am editing Haven. I intend to have it edited and the new version replacing the old version by the end of the month. And as soon as that’s done, I’ll release the paperback version. Sorry that took so long.

Secondly, I am still working on Kyra’s Game (my incest sci-fi story) in the background. Going to try and make some progress on that this month. I also got slammed by inspiration for a fantasy incest story and I’ve written a few chapters of that. I kind of wanted to finish Kyra’s Game first, because I’d feel bad about releasing something else. From your perspective, I feel it’d kind of be like: “WTF? You’e been promising Kyra’s Game for fucking ever, and now, before you even finish that, you’re ALREADY working on something else instead of finishing your first promise!?”

Thirdly, and most significantly, my next big project: Parasexual 4. I’m going to start writing it tomorrow. What’s more, I intend to finish the series off this year, and working on nothing else (nothing major), until it is finished. Unless Haven 1/2 like blow the fuck up and then it would be fucking stupid NOT to drop everything and immediately work on Haven 3. But I don’t see that happening. So yeah, I already have the cover art for all three stories, and I have a rough idea for each novel, and now it’s literally just a matter of writing, editing, and publishing. I intend to do this as fast as I reasonably can. Since these aren’t super long novels, if I push myself hard, I may actually be able to get one a month done, which would leave me with like two months left in the year.

Now, given how unlikely it is that everything will go right for three consistent months…well, hopefully I won’t have to eat these words later. Regardless of how long it takes to finish off Parasexual, and the Paranormal Universe at the same time, once Parasexual 6 hits the digital shelves, I will then go to work on Haven 3. And unless things change, plot-wise, Haven 3 will be the end of the initial arc in the story. If you love the series, don’t worry, there’s a LOT more ground to cover, lots of novels yet to come, but the first trilogy will wind things down a little bit, while still leaving a fair amount of threads undone.

And then, unless I get smashed over the head by the baseball bat of inspiration, which HAS been known to happen, once Haven 3 is finished, I believe that I will finally take the time to tackle Demoness V.

Because I REALLY want to write Demoness V.

After that, I’ll probably finally get Sex & Survival 4 written, then dive back into the Haven series. And that is as far as I want to go at predicting the future, because I really suck at it.

Anyway, wish me luck and thank you for reading!

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (July 2019)

Hello there.

I’m unhappy to report that I didn’t manage to get as much done for Haven 2 as I’d have liked. Basically, I ran into a few personal problems pretty unexpectedly. Nothing serious, technically speaking, but they definitely took the motivation out of me for a little bit. On top of that, my medical concerns that make it hard to read/concentrate have returned and I’m dealing with them.

But I have been making plans and decisions, and I have been doing some things behind the scenes.

So first let’s talk about where I’m at with Haven 2.

At present, it’s about half written. Right now, I’m attempting to find some fucking way to balance my schedule between Misty Vixen and Crystal Candy, and my personal life, and also emotional issues. It’s incredibly frustrating because I actually used to be really good at this. Looking back at 2015, 2016, & 2017 is kind of mind-blowing, because with few exceptions, I pretty much put something new out every four days. But the thing to consider there is that it was one thing at a time, very straightforward, and I basically had to write, at most, 3,000 words a day.

Now I’m under pressure to write entire novels AND keep up with Crystal Candy, which is currently selling. Now that I have a bit of a better idea of the picture, I think I might have put myself in golden handcuffs again. Because Crystal Candy is indeed doing well, but it’s not doing well enough to take all the pressure off of Misty Vixen. Basically, they’re now both doing just good enough to warrant working really hard on fucking BOTH of them.

It’s like having two broken engines keeping a plane aloft. Neither is good enough on its own to keep the plane flying, so I have to desperately keep rushing back and forth between them, making hasty repairs and furiously trying to keep them working and fueled up, at the same time. By myself. While I’m exhausted and ill.

You can see how this might be an extremely taxing and frustrating situation.

But anyway. Haven 2. It’s half written, and I have the cover art for it, and I think it looks amazing. I am going to try very hard to have it out by the end of July. I’m currently working on a new overall schedule that I’m hoping will accommodate all these varied aspects.

As for future Misty Vixen stuff, I’d say realistically at this point I’m going to work on Haven and Parasexual. I’d like to get a few more Haven books out, especially if they keep selling as well as the first one, and I’d also really like to get Parasexual finished off. I’ve got the next two covers already, and it shouldn’t be super difficult to get the final one, either.

And that’s just the writing aspect of it all. As you know, I’ve been doing ‘renovation’ on Misty Vixen since last year, and it’s looking like it’s going to keep going on for a long time, for a few reasons.

The first is that I want this to be the last time I ever go back and do fucking ANYTHING with my older works. I want to hit a point where I only have to look at now and ahead, not backwards, too. That really fucks with me, and because I’ve made a few decisions, I suddenly have like a shitload of things from the past that need tending to.

The second is that, although yes, part of the reason I’m doing this is because I’m fucking neurotic about my backlog, I have hit a point where I feel that doing this can make a potentially genuinely massive impact on my earning ability. I honestly think that Haven sold as well as it has primarily because of the cover art. So that means the biggest thing holding me back is apparently my cover art. To that end, I am going to begin the long, drawn-out process of getting brand new cover art created for most of my backlog. This is going to be an excruciatingly time-consuming and EXPENSIVE process, even though the person with whom I am working is actually very reasonable. The problem is that I have so many fucking titles. In order to get caught up to speed, I need just about 30 brand new covers hand-drawn. So…yeah. That’s a huge investment.

I already have covers made for Wanderlust I & II, and they look spectacular.

Now, another thing that’s going to make this difficult and time-consuming is that although I did have a person helping me with editing all my old work, that…slowed down. And then stopped. I’ve been having trouble getting that back on track. And the whole point is to have another person look over the titles.

And yet another thing that’s making it go slowly is I’m having medical problems that specifically make it hard to edit. It sounds fucking ridiculous, and it is, but it’s also my present reality. I’m still trying to determine the root cause of it, and I’m positive that it’s exacerbated by stress, because I can generally read books pretty well (unless I’m stressed), but I fucking hate editing, and I SERIOUSLY hate editing my older shit that I’ve already edited like four fucking times, so even reading like 500 words gives me a bad headache sometimes, combined with dizziness/lightheadedness, and it’s very difficult to focus. Honestly, it’s a huge fucking pain in the ass, and when it gets bad enough, I can’t even write.

At present, Wanderlust I & II are basically ready to go. They are edited and covers are made. Really, all I’ll need to do is update the back matter and remake the cover for the paperbacks. And this is admittedly giving me pause. Amazon did something to change what they consider ‘correct’ for the dimensions of a paperback and it literally won’t let me upload. Notice Parasexual 3 and Haven STILL don’t have paperbacks. I admittedly haven’t been working on it because almost no one buys paperbacks, but I do intend to figure it out at some point. Honestly, it’s just one more thing I fucking hate about Amazon and their needless difficulty.

I’m about halfway through editing Wanderlust III. I’m to the part with Piper right now. I’m attempting to at least do a few pages every day, sort of chipping away at it. Honestly, one of the problems is that it’s such a daunting task. Combined, the Wanderlust series is over 200,000 words. That’s 200,000 words I really don’t feel like reading.

If all goes well, ideally, I’ll be able to re-publish the Wanderlust series by early August, but that’s a big if. I’ll certainly be trying.

After the Wanderlust series is up, I’ll try to get a few of the smaller projects out of the way: Exploration, My Undead Lover, the freebies. Then probably The Misty Vixen Starter Pack, which isn’t going to get a new cover.

I guess I should talk about that: Which ones aren’t getting new covers. The Demoness books will not be getting new covers. I like them and intend to continue working with that cover artist in that regard. The Starter Pack won’t because I feel like it’s basically perfect. Women of the Wild will not, same reason as Demoness. The Parasexual series is kind of in a twilight zone. If I do update anything, it will be to ask the cover artist (same as Demoness, Women of the Wild), to make backgrounds. Everything else will be getting new covers similar to Haven.

I also think I’m going to try to adopt a schedule of switching back and forth between writing what I might consider a more pressing and necessary title, and then writing something I’m personally more invested in getting out, to try and balance that out. So for example I’ll hit Haven for awhile as the primary, pressing series, and then alternate with Parasexual until it’s done, then finally get Sex & Survival 4 written and out, then maybe do a rewrite of Alien Harem.

So yeah, Misty Vixen is kind of just a big mess right now, and a mess it’s going to remain for a long time. Probably a year, maybe two. Unless I somehow cure my health issues, and find a shitload of motivation, and my editor becomes more reliable. None of which I honestly see happening.

Now, on to the Crystal Candy side of things!

I finished A Warm Place! It wrapped with Episode 12. If you read it, I hope you liked the ending.

I’ve been planning the next series all last week. It’s called Refuge, and it’s a sci-fi survival harem. I don’t know how long it’s going to go on for, but I do know that I’m going to re-implement my plan to switch between two series. I’ll probably do three stories, then hop over to a second series, and go back and forth until they’re done. Because I think A Warm Place suffered because I was getting sick of it. I actually enacted this plan while writing A Warm Place, and it would have worked, except that Planet of the Bugs was a bad call and actually hindered progress, rather than helped it.

What will that third series be? I’m not sure, but probably a fantasy harem. I’ve got a cool idea.

So yeah, that’s it. Again, I am going to try and have Haven 2 out by the end of the month, but I still have a lot of shit to deal with, so bear that in mind.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (June 2019)

So May was an interesting month.

Unfortunately, basically nothing at all got done for Misty Vixen, for which I am sorry. Also kind of horrified. I really thought I’d get more done, but life basically conspired against me. Plus, I was just feeling kind of overwhelmed.

I did begin writing Haven 2, and it’s basically planned out in its entirety. I plan to write most of it in June. I want to get as much of it written as I can over this next month.

Mainly, I was focused on Crystal Candy. So far, I’ve managed to release eight titles in the A Warm Place series. I had intended to get Part 9 out before the end of May, but I couldn’t manage it. I also began and canceled the Planet of the Bugs series. For a more detailed explanation of why, please refer to this blog post. For those not in the know and for a basic reason, Planet of the Bugs was my first real shot at writing GameLit. I canceled it because I wasn’t enjoying writing it, and I also wasn’t hitting my mark, according to a few people. Which is fine. Honestly, it was a relief to quit and get back to work on A Warm Place.

I also managed to establish myself as Crystal Candy online a bit more. Here’s some links!

That pretty much covers what I did in May. Now we can talk about the future.

I’ve had a little bit of a course correction on my thinking, both in the immediate future and the more distant future. First, let’s discuss the most immediately relevant stuff.

May was a good month, financially speaking. It was one of the best I’ve had in a long time. And it was that way for two reasons.

Crystal Candy and Haven.

Haven represents approximately 30% of my income for May. I don’t think that has ever happened before. I don’t think a single title has ever made such a dramatic impact. I’m still coming to terms with this.

Crystal Candy represents approximately 25% of my income. Obviously, I’m doing something right there.

In a way, that’s amazing. In another way, it kind of freaks me out. If I hadn’t decided to write Haven or launch Crystal Candy, 55% of my income wouldn’t exist. That’s insane. And I would be insane not to capitalize on these two facts.

So, first and foremost, I’m going ahead full steam with Crystal Candy. I’m projecting that A Warm Place will last for 12 total titles, although I’m not completely sure. It might hit 15, but I’d like to end it on 12 if I can manage it. I like it, and I actually had another idea set in the same universe, but I have SEVERAL other ideas for totally different universes that I really want to begin writing. I actually know what I want to do next and I’m excited about it. So anyway, Crystal Candy lives.

Obviously, I need to write Haven 2. And quickly. If it does as well as Haven 1, I will more than likely quickly write Haven 3 as well. I’d kind of be stupid not to.

That being said, this has sort of taken some pressure off, and it has kind of relaxed my thinking. At some point, in the future, probably the far future, I do still want to start up a third pen name, one that gets a truly high-grade professional treatment, and launch several new series. But that is much farther away now that I don’t feel like I’m being pressured into doing this. Because of this fact, I now feel much more comfortable maintaining focus on the four universes I’ve already established as Misty Vixen.

I want to do a few sequels, and a few rewrites. Let’s discuss the specifics, just so I can tease these things that probably are still a long way off and make everyone frustrated. We’ll cover everything, just so people aren’t left wondering because I didn’t bring a specific series or story up.


  • DEMONESS: Lots and lots to do here. Demoness V is up next, whenever I have the time. I’ve got a strong idea for it.

  • WOMEN OF THE WILD: Same deal here. Lots of ideas, not enough time. But this will definitely continue.

  • LUST & ADVENTURE: So, I may actually write a fourth book here, and possibly a fifth. I have a few ideas, and I do feel bad for leaving it on such a sour note. Honestly, I was worried people were getting sick of the happy endings at the time, and might appreciate something different, but I guess that was a bad call.

  • WANDERLUST: Definitely done with this.

  • MY UNDEAD LOVER: Pretty sure I’m done with this, but I don’t know, I like the idea. I might someday do a rewrite and turn it into a little series. I like the characters and the concept.

  • LAY OF THE LAND: The novella paired with the Starter Pack. I’m done with this one.

  • SNAKESKIN: Done with this too. I suppose I could maybe see doing another story, but this one doesn’t speak to me as much as some of the others.

  • ROYAL LUST: I actually want to do a sequel! Maybe even a series! I love the characters and their dynamic.

  • LARGE & LOVELY: This is done, sort of. Morgan shows up in enough of the other series that I don’t feel compelled to do another Large & Lovely.

  • ADVENTUROUS: I also want to do a sequel, probably a series, to this one. Honestly, this one has a really strong setup, given the events of the novel, and a strong premise for a series.

  • UNTITLED: I still have that big epic series that ties everything else together, but it’s way off.


  • HELLCATS: This is done. Still sure about that.

  • DESIRE: Definitely done with this one.

  • ALIEN HAREM: So I might actually rewrite this. Probably a trilogy, but if I get enough inspiration/ideas and the fan response is high enough, maybe more.

  • VALKYRIES: I definitely want to do a rewrite. Especially given that Amazon for some reason hates this trilogy. When I do, it’ll be at least 5 books long, maybe longer.

  • LIKE A SEX TOY: The novella from the Starter Pack. I actually really love this story, and I feel like it has a great deal of potential. I had an idea for another series that I was trying to make work, and I suddenly realized that I could just put the two together. I’m going to rewrite Like A Sex Toy, and name it something else, and then launch a series from there. I have big plans for this. This might end up being the Demoness of my Sci-Fi Universe.

  • EXPLORATION: This is done.

  • BLIND DATE: This is done.

  • AMAZONIAN’S LOVE: I’m decently sure this is done, but who knows, maybe I’ll feel compelled to do a sequel or two at some point. It certainly has the potential.

  • WILD DISCOVERY: Still want to do this. Like a lot. If you don’t know, it’s a new series with an emphasis on survival erotica.

  • UNTITLED: I’ve recently been hit hard by an idea that I got a seed for last year, so I ended up planning out the whole first novel. It’s the first in a series. If I had to give it a genre, I guess I’d call it hurt-comfort erotica. It’s sad, but it’s like sad on the road to happy, if that makes sense. Really looking forward to this one.

  • KYRA’S GAME: Awhile I go, I held a poll on my Twitter about whether or not people though incest was hot. I do. I’ve wanted to try writing about it, so I decided to write a free series, (since it’s too hard to sell incest). Then it got stalled. Well, the good news is that I finally got my shit together, finished planning it, and wrote some of it! You can read the first chapter right here. I had to create a separate page because I can’t upload these as blog posts, because my blog is tied to my Amazon page and I don’t want to even inadvertently connect it to that site. They freak the fuck out over that shit.


  • SEX & SURVIVAL: I actually want to go ahead and write the final Sex & Survival novel that I intended to but abandoned due to time constraints. So one more book here.

  • HAVEN: Obviously this one is going to go on for awhile.

  • A NEW WORLD: Still not interested in continuing this.

  • THE PALE REDHEAD: I don’t think I’m interested in expanding this any longer. I think I’m getting my winter-survival fix from both Haven and A Warm Place.

  • UNTITLED: Got another idea that’s going to hit one specific fetish REALLY hard, and I’m looking forward to it. A ways off.

  • UNTITLED: Another one of those ‘ties it all together’ series, even farther off.


  • PARANORMAL PASSIONS: For sure done.

  • PARASEXUAL: It’s looking like 6 books is going to wrap this one up. I wanted to have this done in 2019, but now I’m not so sure with Haven going the way it is.

  • ROOMMATES WITH BENEFITS: Nothing more going on here.

  • PINK: Same here. As I mentioned before, I can’t really come up with ideas for my Paranormal Universe, so once Parasexual is done, the universe is going to be done probably forever, unless I get a new idea.

I still do have one or two ideas that don’t fit in any of the universes, but also wouldn’t be a good fit for Crystal Candy, or this theoretical third pen name.

So yeah, hopefully there are people out there who’d actually like some sequels! I have to admit, I love writing them. Coming up with new storylines and characters is fun, but it’s also really fun to see characters and relationships evolve and change.

A few more things I wanted to mention. The first is, you can now see the nude version of the Haven cover here! Sorry it’s a few days late, I really needed to take a break at the end of the month and spaced almost everything. The other thing is: sorry it’s taking so long to get paperback versions of Parasexual 3 and Haven up. Amazon is being a real shit about it. I’m doing it right, but they keep sending it back saying it isn’t up to specifications or something. I’m trying to figure out what the fuck they want me to do and honestly it’s just gone on the back burner since almost no one buys paperbacks anyway.

Wish me luck! If all goes well, I’ll have Haven 2 mostly ready to go by the end of the month.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (May 2019)

I did things in April! Finally!

Let’s talk about it.

So, first and foremost, I got DEMONESS: FAREWELL FOR NOW published. You can purchase it as an eBook for 2.99$ or read it through the Kindle Unlimited HERE. For the unfamiliar, this story takes place in between DEMONESS IV & DEMONESS V (which isn’t written yet.) It’s kind of a Demoness 4.5. Now that John and Yelena have decided to leave the country and go on a new adventure, they want to say farewell for now to their friends, (and fuck them, obviously).

Also, I finally released HAVEN! After years of talking about it, it’s finally out! I’m really excited. You can purchase it as an eBook for 4.99$ or read it through the Kindle Unlimited HERE. The paperback is coming soon. And HERE is the alternate nude version of the cover, if you are a 5$/month patron. For the unfamiliar, this story takes place in my Post Apocalyptic Universe, and is the beginning of a new series.

Finally, the biggest and probably most important thing I did was to launch a brand new pen name. For a more detailed explanation of why I did it, please read THIS POST. To check out my Amazon Author Page, just go HERE. And if you want to get started on the post-apocalyptic ice age harem serial I’ve begun writing (which is, as of right now, 5 parts in), please go HERE. In short, I created this pen name to help take the financial pressure off of Misty Vixen, (which, in turn, will allow me to write more of what I want, like Demoness V!), let me have a faster turnaround time in terms of writing to releasing, which comes in the form of both shorter work and the fact that this operation is 100% reliant on me and no one else, and it lets me write ideas that don’t really fit anywhere else. So far it seems to actually have been a great idea, as Crystal Candy accounted for about 25% of my income in April, which feels kind of crazy. But hey, apparently people really like serial ice age post-apocalyptic harem stories! All these stories I release will be in the Kindle Unlimited, and they should be 2.99$ apiece. So check them out!

So, that was April. What about May?

Unfortunately, I doubt I’ll manage to get anything done for Misty Vixen. I’ve decided to start working on Parasexual 4, and it is theoretically possible that I could have it done by the end of the month, but it is pretty unlikely.

With regards to Crystal Candy however, I plan to get a lot more done. I’m going to wrap up the second trilogy of A Warm Place very soon. Once that’s done, I plan to knock out the first trilogy in my GameLit Sci-Fi series Planet of the Bugs. I feel kind of iffy on that one, but I at least need to test the waters. GameLit’s supposed to be a really hot commodity. Then I’ll probably switch back over to A Warm Place, since I’m actually really feeling that one. I doubt I’ll get beyond that in May, so that’s as far as I’ll go with regards to those plans.

I do intend to start up a Twitter, Patreon, Ko-Fi, and website for Crystal Candy. Some of these will be easy, some not so much and will require more investment (like the website). I’m going to try and get at least some of these done in May.

The only other thing I have to say is that I’ve started a freebie cycle, which basically means that every Monday through Friday from now on, something should be free. Here’s the schedule.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (April 2019)

So I’m kind of embarrassed to have to start off this newsletter basically the same way as the last one by admitting that March was another bad month, although admittedly for entirely different reasons. Psychologically speaking I’m doing better, so that’s nice. But I suddenly found myself facing kind of just a number of real-life problems, one of which was a medical problem that literally affected my ability to write, and more importantly, read effectively. Naturally, that causes problems for a writer.

Combine that with other annoying and very unexpected problems, and it made for an unproductive month.

So let’s get down to brass tacks.

The good news is that Parasexual 3 was published. Overall, I liked how it came out, but it is a bit darker than the other two. I hope you enjoy it.

Now, unfortunately, I didn’t get very far with writing Haven. Looking back, it feels ridiculous that I expected to have it nearly done by now, and it’s hardly begun at this point. Honestly, it’s embarrassing. But I got hit with the light-headedness and headaches, and then the other problems, and then realized that I really wanted to get Demoness - Farewell For Now written and out of the way, and well, here we are with hardly any of Haven written.

I’m going to refocus my efforts and try to get it written as fast as I can.

The good news is that Farewell For Now is done! For those of you who don’t know, it is a mini-series that takes place shortly after Demoness IV. Basically, it’s a farewell sex tour, as John and Yelena are leaving the country, and have to say farewell for now to the friends they’ve made so far. I have posted all five parts of this story to my website, and you can read them for free for a limited time. I’m not sure how long it will take to edit, but given that it’s not a great deal of content, it probably won’t take too long, so if you want to read them here first, you have a closing window. Below are links.

Other than that, the only other thing I have to say is that I’ve also started planning out Parasexual 4. I’m going to try and balance the two of them as I go on. I’m still not sure if writing two things at the same time is a good idea. I’m considering switching to focusing on just a single thing at a time. I guess we’ll see.

Also, one more thing, I’m starting a kind of perpetual free-book cycle, meaning I’m going to be having a free book available Monday - Friday every week now. I’m not sure how much this will help, but hopefully it’ll help at least some? I’ll make a post about the schedule, but basically I’m making my single novels and the first in each series free on a rotating cycle.

Right now is a little unique, as now Demoness I + II are free through Friday night!

Well, wish me luck.