5 Years Later (Newsletter 2020)

I’ve been writing for about five years now.

Technically speaking, I released my very first title, Hellcats: Six Foot Ten, on September 23, 2014. And I managed to release a handful of other titles before the end of the year, but I don’t really consider my ‘career’, inasmuch as I can call this clusterfuck a career, started until the beginning of 2015. It is now January 1st, 2020, which means I’ve been at this with mostly unbroken consistency for five long years.

What have I managed to do in those five years?

Well, I managed to write…

  • 3 novellas

  • 8 short stories

  • 41 novels

  • 2 collections

  • Over a dozen other shorts in the form of bonus content that I don’t otherwise count.

  • Roughly 6 novels as Crystal Candy.

That’s over like 2,000,000 words. When I look back at everything that’s happened over the past half-decade, I largely feel two things.

The first is that I’m amazed it’s worked out as well as it has.

The second is…am I fucking ever going to get stability and consistency? (Personally and professionally speaking.)

Although 2019 was not as bad as 2018, I still feel like it had more downs than ups, and that I’ve largely just been trying to recover from the damage that was done in 2018. (More went on behind the scenes than I let on.)

But now the decade is over, and a new decade has begun, and for the last portion of the year, I felt like I have finally, finally begun getting my shit back together. Like a prologue of the year to come. With this in mind, let’s take a look ahead at what I intend to bring you in 2020.

  • HAVEN. 2020 is going to be, largely, the year of Haven. My primary focus is going to be writing this series. Besides it being my strongest seller, I have a really good idea of where I want to go with it, where I want it to end, and how to get there. At present, I’m looking at there being nine novels, but that could change, so don’t set your hearts on that number. There’s a lot to do: places to explore, monsters and assholes to fight and kill, relationships to develop, people to save, things to build. I don’t know if it will be possible to finish Haven within the next twelve months, but I am intending to try.

  • QUICKIES. So, I’ve talked about this before, and I’m going ahead with it. In short, the Quickies will be collections of short stories that have been written to serve as bonus content to spruce up my collected works. I think it’s pretty reasonable to not want to repurchase those titles for 10$ just to get your hands on a few short stories, and I want to give people a chance to buy just the short stories if they’ve already read the works in question. This will also give me a chance to write brand new, exclusive material for series that I have long since finished. So here’s how it will work. Each Quickies collection will collect all existing bonus content relating to at least two series and/or titles, usually more. It really depends on just how much there is. They will cost 2.99$, and will not be enrolled in the KU, unfortunately, because I’m not sure about Amazon’s policy for re-publishing shit and I just don’t want to invoke their wrath on accident. To give you an example, I’ll tell you the specifics of the first one. Quickies #1 will have every bonus short ever written relating to Hellcats and to Exploration. It will also have two completely original short stories, one related to Hellcats, one related to Exploration, never before seen and exclusive to these collections. I’ll be creating one brand new short story for nearly every title I have ever written, including The Misty Vixen Starter Pack and the Freebies, so if you’ve had something you’ve been wanting to see how it turned out, keep an eye out for these. If you have any questions, please ask.

  • SCIENCE FICTION. I plan on bouncing back and forth between projects, given that I had adopted a strategy of working on two projects simultaneously, and it’s worked out well so far. Basically, I write 4,000 words a day for my main project, and 1,000 words a day for my next project. As a result, by the time I’ve wrapped up my primary project, I’m already a quarter to a third done with my secondary project! I’m hoping this will accelerate my publishing schedule. And because I don’t want to burn out, I’ll be working on something that isn’t Haven in between writing Haven novels. After getting a few things I need to get written and published out of the way, I intend to turn my attention to something in my Sci-Fi Universe. I’m not yet sure what that will be, though I have a strong contender. Mainly, I want to do this because I miss Sci-Fi. I haven’t written a single Sci-Fi thing for just over two years at this point!

Okay, now, this is the part where I get long-winded and run over everything in all four of my shared universes. If you don’t care, feel free to skip. But if you’re interested in a sort of sneak peek at where I am right now with my stories and universes and ideas, then keep reading and hopefully be wowed!


  • PARANORMAL PASSIONS: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • PARASEXUAL: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • PINK: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • ROOMMATES WITH BENEFITS (THE MISTY VIXEN STARTER PACK): Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.


  • WANDERLUST: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • MY UNDEAD LOVER: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • LUST & ADVENTURE: I intend to write one more novel and a Quickie short.

  • LARGE & LOVELY: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • LAY OF THE LAND (THE MISTY VIXEN STARTER PACK): Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • SNAKESKIN: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • ROYAL LUST: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short. Though I do intend to use the characters in future series extensively.

  • ADVENTUROUS: This will be a full-blown series. Not sure when I’ll get to work on it.

  • WOMEN OF THE WILD: This will also be a full-blown series. After I’ve written Haven and something Sci-Fi, I will likely make this my priority.

  • UNTITLED FREE INCEST STORY: The next free, website-exclusive story (series?) I intend to write, is about a deeply loving relationship between a young man and his beautiful mature mother. I hope to get to this in 2020.


  • SEX & SURVIVAL: I’ve finally decided, done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • THE PALE REDHEAD: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • A NEW WORLD (THE MISTY VIXEN STARTER PACK): Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • HAVEN: I intend to finish this series this year.

  • UNTITLED SERIES: I’ve mentioned this before. It’s kind of similar to Haven, in that it has base-building elements and a harem of women, but it hits a particular fetish really, really hard and I think a lot of people will really like it. I know I will. No idea how long this series will be, but surely not longer than Haven. And unless something changes, I may put this universe to sleep after this series for a long while. We’ll see.


  • HELLCATS: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • EXPLORATION: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • ALIEN HAREM: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • AMAZONIAN’S LOVE: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • VALKYRIES: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short. Also, I need to get a Kindle version of this available somehow. May make it available through the website, may make it a reward for 1$/month tier Patrons. Not sure yet.

  • BLIND DATE: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • DESIRE: Done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • LIKE A SEX TOY (THE MISTY VIXEN STARTER PACK): I know I mentioned earlier that I was going to rework this into the beginning of a new series, and although I do intend to write that new series still, I’m just going to use original characters instead of trying to maneuver this into something else. So, done except for a Quickie exclusive short.

  • KYRA’S GAME: Gonna wrap this up soon.

  • WILD DISCOVERY: I’ve spoken of this in the past. This may be the one I settle on to write, but I’m not so sure. It features more hardcore survival. The way I write stories has changed significantly since I originally envisioned this and sketched a few plans, so it needs to be reworked.

  • UNTITLED SERIES: This one is the likeliest candidate to get written next. It’s in the vein of Hellcats and Valkyries, just much better paced and written. Kind of like how Parasexual was basically an idealized Paranormal Passions. Looking forward to this one.

  • UNTITLED SERIES: Another one that hits a particular kink particularly hard. This one will definitely be slice-of-live versus out in the wild survival. One of my newer ideas. Still not sure if I can make it work. If I do, it’ll likely be shorter stuff, maybe 30-40,000 word titles.

  • UNTITLED SERIES: Have you ever heard of hurt-comfort? From what I gather, it’s a genre that’s about really miserable, unhappy people comforting each other. That’s what this series is about. Imagine Paranormal Passions, but in a sci-fi setting, and more coherent, and more unhappy, with each character getting their own, unique damage! Sounds fun, I’m sure. This idea hit me really hard, and it would be more a work of passion than anything else. I’m admittedly a little scared to tackle this one, because I get worried about fucking it up.

And that’s it. That’s everything. Well, not EVERYTHING, but that’s just about everything I’ve got for Misty Vixen for the foreseeable future. Obviously, I’ve got a lot left to write. And I have WAY more ideas for other pennames. Speaking of that, you’re probably wondering about Crystal Candy. Well, I’m sorry to say that I’m keeping her retired for the moment. I still certainly have ideas that I don’t think would fit anywhere else, but my work with Misty Vixen is just too important, and any spare time I do have is being used to gear up for far bigger plans that I have for the future…

Largest Sale/Giveaway Ever!

So, I’m doing what is sure to be the largest sale/giveaway I’ve ever done in my five years of writing stuff.

This is a two-fold deal, so I’ll start with the one that my fans are probably most interested in.


Several of my titles are also going to be free.

This will start at midnight on Christmas, and end midnight on the 29th (as the 29th becomes the 30th). These are rough estimates, as I’m having to do all the collection pricing manually, (so hey, some may be available at that price right now), and because of time zones and stuff like that. But that’s the gist of it.

Spread the word and enjoy!

Quick Updates

So, first and foremost, Haven 3 is out!


eBook here. Paperback here. Alternate nude version of cover here.

I think this might be a new record for me. I wrote, edited, and published Haven 3 in about three weeks. Which is fucking insane. Also very draining, because I was also working on Demoness V at the same time. And trying to live my life, too.

So what’s next?

Well, the fact that it’s winter and that I just wrote a novel in three weeks means that I need to tone things down for a little bit. Traditionally, I take a break at the end of the year. Like, I just stop doing shit. At the moment, I can’t really afford to do that, so instead there’s going to be a bit of a compromise.

First and foremost, I’m going to keep working on Demoness V. Not at the breakneck pace I wrote Haven 3 at, but appreciable progress will be made every week. I still hope to get it out in January, though probably late January.

In the background, I also intend to put some real work into the first of the Quickies collections, and Kyra’s Game. I’m making finishing that one up a relative priority. I also am trying to wrap up a few irritating little glitches that are beyond my control. Some of my paperback and ebook version aren’t linked on Amazon, and Haven doesn’t actually have a series page yet, for some reason. Not to mention, Parasexual: Epilogue hasn’t been added to the Parasexual series, even though I marked it as the sixth title. Stuff like that.

The biggest change I’ve been making is cover art. Basically, lightning struck apparently, (metaphorically speaking), and I suddenly had an idea to make my covers look a lot better. I don’t really know why I haven’t been doing this for awhile now. Since inspiration struck, I’ve been going through and updating everything, ebook and paperbacks. All the ones that I can update should be changed by now.

Here’s a quick list of the updated titles.













Here’s a quick list of what remains to be updated, which I hope to do as quickly as possible, but does take time and money.







After that, all the titles will finally be up-to-snuff!

Okay, quick recap with a few more added facts, roughly in intended chronological order.

  • Publish Demoness V.

  • Assemble (at least) the first two Quickies.

  • Finish Kyra’s Game.

  • Publish Haven 4.

  • Publish Lust & Adventure IV.

With the completion of Kyra’s Game and Lust & Adventure IV, I will officially be caught up. I’ve decided against writing another Sex & Survival, and although technically I’ll still have four series in progress (Haven, Demoness, Adventurous, and Women of the Wild), I don’t consider them loose ends to be tied off. Each is a series in its own right that will require significant investment. I’ll talk about this more in a big 2020 ‘look ahead’ post on January 1st, but I intend to finish the Haven series next year, and begin work on a brand new sci-fi series alongside it.

Finally, I’ll be doing a big, giant giveaway starting tomorrow!

Haven 3 Preview!

So, good news, I’m making good progress with Haven 3! As of right now, I’d say it’s a little under halfway done, and despite being sick and, at times, overwhelmed, I’ve manage to hit my word count every single day since the beginning! So I’m on track to release this month.

For now, here’s the first chapter.

If you want to read both Chapter One & Two, you can do so over on my Patreon if you’re a 1$/month Patron.

David walked into the abandoned campgrounds that were now his home, passing slowly through the main gate.

He took a deep breath, held the chilled air in his lungs, and let it out slowly in a puff of haze.

He felt good. Despite everything, despite the cold and the somewhat precarious situation they found themselves in and the potential threat of attack day and night...he felt good. Elated, actually. He continued his slow walk in between the initial few structures, which still remained abandoned. Two weeks. It had been two weeks since that day that the thieves had made their assault on his home, and had successfully been repelled.

For the time being at least.

He felt like that moment had been a good call to arms and it was then he had made up his mind to go after them. Unfortunately, the world had different plans. That night, a bad storm had begun, and it hadn’t let up for three solid days. They’d all pretty much been stuck in their cabins, snowed in, waiting for the worst of it to pass. It let up on the fourth day, but then barely twenty four hours had gone by before another blizzard descended on them. And so it had gone for two whole weeks. Even during the lulls in the storms, when they had the opportunity to leave, all of their time was taken up by tasks necessary to stay alive.

Chopping firewood. Melting snow for water. Hunting game for food. Making crucial repairs to the inhabited buildings to keep the cold out and the warmth in. Even when he managed to get away from the campgrounds, it was only to hunt the surrounding buildings for supplies. They were having to go farther and farther out at this point. He usually went with either Cait, Ellie, or Ashley. Surprisingly, Ellie had stuck around for most of the two weeks. Although she’d disappeared about four days ago and had yet to return.

He thought she’d gotten cabin fever, or maybe she was just sick of them.

David walked up to the first of the places he intended to visit this morning. He had just finished taking a little stroll around the exterior of the campgrounds, making sure nothing was out there, nothing lurking. Besides a few zombies stumbling around off in the distance, he didn’t see anything. He stepped up to one of the cabins and knocked on the door.

A moment later it opened up and the old man who had initially been living with Ashley and her family answered. David had come to know him as Paul. He, his wife, and the young child they had essentially adopted and were now caring for had taken up residence in one of the cabins. Paul smiled as soon as he saw him.

“David,” he said.

“Hello, Mister Walsh. How are you doing today?” David replied.

“Fine, David. And I believe I asked you to call me Paul, and you agreed to that. I’ve already got enough reminders of how old I am.”

David chuckled. “Sorry, habit of mine. Do you need anything, Paul?”

“Yes, actually. We’re running low on firewood. I went to get some at sunrise, but the bin’s empty. I would’ve chopped some, but you and Evelyn advised us not to go out unless we absolutely had to...not that I’m necessarily complaining. I’ve had enough outdoors and winter to last me for the rest of my life, all six months of it,” he replied, laughing softly. That was another thing he was getting used to: Paul’s dark sense of humor. Hell, not just his but his wife’s and the other older woman who had since moved in.

They were always joking about death.

He supposed it was one way to deal with it.

“I’ll make sure you get some firewood. Anything else?” David asked, pulling out the notebook he’d found and started carrying around for this. Doing morning rounds had become part of his routine at this point.

“No, we’re good otherwise. Thank you for checking in, and, uh, thank you again for taking us all in. It’s very, very appreciated. And if there’s anything either myself or Martha can do to help out, please don’t hesitate to tell us. I admit it’s been nice getting my breath back after all the madness, but before long it’s going to feel strange, not pulling my own weight.”

“You could consider this retirement,” David replied, replacing the notebook after making the notation.

Paul snorted ruefully. “Son, we don’t get to retire anymore. Retirement is a long dirt nap, nowadays.”

“I guess so,” David murmured. “When I think of something, I’ll let you know, I promise.” Because he could understand that. It’d feel weird, living with other people and not doing anything in return. In a world where it felt like everyone always needed to pitch in, where it seemed like there was often more work than workers, the need to get shit done was powerful. Especially if you felt like you were sitting on your ass at the expense of other people. But for now the place was running pretty smoothly. Although he did intend to get more organized, and soon, he just...kept getting distracted. Living in close proximity to five women who were all highly sexual and highly interested in you tended to be very...exhausting.

On top of dating Evelyn, April, and Cait, Ellie usually jumped him once a day or so, and Ashley had revealed herself to be downright amorous. She was one horny fucking woman, and she seemed to have taken a particular liking to him. And to Ellie. And interestingly, it seemed like Ellie was returning that interest. More than once they’d gone off on their own. And he’d had to hear about it from her parents more than once.

David stepped up to the next cabin and knocked. This time, Jim Carlson, the man who he had helped at the abandoned gas station a few weeks ago, answered.

“Hello, David,” he said.

“Hello, Jim,” David replied, remembering that Jim had told him something similar about what to call him. “How’s everything going this morning?”

“Good, for the most part. We need more food, though.” He looked a little embarrassed. “I thought I’d been doing a decent job taking care of it, but two kids, one of them being a damned teenager...they can eat.”

“Yeah I remember what it was like,” David murmured.

“Amanda’s on guard duty now and I intended to go hunting.”

David considered his words. It was interesting. It wasn’t exactly a question, but it wasn’t exactly a statement, either. At this point, he and Evelyn and now Cait, too, were sort of seen as leaders of the community. People weren’t coming to them for everything, but...they asked a lot questions. They all clearly wanted to be part of a community, and all that went with that.

“I haven’t seen anything around but some zombies in the distance,” David replied finally. “I guess, let Amanda know when you leave and where you’re going, and it’d be great if you didn’t go too far. We haven’t seen those assholes for two weeks, but...they know where we are.”

“Yeah,” Jim muttered. “I hear you.”

“All right. Good luck on hunting. I’ll make sure to bring some food over today.”


David glanced at the main building as he began crossing to the next cabin to check on their only new arrivals since they’d invited Ashley’s group and Jim’s group to live with them. He was starving, and on the way out, he’d smelled bacon frying up in the kitchen. He figured either Evelyn was making breakfast. He wanted to eat. But no breakfast yet. He walked over to the next cabin and knocked on the door.

Ann was a pretty hardcore older woman. Although she was, he guessed, in her sixties, she had not only been taking care of three kids by herself since the village fell, but managed to make it to them during a blizzard about a week ago. The place they had been staying at had been attacked by a small horde of zombies and the resulting battle, which she had been winning, had caused a fire, forcing them to abandoned the property.

She already knew about their little setup here, and so she’d led the children off through the snowstorm, and had actually made it there. She was still pretty fit and capable, and had proven it since showing up. Although she spent a lot of her time tending to the three children she’d basically adopted, she also had no problem pulling guard duty, helping when the occasional zombie or other mutated monster showed up, chopping firewood, or making repairs around the place. She was definitely extremely helpful.

She answered her door promptly and looked a little worried. “Oh, David, good. I just wanted to let you know that one of the kids is sick. I don’t think it’s anything serious, just a cough and a fever right now, but I’m going to go get some medicine.”

“All right. Let me know if they get any worse.”

“I will,” she said.

“Do you need anything else today?”

“No, we’re fine for other supplies. Thank you.”

She headed off for the main structure, where they kept their stores of supplies: food, clean water, medicine, weapons. He looked at the cabin across from him, the one nearest to the main office on the right side, where Ashley and her family lived. He always felt uncomfortable talking with either of her parents. Although, to his knowledge, they didn’t know he was banging the fuck out of their daughter on a regular basis, he felt they probably suspected heavily. It had to be awkward. He also wasn’t sure how they felt about his current relationship status. Living around inhumans was one thing, dating more than one of them was quite another. Although it might not be very obvious to the casual observer that he and April were dating, given her shyness, it was certainly common knowledge that he and Cait and Evelyn were dating.

They both had no problem kissing him on the mouth frequently and visibly.

Not that he had a problem with it.

Ashley was at least attempting to be discreet, though he wasn’t entirely sure why. Either she was embarrassed to be seen with him because it would make her parents uncomfortable, or because it would make her uncomfortable, or because he was so obviously in a relationship with at least two other women, or something else entirely. But she’d been a little more...careless, lately. Especially with Cait. They kissed a lot, too, and not always behind what might be considered closed doors. Not that he minded that, either.

Speaking of which, the front door to Ashley’s family’s cabin opened up as he approached and the woman herself came out.

“Hey you,” she said brightly as they came to stand together.

“Hey, Ash, how are you doing? I was just coming to see if you or your family needs anything,” David replied.

“Aren’t you sweet? No, we’re fine. I just got done checking that myself. I intended to ask Ellie or Cait if they wanted to go out and do some hunting or exploration today,” she said.

“Cait just got off nightwatch,” David replied. They began walking towards the main office.

“Oh, right. Well, just Ellie, then...fuck, she isn’t here, is she? I just remembered. She didn’t show up at any time last night, did she?”

“I...” he hesitated, thinking about it. “I don’t think so. But you know her, she can sneak in and out with a little too much ease.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

As they walked in and headed upstairs into the kitchen and dining area, David laughed softly. A certain blue-furred jag was sitting at the table. He could tell immediately that Ellie was agitated, between the look on her face and the way her tail twitched back and forth. Across the hall, through the open window that looked into it, David spied Ann talking with Evelyn, who was finishing up making breakfast.

“Ellie! I’m so glad you’re here,” Ashley said.

Ellie smiled warmly and it seemed to break through her agitation and unease for a moment. “Hello, Ashley. I missed you, too.”

“I was just going to ask if we could go on another excursion today.”

She opened her mouth to respond, then hesitated and her smile faded. “I’m afraid not. I’m sorry.” She looked squarely at David. “You and I need to talk. Alone.”

He felt a chill splash his guts. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing immediately dangerous, just...a serious talk we need to have. Have you had breakfast yet?” she asked.

“No, not yet.”

“Okay. We’ll eat, and then we can take a walk.”

“...all right,” David replied. He was tempted to try and get it out of her here and now, but immediately shot that idea down. No way he was getting Ellie to tell him even a single thing before she was good and ready to. Well great, now he had that responsibility dumped in his lap. Hopefully it wasn’t too serious, whatever it was...what could it be? He had the idea that it had something to do with their...relationship? Did they have a relationship? Ellie was strange. She had no problem having sex, but also clearly kept him, and everyone else except for Cait and perhaps now Ashley, at arm’s length. He respected her desires and privacy, but…

It was getting kind of frustrating.

But he had his own problems. Like being in a four-way relationship in a post-apocalyptic landscape while trying to maintain a quartet of families attempting to form a community. Too often, he felt like he simply didn’t have time for everyone. Speaking of which…

“Where’s April?”

“Still in bed,” Evelyn called. “With Cait.”

“Oh. Okay then,” David said. “I’m going to go...check on them.”

“Don’t get distracted,” Ellie said, and her tone indicated that she was serious about getting a move on. He just sighed and nodded. He’d had wake-up sex with Evelyn, but he was still horny. He jogged upstairs and listened closely as he made his way down the hallway, towards April’s bedroom. He didn’t hear anything, although as he drew very close to her door, which was almost closed, he heard quiet conversation.

Things had been going well with April, he thought. She was very kind to him, and clearly liked him a lot, though she still seemed very awkward. Which he understood. He’d taken the time over the past few weeks to build her a bookshelf out of scrap lumber laying around, and thought he’d done a pretty good job putting it together, even managing to sand it down. He’d also managed to find and give her close to a dozen books so far. He had to admit, she had certainly incentivized him to do so, thanking him vigorously in her own way each time he brought one. It always resulted in a wonderfully intense orgasm for both of them.

He knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Cait called sleepily.

He opened the door and stepped in. “Hello, David,” she said, and yawned.

“Hi,” April said, smiling tiredly.

“How are you doing today?” he asked. April had been prone to bouts of weakness and exhaustion over the past few days. She’d explained it was a combination of her anemia and insomnia, and her tendency to get too involved in her projects to remember to eat properly.

“I definitely need more sleep today,” she replied. She giggled. “Especially after what Cait just did to me.”

“I’m sorry I missed it,” he replied.

“Me too, but...I’ve still got enough energy to perform again, you know,” Cait said, smirking tiredly at him.

He groaned. “It is...so fucking tempting, it truly is, but Ellie has demanded my presence and warned me not to dawdle.”

“Oh, she’s back?” Cait asked. “I must’ve missed her on my way in.”

“I think she just got here.”

“Well, I know how she gets when she’s in one of her moods. Don’t let us keep you. Come wake me up for a bang when you’re free though. You know I’m always ready for you, handsome,” she said. She looked beyond sexy right now, the blankets almost, but not quite, covering up her large, bare breasts, her face slicked with sweat, her red hair a wild mess as she laid beside an equally nude April, who had a very satisfied look on her face.

“I promise I will,” he replied. “Have a good sleep, my lovers.”

“Be dreaming of you, I’m sure, David,” Cait said.

It was hard, but he left them, closing the door behind him and heading back downstairs. Damn did he want to fuck right now! Cait was an exceptional lover. Not that he didn’t appreciate Evelyn or April. Although if Ellie was pulling him off somewhere, he’d absolutely love to be inside of her. He wouldn’t say it out loud but…

She had the best pussy, so far.

Good fucking God did she have such an amazing vagina. And she could fuck. Oh could that woman fuck so good.

An uncomfortably powerful erection accompanied him by the time he headed into the kitchen. Ann had since left, and now Evelyn was finishing up the meal. He could hear Ellie and Ashley chatting in the dining room.

“Hey, honey. I assume all’s well out there?” Evelyn asked.

“Yeah, although Jim’s family needs more food, and Paul’s almost out of firewood, and we are out of firewood. Jim’s going hunting, too,” he reported.

Evelyn sighed. “I guess it’s for the best. I intend to deal with the firewood problem today. It’s what I’m going to do for the next several hours, in fact. Ellie popped in before sitting at the table. We had a conversation. She’s going to have a similar conversation with you when you go out for a walk with her.”

“What does she want to talk about? I’m nervous,” David asked.

“She asked me not to tell you. It’s...important, I’ll say that. She wants to put it in her own words. Just listen to her, talk with her. She’s smart and she knows what she’s talking about. It involves all of us here. Now, help me carry this food in.”

“All right,” he replied after a few seconds. He really wanted to know more, but he’d just have to wait. Evelyn leaned down and gave him a kiss, and then they began gathering up the food she’d prepared. It was mostly bacon and scrambled eggs and hashbrowns, all of it gotten from the farm. Their deal had worked out nicely so far. He thought about his relationship with Evelyn as they set the table for breakfast.

She was...patient. Which was good, given how busy they both were. He thought it helped that it was her bed that he came to almost every night. They’d finished their project last week, building a custom-made bed frame big enough for her and him, (and one or two others), and then they’d spent a few hours breaking it in. He was glad they hadn’t literally broken it, because they had gone pretty rough. Especially when Cait and Ellie had jumped in at one point. And April. And then Ashley, later on. Such a fuck that had been.

They were getting along well, and mainly she seemed to want to just be around him. It didn’t really matter what they were doing, so long as it was together. Consequently, he found himself happily patrolling outside, chopping firewood, making repairs to the cabins, or taking long walks to check out abandoned buildings in her company. Sometimes they had long, pleasant conversations. Sometimes they walked in lengthy bouts of companionable silence. That sense of intimacy, of connection, had only strengthened over the past few weeks.

He and Evelyn set the table, and the four of them began to dish out food for themselves. Feeling the press of time and knowing that he had a lot of walking ahead of him, David didn’t go too heavy on the food. That, and he was actually pretty eager to get going. It had been several days since his last real excursion beyond the fences that surrounded the campgrounds, and surprisingly, he was itching to go out. Plus, he really wanted to know what was so important that Ellie had to tell him, herself, alone. He wasn’t sure whether to be excited or nervous, though from what Evelyn had said, he didn’t think it was anything to get excited for. Like sex.

They all considered sex important, sure, but probably not in the context she had placed it in. Or maybe he was totally off base and it was something sexual? Maybe she wanted to be in a relationship with him? He was even less sure about that one. It seemed more unlikely. This was the problem with having no fucking information. David just made himself relax, eat, and be patient. He’d find out soon enough.

“So what are you guys actually like doing out there that I can’t come too?” Ashley asked eventually.

“David and I have something important to discuss,” Ellie replied.

“Oh really? Is it serious? Are you two serious now? Boyfriend and girlfriend?” Ashley asked, smirking.

“No,” Ellie replied simply. Well, that answered that. Unless she just didn’t want to admit it to Ashley.

“Yeah, I guess he’s got enough of those, huh?” she asked, still with that smirk.

David sighed. Ashley had a habit of teasing him a lot. He glanced at Evelyn. She winked at him and then turned to Ashley. “Is that your not-so-subtle way of saying you’re interested in taking things to the next level with David?”

“What?” she asked, startled, immediately losing her smirk. “No. That’s not-no. I’m happy with the way things are.”

Both Evie and Ellie laughed.

“Not so fun to be on the other end, huh?” David asked.

She sighed heavily. “Whatever. Just don’t take too long fucking out there in the woods. I want another expedition today.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Ellie replied, and finished off her meal. She began to say something else and then her gaze jerked to the side, her eyes widening. “There’s a mouse,” she said.

David looked over and saw a little white mouse scurrying across the floor. “Oh, hey! There you are,” he said, and plucked a piece of bacon off his plate. He tossed it onto the floor in the mouse’s path. The mouse hesitated and put its little nose up in the air. It twitched a few times, then it regarded them cautiously for a few seconds, then it began scurrying over to the bacon.

“You know this mouse?” Ellie asked.

“Yes. This is Frostbite. He lives here,” Evelyn replied.

“He showed up last week. Caught him in the pantry, trying to get into our food. Luckily, we’re adamant about sealing it up, so he didn’t get in, but we feed him now,” David said.

“He’s smart. And brave. He’s learned to come ask for food during mealtimes, usually when I’m preparing. I guess he was outside while I was cooking today,” Evelyn murmured.

“So you’ve got a pet now?” Ellie asked.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that. He lives here and we named him and we feed him. Although he seems pretty independent,” David replied.

“Huh. Well, okay then.”

She sat back and crossed her arms, waiting impatiently for David to finish. So he did, tossing what was left of his meal into his mouth. He kissed Evelyn and then when she complained, went for a kiss with Ashley as well. She grabbed his shirtfront and pulled him into a hard, long kiss on the mouth. Before she fully released him, she looked up at him and said, “We haven’t fucked for two days, David. You’d better fix that soon.”

“Uh...yeah, I can do that,” he replied.

She laughed and released him. “Good.”

Ellie was already on her feet. “We should go.”

“All right, let me get my gear,” David replied, and hurried upstairs.

I hope you enjoyed that!

Again, if you want to read Chapter Two, check out my Patreon!

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (December 2019)

Here we are, in the final month of the year and the decade.

First, updates.

Straitlaced can be bought as an eBook for 1.99$ or read through the Kindle Unlimited here. Nude version is here.

Epilogue can be bought as an eBook for 2.99$ or read through the Kindle Unlimited here. Nude version is here.

The second Parasexual Collection, which collects Parasexual 4, Parasexual 5, Straitlaced, and Epilogue, as well as featuring a brand new, 6,600 word short story called An Unexpected Pleasure that takes place between Straitlaced and Epilogue, can be bought as an eBook for 9.99$ here. It can be bought as a paperback for 14.99$ here.

And with that, holy fucking shit, not only is Parasexual done, but the Paranormal Universe is closed out!

Technically speaking I still have four short stories set in that universe to write, one for Parasexual, one for Paranormal Passions, one for Roommates With Benefits, and one for Blind Date, to be packaged with some of the Quickies collections of bonus content, but that comes later and the universe is basically done with. I feel a little weird about closing it out. Mainly good, but I guess a little bad considering I know there’s going to be at least some people who really like it and want more. But unfortunately I just don’t really have it in me to write modern paranormal erotica, at least not consistently. The ideas just don’t come. And so it’s done, and I’m relieved.

The only other thing I really got done in November was I got Hellcats re-covered!

All the covers lead to nude versions on my Patreon, except for The Complete Trilogy, which leads to the Kindle version. This month I hope to get the Alien Harem covers remade, and after that I think I’ll knock a few more singles off the list like Royal Lust and Adventurous.

Now, as for what I’ll be doing with my professional time in December?

Haven 3. Writing the fuck out of Haven 3. I’ve already got it planned out AND I already have the cover made! If all goes according to the planned schedule that I’ve drawn up for myself, I should be able to get Haven 3 out before 2020. But again, I want to remind everyone that a lot can change in a month. Just know that I am aiming for a December release.

I’ve decided to go ahead and attempt to implement that 80-20 split in terms of my writing. So every weekday, I’ll be also getting a bit of progress made on none other than Demoness V! I already have the cover art for that, too! If all goes very well, I will be able to release Demoness V in January. After that, I’ll promptly begin work on Haven 4. After that? I’m not sure, admittedly.

Right now, things are looking kind of shitty. My sales dropped a LOT in November. Like, numbers that are beginning to genuinely worry me. I’m really, really hoping that Haven 3, as well as a big giveaway I’m planning near the end of the month, will help pump the numbers back up and keep them up for awhile, but fuck, there’s no real way to tell. I mean, I’m also hoping that releasing 3 Parasexual titles back to back will help, but Parasexual hasn’t been a great seller, as much as I’ve tried very hard to make it awesome.

I’ll try to give a better forecast of what I want to get done in 2020 in the next newsletter, but pretty much all my plans have to be taken with a grain of salt because of the unpredictability of my job. The likeliest course of action, in short, will be: Write a lot of Haven, with the occasional break for something else.

Wish me luck, it seems like I’m always running low on it.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (November 2019)

Parasexual 5 is out now!

eBook here. Paperback here. Kate nude here.

I mentioned earlier that I would try to go hard and refocus my efforts on a single project at a time. The result of this was that I finished Parasexual 5 in about a month, and it was the longest Parasexual novel, edging out Parasexual 3 by about fifteen hundred words. So I’d call that a success. Ideally, this is how every production would go. Including breaks, I could probably get about ten novels a year done at that rate, if they all averaged between sixty and seventy thousand words.

But if the past two years have taught me anything, it’s to be wary of my own sustainability. I’ve started putting more of a concerted effort into focusing, and I do think I’m starting to get back to where I once was. Unfortunately, winter is setting in now, and I have a very hard time with winter. So…we’ll see how that goes.

Now, I also mentioned that I was going to release a Parasexual collection. And here it is!

eBook here. Paperback here.

It contains Parasexual 1, 2, & 3, as well as a bonus short story roughly 3,000 words long that now serves as an Epilogue for Parasexual 2. Basically, it’s a threesome between Alex, Brianna, and Aurora right after they shift from their hotel to Aurora’s place.

Okay, with regards to what I said earlier about repackaging the exclusive bonus shorts, (which I will dive into later after I wrap up Parasexual news), I am going to do that, however, it will be a little while before I get around to it. So if you don’t feel like dropping another 10$ on this collection and want to wait, that’s totally understandable. I’m not at present entirely sure when it will become available, but it will become available in a bonus pack for 2.99$ at some point.

Now, Parasexual news.

I’m almost done with Parasexual!

First of all, it occurred to me that I had an idea for the series that never ended up fitting somewhere else. Initially, I thought it would make for a good bonus short, maybe in Collection 2, but it was too long to be one of those. (I tend to aim for between 2,000 - 4,000 words for those bonus shorts.) So instead, I decided to just make it a stand-alone short story. This way, you can just buy it for 2$, or read it through the KU. It’s called Straitlaced, and it’s about Stacy, the buttoned-down business elf in Parasexual 5, and is a follow-up to their brief exchange in her office. As of right now, it is written, edited, and basically ready to go. I’m waiting on the cover art. Last update from my cover artist was the sketch, which looked awesome, so ideally it will become available within the next week or so.

In the meantime, I’m going full steam ahead with Parasexual - Epilogue. I’m still planning it, and I’m aiming for it to be between 15,000 - 20,000 words. So it shouldn’t take too long to write and edit, and I already have the cover art for it! It picks up about four months after the end of Parasexual 5 and kind of touches on where everyone’s at, and where Alex is at with the various women in his life, and also features a sexual encounter with a character I touched on but never came back to. It’ll be out sometime in November, basically as soon as I can.

After that, the very last thing Parasexual related I need to do is release Collection 2, which will bind together Parasexual 4, 5, Straitlaced, & Epilogue, and also feature a bonus short. And then I’ll be done!

Quick update about new cover art. I got My Undead Lover done, but I decided against doing Desire for the moment and instead got Amazonian’s Love out of the way. Hellcats is presently being worked on. Pics link to nude versions.

So yeah, Hellcats covers are up next. The first one should be ready soon. After that, I’ll probably knock Alien Harem out.

Now, collections of bonus shorts. I’m still figuring them out. I’m almost certain that I’m going to call these collections Quickies. It really fits with what’s on offer. My only reluctance is that I titled two other collections like this Quickies back in 2015 and it didn’t go over so well, but I don’t think many people actually remember that, so it’ll probably be fine. I want to call it something other than Bonus Shorts #1.

Now, as for some kind of release schedule for these bonus shorts? That’s where the problem comes in. Either I suck at research or…something else, but the little information I’ve managed to put together about the subject indicates that it’s a real shit idea to let more than a month go by without some kind of release on Amazon. The site punishes you if you don’t keep a steady stream of content. I’ve also heard two months, but I’d like to err on the side of caution. Quickies will basically allow me some breathing room if (when) I’m having some trouble getting a new title out in time. That’s why I don’t want to make any kind of release schedule.

That being said, some are probably wondering why there isn’t a month window between Parasexual 5 and Straitlaced, and another between Straitlaced and Epilogue, and again between Epilogue and Parasexual Collection #2. Two reasons. The first is that I once read that in this new era of digital self-publishing, the best time to publish is right now. Setting release date weeks or even months in advance of when you actually have the story written, edited, and ready to go is just leaving money on the table. The second, and most important reason, is that I always try to balance business with…not-business, I guess? I don’t want to run Misty Vixen like a cold, distant, ruthlessly efficient businessperson. And I don’t like to keep people waiting with arbitrary release dates. If it’s ready to go, then it’s ready to go.

All that being said, I’ll have Quickies #1 on standby for winter, because I have no doubt that something’s going to go wrong, and I’m going to miss my window of release there.

Which leads me to the immediate future following the completion of Parasexual. Haven 3. I intend to jump on Haven 3 and get it written and out, ideally, before 2020. But that has a slim chance of happening. If I miss that window, then January should be a solid lock. Unless something goes really wrong. I’ll then release Haven 1 - 3 Collected. I think the bonus short is going to take place between the end of Haven 2 and the beginning of Haven 3.

And then? I still don’t know. I want to say I’ll get to work on Demoness V, but I might need to dive right into Haven 4. I am genuinely considering switching up my ‘only work on one thing at a time’ tactic to a 20/80 split. I shoot for 5,000 words a day every weekday. So in this scenario, I’d write 4,000 words of Haven 4, and 1,000 words of Demoness V. So, ideally, by the time I wrap up Haven 4, if it’s roughly 60,000 words, I’ll have written 20,000 words worth of Demoness V by then, and then I’ll switch it. Demoness V will become the 4,000 words per day title, and Haven 5 will become the 1,000 words per day title. I think this might be the smartest way to write, but sometimes the smartest way isn’t always compatible with me.

Either way, that’s what’s up. Thanks for reading and supporting me!

Parasexual 5 Sneak Preview!

Parasexual 5 is going pretty well! I’d say it’s about halfway written right now, maybe a little over half. And since we’re at that point, I figured it was time to release the sneak preview. Here is the first chapter of the story. And here is where you can access the first two chapters of the story, if you are a 1$/month patron or higher.

“Are you doing okay, honey?”

Alex jerked slightly as Brianna broke the silence that had settled over them and remained for, he realized, a good twenty minutes now. Only the quiet, peaceful calm of the ambient music she had started playing at some point during their trip had been audible. Though he had hardly realized it, thoughts running, sprinting through his head as he anxiously tried to work out exactly how he was going to manage the upcoming task.

Releasing his debut album, managing a four way relationship with three paranormal women, and even moving to a new city seemed to pale in comparison to what he was about to do: explain some of it to his parents.

He’d been trying to figure out what in the fuck to say to them the entire time.

“I’m kind of freaking out,” he admitted, looking away from the window he’d been staring out of, not really seeing the landscape flash by as they drove down the highway. The fact that they were driving on a highway wasn’t helping.

“I understand. Talk to me,” she replied, reaching over and taking one of his hands in hers.

Her skin was very hot. Side effect of being a werewolf, he had learned. And holy fuck did it make sex amazing. Alex stopped that train of thought, and much more easily than he would have at pretty much any other time, because he needed to focus, and that really highlighted just how anxious he was. He’d been exposed to more sex than he even thought possible over the past month, which had the paradoxical effect of not alleviating his sex obsession, but strengthening it.

“I guess I’m really considering how to handle telling my parents about...all of it. The moving, the relationship, my ‘career’ change, as if I even fucking had a career to begin with before this point,” he explained.


“And...I’m going to lie to them. That’s what I’ve been leaning towards since the beginning, that’s what I did in the beginning, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

“All right. What are you going to lie to them about?” she asked with a remarkably calm diplomacy. He almost laughed.

“The fact that I’m in a poly relationship. They...especially my mother...just wouldn’t get it. It’s too much. I’m also not going to tell them that you are a paranormal, or that I’ll be living with anyone but you. I’m also not going to mention what happened with Jeremiah. At all. They really would flip their shit. But moving to Thorne, living with you, trying my hand at being an ambient musician, I’ll tell them that.”

“And when they want to visit? Lapis will probably agree to hide or go out for the day, but Aurora won’t on general principle. Although I suppose we could rent out a fake apartment...”

“No,” he said, then sighed. “That’s a ‘we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it’, moment. They don’t really like to travel. If I have to own up to the open relationship with paranormals, I will, and I’ll stand by it, I’m not going to lie that far, because I’m not ashamed of you or Aurora or Lapis or anything we do together, it’s just-”

“I know, Alex,” Brianna said. She smiled, squeezed his hand gently, and then let go, replacing her own hand on the wheel again. “I wasn’t trying to imply that. I’m with you on this decision. I just wanted to know how far you wanted to take it.”

“...okay,” he murmured, and that seemed to satisfy Brianna for the time being.

He glanced out the window again.

It had been eight days since he had sat down in the kitchen of the lake house with the women in his life and made some decisions with them. Those had been eight great days. After the decisions had been made, it was like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, from all of theirs really, and they had truly settled in to enjoy themselves.

There had been a lot of sex.

They had explored the town more, gone for long, meandering walks through the woods, along the coast. They had spent more time with the mermaids, and that had been just wonderful. Altogether, it was the vacation he had been hoping for.

Yesterday, they had packed up and headed home, and begun making plans.

There was a lot to do.

But something that Alex and Brianna needed to do before they could meaningfully progress was to wrap up their lives in Alex’s hometown. It should be a relatively easy affair, though that wasn’t what Alex had originally thought, given the fact that Brianna had a house to deal with. But, she reminded him, she had rented it, not bought it. Now, the rental agreement wasn’t up for about another year or so, and so she did have to talk with the person she was renting from, which was on their list of shit to do, but that was a lot easier than having to suddenly sell a house. There were a few other things to do, but those were the main ones.

Presently, they were driving Lapis’s car. She had been kind enough to let them borrow it, given the fact that they were moving. She was presently in her apartment, happily locked up and catching up on her work.

After getting her car and dropping them off, he and Brianna had hit the road immediately, given that they had a fucking long drive ahead of them. They’d made it a bit over halfway there and had stopped in a hotel for the night, fucked, slept, fucked again in the night and then in the morning, grabbed some breakfast, and hit the road once more. Now, they were almost to his hometown, perhaps half an hour from his parent’s house.

He wasn’t handling it too well.

And one reason in particular…

Alex flipped down the sunvisor and checked his neck in the little mirror there, frowning, gently rubbing the skin where Aurora had bitten him over a week ago.

“It’s fine, honey,” Brianna said without even looking at him. “You can’t even tell. There’s nothing there to see.”

He sighed. “I just want to be sure,” he murmured, twisting around a bit, looking at his skin from all angles. She was right, there was no hint of a wound there, though that was only because they had spent a few hundred bucks on a healing cream meant to speed up the process. That was something his parents absolutely could not see, because they wouldn’t understand at all, and would, in fact, flip the fuck out over it, because there was only one way you got those kinds of marks on your neck. Honestly, he felt bad about it.

He wanted more, and he knew that Aurora wanted more even more than he did.

But they hadn’t been able to share blood even once since the first time, although they had come very close a few times. Brianna had had to stop them more than once, watching them closely every time they had sex. It was bad because they both wanted it terribly. It was fucking intoxicating. Even now, he found himself desperately wanting to feel Aurora drinking his blood. He could really, genuinely see now how humans got addicted to that shit. It wasn’t really that the vampires were using magic on them, it was just that it felt like a fucking drug for both parties.

He sighed softly and flipped the visor back up.

“I know, love,” Brianna said. “Don’t worry. You’ll get those teeth just as soon as we get back.”

“I feel kind of like a freak now,” he muttered.

“Don’t. It’s good.”

“It’s...complicated,” he murmured.

“Tell me about it. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s like...I mean, there’s the kind of surface level weird feeling of the fact that I really like getting bitten by a vampire. That I want my blood sucked. But I mean, that’s something I’ll get over. That’s just, you know, societal pressure speaking. I don’t really care about that. Then there’s the next level down, the one that’s a bit more complicated. It’s...” he sighed again, looking out the window, “...more complicated.”

Brianna waited patiently. The landscape blurred past them.

“It’s a lot more intimate than I thought it would be,” he said finally. “I mean, I know Aurora warned me, and told me about it, but she was right: words really can’t do it justice. It’s one of those things that if you haven’t experienced it personally, then you really don’t know. You can’t know. It’s so...intimate! That’s the best, the absolutely best word, I can think of to describe it. And that would be complicated enough just by itself. But throw it in with the fact that I have you in my life and I love you, and now I have Lapis in my life, too, and we’re all dating and it feels...” He grimaced, looking down at his hands, “...it feels like...”

“What?” she asked.


“I thought you’d say that,” Brianna said. He was relieved to hear that she was calm. This had been bugging him for awhile now. “Alex...relationships are fluid. They change, and they’re different between people. Your relationship with Aurora isn’t the same as my relationship with Aurora, or our relationship with each other. This is something you’re going to learn as time goes on, and it’s going to be confusing and uncomfortable at times, but that’s okay. The thing that you need to hear right now is that I’m not jealous, or upset, about the incredibly deep connection you have with Aurora. I’m happy. This is clearly making you two very happy, and honestly I saw this coming. I knew Aurora would like you, and honestly, she’s going to fall in love with you.”

He blinked and slowly looked over at her. “You...think?”

Brianna snorted. “Duh, Alex. They both are. Don’t worry, this is going to be great. I’m pretty sure Aurora is most of the way to loving you, she’ll just need time. And you’re halfway there yourself, you’ll just need more time. Same with Lapis. Love...happens, Alex. You don’t get to decide that. No one does. Sometimes it’s absolutely the best thing in the whole fucking universe and sometimes it’s the absolute worst. In these cases, I predict it’s going to be the fucking best. It’s been the best for us so far, yeah?”

“Yeah,” he agreed immediately. “Yes, it has. I just...okay, yeah, I’ll put that aside for now, I think.”

“Good. Don’t feel like you need to rush anything, or hold off on anything. Just...let it happen. Let it become what it is in its own time. Although...I do have a bit of advice.”


“I think Lapis and Aurora both need to tell you. You needed to tell me, but I think they need to tell you when they’re ready,” she said.

“Okay,” he murmured, and thought that she was right. For their own reasons, they both did need to say it first, he thought.

A few more moments passed.

“Here’s our exit...you still wanna hit your parent’s place first?” Brianna asked as she turned off the highway.

He sighed heavily. “Yeah. Let’s get that out of the way.”

Looking up at his parent’s house, what had once been his house, where he had almost been forced to move back to, was now surreal.

It seemed impossible that he had only been gone a few weeks.

It actually felt like months at this point.

He supposed a lot had happened. Alex took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He made sure not to limp as he began walking up towards the front door with Brianna. Although his leg almost never bothered him anymore, unless he moved it in just the wrong way, and it was still a little stiff some mornings, sometimes he caught himself having a very slight limp even though his leg wasn’t bothering him at that time.

It was a strange side effect.

But before he could even finish getting up to the front door, it opened up and his mother was there, waiting for him.

“You’re home,” she said, stepping forward and wrapping him in a hug. “Thank God.”

“I’m fine, mom,” he replied, hugging her back, resisting the urge to either sigh or laugh. He’d always known his mother was kind of overprotective, but now, suddenly, it was like he was looking at all his memories of her with a new light, and he was realizing that it was somehow both worse than he realized and not nearly as bad as he thought. Given what had happened with Jeremiah, he actually got a lot of her paranoia. And yet, given all the bad things that had actually happened to him in his life...she worried way too much.

And, he realized, so did he.

“Yes, I see,” she said after letting him go, and she cast a quick glance at Brianna. “Come in.”

His father was hovering a little farther back in the house, waiting. He’d always been a lot more chill than his mom. Again, something he had always been aware of, but now it was something he was truly coming to appreciate.

They came into the living room and sat down on the couches.

“That was longer than you said it was going to be,” his mother said. “You said a week.”

“I said maybe two weeks, including time there and back, but I also texted you and let you know that I was going to be staying for longer. I was...having a lot of fun,” he replied.

“I see,” she murmured, then sighed. “I guess I’m just glad you’re back and in one piece.”


She heard his tone and immediately tensed and frowned. “What?”

He sighed, suddenly becoming impatient. He calmed himself, or tried to, reminding himself that she was only tense and anxious because she was worried about him, but more and more he was realizing that it was making him feel so...juvenile. Like she thought he didn’t know what the fuck he was doing. He didn’t think he had it all figured out, he wasn’t delusion, but at this point he had at least a basic grasp on keeping himself alive.

“I’m moving to Thorne,” he said, deciding that there was no way around it. He was just going to have to tell them and face the scrutiny.

“That seems...kind of sudden,” his dad said.

“Well, I’ve had several weeks to think about it. Honestly, I love it there,” he replied.

Alex watched his mother, waiting. She looked like a dozen different reactions had hit her all at once and they were clogged in her brain. Finally, she put on a very forced smile and looked at Brianna. “Would you mind giving us a moment with our son?”

Brianna just smiled. “No.” She squeezed Alex’s hand gently. “I’ll be outside, dear.”

“Okay,” he replied, and felt his anxiety spike. But he made himself relax as he watched her go. Probably what truly helped him relax was the knowledge that there was nothing they could actually do to make him stay here or not do this. He didn’t want it to have to come to that, he did love his parents, but he knew they no longer had any real power over him, as in legal power. But he fully intended to do this with their approval, even if it meant bending the truth and, in some cases, outright lying.

“Alex...why are you doing this all of a sudden?” his mother asked, growing serious and leaning forward as Brianna closed the door behind her.

“Mom, there’s no secret. It’s as it appears: I don’t like living here. I don’t like living in this city. I don’t like living in the conditions I’ve lived in. I finally feel...good.

She sighed softly. “Alex, I’m not trying to burst your bubble, but...going on a vacation in a city and living in a city are two different things.”

“I know. I understand that. But I’m in a pretty secure position. Brianna has...a lot of money.”

“So, what, you’re just going to live off of her?” his mom asked.

“No. I’m going to make a serious attempt at being an ambient musician, like I’ve talked about for years now.”

His mother sighed again, more forcefully this time. “Alex, the chances of that actually working out-”

“Mom,” he said, a little more forcefully than he meant to, “what would you rather? Would you rather I work a job that I hate, and I mean hate, like I’ve been doing since I left high school, or would you rather I actually enjoyed my life for once?”

She sat back a little, looking surprised. He hadn’t meant it to come out that harshly, but he realized that he had actually been fucking miserable for a long time. He was coming to realize a lot recently.

“And if she leaves you? If all her money evaporates? If you’re stuck in this paranormal city?” she asked.

He sighed. “Then you get to come pick me up, and bring me home, and say ‘I told you so’.”

His mother frowned, then glanced at his father. Alex did as well. “You’re awfully quiet,” he said. “What do you think of this, dad?”

His father chuckled. “Alex, I think...you’re going to do this regardless of this conversation’s outcome. I can already tell that. And I can see a change in you since the last time we spoke, and I like it. Part of living life is taking risks. And this is pretty nuts, I gotta admit, but you’re in your twenties, Alex. That’s the time to do things that are nuts. Now’s the time to take a big chance and move across the country and try to follow your dreams. And it sounds like you’ve got a hell of a safety net with her. I think you two are lying about something, or just not telling us, but I also respect your right to privacy, and I think you’re smart, son. I think you’ve put some real thought into this. I think there’s a risk, sure, but you’ve gotta take risks. And this seems like a genuine shot at happiness, and I mean...what more could I possibly want for you than for you to be happy?”

“Well...thanks, dad. That means a lot,” he replied, a little surprised. He looked back to his mother, she was frowning at him still, though not so severely.

Finally, she issued a small sigh. “Just answer me a few questions, honestly. Look into my eyes and help me put these things to rest, will you?”

“Yes,” he replied.

“Is Brianna a paranormal?” she asked.

He swallowed, figuring she might ask that. His mom was sharp. “Yes,” he said.

She let out a huff of irritation. “What kind?”

“A werewolf.”

“Holy crap,” his dad muttered, though he sounded a little awed.

“Is she...compelling you, in some way?”

Now he sighed, frustrated. “Mom, no,” he said firmly. “I’m doing this completely of my own volition. But...I can understand your hesitation, and your anxiety. I really can. I know there’s a lot of crap out there about paranormals. I met a lot of them out there in Thorne. She’s very in with that community, and not one of them tried to hurt me, or take advantage of me. They were kind to me. We just...had fun. I’m honestly finding at this point that I get along better with paranormals than with my own kind.”

Still his mother hesitated, and he decided to try and drive the point home harder. “Mom, outside of the two of you, Brianna and her friends have treated me with more kindness, and honesty, and respect, and compassion than anyone else in my life, okay? I know...this seems crazy. Like, I get it. This is a really big change, and it does seem kind of sudden. I’m getting used to it myself. But I’ve been unhappy for a long time, and I’ve mostly hidden it from you, because I wasn’t suicidal or incapacitated by depression or anxiety, I was just...waiting for my life to get better. And I’m tired of waiting. Surely you must have known some of how I felt.”

She nodded slowly. “Yes. I know. I’ve always done my best to help you, but...”

“But there are some problems you have to figure out yourself,” he said, and she nodded. “That’s what I’m doing. I’m figuring out how to be happy, how to build a life for myself. I honestly believe you want what’s best for me, and I understand that from your perspective, it might be difficult to take me at my word, because I probably still seem so young to you. I’m not saying I know everything, but...I am saying that this...feels right. And is, at least, worth trying.”

She looked at him for a long moment, then over at his father, who just gave her a small nod, then back to him. Finally, she let out her breath in a long exhalation. “Okay, Alex. I’m sorry...about my questions. I know it must seem terribly close-minded, but I’m not wrong to be at least a little paranoid. Paranormals do have abilities, and they have been known to take advantage of humans, and it’s just hard to...” she stopped suddenly, and looked guilty.

He laughed. “You don’t know how to say ‘it’s hard to see what she sees in you’ without making it sound like a massive put-down, right?”

“It’s not that I don’t see amazing qualities in you, Alex. You know I love you, and I think you’re smart, and honest, and kind, but she’s-I know she’s not twenty six, Alex.”

“You’re right. I asked her to lie, and I’m sorry. She’s in her fifties.”

“Holy shit,” his dad muttered.

“And she’s incredibly beautiful, and she’s a very accomplished werewolf, so why would she be interested in a shy, introverted, at best average-looking human from a small town? Believe me, I asked the question myself several times. Still do. I’ll admit, from the outside looking in, it does seem suspicious. But try to trust me, Brianna and I just...like each other. She really does like me. She wants to be with me because I make her happy.” He paused for a moment. “All I’m asking is that...you trust me on this.”

“You’re right,” she replied. “And your father is right. Of course I want you to be happy. Honestly, more than almost anything else, I want you to be happy. Safe, too, obviously, but happy. And this looks like it’s going to make you happy. Just...don’t forget to call every now and then, okay?”

He laughed, flooded with relief. “I’ll call once a week, all right?”

“All right,” she agreed.

He got up, and they hugged, and she cried a little, and he hugged his father. Then Alex went to his room and gathered the things that he wanted to take with him, which fit into a pair of suitcases, and he came back downstairs and hugged them again. They wished him good luck, reminded him to keep in touch, and then he was back out with Brianna.

“You seem happier,” she said as he put his stuff in the back.

“Yes. It went well,” he replied.

“Good.” She smiled, then she kissed him, and then they got into the SUV. “Come on, let’s go get the rest of this over with.”

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (October 2019)

First off, Parasexual 4 is out! Just in case you missed it…

eBook here. Paperback here. Lapis nude here.

Secondly, all of the freebies have new cover art, as well as Exploration! Check it out below! (Some lead to nude versions and some lead to the books themselves, depending on whether or not the nude version is now available through my site.)

These are turning out really well! Next up is My Undead Lover, and the Desire series after that. I’m basically trying to get my backlog updated and out of the way.

Okay, now comes the part where I announce a few things that have changed and that are going to happen.

I was struck very powerfully by this idea last week, and I’ve since decided to run with it, and am thinking about implementing it inasmuch as I can from now on.

I’ve decided to try working only on a single thing at a time, until it is done. To go, and go hard, on whatever it is, until completion. Basically, what I used to do. I really have a love-hate relationship with those notions and realizations you sometimes get that are very powerful but also super fucking obvious. It really goes to show that there genuinely is a difference between knowing something and understanding something. And the fact that some lessons you honestly have to relearn.

Right now, the thing I’m going hard on is Parasexual 5. It is the only thing I am writing, the only thing I am creatively working on at the moment. As a result of this, I’m about one third of the way finished with the novel.

So that’s good.

Also, before I move on, a side note about Parasexual. An important one. In planning Parasexual 5, I found myself in a very awkward position. As I reached the end of the layout of Parasexual 5, I realized that this is where the series needed to end. Narratively speaking, there should not be a Parasexual 6. It would feel wrong. However, it also would feel wrong to just completely end it at Parasexual 5. So what to do? I’ve decided to write a novella that, at present, is called Parasexual - Epilogue. And it will be exactly that, an epilogue to the story. I will write it immediately after finishing Parasexual 5.

Now comes another big piece of news, and I think this one is really cool! Hopefully you will, too.

While pondering whether or not I should bundle Parasexual 1, 2, &, 3 into a collection, (which I have in fact decided to do, and will do so from now on moving forward with my titles), someone over on my Goodreads page made a really good point. In short, I’ve been looking at my bonus short stories as DLC, but I’ve been going about it all wrong. Following the DLC metaphor, what I’ve basically been doing is making them exclusive to the Game of the Year Edition. Essentially, if you want the DLC, you have to rebuy the whole game series, which is fucked up. So what I need to do is to create a more cost-friendly means of getting the DLC to people who want it, but don’t want to buy the complete collections.

I have decided to bundle them. I’ll release them in packs that contain bonus content from individual series. For example: Bonus Pack #1 will contain all bonus content related to Hellcats, Wanderlust, Exploration, and My Undead Lover. They’ll cost 2.99$, and unfortunately I won’t be able to enroll them in the Kindle Unlimited, but I will run them at discounts from time to time. But the REALLY cool thing about this is that I will be providing brand new, original content to be bundled with these.

I’ve often been struck by the urge to somehow revisit characters in series that I’ve already wrapped up. Normally, the only way I can do this nowadays is with crossovers. However, this would be a really cool way to sort of check in on the characters a little further down the line and see what they’re up to. Now, I don’t know if I’ll be able to touch on every single series, given that I need to be able to generate at least a decent idea for a short, but I’ll try. (Hellcats, for example, comes to mind as one I don’t really have any idea for. It already has SO much bonus content! But that could change.)

One side effect of this is that the bonus shorts that are presently website exclusives will be taken down and will become Kindle exclusive. Based on my traffic, I think the people who are gonna read them already have a long time ago. So be aware of that.

And now we come to the part where I talk about the bad change I need to make.

The more time goes on, the more it’s really looking like allocating any serious amount of time to Crystal Candy is a bad idea for…basically everyone. Me and the readers. We all suffer. On the one hand, I had a really great time writing A Warm Place, and I do really like what came out, for the most part. But consider this for a moment. So far, since April of this year, altogether I’ve written approximately 330,000 words for Crystal Candy, including all four series I’ve worked on, (A Warm Place, Planet of the Bugs, Refuge, Maidens & Mayhem). Assuming a Misty Vixen novel is 60,000 words on average, that’s about 5 novels I could’ve written. I could be up to Haven 5 or Demoness 7 by now. I try not to get too into the numbers and the fiances of it all, but it is my job, my livelihood, and how I basically stay alive and sane. And based on the sales, 330,000 words as Crystal Candy is worth approximately 1/3 the amount of money of 330,000 words as Misty Vixen.

If I was truly smart, I’d drop everything and write Haven 3 right now. Parasexual 4 is doing okay, but Haven 1 and 2 have sold better than anything I’ve ever written, like by a lot. In fact, I just ran some numbers, and Haven 1+2, this month, have earned more than DOUBLE of what Parasexual 1, 2, 3, & 4 have earned. But I don’t want to leave the Parasexual fans hanging like I’ve had to leave Demoness fans hanging. Or, fuck, Women of the Wild fans.

So here’s what’s going to happen: I’m taking down Refuge and Maidens & Mayhem, and basically putting Crystal Candy on ice. I’ll leave up A Warm Place, because like I said, I like it, and it’s finished, and I’ll suspend the Crystal Candy Patreon, because it wouldn’t really be right to keep it going if I’m not producing anything, and then I’ll just shift focus entirely back to Misty Vixen for awhile. I honestly hate to do this, because I’ve gotten some real love from fans of Crystal Candy, but I fucked up. I should have just stayed the course.

We’ll see how it all shakes out. For now, I’m just putting my head down and finishing out Parasexual and, with it, the Paranormal Universe.

I hope some of this news made people happy, and I’m sorry if it pissed people off. I get it. It sucks. Unfortunately, time is everything. Everything costs time, and the thing I’ve been learning my whole career is: How you spend your time matters. Right now, spending it like this makes the most sense.

This is what my schedule is looking like now.

  • Finish Parasexual 5

  • Write Parasexual - Epilogue

  • Assemble and publish Bonus Collection #1

  • Write Haven 3

I’m not sure what’s going to happen after that. I might write another few Haven books to build some momentum, but I know that whenever I can take a break from Haven, Demoness V is next, since I’m still very interested in that one. It’s a lot different than Demoness IV and, in some ways, from the others. But yeah, my main focus for 2020 will likely be writing as much Haven as I can, since a lot of people seem to like that, and maybe getting in a novel that I need to write here or there, like Sex & Survival 4, and also getting bonus packs out in between main releases.

So, thank you for helping me however it is you may have helped me, I seriously appreciate it. I hope you continue to enjoy what I have to offer. Wish me luck.

A Question of Collections

Hey so, I was just kind of sitting there, and it hit me just now that I could, with ease, put together a collection of Parasexual 1 -3 for 9.99$.

Anyone who has followed me since before 2018 knows that Collections used to be half my fucking business model. To be honest, I didn’t super like doing them, because I was always riding what felt like a razor’s edge.

I wanted to write exclusive material for all the collections, because on the one hand, I wanted to make it worth purchasing, instead of just a generic repackaging, (which I have ended up breaking down and doing for Crystal Candy), but I didn’t want to make it too interesting, because then people who don’t want to or can’t afford to purchase the packs would feel like they’re missing out.

I looked at it as kind of DLC, which itself rides this line. You should be able to play the game without ever touching the DLC and enjoy it as a whole, but if you decide to buy the DLC, it should be worth buying and enrich your experience.

I think I got kinda good at it, but it WAS a bit of a pain.

So now I’m wondering if I should go ahead and keep doing it for future titles. And maybe even as a way to collect previous titles, (maybe like have a My Undead Lover/Exploration combo pack with bonus content or something?)

I don’t really know, because I also ride the line between trying to provide a fair service, and trying to make money. It gets hard to determine where that line is drawn, for obvious reasons.

Does anyone have any opinions? Because I have to admit, there is a part of me that is actually really into the idea of writing bonus content.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (September 2019)

Surprise, surprise, I ran into more problems!

But it was a decently productive month, all things considered.

First off, I finally finished editing Haven! That was…embarrassing. And it was a lesson well learned: I will never try to release something without going over it at least once again. (As Misty Vixen…) Luckily, the ‘editing it as I write it’ approach actually seems to be working. At least better than anything else is.

Also, the Haven paperback is finally out!

With that editing job out of the way, I’m now editing Demoness - Farewell For Now. After that I think I’ll knock the freebies out of the way, since they’re all getting new cover art.

I kind of failed on the Parasexual 4 front. If nothing had gone wrong, and I’d managed to keep my schedule, I’d be announcing that it was published. But that isn’t what happened. Instead, I’m just over halfway done. I’m…dealing with some shit, behind the scenes, which is as far as I want to go into it. It’s making writing hard.

I also managed to get the first three stories in my new Crystal Candy series MAIDENS & MAYHEM written.

If you don’t know, it’s basically a fantasy harem where a wandering adventurer decides to buy a guild, stop wandering, help out a town that needs it, and fuck a lot of hot women who also want to help the town.

Crystal Candy is…not going great at the moment. It’s left me feeling overwhelmed and overworked. For that reason, I have finally come to the decision to scale back my Crystal Candy operation. Here is a blog post going into detail, but the short of it is that Crystal Candy is causing me a shitload of extra anxiety, and it was supposed to just be supplementary, but it’s taken up my number one slot of focus, when Misty Vixen should be that, so I’m easing up on it. I’m not going to have any kind of real schedule for Crystal Candy, I’ll more work on it when I can, (with an effort to get SOMETHING done for it every day at least, even if it’s just a few hundred words), and instead I’m going to put most of my focus on Misty Vixen.

So, right now I’m going to try and finish Parasexual 4 very soon. And with the focus shift, that should be easier. I’m also making progress on Kyra’s Game. And once Parasexual 4 is published, I’ll dive right into Parasexual 5.