The Misty Vixen Newsletter (December 2020)

Before we do anything else, 26 of my titles are free until midnight. If you haven’t yet, check them out!

This newsletter is going to be short because November was an awful month and I don’t have as much news.

Like A Fine Wine 3 is out at least.

With regards to Like A Fine Wine 4, I will try to have it finished before 2021. The good news is that I have a good idea of how I want to handle it and I also have the cover art. I’ve also spoken with the cover artist about the last two covers and although we don’t have anything lined up yet, I’m hoping we will be able to get them done sometime during early 2021.

I’m going to officially launch A Warm Place this month. The prequel novella, A Warm Place - Prelude, which is 34,000 words, will be published December 15th. I’m looking forward to seeing how people react to it, I like how it came out. A Warm Place, which clocks in at 92,000 words, my second-longest title ever (Demoness IV being the first at 102,000 words), will launch January 1st, 2021. I have covers for both. I intend to launch a new A Warm Place the first of every month for nine months. I’ll be writing a blog post soon about the nature of the series, given it’s a little different than the other stuff I’ve written. Although if you’ve already read its original incarnation published as Crystal Candy, you’ll have a good idea of what it’s like.

That’s all I’ve really got for now. I might get a chance to publish some free stuff to the site, either an incest short story set in the A Warm Place universe, or a fan fiction for Dragon Age. I’ll give a bigger, broader idea of my plans next newsletter.

Black Friday Through Cyber Monday & Beyond Sale!

I’ve never really been much for Black Friday (I don’t think I’ve ever left the house for a Black Friday, or at least have not gone to a store to brave the psychotic masses), but I figured I should probably at least try to get in on this at least once, and I’ve been needing to have a sale/giveaway anyway. Now seemed like a good time.

So, right now, just about every stand-alone title and the first two novels of most series are free! Here is a complete, hyperlinked list!

That’s all of them! They will remain free for five days, meaning you have until Tuesday comes to an end to snag all these if you don’t have any of them yet! I would definitely appreciate it if you could help spread the word around!

Like A Fine Wine 3 Preview

Here’s the first chapter preview for Like A Fine Wine 3.

If you are a 1$/month patron over on my Patreon, you can find the first two chapters here!

“Hey, Jack, you busy?”

Jack glanced over his shoulder at Elizabeth. He was crouched before a panel in the control room of the isolated outpost that was now his home, having just finished replacing a faulty circuit board. Elizabeth, all six feet five inches of her, filled the doorway.

“Let me rephrase that,” she continued before he could respond, and a small smile came onto her pale face. “You’re no longer busy. I need you for something, and Maureen says I can have you. So you’re all mine.”

Jack closed the panel, feeling a thrill of excitement and anticipatory lust shoot through him. He stood straight up, turning and dusting off his hands. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah,” she confirmed. “Come on. We’ve got a special assignment to drive out to.”

“All right. What do I need?”

“Grab your armor and at least one weapon, though I doubt we’ll run into any real trouble.” She paused, a frown marring her roughly beautiful features. “Well, I guess that’s kind of bullshit on this planet. It seems like it can go from zero to ten in no time flat out there. But know that we aren’t doing anything intentionally dangerous...for the most part.”

“Uh...okay,” he replied, deciding to trust her. Mainly because he was almost certain that any attempt to get her to elaborate would result in stonewalling. While she’d certainly been pleasant around and to him more than ever recently, he knew that Elizabeth was the kind of woman who you couldn’t make, bribe, or convince to do anything she did not want to do.

She was already in her own suit of dark, intimidating armor, a rifle slung over one shoulder, a pistol on one large hip.

“I’ll be in the rover,” she said, then turned away from him as he approached and began walking away, towards the garage.

He found his eyes drawn to her broad ass like metal to a magnet.

Fuck, that woman had a really huge ass. Even in full-fledged power armor it looked goddamn good. And the way she was swinging her hips, he knew that she knew he was checking out her ass. He sighed softly and headed off towards the armory, where he kept his gear. As he did, he considered the past three days.

They were…

Interesting days.

He’d rested off and on the first day immediately following his time in the mines, nursing the injuries he had sustained saving their lives. Although the meds that Sylvia had pumped him full of accelerated the healing, and he wasn’t that banged up to begin with, he was injured (and tired) enough that he was confined to bed for that day. In the morning, after breakfast, he’d at least moved to his own bed. Of course, that hadn’t kept Riley, Sylvia, and Anya from coming in and riding his dick once apiece. Twice for Riley.

Maureen had come and spent the night with him, sucking and riding him into a wonderfully pleasant sleep.

He was deeply glad to see that most of these women were happy with temporarily adopting care-giving roles, though he thought at least some of it had to do with the fact that they liked being in charge of him, even if only temporarily and in a small way.

He had hoped that Elizabeth would come visit in a similar way, but during that first day assumed that the other women had gotten in her way. During the second day however, despite coming to see him, (he had admittedly milked the resting part through almost all of the second day, but they kept telling him this was a working vacation so he figured why not?), nothing sexual had happened. She’d been friendly, and she seemed more relaxed and at ease around him than ever, but after their intense makeout session in the garage, he thought she was ready to go all the way.

Apparently not, though.

Not that he minded...well, okay. He was frustrated, but that wasn’t going to get in the way of him giving her as long as she needed.

That had been yesterday.

Today, he’d woke up feeling absolutely fantastic. Anya had spent the night with him, and that tight, fit redhead had let him hit it from the back until they both had orgasmed intensely, and then they’d fucked again in the shower.

Now that was a way to start the day.

Jack was still a little sore from the endeavor, but he was well enough to get back to work helping the women get the outpost back online. By now, Lyra, tech genius and hard worker that she was, had already completed most of the repairs with the parts they had gathered from around the region. Contracts had either been fulfilled or were on the verge of being fulfilled. At this point, most of the work left to do on the outpost was cosmetic. Giving the place a new coat of paint, repairing or replacing dented or scuffed panels, making everything look nice and neat and new and shiny again. Except for that busted circuit board, that’s all Jack had been doing since waking up. It was satisfying work, in its own way, but he was already craving more.

In more than one way.

Elizabeth had been teasing him all day long, bending over in front of him, brushing against him, actually outright flirting with him. It was a totally different side of her, one he almost hadn’t been sure existed, given how awkward she had been so far, even after they’d come right out with it about the true nature of the ‘job’ and that he not only fully intended to have sex with her, but would do so gladly. But it was really nice to see.

Maybe it would happen today, on this ‘trip’.

After making out, she had told him soon.

How soon was soon?

Again, he didn’t intend to push the issue, he was fucking eager! He was sure that some of his attraction to Elizabeth was generated simply by the fact that he hadn’t had her yet, and now she’d been teasing him, hitting on him, making it worse. But he was genuinely very attracted to her. He didn’t care that she was big and strong and twice his age and headstrong. Honestly, he really liked all those things about her. He thought she was attractive in a number of ways, physically and with regards to her personality.

Jack finished pulling his armor on and ran a quick check of it. This stuff had saved his life more than once now. He laughed softly at that particular thought. Twice now a mission on this ‘vacation’ had ended in him risking his life for the sake of others. He didn’t regret it, and he wasn’t new to it, but he was surprised that it was coming up as often as it had. As he decided to just take his pistol with him and holstered it and pocketed his ammo, his suit told him that it was fine. Lyra had worked hard to fix it after the incident and after checking over it himself last night, he was not surprised to find she had done an excellent job.

His radio came to life as he turned to leave the armory. “Any day now, Jack.”

He sighed softly. “I know you can’t stand to be apart from me for too long, Elizabeth. I’m on my way right now. Try to keep your panties on.”

“I’m not wearing panties,” she replied, and his response died in his throat. They’d been quipping back and forth just recently and she was clearly skilled. She’d found his weak spot, his kill-code, as it were. To be fair, it was obvious. All she had to do was say something sexual and he’d just freeze up a little, not sure what to say.

It was weird. If he’d already had sex with a woman, then it wouldn’t trip him up like that. If Maureen or Riley said something like that to him, he was fine. Mostly. He was still getting used to these mature women and their overtly sexual nature.

But if they hadn’t been together yet…

Elizabeth laughed at his silence. “Cat got your tongue?”

He tried to fire something back. “I’m sure there’s a clever phrase regarding pussies and tongues in there somewhere, but I can’t think of it right now.”

Now it was Elizabeth’s turn to be silent. He hoped he was having the same effect on her. So far, he really liked the way their relationship was building. It felt nice and steady and, most importantly, organic. It wasn’t quite organic with the others. Sure, there was a real connection there with all of them, and he was very happy with where he was with each woman, (even Lyra, despite the fact that they hadn’t slept together yet either and sometimes it seemed like she was avoiding him), but something just felt different about Elizabeth. He hoped he wasn’t getting too involved, but he felt like there was something more, something deeper beginning to form and grow between them.

A closer connection.

He supposed, once they’d made love for the first time, he’d be closer to knowing if she felt the same way, or if he was just imagining it.

That was totally possible.

Jack came into the garage and found the rover ready to go, the garage door open. He slipped into the front passenger’s seat and buckled his safety belt.

“All right, we’re good to go?” Elizabeth asked.

“Check,” he replied.


She brought them out of the garage and then began driving away from the outpost, heading to the southwest. It was a nice day out. After that last heavy rainfall, the sun had come back with a vengeance, shining down and almost blaring through the windows. But there had been a cool breeze out, and there were clouds on the horizon. They’d been drawing closer all day long. He hoped that it meant more rain. Even a light rain would be great.

They drove in silence for the first few moments. Inside the rover, the atmosphere was also pleasant, though he could sense an undercurrent of tension in Elizabeth. Both of them had their helmets off and he studied her pale features out of the corner of his eye. She was staring straight ahead, sitting up straight, both hands on the wheel. Her vividly red hair was pulled into a ponytail. By now, it was no secret that Elizabeth had some difficulty with social situations. Especially, he imagined, if it involved guys she liked.

And she’d made it clear by now that she really liked him.

“So, Jack,” she said after almost five minutes, “I want to talk.”

“What about?” he asked. He had no intention of making this difficult for her.

“Us,” she said. He waited. She glanced briefly at him, then laughed softly.

“What?” he asked.

“I just...I’m sorry. I keep half-expecting you to be grinning like a shark, ready to take advantage of my...emotional attachment to you.”

Interesting. She hadn’t said sexual attraction, she’d specifically said emotional.

“That won’t happen,” he said.

“I know. By this point, I know. I trust you. I’ve just been...laughed at, preyed upon, fooled, taken advantage of, whatever, several times in my life at this point. So I get defensive. It’s, you know, it’ll take a bit to deactivate my defenses.”

“I’m willing to help in any way I can to facilitate this process...and not just because I want to stick my dick in you,” he said.

She smiled and laughed, this time it sounded happier. “I know. I believe that, too, actually. That’s one of the things I actually really like about you: you’re genuine. I feel like you’d tell me the truth to my face even if it pissed me off.” She paused. “You stood up to me after that last mission. Sylvia was right: I find that to be an attractive quality.” She paused again, then took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Okay, so what I want to talk about. I’m basically ready to try sex. Like, tonight for sure. And don’t worry, I don’t feel pressured at all. Honestly it’s hard not to just pull over and fuck you right now. Seriously, you make me fucking horny.”

“You do the same for me,” he murmured.

She swallowed, cleared her throat. “My point is: I’m ready. But before that, I want to enjoy something nice with you that isn’t sex or a dangerous mission. Something that isn’t work.”

“So what are we doing out here?”

She smiled. “I scouted out an area while you were down for the count, found a great place to have a picnic and just, you know, chat. Get to know each other more. Does that sound like something you’d like?”

“I’d love that,” he replied.

She smiled again and this time blushed a little. “Uh, good.”

They drove on.

“Okay, here we are.”

They had driven along for another ten minutes across relatively flat, desert ground, passing stands of some of the alien trees that sprouted from the cracked earth, and at one point they passed through a small, narrow canyon.

Now, Elizabeth was slowing them down as they edged closer to a vast cliff drop. Once they got within a few dozen yards of it, she stopped, then turned the vehicle around and began backing up towards the edge. She stared at a navigational screen built into the dashboard to guide herself. Despite everything, how confident she appeared, how sure he was in her abilities and the tech they were using, Jack found himself slightly nervous.

He’d always had a bit of a thing about heights.

“Don’t worry,” Elizabeth murmured as she slowly crept them backwards, as though reading his mind, “I know what I’m doing and I already checked the place out.”

“I’m fine,” he replied.

She gave a small laugh. “It’s okay to be nervous. I’m not going to think less of you. You’ve already proven that you’re brave to a fault.”

“Is it a fault?” he asked.

She didn’t answer for a few seconds, instead focusing on the screen. Finally, she seemed satisfied and brought them to a halt, then put the rover in park.

“I guess it depends on your perspective,” she answered, killing the engine. She looked at him with her intense green eyes. “You’ll save a lot of people, but you’ll get yourself killed one day. But I can already tell you know that, and you accept it, to a certain degree.”

“Any Marine does,” he murmured.

Now she frowned. “No. Not every Marine. Most, but not all. Some get through bootcamp and discover they just don’t have the right stuff when it comes to actually for real dangerous situations. Boot weeds most of them out, but not all of them. If they’re lucky, everyone will survive the encounter and they’ll get out while they can. And some Marines are selfish. But that’s just-” she paused.


“I was gonna say human nature but it’s clearly not related to only humans. I’ve seen brave, selfless aliens and I’ve seen selfish bastard aliens. I guess it’s nature. Sometimes. But you didn’t leave because you couldn’t handle it, I can tell that.” She paused again. “Come on,” she said, undoing her seatbelt and throwing open her door, “check out the view.”

He got out with her and walked around to the back of the rover. They were about ten yards from the edge of the cliff. Jack felt his apprehension rising but pushed it back, telling himself he’d be fine. Plus, he had to admit, it was a hell of a view.

“Wow,” he murmured as they came as close to the edge as they were going to get.

The drop was maybe two hundred feet, and the view extended for probably two hundred miles. The vast desert landscape, broken up by canyons and cliffs and mountains and forests of those cacti-trees, seemed to extend off into forever, most of it beneath a cloudy slate-gray sky.

“Wow indeed,” she said. He glanced at her. She was staring intently ahead. “You know, I used to find places like this when I was on a new world. Got to be, if there was time of course, I’d go looking for some unique place. A location with a great view or a unique landmark or some other interesting quality to it. I wanted to find at least one on each planet I visited. Did it for most of them. And not once, not a single time, did I take anyone with me. I was always alone.”

Jack immediately took the meaning in that: This is special to me, I’ve never shared it with anyone else, but I am now sharing it with you.

“Thank you for bringing me,” he said.

“You’re welcome,” she replied, a small smile on her face. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She looked serene. “Let’s eat lunch.”

They walked back to the rover and she popped the trunk. A metal case was locked in place in the rear cargo hold. She disengaged the lock, brought it closer, and opened it up. Inside, he saw that it was a refrigerated unit. There were two thermoses, some fruit, and a pair of sandwiches.

“I remember you saying you were partial to turkey and cheese, so I made you one.” She paused. “I hope you appreciate the significance that I made you a sandwich.”

He laughed. “Uh, yeah. I do. You’re doing a lot for me today. I really do appreciate it. Thank you,” he replied as he took a seat, his legs hanging over the edge of the cargo space’s floor, dangling just a few inches above the ground. She sat beside him with the case between them and they took a moment to get their food out.

It felt strange having a picnic in full combat armor, but at this point he was used to doing a lot of things in full combat armor.

“So how do you feel about your decisions now?” Elizabeth asked after a few moments of silence and staring out over the vast view.

“Better,” he replied. “I think I’m at that stage where I’m actually feeling kind of good about my decision, but I’m also afraid that the other shoe hasn’t dropped yet. That there’s something to this I just haven’t thought about yet.”

“Oh fuck, I know that feeling,” Elizabeth muttered. “I can’t say for sure, obviously, but I think you made the right choice. I think you’ll be happier.”

“I hope about you?” he asked.

“I’m…” she laughed, a little bitterly. “Scared.”


“I left the Marines, went into private security, and I fucking hated it. And I was burned out of the Marines, just sick of it after so long. And I...don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do for the rest of my life.”

“Oh. Wow. That’s...yeah, that sucks.”

She chuckled. “Sorry to dump all that on you. I know an existential crisis isn’t the best thing to have on a date.”

“Is this a date?” he asked.

“Yes. This is a date. We’re on a date right now. A romantic one.”

“Oh. Okay, cool. I was hoping it was. But, Elizabeth, if there’s one thing that has been made clear to me about this trip, and about this group of people, it’s that we’re all...sharing. We’re sharing in pleasure, to be sure, but I think Maureen also meant for us to share each other’s pain, too. In whatever form that takes. I’m very reluctant to let anyone share in my pain...but I’m glad to share yours, if you want. Even if it’s just listening, or if it’s something more. I don’t know. Whatever you want. I really like you.”

She was looking at him intensely now. If there was one thing about Elizabeth that stuck in his mind besides her size, it was the intensity of her eyes. It had to be a combination of just how green they were, but also how focused she appeared.

“You’re right,” she replied, looking away, down at the cracked dirt beneath them. “That’s a good point. And I...agree with you. I’ve spent decades keeping how I feel locked up in a vault. And I know it’s not healthy, I just haven’t had many people in my life that I’ve honestly felt I could open up to. Honestly…” she hesitated and looked at him with a strange expression. One that oddly conveyed suspicion and guilt. “It worries me, how much I trust you.”

He considered that, then nodded. “Yeah, I get that. You’re waiting for the other shoe to drop. Feeling like this is too good to be true.”

She laughed softly. “You being so understanding just makes it feel like more of a trap.” He began to respond but she cut him off. “I’m not saying I think you’re trying to trap me in any regard. The fact that we’re here, doing this, means you’ve mostly earned my trust. I guess I just feel like I want to discuss this kind of stuff before we take our clothes off. I want you to know that I feel get me. Kind of on an organic level. Like how some people just mesh, you know? We gel. We have chemistry. And I really like it…”

“Okay,” he said, hesitating suddenly. It felt like this was actually leading somewhere all of a sudden, and it occurred to him, abruptly, that there was another reason Elizabeth might have been acting awkward recently. That she had something to say, something that she thought might upset or concern him. “Where is this leading, exactly?”

She blushed and looked down at her meal. “This is what I meant,” she murmured. “You pick up stuff about me fast. Normally I’m total poker face with most people.” He waited. She sighed. “So basically, before we have sex, there’s something I have to tell you. Because it would be irresponsible not to. Sex with me is going to carry a certain...risk.”

“What kind of risk?” he asked, wondering what in the hell she was talking about.

“Because of how much I like you, how well we get along, other factors, I’m positive that the risk of me becoming very emotionally attached to you after having sex is high.” She paused. Wow, he thought, that’s an oddly clinical way of spelling it out. But he appreciated the direct words. “What I’m saying is: I can’t offer you what all the others can, not for sure. I can’t, for sure, offer you casual sex. It might...get serious.”

He was silent for several moments, looking at her. “Are you okay with that risk?” he asked finally.

She bit her lower lip. “Right now?...yeah, I-I think I am.”

That surprised him. “Elizabeth-”

“I could be wrong,” she said quickly. “I’ve been wrong about this before. I really like you. A lot. But it might pass. Which isn’t a reflection on you! I could just...this could be a passing infatuation.” She hesitated. “Is this too honest?”

“No,” he said. He reached out and put a hand over the back of hers. They had their gloves off, so he enjoyed the sensation of her smooth, hot skin. He felt a brief shiver rush through him as they made skin contact. He thought he felt something similar happen to her. “Elizabeth, however the conversation turns out, I appreciate that you chose to tell me this. I imagine it must be difficult to talk about. But I genuinely appreciate you just straight up telling me this stuff. As for the risk, as you call it, from where I’m standing right now…”

He paused. Sometimes, it felt like decisions were made for you by some internal force.

“I can live with that,” he said.

She smiled. “You’re sure? We could be going through a brutal, bitter breakup three years from now.”

“Or we could be fucking like rabbits every day for the next several decades, in unexplored realms of bliss.”

She laughed. “I like those odds.” Then she grew a bit more serious. “I won’t be mad though, if you change your mind. I just want you to know that. You don’t owe me anything.”

“I don’t know, I think I owe you a sandwich at least,” he replied.

She smirked. “No, this is repayment for that amazing burger you made for me on the way out here.”

“Oh...right. Say, you’re not one of those people who ‘keep score’ in a relationship, are you?” he asked.

“Fuck no.”

“I didn’t think so.” He felt some of the tension go out of him. Not all of it, but most. That was not what he’d been expecting to talk about.

Riley really was fucking spot on about him and her.

“So, now what?” Elizabeth asked.

Over the course of their conversation, they’d managed to finish their meals. At first, Jack wasn’t sure what to say, then it abruptly occurred to him exactly what to say.

“Oh, uh, hold on, be right back,” he said, getting up and returning to the front of the vehicle. There, he grabbed his helmet and came back with it. “Something a few of you ladies asked me about was if I had any hobbies. I used to. Photography. My helmet has a camera built-in and I’ve decided to try resurrecting the hobby, and this seems a great place to do it.”

“Oh yeah?” Elizabeth replied.

He glanced up. She sounded oddly defensive. “Uh, yeah. I was gonna take a picture of the view. Did you wanna-”

“No,” she said immediately, her voice sharp. He continued looking at her. She looked away and sighed. “I’m sorry. I just-having my picture taken is a whole thing. My parents were really fucking just obsessed with it and I always fucking hated the way I looked and I just, you know, I hate it.”

“It’s fine, I won’t ask again. Sorry,” he said.

“It’s okay. And thank you.”

Jack nodded, then put on his helmet, locked it in place, and walked towards the edge. He looked around for a bit for a good shot. From what he remembered, he hadn’t exactly been great at studying up on photography, but people had been surprised by his ability to frame shots. He’d also been oddly good at screwing with the hues and color grading and applying tweaked filters to make it look even better. Finally, after a minute or two, that feeling hit him as he spied a flock of those large, weird bird creatures in the far distance, flying against the backdrop of a mountain range. He zoomed in a bit, waited a few seconds, and when the time felt right, took the pic.

“Okay, I got it,” he said, walking back, taking off his helmet. “I’ll screw around with it when we get back and I get some time.”

“I’d like to see it when you’re finished,” Elizabeth said. “I didn’t mean to spoil the mood.”

“You didn’t,” he said, sitting back down beside her. He offered his hand. She smiled and took it. He laced their fingers together. “I understand how you feel. I’m not upset.”

“You’re probably the sweetest guy I’ve met for a long, long time. Certainly you’re the sweetest Marine I’ve met,” she said, a genuine, beautiful smile creeping onto her face.

“I found it to be conducive to making people happy,” he replied.

She laughed. “And getting laid?”

“Well...yeah, it helped. Sometimes.”

“Probably more often than you think.”

They sat like that together, looking out over the immense plains of the alien world, holding hands in the back of the rover, and just enjoying each other’s silent companionship.

The Misty Vixen Newsletter (November 2020)


So, I had a bit of a revelation last month.

In short, it was this: Not putting collections in the Kindle Unlimited is stupid, and I should fix that immediately. The result of this was a SHITLOAD of changes that needed to be made, as it made the Quickies unnecessary, which caused many, many problems. I spent most of the middle of October making all these changes. For those who are interested, here is a COMPLETE LIST (I hope, I really hope I haven’t forgotten anything) of all the changes that have been made.

So I think that’s everything, but this really fried my brain, so I could have missed something. I spent a long, long week implementing all these little updates and fixing any errors I found and then going through and sweeping up any OTHER errors I made in the process of doing all this, but even still I’m sure I missed something. The long and short of it is that now, everything I have to offer is either freely available, available through the Kindle Unlimited, or available in paperback (with the exception of some random stuff like Valkyries or Kyra’s game). If you have any questions, please let me know.


First let’s get October stuff out of the way. There isn’t enough leftover to make its own section so we’ll deal with it right here.

And that’s that. I finished Haven. Finally! I know some people wanted it to keep going and I sure could’ve, but it was time to lay it to rest. Don’t worry, though. You haven’t heard from the Marauders for the last time, and the situation in my Post-Apocalyptic Universe is only going to get worse as times goes on. Stalkers and rippers and vipers are only the beginning. But that’s for later.

So given that all my short story loose ends are tied up and Quickies aren’t a thing anymore, what’s going to happen now?

  • LIKE A FINE WINE 3 is going to come out this month. I have the cover art for the it and I should definitely be able to get it out before the end of the month.

  • LIKE A FINE WINE 4 will almost certainly come out before the end of 2020. The cover art is presently in progress, which means that as soon as 3 gets done, I’ll immediately get going with 4. Due to how I have shifted my perspective, there won’t be a Like A Fine Wine Collection #1, just a Complete Series at the end. In fact, it will be the first series I’ll have written (as Misty Vixen) with zero bonus content for the Complete Collection version.

  • So what about parts 5 & 6? It depends entirely on my cover artist. Basically, she’s super busy, and again, I don’t want to change cover artists. But even if the stars align, even if I got all the cover art and worked my ass off, I seriously doubt I’ll manage to wrap up this series before 2021. So basically, I’ll feel the situation out and see where we are as I begin wrapping up part 4. What will likely happen is I’ll have to put the series on hold and wrap it up later in 2021 as time allows my cover artist to make the covers.

  • Now, what about A WARM PLACE? Well, I have finally decided to commit to it, and by that I mean commit to a release date. PRELUDE is already written, edited, formatted, and covered. It’s ready to go. Theoretically I could launch it right now. Instead, I have decided to wait until December 15th. That is when it will go live. I want it out to build a bit of hype for the main event. A WARM PLACE will launch January 1st, 2021. If at all possible, I would like to launch a new A Warm Place the first of each month. I don’t know how well this will go. At present, A Warm Place 1 has its cover and is probably about 80% done. I fully intend to finish it this month. Ideally within the next week, at which point I will launch directly into A Warm Place 2. I have already begun the commission for its cover. Basically, as of right now, my number one focus is A Warm Place.

  • Finally, the serial fiction. As of right now, I am still waffling. For a little bit there, I thought I was for sure on this. But now I’m wondering if it’s not a good idea. Would it be overloading myself? Would me, and my work, suffer from the extra work? What about other projects I should be getting to? There’s only so much time in the day. For now, I’m going to continue thinking on it. We’ll see how I feel after finishing Like A Fine Wine. Maybe I’ll decide the time has come for Demoness VI? Or maybe it’s time to finally get some more incest fiction written? I don’t know. It’s a tough call. Right now, the best course of action appears to be a test-run. I write one series and see what that’s like. Although one series is a lot of work. Like I said, tough call. We’ll see where I’m at after Like A Fine Wine.

So that’s all the news I got.

Haven Is Complete



I can’t believe that we’re here.

Although I can’t remember the exact day I began working on the series, I think it can be narrowed down to sometime during March 2019.

Haven can trace its roots all the way back to February 2016. Back then, my body of work was much smaller. I knew that I wanted to launch another universe, something that was post-apocalyptic. So I thought up an idea that would fulfill this notion, as well as what was then more strongly my brand of ‘regular human guy fucks hot inhuman women’.

What I came up with was the groundwork for what became the Post-Apocalyptic Universe.

I launched a pilot episode for a series called Homestead, but it didn’t do well and I didn’t feel good about it, so I took it down and let it stew for awhile. A long while, apparently. Finally, in July 2017, I launched what would be the first series in this new universe: Sex & Survival. Throughout that trilogy, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t a sustainable universe. Zombies and jerks with guns just weren’t an interesting enough consistent threat for a protagonist to face. After I wrapped up Sex & Survival in early 2018, I let it sit for awhile and focused on other things.

Then, an idea came to me, out of nowhere: what if the inhumans started turning into zombies, too? Much more dangerous zombies. That, combined with the fact that I really wanted to write some kind of winter survival story, meant that Haven was born.

Even when I first started writing it back then, I didn’t think it would be more than a trilogy. But after writing the first book, I began to get a notion that it was going to be bigger, and I should let it be bigger. A lot bigger. So I kept going.

Honestly, I definitely could have kept going. In a way, the last two titles, 8 & Epilogue, really make it feel like there’s more to come. But I think Haven needs to be allowed to rest. David and the others need to rest, and settle into their lives. Eventually, it will be time for someone else to pick up the mantle. And don’t worry, we’ll hear from David and the girls again before this is all over.

At present, I’m debating about what to do next for the Post-Apocalyptic Universe. Although I have three solid ideas, I’m debating about which should come next.

But as for what comes next for me, as a writer, right now? That’s A Warm Place. Also wrapping up Like A Fine Wine (if possible, as mentioned previously, it may take longer than anticipated due to circumstances beyond my control.)

I hope you enjoyed Haven! I had a lot of fun writing it.

Haven - Epilogue Preview

Here is the first chapter of Haven - Epilogue.

If you wish to see the first two chapters, you can do so on my Patreon!

“I can’t believe you stored stuff up here,” David complained as he looked around the musty, dusty interior of the hospital’s attic. “This place is awful.”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Katya replied as she shoved the last of the gear into her backpack. “Stop bitching and hurry up. Sooner we’re done, sooner we’re outta here.”

“Yeah and why don’t you shut up or I’ll put my-” David stopped himself, feeling his cheeks beginning to heat up.

He glanced over his shoulder at Katya, who was looking at him.

“Forgot I wasn’t one of your submissive girls, huh?” she asked, looking amused.

He laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, sorry.”

“No harm, no foul,” she replied with a shrug, and went back to work. As he did so as well, transferring the excess medical supplies to his pack, she spoke up again. “You must be something else to those chicks who are into being dominated.”

“That’s what they tell me,” he replied. “It doesn’t come up too often.”


They went back to working in silence. The place smelled mustier than usual because it had rained recently and the roof leaked.

It had been two weeks since they had successfully overthrown the Marauders and killed (hopefully) every last one of them. Although he imagined at least some must have managed to get away. And ever since then, he’d been working.

Working, working, working.

With little downtime. Although a few days ago Lara and Cait had madehim relax and take a long break at a hot spring Lara had found. That had been...very gratifying. He knew he was due for another break of that capacity soon, because after that he’d just gone right back to it. It seemed like there wasn’t an end to the list of things that needed to be done in the wake of the attack. Not just in picking up the pieces of the Marauders’ assault and Lima Company’s betrayal, and not just the fact that their building of Sanctuary hadn’t been completed, nor even all the stuff they regularly had to do just to stay alive in this undead-ruled nightmare world.

No, in the wake of the attack, the Marauders had shown them just how vulnerable they truly were to an army like that.

It meant that they all had to band together, buckle down, and prepare for the worst.

Right now, they were still in the process of picking up the pieces. At present, David was wrapping up something he’d been negotiating and finally implementing for a little while now: the doctors were finally going to officially join Sanctuary and Haven. There’d been a bit of negotiation when it came to who was going to do what and go where, but they’d finally got it all sorted out. Although the group was getting broken up, David had the impression that they were all kind of happier where they were now.

“Okay,” he said, zipping his backpack up as he shoved the last of the gear into it, “that’s it.”

“Yep,” Katya said, doing the same. He turned and looked at her. In the gray light filtering in through the windows, she looked as dangerously beautiful as ever. Today she wore cut-off cargo pants and a combat vest she’d liberated from one of the dead Lima Company traitors. He noticed that her muscles were more defined than before, and, given her new position and the potentially vastly increased threat level they were living in now, he didn’t blame her for going harder in her workouts. They were all preparing for the worst.

“Let me take one last look around, you go see how Vanessa’s doing,” Katya said after a moment’s consideration.

“Okay,” he replied, pulled on his pack, and headed downstairs.

Given the instability of the attic, it seemed best not to bring the eight foot goliath woman up there. He found her in what had not too long ago been her bedroom. She was sitting on her bed, looking out a window, two duffel-bags and a backpack on the floor at the foot of the bed.

“Got it all?” he asked.

“Yeah. And I double-checked everything. We’re good. That’s the last of it. How about up there?” she asked, standing and facing him. Even now, even after all the time they’d spent together, he had to fight not to take a step back when she stood up quickly.

She was very intimidating.

“Katya’s wrapping it up now,” he replied. He looked around. “You going to miss this place?”

“Sort of,” she replied after a moment, also looking around. “Lots of memories here. Some bad, a few good, most neutral. But for the most part, I feel like this is an upgrade. I always felt a little, hmm...tied down, I guess, when I was living here. Donald wanted me here so often. I found myself wanting to go out and explore so many times, but I couldn’t. Now that I’ve got a new job...I feel good. I like what my future looks like.”

“Even if it might mean fighting off an invading army?”

Vanessa grinned fiercely at him. “Come on, David. You know I’m basically a Valkyrie, right? I live for the fight.”

“Yeah, that’s true,” he replied. “Goddamn I’m glad you’re on our side.”

“Always,” she said.

“Okay,” Katya said as she descended the stairs, “that’s it. The last of the gear is accounted for up there. How are we down here?”

“Done,” Vanessa said, pulling on her pack and picking up one of the duffel-bags. She handed the other to David, who accepted it.

The trio headed downstairs and outside. David knew the place wasn’t completely cleared out. It was now the site of a cache of guns, ammo, food, and emergency medical supplies. But otherwise, it was empty of gear. They had been coming and going for three days, hauling all the useful stuff out of it. Everything from the medical equipment to the bio-matter generator to the personal effects of the people who had once called this home.

“All right then,” Vanessa said, “I guess I’m off to start doing preliminary work on the hunting lodge. I know I’ll see youaround,” she added, looking at Katya, “but David,” she leaned down and gave him a long, lingering, pleasant kiss, then straightened back up, “come visit me, yeah? You’re like legit the only guy I know who isn’t scared of me and can actually get it up for me.”

“I, uh,” he laughed awkwardly, “yeah. Yeah, I’ll definitely come visit.”

She smirked. “I can’t believe you aren’t more suave with all the fucking chicks you’ve banged over the past eight months. Christ, you’ve got one of them pregnant...I mean as far as I know.”

“One,” David replied firmly. “Just Cait. I’m sure.”

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Although I’ve heard a rumor that’s about to change...” She stared at him intently, raising an eyebrow in inquiry.

“Uh...” he blushed fiercely and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m liberty to, uh, discuss that. If it’s even true,” he muttered.

Vanessa laughed. “Okay, so you’re terrible at lying. Obviously you’ve agreed to knock someone else up, but that’s fair. I mean I’m sure I’ll find out eventually. Either way, good luck. I hope you have healthy offspring.”

“Thanks,” he said.

“You’re welcome. Farewell for now.”

With that she turned and began walking away. He found himself staring at her absolutely enormous ass until she was out of sight.

“Come on, we’ve got to get this stuff back home,” Katya said. As they started walking away from the hospital and back towards Sanctuary, she spoke up again. “So it’s true, huh? You really are going to get another woman pregnant? Who is it?”

“I can’t say,” he replied.

“It’s not an inhuman, obviously. Lara can’t get pregnant, if I remember right. Neither can Ashley, if I overheard that conversation correctly...”

“Katya,” he said, and in a tone that made her look directly at him. “It’s private, okay? If she wants to discuss it, she will. It’s her business if she wants it to stay private.”

“Okay, okay, fair enough,” Katya replied. She smirked suddenly. “I’m impressed.”

“That I’ll have gotten two women pregnant?”

“No. I mean, kinda. No, more that you’ve got a lot more confident. You just flat out stood up to me. You wouldn’t have done that a few months ago. I know I intimidate you. But I’m impressed,” she explained.

“You like that I just shut you down?” he asked.

“Yes, honestly. You’re right, I was being rude. But more importantly, a leader should be unafraid of standing up to people. Even people they like. Especially people they like. If someone you like is doing something bad, or making a mistake, you need to be able to tell them plainly. So yes, I like that you have the guts to do that.”

“Well...all right then,” he replied, unsure of how else to respond.

She laughed. “You’ll be a fine leader, and father, David.”

He sighed. “I hope so. I used to just have the luxury of worrying over whether I’d be decent at being a parent or not. Now it’s like...are we going to fucking survive the next year? The next six months? The next week?”

Katya grew more serious. “David, whatever’ve got an army of dedicated people, working together, backing each other up. Hell, some of us are practically killing machines all on our own. Me, Vanessa, Ellie, Akila, Azure, Lara, fuck, Xenia, apparently.”

“Yeah, did you ever get more out of her?”

“No. She’s a titanium vault,” Katya muttered. She shook her head. “Whatever, point is: we can handle it. Whatever it is. Trust that. Believe that. I’m committed, David. I wouldn’t be if I didn’t believe in all of this. In all of us.”

“Thank you for that,” he said quietly. “I really appreciate it.”

She laughed. “I know. All I ask for in return is you find time to pencil me in your busy schedule of banging women.”

“I will always find time for you, Katya. You are...something else,” he replied.

She laughed again. “Something else, huh? You’ve got a fetish for scary women.”

“Apparently,” he agreed.

They walked on, back towards Sanctuary.

The settlement looked different than it had that night they’d made their final assault on the Marauders and the traitors of Lima Company.

David silently marveled at the changes that had been made in the following weeks. The biggest difference was that they had gone ahead and extended the fence to encompass the entire village, instead of just a few sections of it. That, combined with the fact that a nice little side effect of the Marauder occupation being that undead activity was way, way down, meant that people felt safer. And since people felt safer, they also felt more motivated to work, more focused. So repairs were coming along nicely on the dozens of old houses, stores, and other structures. And Jennifer had been hard at work getting the plumping going.

Over a dozen houses had running water now.

The mood was different. Some of it good, some of it bad, but probably the strongest thing that had come out of it all was a sense of unity, a sense of togetherness that had not been there before. Every time he noticed it, he appreciated it tremendously.

He and Katya walked up to what had once been a simple little clinic. In the new world, so many things got repurposed. So many things turned into homes that had been something else entirely. It was interesting to see something get resurrected into what it had once been. It was the new hospital, their new locus of medicine.

“David! Katya!” April said, looking up from the desk she was standing over as they entered the room. She was smiling and it was so good to see her smile so freely. “You got it all?”

“We got it all,” Katya confirmed, setting her pack down on one of the tables they’d set up in the entrance lobby. Everything was a scattered mess at the moment, but David had no doubt April and the others would get it sorted soon.

“Good work. Excellent work,” April replied, coming around the desk and wrapping David in a hug as he set the bag and his backpack down. She gave him a pleasantly enthused and long kiss on the mouth. She must be in a great mood. He’d noticed that recently. Ever since she’d been promoted to leader of the medical personnel at Sanctuary, she’d been happy and driven. He thought it would make her more anxious, but he supposed it was a measure of how much she’d changed, how far she’d come, that it didn’t have that effect on her.

“All right, lovebirds, with that responsibility crossed off the list, I need to go check in with the fishers. I want to make sure that guy is doing what he’s supposed to,” Katya said.

“You still don’t trust Cole?” he asked.

Katya sighed. “Shit, I dunno. I guess I do, as much as I trust most people. It’s just gonna take a bit to shake the stigma of having worked with Lima Company. But I do want to go down there and check on a few people. That’s my job now anyhow.”

“All right. I’ll see you around,” David said, disengaging himself from April and giving Katya a hug.

She, too, gave him a long kiss. “You will see me around. Bye you two.”

With that, she slung her backpack on again and walked out the door.

“I’m so glad I don’t feel like she’s my competition,” April murmured.

“Me too. I imagine she would be extremely intimidating.”

“Yep.” She looked back at the tables of supplies. “Will you help me get this shit sorted? Like, I need it at least basically sorted. Bandages, antibiotics, painkillers, just toss them into boxes. Frankly, I’m amazed at how much we have and I can’t even begin to get a proper inventory until we have it all sorted. Then I can start figuring out which ones need to be used first, what can go where...”

“Yes babe, I can help you,” he replied.

“Thank you.”

As they set to work, he considered the new structure of the doctors. Though really they were all closer to medics now.

Donald had relinquished control of the group. In his own words, he was, after all that had happened, more than thrilled to ‘retire’ to Haven. He now shared a cabin with Ann, the older woman who had been among the first to move into Haven, who was acting as a bit of a den mother for the children without parents. David thought Ann and David had started dating and figured it seemed like a good match. He was now the resident physician for Haven and he seemed as pleased as David had ever seen the man about his new job.

Katya, being a combat medic by trade and more prone to fighting and keeping on the move, had given herself the role of wandering medic. She would travel between the settlements to offer whatever help was needed, as a fighter or as a medic, and also keep an eye out for any people who might be off by themselves and need help.

Vanessa, who was really just a badass with a fighting skill-set, had moved on entirely from the group and was now involved in an operation to bring the hunting lodge outpost back online and turn it into a defensive forward station to serve as an early warning if there was another attack. David would be visiting her and the other people involved with that project quite soon, after he’d finished his business in Sanctuary.

The three remaining personnel, Janice, the stoic if somewhat sour jag and one of the only qualified surgeons in the entire region, was now second in command directly under April. He had been concerned that she might want to step up, as she’d already been second in command under Donald, but apparently she was happy in the position. The other two, the nurses, Peter and Amanda, had been happy to continue serving in their accustomed roles under April.

“So, how’s it all going?” David asked.

“Good,” April replied. “But busy. Very busy. I’ll be glad when the preliminary bullshit is out of the way. Right now Janice, Peter, and Amanda are all here and working very hard to scrub this place down. We’re going to need a very clean environment to practice medicine safely. Jennifer’s also visiting. She’s getting the generator and the other equipment set up. I’m hoping we can have the place cleaned and straightened up by tomorrow, as well as be ready to beginthe process of a proper inventorying of everything we have access to, but new stuff keeps coming as people find more stuff the Marauders abandoned. I know I shouldn’t be complaining but it’s like I make some progress and then more stuff comes in and just-ah! It’s annoying. But good annoying.”

“That’s good at least. I can hang out for the rest of the day and help you get it done. What about the future? What about plans after you get it set up?” he asked.

Her eyes gleamed with excitement when asked that. “I’ve been going around, looking for people who have any experience with or knowledge of medicine, or, barring that, an aptitude and willingness to learn. Practically speaking, I need more staff. But beyond that, I want to run classes. I want to teach everyone basic medicine and advanced medicine, so that we can all far more effectively take care of ourselves and each other.”

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” he agreed. He couldn’t help but stare at her and smile.

“What?” she asked, noticing his look.

“I just...I’m so impressed by you. Amazed, honestly. I love how far you’ve come. I love seeing this side of you. You’re ambitious and kind and enthusiastic and confident. I you. I love you,” he said.

She was smiling and looking down now. “I love you too, David,” she replied quietly. She looked up at him. “Honestly, I was inspired by you. I mean, I was inspired by a lot of people. Cait and Evie and Ellie and Lara, so many amazing, brave people in our lives. But I think of you now when I’m scared or uncertain. I think of what you’d tell me, what you have told me. It helps. I’ve changed a lot, even I can see it. I think the biggest change that occurred some point, I realized that I actually can do things. I can and I should get things done, make things happen. I don’t know if this clinic is going to work, but I think it is.”

“I think it is, too,” David replied. “And you won’t be alone.”

“No,” she agreed, “I won’t be.”

They fell back into a happy silence as they resumed their work.

Quickies Are Gone

So, as I said I was going to do, I removed and basically dissolved the Quickies. For ultra dedicated fans, here is a list of notes on what happened to everything.



  • LYDIA HAS SOME FUN has been added to the website as free content.

  • SCALES & FUR has been absorbed by the first Wanderlust novel, as it’s more or less an epilogue anyway. The eBook & paperback versions of Wanderlust + Wanderlust - The Complete Series now reflect this.

  • REUNION & THE QUEEN’S SECRET have been added to Wanderlust - The Complete Series, both eBook & paperback.

  • DEATH FETISH & LEATHER & LACE have been added to the website as free content.



And that’s everything. Holy shit that was so much work, a lot of just miserable reformatting and reuploading and just blah.

Although I am no longer committing to write follow-ups to EVERYTHING, I will at least go through with follow-ups to Blind Date and The Pale Redhead. They’ll be out before the end of the year as free content on the website.

I’m still in the process of updating everything and I’m also suffering through brain burnout right now. I’ll likely need some rest and recovery time. So if there are some inconsistencies, that’s why. Although feel free to tell me if you notice anything weird, like dead links or outdate information. I’m always happy to be told about that.

FREE SHORT: Roommates With Benefits 2

This story is a follow-up to one of the four novellas I wrote for my Starter Pack.

In it, Scott and the three absurdly beautiful, highly sexual paranormal women that he now lives with get a new roommate. She’s very sexual, very submissive, and looking to be broken in by all of them, especially Scott…


For the first time in a long time, Scott felt like he had a home.

Although his parents had been very good to him and raised him well enough, at some point in high school, their house hadn’t quite felt like home so much as ‘his parent’s home’. He didn’t resent them or living there, but it never quite sat right. When, for the first time, he moved out of his parent’s place and in with a trio of crazy hot paranormal chicks six months ago, it had really felt like he was moving into someone else’s place, even though they’d given him his own room and been very welcoming to him.

And fucked him into oblivion.

But oh how things had changed since then.

Scott slowly walked through the house that he and the three women who were now not just a part of his life but basically his entire life had just purchased.

At the moment, all three of them were out.

The house was mostly a sprawling, single story, with an appreciable basement that was his and Haley’s domain now.

In the months that had followed his moving in with an elf, a succubus, and a vampire, and learning that the entire reason they had asked him to move in was to use him as a living fucktoy, his relationship with each of them had deepened. But his relationship with Haley, the elf, had deepened far more.

He was in love with her.

And she with him.

Although by now Rayne the succubus and Jocelyn the vampire were both very fond of him, took him to bed nearly every day, and trusted him with a lot, he knew that his relationship with Haley was different. They all knew it and, thankfully, they didn’t mind. In their own way, he thought that both Rayne and Jocelyn enjoyed the small but certain distance between them. They were both individualistic loners who happened to have found people they liked enough to live with. Haley was asocial not quite by choice, but more by disposition.

While she loved Rayne and Joce as her best friends, she hadn’t yet found someone she truly connected with, someone she could call a true lover.

Until she met Scott.

He was still very surprised by that.

Haley was older than him, far smarter than him, smarter than all of them as a medical professional who, thanks to her anxiety, operated solely online, giving out medical advice. She was amazingly beautiful, though he was still having to convince her that she didn’t live in Jocelyn’s and Rayne’s shadows.

In the weeks and months that had followed his introduction into their life, Scott had slowly acclimated to his new reality.

But it had evolved in a way none of them was quite expecting.

When she had concocted the plan to lure a young, inexperienced human man into their apartment, Rayne had thought they would have a roommate that they took turns fucking sometimes who, hopefully, wouldn’t cause any problems.

But a lot more had happened.

Each of them got along with him greatly, and his relationship with all three of them had developed so much.

Rayne, who appreciated him not just because he was young and inexperienced and therefore was very easy to please sexually, but also because he was a website designer like her, had found a kindred spirit in that regard. They began collaborating on projects and eventually discovered that although she had far more experience and technical knowledge, Scott had an edge that she didn’t. In some way that neither of them could pinpoint or describe, he could add something to her design that would accentuate it in a way that seemed to bring it to another level. By now, they had formed their own small company, combining their clients they had separately gathered and reaching more than ever before. Well, for Scott, anyway.

For Jocelyn, the techno-making, weed-smoking, gamer vampire, he was a best friend she had never quite had. Although Rayne and Haley liked the things she liked, she’d always felt that neithe rof them did quite in the way she did. Scott found that their pastimes aligned quite well, and that he had a particular love of her music. He loved listening to it before anyone else did, and occasionally he even had a somewhat insightful suggestion. They had fun-filled gaming sessions that sometimes lasted for two days at a stretch.

For Haley, he seemed to get her on a level that no one else in her life really had. And the gift he gave her, without even really trying, was a profound one: after they had really begun dating, she had discovered that he didn’t really trigger any of her anxiety. She had discovered that she could relax and open herself up to him in a way she hadn’t been able to before. She found that, since he had come into her life, she could go out with more ease. Although her anxiety was still with her, he had stilled the waters somehow. They took long, peaceful walks together through the parks across the city, holding hands, talking about anything that came to mind, or sometimes not talking at all for hours at a time, just enjoying the atmosphere and each other.

After about five and a half months, the four of them had decided that their life needed to get a bit bigger. Which, functionally speaking, meant two things. The first was that they wanted a bigger place. Hence the house. Rayne was extremely efficient when she wanted to be, and so she had got set up with a realtor, found a house, negotiated a price, bought it, and gotten moved in within two weeks. They had recently finished getting everything set up. Rayne had her room and their office set up on one side of the house, Jocelyn had her sound studio, bedroom, and gamer area set up on the other side, and he and Haley had dominion over the whole basement.

They had just made it their bedroom, since there was nothing they could be doing that they wouldn’t mind Jocelyn or Rayne seeing.

The second thing that the change had meant was: new roommate.

They had been batting around the idea for the past month or so. It was actually Haley’s idea. Certain aspects of their relationship had developed more than others. Namely: him screaming at her and beating her during sex. She really liked it, and Scott had discovered that he really liked it, too. He’d been a little weirded out by it in the beginning, but it just felt good and right, and he trusted Haley and she trusted him and it had just become...natural.

And so much fun.

They’d invested in a few more toys to help out.

But Haley had found herself not only wanting to add someone new into the mix, but specifically someone who she could watch Scott abuse. They’d tried it a few times with Rayne and Jocelyn, but neither of them seemed as into it as Haley and she wanted someone who was really submissive. Rayne and Jocelyn had, however, discovered that they were actually kind of into the dominating side of things, and that they also wouldn’t mind having someone else around, another sexy woman to fuck and hang out with.

And so the search had begun.

Interestingly, Scott was not allowed to join in the search. Haley had requested that specifically. She wanted their very first meeting to be when they were first going to have sex. He was, as far as he was concerned, understandably nervous about this. What if she didn’t like him? What if he didn’t like her? What if they weren’t sexually compatible? Or compatible as roommates? He was pretty easygoing, and he thought he was decently easy to please, but these were still possibilities. However, they all assured him that they would be able to find a perfect fit.

After all, they’d found him, hadn’t they?

Scott still wasn’t sure how much of that was coincidence, but he trusted them.

He slowly moved through the house, looking at it all. Not much had survived from their initial apartment. They had an ‘out with the old, in with the new’ kind of mentality. As in, we’re getting rid of all our old clothes and furniture, donating it to people who could use it, and buying new shit. He could definitely get behind the theory, but fuck, he was still getting used to the fact that not only were the three women he was now building a life with were rich, but thanks to them and his own hard work, (and luck), he was pretty well-off now, too.

Besides not really having to pay much in the way of bills, he wasn’t just giving the occasional helpful suggestions to Rayne to make her website design pop. He was designing sites just as much as she was. Well, maybe not at that rate. Rayne was a paranormal, and they had inhuman amounts of attention, endurance, and willpower. When she got into something, she could focus on a project for twelve to even twenty hour stretches. But he did pull his own weight, even though at this point they had flat out told him that as long as he satisfied them sexually and was nice to them, he didn’t need to worry about money.

Scott ended up near the center of the house, the living room. Off of it was the final bedroom, the place where their latest addition would be living if she decided she wanted to move in with them. He flopped down on the couch, turned on the TV, and tried not to be too nervous. At present, all three women were out picking up the new girl.

They had found someone.

They wouldn’t tell him anything about her, save for the fact that she was hot, she was submissive, and she was a paranormal.

He imagined that they thought the mystery would tantalize him more, and damn if it wasn’t working. He found himself obsessing over this new woman. Was she a type of paranormal he was more familiar with? An elf? Vampire? Succubus? Or something different? A witch? A werewolf? A siren? Maybe something a little more exotic? A Valkyrie? He admittedly wasn’t too familiar with all the various types of paranormals out there. What did she look like? Would she like him? How into being submissive was she?

He imagined on the same level as Haley at least, and she was really into it, he had learned.

That was definitely a rabbit hole he’d been going deeper into for months now.

It had been a lot of fun, honestly, and deeply gratifying in a way he hadn’t initially quite realized something sexual could be.

Scott perked up as he heard a car approaching. They lived in a quiet neighborhood on the other side of town now, so cars weren’t extremely common, but he waited, listening anyway. It was getting closer, and...yep, pulling into the driveway. Shit. This might be it. He waited, resisting the urge to hop up and run to the door and look out the window. If they had the woman with them, and she was as submissive as they made her sound, it was in his best interest to appear dominate. Or, at the very least, not desperate or needy.

He was still learning about this whole dichotomy, but he at least got the basics.

Now the engine died, and he heard car doors opening and closing. Then conversation, growing closer. Someone laughed. All women’s voices, and he definitely recognized three of them. Okay, fuck, it was happening.

His heart fluttered in his chest.

They stopped outside the door and he could almost, but not quite, make out some of the conversation. He waited. They lingered, talking a bit more quietly. Now it was harder than ever not to jump up, run over, and tear the door open. But he made it. He sat on the couch, watching TV, pretending like he wasn’t sitting there tense in almost desperate anticipation up until they finally opened the door and came in.

“And...there he is,” Rayne said.

“How’d it go?” Scott asked, still facing the TV.

“We’ve brought her,” Haley said.

“Bring her to me,” he replied, and hoped that he wasn’t leaning too hard into it. But Haley had given him a little advice before leaving that he should be a bit distant, a bit dominate, from the beginning.

It was…

Not normal for him.

“Yes, sir,” he heard Haley murmur.

“What was that?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” she repeated, louder.

He waited as the two women walked around in front of the couch. They stood just off to the right. He continued staring at the TV for a moment before looking over. Scott had to be careful to keep his surprise off of his face.

The woman standing beside his girlfriend was hot.

This woman wanted to fuck him? Wanted to go to bed with him and be dominated by him? Seriously? Well, if that was true, he was going to have to do a great job.

She had very pale skin, with teal colored hair that was down, framing her smooth, seductively attractive face. She had on some makeup, accentuating her eyes and lips and cheeks. She wasn’t too tall, maybe five and a half feet, probably five four or five. She was about average weight for her height, but she had some big breasts. They were in good view, as she was wearing a low-cut, short black dress. He noticed she also had a black choker collar on. She held her hands together in front of her and was looking down.

“What’s her name?” he asked.

“Lila,” Haley said.

“Lila, huh?” he murmured, still studying her. After a moment, he got up and slowly walked over to her. Reaching out, he put a finger under her chin and gently raised her head. She looked up at him with beautiful brown eyes. “What exactly is it you’ve come here to do, Lila?” he asked, looking down at her.

She swallowed. “To pleasure you...sir,” she murmured softly.

“Is that so? You think you can do a good job?”

“Yes,” she replied, a little more firmly. He raised an eyebrow. She looked down again.

Scott looked over at Haley. “So, Haley, do you think she can do it?”

“Yes, sir,” she replied.

“All right, prove it. Get on your knees, Lila. Get your tits out,” he said.

“Yes, sir,” she replied immediately, dropping to her knees and pushing the straps off her shoulders.

This was not how he envisioned his first meeting with a new roommate going but, well…

It was pretty cool.

She pulled her dress down and her big, pale tits tumbled out and holy fucking shit they were hot. They were hot! Big, perky, round triple-ds with such sexy pink nipples and a dusting of freckles. The way they bounced and settled as she pulled her dress down…

He felt a thrill of lust shiver through him.

Scott stepped a little closer to her. “You know what to do.”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered, reaching out and beginning to undo his pants. She undid his belt, go this button undone, unzipped his zipper. He was already hard by the time she pulled his boxers down. She wrapped her fingers around his stiff cock. “You’re really big.”

“Stop talking and get to work,” he replied.

She nodded and began to lick slowly across the head. It was hard not to groan. In a way, that was kind of the downside to his role in this particular sex game. He didn’t really like maintaining the kind of disinterested distance, didn’t like pretending that she wasn’t doing a great job pleasuring his dick. Right away he could tell she was good at this stuff, especially when she stopped licking all over his cock and slowly slipped it in between her red, red lips. She took it all the way inside, to the back of her throat, then deeper, and then she swallowed.

Oh fuck how good that felt.

“You might have brought me a good one,” he murmured, looking up at Haley. She smiled. Lila swallowed again and then began bobbing her head. He looked over at the other two ladies in his life. Rayne and Jocelyn stood behind the couch, watching him intently. Jocelyn was smirking and Rayne looked really turned on. No doubt she was catching something of a sexual contact high from this, being a succubus.

And the fact that they were all watching was making the whole thing better.

Twice now they’d invited someone else into bed with them, and, by extension, Scott. He’d had a one-night stand with a tall, redheaded werewolf chick named Lucy who had blown through town two months ago. She was an old friend of Rayne’s, a rowdy, rough woman with a somewhat crazy demeanor who fucked like demon, especially in her werewolf form. She’d been nearly seven feet tall as a werewolf and had fucked him nearly into a coma. It had been very satisfying. The other woman was another elf who lived in town, an outgoing, bubbly, tall and slim brunette named Piper. He’d made love with her five times now. Sometimes she came over, looking for sex. She was a friend of Jocelyn’s who shared a love of music.

They’d gotten on very well, and she could fuck pretty good.

“Make me come, Lila,” he said, though he was pretty close to it. Goddamn could this girl suck dick. What was she? Not a vampire, he hadn’t seen any fangs. Maybe a werewolf? Not an elf, no ears or glowing golden eyes. A siren? Succubus? He didn’t think she was a succubus. He wasn’t sure how he could tell, but he’d spent enough time around Rayne that he thought he could. Obviously she was no Valkyrie.

Either way, she could suck some serious dick.

He watched her lips slipping up and down his cock, coating it in her saliva, her eyes closed. Her mouth was so hot and wet, such a wonderful pocket of pleasure. He found himself thinking about what it was going to be like to tie her to the bed and fucking just pound the shit out of her pussy, what she’d look like naked and staring up at him, taking his cock…

He groaned as he started coming in her mouth.

Scott put his hand on the back of her head. “That’s right, suck it out. Swallow it, you little slut,” he said, and she moaned as she kept sucking.

The pleasure blasted through his body, hitting him in waves, as he came into the mouth of a woman, a sexy woman, he had just met.

Even after six months with these three sex-obsessed paranormals, this was still pretty unreal and just fucking awesome.

Scott let go of her head as he finished coming in her mouth.

“Did I do good?” she asked after taking his cock from her mouth.

“Put it back and go wash your mouth out,” he replied.

“Yes, sir,” she murmured, immediately putting his cock back and fixing his pants.

He looked at Haley. “Show her where, then take her down to the bed.”

“Yes, sir,” Haley replied immediately.

Lila rose to her feet and let Haley lead her deeper into the house, towards the basement. When they were gone, he looked over at Rayne and Jocelyn.

“ was that? Too much?” he asked.

“No! It was perfect,” Rayne replied immediately. “That was exactly what that submissive little slut wanted. Trust me, she just got a very good first impression of you. She really likes you.”

“She’s never met me. I mean, besides just now.”

“We told her a lot about you,” Jocelyn said. “Showed her pics, a few of those videos we took of us fucking.”

“Oh, so you’ll show her fucking everything about me, but won’t tell me a goddamned thing about her,” he muttered, crossing his arms.

“Hey, she’s taking the bigger risk here, I think it’s only fair. Plus, come on, one look at her and we could tell, there’s no way you aren’t going to be into her,” Rayne replied.

He sighed. “Fine.”

“Do you like her?” Jocelyn asked.

“I mean, so far, yeah.”

“She’s sweet,” Rayne said. “She’s friendly, relaxed, laid back. I think we’ll all get along great. Provided this sex session goes well, I think she’ll probably move in.”

“Well, let’s do it, then. Because I’m still horny,” he said.

Rayne snorted. “When are you not?”

“Says the succubus.”

“I didn’t say it was a problem,” she murmured, smirking.

“Come on,” he said.

They began to head downstairs. It was tough not to hurry, because he really wanted to dive into that pussy of hers.

“What kind of paranormal is she?” he asked.

“Oh, right. A witch,” Rayne replied.


“What are you gonna do to her?” Jocelyn murmured.

“You’ll see,” he replied, heading down the stairs.

“You’re getting better at this,” Rayne said.


They walked downstairs and found Haley and Lila standing at the foot of the bed. Lila was already completely naked. He looked her up and down as he walked slowly over her. She had a smooth, pale body, with a nice bit of padding on her hips and thighs, and a small, well-trimmed bush of teal hair. Was it naturally that color? Or did she dye her pubes, too? Either way, it was a nice color that worked pretty well on her.

She was looking down again, her arms at her sides. She still had her choker collar on, but otherwise there was nothing on her wonderful body.

Scott came to stand in front of her, studying her.

“Turn around,” he said.

She did as she was told. She had a really hot ass, with a nice, firm curve to it. He reached out and settled his hands on her hips, ran them back around to her ass, gave it a squeeze. Then he slipped his hands up and around, cupping her breasts and groping them.

“You’re going to be a good fucktoy, aren’t you?” he asked, speaking quietly in her ear.

She shuddered intensely. “Yes.”

He squeezed her tits a bit more tightly. “What was that?”

She groaned softly. “Yes, sir.”

“Get on the bed, now.”

“Yes, sir.”

She climbed onto the bed as he let go of her. “On your back,” he said. Lila laid down on her back. He looked at Haley. “You know what to do.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied promptly, and began the process of attaching the bindings to Lila’s ankles and wrists. One of Haley’s favorite things to do was to get tightly strapped down to the bed so that she couldn’t move at all and have him fuck the living shit out of her.

Scott stripped and climbed onto the bed with her. He looked down at her and reached out. He slowly ran his hand over Lila’s breast, then settled it on her slim neck, where he gently grasped it. “What’s your safe word, you little slut?” he asked.

She swallowed. “Pineapple.”


He gave her neck another squeeze and then got in between her spread open legs. He ran his fingertips along her thighs and she groaned and shivered. Haley was finishing with her final binding now. Scott studied Lila. She really was a very beautiful woman, she had that kind of natural beauty that some people were lucky enough to be born with. Although as a paranormal, that wasn’t luck anymore, it was just common. Witches were naturally very attractive, and they had a lot of ways of accentuating that beauty.

She laid with her legs spread open, ankles tied to the bedpost, her arms spread wide, hands pointed towards the top posts, each post with a tight black strap coming from it, adjusted for her height. He could see her tensing, testing the bonds. She could barely move at all. Her breasts were swaying as her chest rose and fell a little more rapidly now. She was excited, her pale face flushed slightly, her eyes a little wider.

He slapped one of her thighs and she gave a little cry, one he’d heard from Haley many, many times now. The cry of surprise, pain, and delight. He slapped her other thigh and she jerked and cried out again. He was already hard as rock and throbbing in anticipation again at the sight of this beautiful naked witch. He was going to fuck her brains out, but she seemed to be enjoying the teasing, so he kept it going for a bit longer.

Scott slipped a finger into her and she moaned and writhed, pulling against her bonds. God, she was so fucking wet and tight inside. Fucking her was going to feel incredible.

“Are you ready to get used like the slut you are?” he asked, shoving his finger deeper into her.

“Ah! Yes, sir!” she moaned.

“I don’t know if you deserve it,” he replied. “Maybe I should just fuck Haley, instead.”

“No, please!” she replied immediately. “Please fuck me!”

“Hmm.” He pulled his finger out and brought it up to her face. She opened her mouth. He stuck it in and she began sucking on it. “How badly do you want it?”

So bad,” she replied immediately.

He had to admit, this was an utterly surreal experience. Scott had never thought that he would meet a woman, let alone a seriously hot paranormal, and have her literally begging him to fuck her within twenty minutes.

He pulled his hand back.

“Do you need it?” he asked, getting closer to her now and rubbing his cock against her pussy. He could feel her heat and wetness.

“Yes!” she cried. “I need it!

He responded by slipping into her. Lila let out a long cry of pleasure as he penetrated her, pushing his cock all the way into her pussy. Good fucking lord did she have a tight pussy, and it was so fucking slick! It felt absolutely incredible to slide right in there, and once he was comfortably inside of her, he started fucking her good and hard. The bed started to rock and soon he had the headboard banging against the wall.

That was something that Haley had specifically wanted, and Jocelyn and Rayne had been okay with it. He had thought it a little odd, but he had to admit, there was a certain extra satisfaction to it, in a weird sort of way.

OH, MASTER YES!” Lila screamed.

“You like that, you little slut?” he asked, and slapped her across the face.

She let out a loud cry. “Yes!”

“Louder!” he snapped and slapped her again harder.


“Louder, bitch!” He slapped her with the other hand as he kept drilling her pussy.

YES! I LOVE IT SO FUCKING MUCH!” she shrieked at the top of her lungs.

His dick felt like it was being absolutely bombarded by total hot bliss, covered and coated in nothing but pure pleasure. He spent a few minutes just enjoying her pussy, reveling in the feel of it sleeved tight around his cock, bathing it in total ecstasy, pushing him towards an orgasm. He was going to bust such a huge load inside of her pussy.

But not yet. There was something he wanted to do, and something he had an idea that she wanted him to do.

“All right, you little bitch,” he said as he wrapped his hands around her neck.

She gasped and stiffened. “Please...” she moaned.

“Shut up,” he replied, and began to squeeze.

She started to twist and moan as he choked her. Her body tensed and writhed in the same way that Haley’s always did when he did this to her. Personally, he didn’t really understand the appeal of being choked, but on the other hand, he also didn’t understand the appeal of choking, and yet he liked doing it a lot. Almost within twenty seconds of him laying his hands on her throat, he had this tight little witch coming all over his dick, letting out choked, gagging screams. After a bit longer, he let go and she began yelling her head off.

OH YES IT’S SO GOOD OH FUCK!” she cried, incoherent with pleasure.

He kept fucking her brains out, feeling her vaginal muscles fluttering and clenching around his cock, and that was too much for him, he triggered and immediately began spraying her insides down with his seed. He let out a loud groan as he started to come inside of her and their voices joined together in mutual ecstasy as they shared a united orgasm. The pleasure blasted through him as he came deep and hard inside of her, filling up her paranormal pussy. The fact that she was crazy hot and a woman he’d never fucked before only made the orgasm that much better.

It lasted for what felt like a long time, and then they were left panting together, sweaty and nude and shuddering in post-orgasm bliss.

Scott knew he couldn’t linger, though. He made himself get up and began the process of slowly undoing her bonds. Neither of them spoke as he freed her, though she did smile up at him. Once he had her freed, he scooped her up and carried her to the bathroom. She laid against his chest, pressing her head against it. Scott carefully maneuvered into the shower, turned it on and, once the water was a good hot temperature, stepped into the stream. She let out a satisfied sound as the water began to cascade down onto her.

“How are you?” he asked after a bit.

“I’m very happy,” she murmured. She shifted slightly. “I can stand now.”

He gently released her as she put her feet down, and as soon as she was standing, she immediately wrapped him in a hug. He hugged her back, holding her to him.

“So...I’m Lila,” she murmured.

“My name is Scott,” he replied, rubbing her back. “It’s very good to meet you.”

She laughed softly. “Yes, it is. I have to say, your domination game is good, but your aftercare game is fucking on point.”

“Haley’s given me a lot of opportunity for practice,” he replied. “Turn around. I’ll massage your shoulders.”

“Oh yes,” she said immediately, disengaging from him and turning around. He began to massage her shoulders and she let out an appreciative groan.

“I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier, but you are so beautiful, Lila.”

“Thank you! You’re very handsome yourself,” she replied.

“So, if I understand everything right, you want to live with us?”


“And you want to be,’re looking for...”

She laughed softly. “I’m looking to be used like a living fucktoy by all four of you, especially by you.”

“Oh, wow...awesome. And that was basically a test run?”

“Yes. And based on that, if you all will have me, I’d love to live here. That was really all I needed. And fuck did I ever need that.”

“Then welcome to your new home,” he said, and continued to massage her shoulders.

Yeah, this was going to be awesome.

An Experiment & Canceling Quickies

Have you ever come to the sudden realization that you’re doing something simply because that’s the way you’ve always done it? And there’s no real reason not to change it? And, in fact, there might be a few good reasons to change it?

I think that’s where I’m at right now with my collections.

When I got started, way back in 2014, I tried to be experimental and try new things, but I had a kind of clear goal with my collections. At one point, they were an experiment to me: write six episodes, collect them in trilogies, then collect two trilogies into a Season. And it worked. Like REALLY well. Back then, those Complete Seasons were what paid my fucking bills for the most part.

So I think that, combined with the uncertainty of how Amazon felt about putting something in the KU twice (once as a stand-alone title and again in a collection) really locked doing it just like that into my head. It wasn’t until recently that I even had the notion that I should probably be unlocking that bonus content I generated for the collections.

But it kind of just hit me today, for some reason, that I should stop doing this. Tons of people are releasing their Complete Trilogies and Complete Series in the Kindle Unlimited alongside their stand-alone titles.

So that’s what I’m going to do as an experiment. For now, I’ve made the first titles in Hellcats & Desire free, and I want to see how that does. But for the rest of my titles, I’ll be slowly working them into the Kindle Unlimited.

This will include the bonus content short stories.

Which is why I am going to cancel the Quickies. Since the beginning, even when I was excited about the idea of Quickies, something has felt off about them. Kind of…I don’t know, sloppy, I guess? Asymmetrical, unbalanced, uncertain. Just off. Although I’ve generated a fair amount of new content, it just hasn’t been feeling right. It’s been kind of fun writing for old stuff, but it’s also be unusually taxing. I’m terrible at writing short stories, to be honest. I don’t enjoy them and they slow me down way more than you’d think they would, and almost no one seems to be buying them. Not that I blame people.

So this is what I’m going to do. With the exception of Hellcats & Desire, given I can’t enroll them in the KU since they’re on other sites and part of the First Title Free experiment, I will take down the Quickies and integrate any bonus content into the Complete Trilogy and Complete Series and put them in the KU once they are updated. I’ll also probably drop at least some of them to 99 cents to help with visibility.

What does this mean for the immediate future? Well, since I’m putting a halt on Quickies, I’ll dive right into Haven - Epilogue.